Grocery Store Mistakenly Advertises Hams as Hanukkah Food
A grocery store in Manhattan made a food faux pas, advertising hams as “Delicious for Chanukah.”
Fox News
Chanukah — an alternate spelling for Hanukkah — is the eight-day Jewish holiday that began Tuesday evening, and hams — as well as pork and other products from pigs — can’t be eaten under Jewish dietary laws.
A woman who saw the mistake over the weekend at the Balducci’s store on 14th Street took pictures of the signs and posted them on her blog.
Jennifer Barton, director of marketing, told The Associated Press on Thursday that the signs were changed as soon as the error was noted.
She issued an apology on the company Web site, saying the company would be reviewing its employee training.
Wild Thing’s comment………
Let’s look at the huge difference here in how this was handled and how the followers of Islam would have handled it. LOL
If this was done to a Moslem holiday:
call CAIR and whine and complain
make JIahd signs and picket the place with signs saying they will behead the place and all the employees
burn the American Flag, Israeli Flag, and images of Bush
….Thank you SSgt Steve for sending me this article
And another one of their ads
Group Says NBC Refuses to Air Ads Thanking Troops Over Holidays
Fox News
WASHINGTON — NBC has nixed holiday advertisements meant to thank troops for serving overseas in opposition to the inclusion of a non-profit’s Web address.
The ads, paid for by the non-profit Freedom’s Watch, are a simple thank you, the group says, with people shown paying gratitude to members of the military and the final frame showing the group’s Web address, www.freedomswatch.org.
Click here and here to view the ads that NBC won’t air.
NBC is refusing to air the ads as long as the address is included, according to an e-mail exchange between NBC and the group, which Freedom’s Watch provided to FOX News.
“Per my previous email, the www.freedomswatch.org website will have to be redacted from the commercials for approval. This comes from Alan Wurtzel and Rick Cotton,” according to one of the notes.
Wurtzel is president of research at NBC. Rick Cotton is general counsel for NBC Universal.
Speaking with FOX on Friday, Wurtzel said NBC has no problem with the content of the ad, specificallythe well-wishes to troops.
However, he said, the link to the website violates their policy on controversial issue advertising because it encourages political action and other activities. He said the policy is applied consistently across the board and this group was not targeted in any way.
Wurtzel also expressed general concerns that NBC has about people with “deep pockets” being able to buy up a great deal of advertising and affect public perception on any issue, solely because they have the money to do it.
Freedom’s Watch President and CEO Bradley Blakeman told FOX on Friday that this is not the first time NBC has turned down his group’s ads and believes it has a specific objection to his group’s support for the War on Terror.
“NBC asked us to re-vamp our Web site. They wanted to censor us, and we said, ‘No we’re not going to be censored,'” Blakeman said, noting that the organization’s Web site points to more than 20 other non-profit Web sites where readers can thank and support troops.
NBC also objected to using images including military uniforms and vehicles and asked for proof of government approval for the group’s use of the images in its ads.
Freedom’s Watch says it has never been questioned on that before and paid for the rights to use the images from an independent licensing company.
E-mails provided to FOX show that NBC also might have objected to the ads on its in-house issue advertising policy.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
“Wurtzel also expressed general concerns that NBC has about people with “deep pockets” being able to buy up a great deal of advertising and affect public perception on any issue, solely because they have the money to do it.”
Excuse me???? Private citizens engaging in the free market to express gratitude to the folks who keep us safe and free
What an arrogant, ignorant idiot!!
LOL and then they wonder why this is happening…….
“December 6, 2007 — NBC boss Jeff Zucker is expected to make big cuts on the newsgathering and operational side of the company’s news division, including eliminating an entire level of MSNBC’s management team, in a bid to save between $20 million and $40 million…..”
Court Allows Group To Picket Soldiers’ Funerals
Baltimore Sun
A federal appeals court Thursday sided with a Kansas woman who believes that God’s hatred of homosexuality requires her to picket funerals for American soldiers holding signs that read “Thank God for Dead Soldiers” and “God Blew Up the Troops.”
Shirley Phelps-Roper is part of a Topeka, Kan. church that contends God is punishing the United States for permitting homosexuality by killing soldiers. In response to a August 2005 protest by Phelps-Roper and other members of her church at the funeral of Army Spc. Edward Lee Myers in St. Joseph, Mo., the Missouri legislature passed a par of laws that prohibited picketing near a funeral location or procession.
Thursday, a three-judge panel of the Eighth Circuit granted Phelps-Roper the injunction, pending a full hearing on the merits of her claim. Typically, an injunction is granted if the petitioner can prove she is likely to prevail on her lawsuit. I
n this case, the panel found that Missouri’s law was likely unconstitutional because “any interest the state has in protecting funeral mourners from unwanted speech is outweighed by the First Amendment right to free speech.”
The matter will now return to the federal trial court in Kansas City for a full hearing on the merits of Phelps-Roper’s suit. In the meantime, she and members of her church can resume picketing military funerals.
