11 Dec

Memorial Run For Slain Soldier Raises $23K

Memorial Run For Slain Soldier Raises $23K
Army Times.com
The afternoon 477 people showed up to run 10 miles in memory of Capt. Chris Cash, gray skies threatened to make it a soggy slog.
But it never ended up raining, and organizers were pleased that as the day came to a close, they had raised more than $23,000 for the Capt. Christopher S. Cash Memorial Scholarship fund at North Carolina Wesleyan College in Rocky Mount, N.C. The fallen infantryman earned his undergraduate degree in physical education from the college.
The third annual “Reindeer Dash for Cash” charity race took place Dec. 2 at the Town Commons in Greenville.
The North Carolina National Guard topped the list of more than 40 sponsors, and at least 85 soldiers, including 25 from the 514th Military Police Company, donated their time off to help with the event.
“It’s a great honor to be able to come out and participate in something for someone who made the ultimate sacrifice,” said Sgt. Errick Morris of the North Carolina National Guard Recruiting and Retention Command, who volunteered his time on a Sunday “because Captain Cash was a member of the North Carolina National Guard and so am I.”
Cash, 36, was killed in battle June 24, 2004, in Baqubah, Iraq. He was commander of Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 120th Infantry Regiment, the day he and one of his soldiers, Spc. Daniel Desens, died in an ambush by more than 150 fighters.
The enemy had infiltrated and set up firing positions overnight as part of a coordinated multi-city attack that claimed many lives all over the country.
Cash and Desens would become the only U.S. Service members killed in eight hours of violence in the city 35 miles north of Baghdad. Six U.S. Soldiers were wounded in the same battle.
The Dash for Cash events, a 5-kilometer run/walk and 10-mile run, drew 100 people more than last year and 300 more than the first race in 2005.
A sister run took place at 6 a.m. At Forward Operating Base Warhorse in Baqubah, where Cash was stationed during part of his company’s deployment to Iraq.
Lt. Col. Steve Delvaux, ROTC battalion commander at Eastern Carolina University in Greenville, lead a team of eight students known as “Team No Mercy.”
“When you get out there and start feeling sorry for yourself I just think of Captain Cash as representative of all the soldiers we serve with and those who didn’t make it back,” said Delvaux, who spent the last four years with 3rd Brigade Combat Team “Rakkasans,” 101st Airborne Division, including two rotations in Iraq.
“It’s guys like Captain Cash who make our way of life and these kinds of things possible,” he said of the race.

10 Dec

Ron Paul Full of Hot Air


Apparently the pics is a photoshop job by someone on his team I guess to market the idea of the blimp to prospective sponsors.

abc news
Somewhere in an enormous hangar in North Carolina, enormous decals are being stuck to an enormous blimp.
“Who is Ron Paul? Google Ron Paul,” the 240,000-cubic-foot zeppelin will read on one side and “Ron Paul Revolution” on the other when it launches from Elizabeth City, N.C., Monday and begins its slow, 300-mile-per-day float up the Eastern Seaboard to Boston.
People in their cars and on park benches, going about their daily lives, are bound to say something like, “What the heck is that blimp doing up there? Who the heck is Ron Paul?”
And that’s pretty much the idea.
With any luck, the dirigible will be in the Washington, D.C., skyline sometime in the afternoon on Monday, although there could be some airspace issues in the greater Washington area.
The plan is to have it floating over Boston Harbor by the weekend of Dec. 15, where Paul supporters will reenact the Boston Tea Party and hold a large rally at Faneuil Hall. His online supporters have a fundraising effort, which coincides with the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party. For more on that, check out Teaparty.com.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Why Boston Harbor? What does anything Ron Paul advocate have to do with the Boston Tea Party? If RP had been around back then he would be pleading with the colonists to appease the English just a little more. He would be saying it was the colonists fault the British were oppressing them because they were boycotting British goods. Policies have consequences and it was the colonists failed policies which forced the British to enact the Townsend Acts………or something lke that.

