( New movie starring Michael Madsen, should be released in the next couple of months called “Serbian Scars”. The Serbs are the good guys and an Albanian terrorist is the bad guy. It was filmed in Belgrade and Chicago. Then, word has it that there is another film being shot next year about the WWII rescue of over 500 American soldiers from behind German lines by Serbs. Robin Williams is supposed to play General Draza Mihailovic.)
Statement of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on Future Status of Kosovo
On December 10, the US-EU-Russian troika seeking a mutually acceptable settlement of the future status of Kosovo will make its report to the United Nations and to the world.
Given the current position of the Russian government, it is unlikely that any agreement will be reached. If this is the case, I believe that further delay would be highly inadvisable.
This process, which started far too late thanks to the neglect of the Bush Administration in its first term, has run its course. With Russia threatening to veto any arrangement submitted to the U.N. Security Council, we must be prepared to strongly support the will of the majority of the people of Kosovo. If the government in Pristina decides for independence, I would strongly support prompt U.S. recognition, and I would urge the European Union to do the same. I also congratulate the people of Kosovo on the orderly, peaceful election they have just completed.
In supporting the independence of Kosovo, I want to stress the high importance that I attach to full protection of the rights of all minorities in Kosovo, especially the Serbs. This is an absolute necessity as Kosovo goes forward.
I am also concerned about the deterioration of the situation in Bosnia. Twelve years after the Dayton Agreement ended that war, a combination of American neglect, European Union weakness, and Russian and Serbian obstructionism threatens the stability and future of Bosnia. I urge the Administration to pay more attention to this issue, so that it does not once again become a major threat to European stability, especially at the same time as the Kosovo situation approaches a historic juncture.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
I have posted about this meeting coming up a few days ago. Now we have a statement seen above, from the wicked witch, HIllary.
This woman is a glittering jewel of colossal ignorance. Were it not for Pelosi and Boxer, Hillary would be a most sterling example of the term “Bimbo”. Without Bill, she is nothing. And boy, when you’ve got to rely on him for your intelligence, you’re really desparate.
If she follows Bill’s footsteps she will exaggerate the atrocities and then bomb a bunch of civilians and maybe the Chinese Embassy.
So, this scheming witch believes handing the Jihadists a terror state from Serbian lands is a good thing as is forcing the Christian Serbs in Bosnia to remain subject to the Muslims and preventing their succession.
Of course the monstrous imperialist Hillary Rodham Izetbegovic Khomeini supports the “independence” of a Kosovo-Albanian rogue state, and the continued existence of the terrorist and subversive entity that is muslim-dominated “Bosnia”! After all, these constitute the centerpiece of the foreign-policy “legacy” of the clinton crime family. And Senator Khomeini gets to blame delays in acheiving “Kosovo independence” on THREE of her chief enemies–Orthodox Christian Serbia and Russia, and George W Bush!
The Hillary monster is a long-time muslim shill, whose campaigns have always been financed by muslim organizations suspected of terrorist ties. Now we find out that she has a very suspicious Saudi female “assistant”, who follows her everywhere she goes, and who has no visible means of support. Then we find out that Hillary’s “assistant” was her intern (!!!!) in the late 1990s, around the same time as the clintons started celebrating Eid Al-Fitr in the White House. Did BOTH clintons have “intern issues”, with Hillary’s intern being much more sinister than Monica Lewinsky?
Now we are supposed to have sympathy for Hillary because of that “hostage incident”, which comes at a very “convenient” time to revive interest in her tired campaign. But Hillary clinton remains a New World Order megalomaniac and both a muslim and a Chinese communist shill, whom not even liberals should vote for!!!!
May she burn in Hell! Bye Bye Hillary!
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