As an aside, a visit to the church’s website reveals that the church doesn’t simply show up funerals. Upcoming targets include Billy Joel (and not for continuing to release greatest hits packages), Ozzy Osbourne, R. Kelly, Mannheim Steamroller(!) and, for some unspecified reason, the University of Kansas basketball game against Ohio University.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
The funerals are not a public forum and no one is allowed to disturb the private reflections of mourners. You don’t have a right to push in your nose where you are not wanted.
Thank God for the Patriot Guard!!
So you are an anti-american left-wing fascist pig faced Nazi you have the right to free speech. However, if you are a real American and want to tell the left where to go you have NO right to free speech and anything you say will be considered hate speech or some other kind of against the left-wing fascist anti-American law. Besides this is NO Church it is a group of slime and scum people.
December 7,1941
“A date which will live in infamy.”
Honoring our veterans, praying
for the men and women
in Armed Forces currently defending
our freedoms at home and abroad.
Due to the site being down I am late on this, but I wanted very much to post about Pearl Harbor.
Boston firefighter stabbed
The Boston Herald
A Boston firefighter is mending from what could have been deadly stab wounds he suffered early yesterday morning when he was allegedly jumped in East Boston while off duty by a group of Hispanic males who told him they “don’t want any gringo here.”
Though police are not classifying the incident as racially fueled, the Boston Police Department’s Community Disorders Unit is investigating. The 32-year-old jake, whose name officials were not releasing, is white.
Ironically, the firefighter’s life was likely saved because he sought refuge from his alleged assailants at Engine 5 on Saratoga Street – the station house he’s assigned to.
“Fortunately, those firefighters were not out on a call,” said Boston Fire Department spokesman Steve MacDonald.
MacDonald said the firefighter had gone to Chivas Restaurant in Day Square to grab takeout when “six guys started exchanging words with him. He indicated he was just there to get a sandwich and that he was a firefighter. They pushed him.”
Hoping to avoid a confrontation, MacDonald said the firefighter got into his car and headed for his station for safety’s sake, but the pack followed him on foot. It was shortly before 2:45 a.m.
“As soon as he got out of his car, six guys jumped him and started kicking and punching him,” MacDonald said. “He felt two sharp pains in his chest and knew he had been stabbed.”
The firefighter summoned the help of fellow jakes by ringing the station doorbell and his alleged attackers fled. MacDonald said his injuries do not appear to be life-threatening.
“He’s more upset about the fact that he’s going to miss several shifts,” MacDonald said.
Police found no suspects in the area, but urge anyone with information to call 1-800-494-TIPS.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
“Though police are not classifying the incident as racially fueled.”
Then what, exactly was it?
The 32-year-old jake, whose name officials were not releasing, is white.
What’s a “jake”?
Jake, a slang term for a Firemen from wikipedia
Where is Don Corleone when you really need him!!
Police found no suspects in the area…
Somehow I’m not surprised. If, however, the ‘hate’ crime has been the other way around (several ‘white’ criminals who stabbed one ‘hispanic’ man), the police would be moving heaven and earth to find the guilty ‘suspects’.
Ho-ho-ho is a no-no for store’s Santa Claus – because it is ‘offensive to women’
Daily Mail Co.UK
A shop has sacked its Santa Claus for saying Ho-ho-ho.
John Oakes, 70, got his marching orders after the store decreed that women might be offended because ‘ho’ is American slang for a whore.
Instead, he was supposed to say Ha-ha-ha.
“They’re are trying to kill the spirit of Christmas,” said Mr Oakes, who has been a Santa for ten years.
He was also found guilty of singing Jingle Bells at the Myer department store in Cairns, Northern Australia.
He said: “The manager told me my services were no longer required.
“When I asked her why, she replied, ‘You said Ho-ho-ho and that’s not appropriate’.
“Not appropriate? How long has Santa been calling Hohoho, for goodness sake?
“She also said I wasn’t supposed to sing.”
A spokesman for the store insisted the elderly Santa was dismissed because of ‘his attitude’ and not for his Ho-hohoing.
“Our Santas are not banned from using the term,” he insisted.
Mr Oakes, who is looking for a new job as Santa, says he is prepared to sing, shout Ho or Ha.
But he draws the line at clambering down chimneys.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
It shouldn’t be offensive to any woman if you ask me. If a woman is offended by a Santa saying ho..ho..ho.. She needs to first see a mental health professional and then get a life.
This man will be the first known victim of Ho Ho Ho rules. Good grief, I don’t know. I wonder if they are allowed to call the female dogs bitches? Saying “Ha Ha Ha” would probably offend the local clown union or some other group standing in line to become a victim.
What is next will “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” gets banned as racist?
The liberal political correctness disease causes real damage to real people. Why won’t people wake up and put a stop to this madness?
I know one thing the next time anyone tries to tell me how something should be said with keeping political correctness in mind they will be told off big time.
I am so sick of these ‘politically correct’ fools dictating how the rest of society is run. I desperately wish people would just start slapping these idiots upside the head when they pop off like that. If they are so easily offended at the least little thing, why haven’t we offended them senseless yet?