10 Dec

Wreaths Across America and a Must See Video

Here’s the incredible Worcester Wreath Company, who undertake such a noble pursuit, … and the wonderful folks from Patriot Guard units also get involved by escorting the deliveries of these special tributes to honor and remember our brave heroes.

Excerpt from Worcester Wreath Company info
* For the first time in 2007, ceremonial wreaths will also be donated to 24 veterans cemeteries on foreign soil, and aboard U.S. ships sailing in all seven seas.
* All wreath-laying ceremonies will be held concurrently on Saturday, December 15th, at 12:00 noon EST.
Today, December 10th, 51 wreaths will be donated for a special wreath-laying ceremony at each State Capital and 36″ ceremonial wreath for our Nation’s Capital.
Needless to say Worcester Wreath Co. is by far the largest donor to the Wreaths Across America project and they are dedicated to this project for many years to come. It is a vision that we will one day honor every veterans’ memory for the holidays, as a way to show our gratitude and appreciation for the sacrifices made to preserve our freedoms.
Wreaths Across America was formed as a non-profit organization (501-C3 status – EIN 20-8362270) in 2007, in direct response to the many letters and requests from supporters all around the Country, about how they too could get involved and bring the Arlington Wreath Project experience to their local communities.
Everyone is invited to come and participate in this year’s wreath-laying ceremonies on Saturday, December 15th, at 12:00 noon EST. Click here for a complete list of participating locations.
Morrill Worcester sat down to talk with Robert Coles – a survivor of the attack at Pearl Harbor. In his own genuine style, Mr. Coles shares both his first-hand account of how he returned fire on the Japanese attack, as well as the importance of knowing our heritage.
This is an important and oft-forgotten part of the Wreaths Across America mission to Remember; Honor; and Teach.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
The video is so wonderful!!!!
I love talking to Veternas, listening to what they have to say, their experiences. I am so thrilled that Wreaths Across America has added this “Remember; Honor; and Teach” to the many things they do.
Thank you Robert Coles, your words have meant a lot and your service to our country will not be forgotten. Thank you!

10 Dec

NBC Reverses Decison on AD Thanking Troops

NBC Decides to Run Conservative-Group Ad
washington post
NBC reversed course Saturday and decided to air a conservative group’s television ad thanking U.S. troops.
The ad, by the group Freedom’s Watch, asks viewers to remember the troops during the holiday season. NBC had refused to air the ad because it guides viewers to the Freedom’s Watch Web site, which NBC said was too political.

“We have reviewed and changed our ad standards guidelines and made the decision that our policy will apply to content only and not to a referenced Web site. Based on these amended standards the Freedom’s Watch ad will begin to run as early as Sunday.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Under pressure from outraged viewers is the only reason. Power To The People!
Too bad they don’t want to run it because they are just plain ole grateful to our troops. But nooooooo that would be too much to ask. Whatever… better late, than never.

10 Dec

Chavez Invents New Half-Hour Time Zone

Hugo Chavez Invents New Half-Hour Time Zone
The Telegraph
Venezuela has created its own, unique time zone on the orders of President Hugo Chavez, setting clocks back half an hour and putting the oil-rich nation out of step with its neighbours.

“I don’t care if they call me crazy, the new time will go ahead,” said Mr Chavez.

The president said the change would improve health, as the sun will rise before most Venezuelans get up ensuring all go to work or school in daylight.

“These children have to get up at five in the morning… they arrive at school dead tired,” said Mr Chavez. “And why? Because of our time.”

Government ministers lined up to support the president’s theory.

“The human brain is conditioned by the light of the sun,” offered Hector Navarro, the Minister of Science and Technology, assuring that the health and productivity of the nation will improve thanks to the change.

Many Venezuelans were not impressed with the change or bamboozled by the technical jargon coming out of the Science and Technology Ministry.

