25 Nov

Christmas With a Capital “C”

The group is Go Fish and the album is named Snow.

To all Muslim lurkers and lefties wanting to wipe out our upcoming Christmas holiday. Watch it, and know we aren’t giving anything up for your agenda!

25 Nov

Football Week Twelve

Cheerleaders of the NFL

Here are the matchups for Sunday, November 25 Time (EST)
NO @ CAR 1:00 PM
HOU @ CLE 1:00 PM
OAK @ KC 1:00 PM
SEA @ STL 1:00 PM
TEN @ CIN 1:00 PM
WAS @ TB 1:00 PM
BUF @ JAC 1:00 PM
MIN @ NYG 1:00 PM
SF @ ARI 4:05 PM
BAL @ SD 4:15 PM
DEN @ CHI 4:15 PM
PHI @ NE 8:15 PM
Monday, November 26 Time (EST)
MIA @ PIT 8:30 PM
Byes: None

These are the teams I think everyone is for. I will add to this as you tell me your favorite teams.
(Some names are those deployed in Iraq)
Lynn – Broncos, Bears, Browns
Tom – Cowboys, Broncos
Darth – New York Giants, Tampa Bay Bucs, (ABP – ‘anybody’ but Philly )
Mark – Patriots, Buffalo Bills, Bears
Bob – Buffalo Bills
Billy – Jets, NY Giants, Bears
Nick – Cowboys, Rams and Raiders
Karsten – Tampa Bay Bucs, NY Giants
navycopjoe – Chicago Bears
LindaSOG – Miami Dolphins
Jonathan – Raiders
Dawn – Seahawks, Bronco’s ….(husband USARMY delpoyed, Iraq)
Amber – Green Bay Packers …..(husband USMC delpoyed Iraq)
Cuchieddie – Raiders
Sierrahome – Colts
patrickdaniel – Chargers, Cowboys
Eve – Colts ….(husband USARMY deployed Iraq)
Beth – Bears , Saints
Chief – Seahwaks
Chrissie – Bears, Broncos and Cowboys
Andy ( USMC) – Colts
Mike ( USARMY) – Seattle Seahawks
Sand Man ( (USMC) – Bronco’s
Dave (USARMY) – Patriots
Tim ( USMC) – Bears
Jean ( USARMY) – Atlanta Falcons
Greg (USARMY) – Eagles
Max ( USARMY- Cowboys
Pete ( USMC) – Bronco’s

Sunday FINAL Scores
OAK 20 @ KC 17 FINAL
WAS 13 @ TB 19 FINAL
SF 37 @ ARI 31 FINAL
BAL 14 @ SD 32 FINAL
PHI 28 @ NE 31 FINAL

24 Nov

A Special Thankgiving With Friends

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving this year and so special. We got to be with close friends that are family to me. Online is a world that opened up to me in 1997 when I got my first computer. There are many stories how we all have met our friends that we cherish, and when we meet friends we have gotten to know online it is such a special time. With blogs like this one we can get a feeling of how a person thinks, where there passion is about our country, our military, their stand on many things.
This last Thanksgiving some of us that have already met in the last few years were able to see each other again. Linda of Something…. and Half of Something, Beth of MVRWC, Vinnie or Vince aut Morire ( he has taken a break in blogging ) , and Merri of Merri’s Musings. And their children as well which made it even more special and fun.
Laughter, wonderful conversation, more laughter and delicious food. Merri is an awesome cook, she did a special treat for all of us and fixed the Thanksgiving meal. Yummy. Merri is Vinnie’s wife and her blog has two of her many interests. One is the protection of children and her love of cooking.
And ALL agreed that Merri is a better cook then Rachel Ray.
I wanted to share about our Thanksgiving with all of you, my dear friends and family here at Theodore’s World because you all mean so much to me just as those that got to come here for the holiday do in my life. My friends are my family and the times we share on here, online, in person mean so much to me.
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well.

24 Nov

Rocket Man

U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Robert Mott lays down a row of M-792 .25-mm High Explosive Incendiary rounds into a pit on Ali Air Base, Iraq.
Airmen of the 407th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron explosive ordnance disposal team unloaded just under 1,800 pounds of expired munitions to ensure they will not be used against U.S. forces. U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jonathan Snyder.