We are way overdue for the PC pendulum to swing the other direction. We need an Offensiveness Surge. Let’s offend the daylights out of them. No doubt there are more of us non-PC thick-skinned types than there are of these whiners.
Since we are all very well versed in all the stupid little things that set them off, offending them at every turn should be a very easy mission to accomplish. Keep these thin-skinned ‘touchy-feely’ idiots so busy being offended at every little thing, everywhere they go that they can’t leave the house.
Let’s purge all these hyper-sensitive ‘tender-hearted’ cry-baby whiners from our society all at once. Just think how much fun it will be to make these fools turn blue in the face and wet themselves at the slightest thing.
Yipee site is back up. Hosting Matters was wonderful and managed to get it back up.
I only lost the postings of everything done for yesterday on the 6th, so I reposted the posts. I also put yesterdays date on the ones for the 6th. Just to keep the calender straight. hahaha
I hate to miss one day on here. Your comments as well were lost in due to the problem that Hosting Matters had.
Thank you so much all of you for understanding.
Coalition forces capture weapons and foreign terrorist facilitators, 10 detained
Dec 5, 2007
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition forces detained 10 suspected terrorists during operations Wednesday to disrupt al-Qaeda operations in central and northern Iraq.
In Baghdad, Coalition forces captured a wanted individual believed to be involved in terrorist media and propaganda operations. The wanted individual is allegedly associated with foreign terrorist facilitation networks operating in the region and weapons facilitators recently detained by Coalition forces during operations Nov. 17 and 18. Additionally, the ground force discovered a large amount of terrorist propaganda materials on site.
Farther north, Coalition forces captured another wanted individual believed to be involved in weapons facilitation and car-bombing attacks in Tikrit. Reports indicate the suspect is associated with other al-Qaeda in Iraq weapons facilitators operating in the southern belt terrorist network.
During an operation in al-Hadid, the ground force detained a wanted individual involved in al-Qaeda in Iraq media and propaganda operations. The suspect is allegedly associated with several al-Qaeda in Iraq members recently detained or killed by Coalition forces, to include the terrorist media cell leader for the Diyala province who was killed during an operation Dec. 4.
The other operations in Samarra and Mosul, Coalition forces detained seven suspected terrorists while targeting al-Qaeda in Iraq associates involved in improvised explosive device attacks and foreign terrorist facilitation.
“Our operations are steadily chipping away at the al-Qaeda in Iraq networks,” said Maj. Winfield Danielson, MNF-I spokesman. “We will continue to pressure these terrorists who conduct brutal attacks on the Iraqi people until al-Qaeda cannot recover.”
Senate committee debates expensive climate change bill as two inches of snow blanket D.C.
Business and Media Institute
Sen. Inhofe Talks Global Warming Bill in Senate 12/5/2007
Nothing inspires taking on the “planetary emergency” of global warming like the first snow of the winter in Washington, D.C.
As two inches of snow accumulated outside the U.S. Capitol, the Senate’s Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee debated “historic” global warming legislation sponsored by Sens. John Warner (R.-Va.) and Joe Lieberman (I.-Conn.).
“We look around right now and see the snow on the trees – standing out here and say ‘Where is global warming when you need it?’” Sen. James Inhofe (R.-Okla.) said to the Business & Media Institute.
The pending vote is seen as historic because “the Senate would impose for the first time a cap on greenhouse gas emissions.”
According to a November 11 Washington Times editorial, the bill would require companies to scale back emissions, costing Americans $4 trillion to $6 trillion over the next 40 years.
That would work out to $494 a year from every man, woman and child – more than 303 million Americans – a significant burden on the U.S. economy.
Inhofe, the ranking Republican on the EPW Committee, said he was optimistic the bill wouldn’t make it into law, despite overwhelming support from committee members.
“We’re in there, it’s going to be marked up and then passed out right on party lines,” Inhofe said. “The thing I think that will kill this will be the same thing that killed the McCain-Lieberman bill two years ago and that is this constitutes – or that bill constituted – a tax increase 10 times greater than the Clinton-Gore tax increase of 1993. Now this is far greater than that, and yet there’s really no guaranteed benefits from it.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
“Global warming vote on a snowy day in Washington.”
It’s almost as if Nature is trying to tell them something.
They have made globull warming into a religion that cannot be questioned. Facts and logic no longer apply.
So, where is the water from all those melting glaciers going, if this article is true? Is someone lying about global warming??????
Sea Levels Aren’t Rising After All
IPCC Falsifies Sea Level Data
London Telegraph
The IPCC falsified data showing a sea level rise from 1992-2002 according to Dr. Nils-Axel Morner, former head of the Paleogeophysics and Geodynamics department at Stockholm University in Sweden. In an interview by George Murphy, Morner cites various examples of falsification of evidence claiming sea level rises. “Then, in 2003, the same data set, which in their [IPCC’s] publications, in their website, was a straight line – suddenly it changed, and showed a very strong line of uplift, 2.3 mm per year, the same as from the tide gauge. And that didn’t look so nice. It looked as though they……..
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