02 Dec

U.S. War Planes and Marines ~ GREAT Footage

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Loved ‘The Great Santani’ and ‘Flying Leathernecks’! The Corps aces love to fly low so they can support their Leatherneck grunts!
After seeing the Thunderbirds and Blue Angels in air shows… the BLUES have it all – big time.

U.S. War Planes and Marines ~ GREAT Footage

Great, This is now on my Thorny Path.

Jack says:

Most excellent!!! Thank you WT.
“You don’t hurt ’em if you don’t hit ’em.”
– Lieutenant-General Lewis B. “Chesty” Puller 1st Marine Division
My gratitude and thanks to Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 9th Marines, the 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the 3rd Marine Regiment at KSCB and 1st and 2nd Battalions 26th Marines and Operation Pegasus. So many gave so much to have all gains given away.
Please don’t let the Dem’s let them down again.

Steve, CLC says:

Off Topic from yesterday’s ‘Gay Keith’ article:
Jack: ”Geez, never in all my time in the service did I encounter or know of one inside the organization, it was simply in tolerated, especially in my unit,…A homo in my unit would have been ‘accidentally’ killed. ”
Steve: I agree with Jack. Gays in the Marines were just very simply NOT tolerated, especially in a war zone. There, they just simply have accidents and a nice letter is written home to Mommy so that she did not have to know that her son was a defective human being and/or a sexual deviant.
Jack: My only serious encounter with one got me arrested in Frisco, put on a Greyhound Bus to Ft. Irwin by the police with a police admonition to the bus driver ‘don’t let that SOB off until you get there’, all I did was a public service by mopping the bar’s men’s room and urinal with one of California’s limp wristed lover boy’s, I didn’t know they were a protected species in California at the time.”
Steve: Jack, I wish I had been with you that day. Between the two of us we could have taken care of the cop, the bus driver AND the faggot. I hope you did not get anything on you. You didn’t hurt the urinal bowl with his head did you? Oh well, that’s not really important; except for the urinal.
Jack: ”Now we have that queer Colonel Kerr of California being held out by the media as a Brigadier General.”
Steve: Jack, he is neither. You know it. I know it. AND he knows it. He’s a pretend man and a pretend officer. Like’s Read Admirals…haw, I liked that comment. TomR would probably agree with me since he is a Special Forces (Rangers) type guy… IF Ms. Kerr IS an officer, he’s in charge of the Rump Rangers Regiment. I can just hear their song now…instead of the regular Army song…the Rump Rangers march to the tune of ”We’ll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home again”.
There! Have I upset any gender challenged people? G_d, I hope so.

Jack says:

Steve, I wish you’d have been there too, pretty boy was bruised and smelled like… some of those dives had horrible urinals, he didn’t harm it, he was whining a lot to the cops. That bus driver eyeballed me all the way while I raised a ruckus in the back and offended most everybody around me the entire trip. No subsequent charges either civie or military. I will admit I’ve been locked inside a hot conex container with slots cut in the walls, bwahahaha, another tale. Don’t get even, get ahead.

Wild Thing says:

Darth, yes they are all so awesome.

Wild Thing says:

Jack, I love Chesty quotes, thank you so much.