24 Nov

“The Religion of Peace” Beheading Because of Western Style Trousers

Iraq: Sisters behead uncle and aunt in front of their children – because he wore Western-style trousers
Daily mail.co.uk
And also an article at Reuters
An Iraqi couple were beheaded in front of their children by their cousins because the man wore Western-style trousers.
Three suspected al Qaeda militants, including two sisters, beheaded their uncle and his wife, forcing the couple’s children to watch, according to Iraqi police.
The killing came because the school guard Youssef al-Hayali was considered an infidel because he did not pray and wore western-style trousers.
The militants, later arrested in Diyala province northwest of Baghdad, killed Hayali and his wife Zeinab Kamel at the all-boys school in Jalawlah.
Sunni Arab communities across Iraq have been turning against al Qaeda because of its indiscriminate killings and strict interpretation of Islam, which includes a ban on smoking in public and forcing schoolgirls to wear veils.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Sick is the word for it. I don’t want any of these kind of people coming into this country. Well, they didn’t put panties over their heads or scare them with dogs etc.. So I guess the lefties in our country and the media will not want this to get out to let people know the truth about how peaceful Islam is.

24 Nov

Not Enough Parking for Private Jets at UN Climate Conf.

Not Enough Parking for Private Jets Going to UN Climate Conference
As climate alarmists from all over the world head to Bali to talk about the sacrifices regular folks have to make to save the planet from global warming, it seems certain media will ignore all the private jets clogging the tiny airport.
As if it’s not enough that the United Nations Climate Change Conference is being held at what NewsBusters reported as “a truly beautiful tropical island paradise,” the management of the nearby airport has issued a warning to attendees that they are going to have to park their private jets somewhere else.
Tempo Interaktif reports that Angkasa Pura – the management of Bali’s Ngurah Rai International Airport are concerned that the large number of additional private charter flights expected in Bali during the UN Conference on Climate Change (UNFCCC) December 3-15, 2007, will exceed the carrying capacity of apron areas. To meet the added demand for aircraft storage officials are allocating “parking space” at other airports in Indonesia.
The operational manager for Bali’s Airport, Azjar Effendi, says his 3 parking areas can only accommodate 15 planes, which means that some of the jets used by VIP delegations will only be allowed to disembark and embark their planes in Bali with parking provided at airports in Surabaya, Lombok, Jakarta and Makassar.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
While idiots like Al Gore tell us to stop wasting fuel he jets around throwing out tons of hot air and fuel exhaust not to mention heating his rather large house and all the energy it consumes.
….And this from SSgt. Steve, thank you so much……………….

“The only people who would be hurt by abandoning the Kyoto Protocol would be several thousand people who make a living attending conferences on global warming.” – Professor Kirill Kondratyev, Russian Academy of Sciences

23 Nov

Detroit Lions Vow To Fight Global Warming

Lions vow to fight global warming with `carbon neutral’ game
The Detroit Lions say they’ll take on the Green Bay Packers without warming the globe, buying a stake in a replanted rain forest in Ecuador to offset the up to 933 tons of carbon dioxide the Thanksgiving Day game is expected to generate.
The Lions will follow the standards for greenhouse gas offsets laid down by the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, according to the environmental engineering company handling Thursday’s “green game” at Ford Field.
It may seem odd to plant trees in South America because of U.S. football fans’ tailpipe emissions, but there is strong logic to it, said Mike Dolkowski, a partner in Carbon Credit Environmental Services Inc.

“CO2 and greenhouse gases are a global issue,” he said.

U.S. businesses and private citizens can and should do much to reduce their own “carbon footprints” by switching to compact fluorescent light bulbs and switching to renewable energy sources, he said.
But some costs — like flying a football team and entourage from Wisconsin to Michigan — can’t be helped, Dolkowski said.

“There are emissions that are inevitable,” he said.

That’s where carbon offsets come in.
A company or family can take steps that buy a share in a greenhouse gas reduction project anywhere in the world to neutralize the net effect of their own carbon dioxide output.
Carbon Credit Environmental Services is a Detroit-based for-profit business engaged in a range of programs related to energy conservation and greenhouse gas reduction.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
There seems to be no escape from this crap anymore.

“Carbon Credit Environmental Services is a Detroit-based for-profit business”

Wonder who’s making money off this scam. No names on their Web site.

23 Nov

Parents See Red Over School’s Green-Suited Santa

Parents see red over school’s green-suited santa
daily mail.co.uk
Father Christmas has been given a makeover – after one school decided his red suit was a symbol of “modern commercialism”.
The outfit would remind pupils of Coca-Cola adverts, according to the parents’ committee at the Steiner School in Brighton.
So instead youngsters will be visited by a green-clad St Nicholas.
School spokesman Sarah James said: “The red-suited Santa was created as a marketing tool by Coca-Cola, it is a symbol of commercialism.”
But the move has upset some parents, who would prefer the red-suited Santa.
Cheryl Williams, 24, said: “What are they going to ban next – snow? Once again the PC brigade have clamped down on everyone’s fun.”
And amateur historian David Baker said: “There are images of a red-suited Santa going back to before the creation of Coca-Cola.

“Thomas Nast drew images of Merry Old Santa Claus that shows Santa in his red suit.

“If my research is correct, Coca-Cola wasn’t even invented until 1886.”

At the school’s Christmas bazaar, pupils will be told a “moral” tale rather than the traditional Christmas story, and instead of opening presents, they will be given fake “rocks” to break open to reveal crystals.

Mrs James said: “The school isn’t trying to be a spoilsport or anything like that.

“The children are bound to come across Santa Claus plenty of times in the run-up to Christmas and we’re happy for them to.

“We just want to give them a different experience.”

Wild Thing’s comment……….
What the heck? They keep messing with alll aspects of our lives with this kind of baloney.

22 Nov

Happy Thanksgiving and Thank You Troops and Veterans

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I am so grateful to each of you that are part of Theodore’s World family. You are all very special to me. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Thank you to our troops, please know you are all in our thoughts and prayers.

22 Nov

Traditional Holiday Meal To Replace Field Rations for Many Troops

Traditional Holiday Meal Will Replace Field Rations for Many Troops
When troops stationed in the Middle East sit down to Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, the turkey won’t come in a brown field rations pouch.
Thanks to the efforts of the Defense Supply Center Philadelphia’s efforts, troops stationed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Bahrain, Dubai and Djibouti will enjoy a traditional holiday meal.

“Historically, Thanksgiving dinner is one of the most family-oriented meals that there is,” said Ray Miller, director of subsistence for DSCP, the agency that supplies meals to the military worldwide. “When you are deployed and you’re not with (family), … it’s a taste of home wherever you are.”

Hundreds of thousands of troops will dine on turkey, ham, cranberry sauce, assorted pies and more. While this all sounds very “Norman Rockwell” normal, there’s nothing normal about the amount of food needed to feed that many troops.
The employees sent 342,382 pounds of turkey alone. More than 15,000 containers of stuffing mix and about 13,000 containers of white potatoes will join nearly 120,000 pounds of shrimp and a combined total of 249,357 pounds of ham and beef, as well.

“It would be like 100 tractor-trailers pulling up outside your house to deliver Thanksgiving Dinnerdinner,” Miller said, describing just how much food was sent to the Middle East for the dinner.

And at the back of the very last tractor-trailer would be the one thing needed to finish the meal in fine holiday tradition: nearly 163,500 pies.
As for those with no access to a dining hall, they’re not destined to eat the same old everyday field rations. They, too, will get a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving Day.

“We … have provided a special ration meal called an URG-E (Unitized Group Ration – Express),” Miller said. “It won’t be the turkey, but it’ll be a turkey meal. It’s our attempt to at least try to get something to the folks that are on the far end of the supply chain.”

That effort doesn’t stop with the supply center personnel. The dining facility staffs go above and beyond, often working on their own time, to make decorations to ensure the day is as special as possible.

“Each dining facility has its own theme chosen by the manager,” said Army Sgt. Maj. Terry L. Stewart, a Bridgehampton, N.Y., native and food service sergeant major for Multinational Division Baghdad.

Adding a competitive element to the decorating helps to reward the DFAC workers for the time and effort they spend preparing their crafts. Each command with a dining facility judges the decorations, and medals are awarded.
Sharing a traditional holiday meal that’s usually a family affair can bring servicemembers closer together Stewart noted.

“It humbles me,” the sergeant major said. “Even though we are away from our families at home, those of us here are family, and we come together in fellowship and give thanks for being alive.

“It’s especially rewarding to see the soldiers smile and the joy in their faces when they come through,” he added.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I am so glad that many of our troops are getting a traditional meal today. They deserve far more than they will ever ask.