“The only thing this will do is inject yet more chaos into our lives,” said John Marulanda, a young executive. “This president believes in change for change’s sake.” President Chavez has now changed the flag, the national coat of arms, the salute of the armed forces and the constitution.

He sought to change Venezuela’s political system on Dec 2, when he proposed a referendum to enshrine socialism in the constitution and grant the president indefinite re-election and even greater powers.
Fifty-one per cent of Venezuelans said no, delivering Mr Chavez his first electoral defeat in nine years.
However the president has vowed to press ahead with his changes and has enough power through his control of the armed forces, the National Assembly, the judicial system, the Central bank and increasingly of the media, to introduce change without recourse to another referendum.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL Next, he will turn the calendars back.
“These children have to get up at five in the morning… they arrive at school dead tired,” said Mr Chavez. “And why? Because of our time.”
Uhhh….why doesn’t he just change the time the kids have to be at school?
“I don’t care if they call me crazy…”
He’s crazy.LOL

09 Dec

Remember Our Troops This Christmas

Merry Christmas to America’s heroes, our troops! Thank you for giving us the best present ol all, the land of the free. You are awesome and we appreciate all you do.
~ Wild Thing and Team Theodore thanks you!

09 Dec

America Better Wake Up!


Wild Thing’s comment……..

This blog, Theodore’s World aka PC Free Zone is PC free because I do not believe in it, from long ago when I was a kid my Father told me that political correctness would be one of the major things that would destroy this country. He was right! It has crept into every facet of our lives, work, play, advertising, politics, reporting news, and the WAR as well.
This video is not only about this, but also about everything else that we need to keep alert about. How apathy and giving in to the enemy is destroying our country. Erosion from within, brought to us by the enemy within.
When the leftist protesters in America failed to save Saddam Hussein, they marched their activist troops into the Democratic presidential primary campaigns to support the candidacies of anti-war Democrats. The Democrats’ attacks on Bush are that he lied to the American people and misled them into war; and that he is sacrificing American youth to line the pockets of his cronies at Halliburton. These are accusations of treason. And there is almost nobody on the left, high or low, who hasn’t made them in some fashion or another.
In the second place, the fact is that nobody in America takes treason very seriously anymore — and hasn’t for a long time. In 50 years, no one has been charged with treason in the United States, not since Tokyo Rose and Axis Sally were tried for broadcasting enemy propaganda to American troops during WWII. Not the Rosenberg’s, who stole atomic secrets for the Soviet Union; not Jane Fonda, who in the precise manner of the aforementioned traitors went on enemy radio in the midst of a war and called on our soldiers to defect, denouncing them as war criminals at the same time. Fonda also collaborated with the Communist torturers of American POWs. Nor were spies like Aldrich Ames, or defectors like John Walker Lindh – who fought with the Taliban against his own country — ever charged with treason. So let’s not pretend there is any real threat in the word “treason” that would serve to chill the criticism of current foreign policy. If there were, Michael Moore would be in jail instead of being on the short list for an Academy Award like he was. When leftists complain that their patriotism is being questioned to stifle their criticism, the claim is little more than a red herring designed to stop others from thinking about issues that affect our national security, implicit in the positions they are supporting.
Not only is treason not taken seriously these days, Republicans have been extraordinarily polite in confronting their accusers over grave matters of war and peace. The reckless nature of the Democratic attacks on this war are getting Americans killed. Treason is really not that difficult to define. Treason is when your country is at war and you want the other side to win. Remember how Harry Reid was filled with glee and bragged how he has stopped the Patriot Act? Damn him to hell!
Everyone understands — or used to understand — that in time of war there are other considerations that affect (or should affect) the tone of criticism and even the substance. “Loose lips sink ships” was a slogan memorialized on posters during World War II. It was an appeal to Americans to voluntarily restrict their own exercise of free speech to save their fellow citizens’ lives. It was a recognition that there are expressions that support and strengthen our country and our awesome troops at war, and there are those that weaken it and undermine itself defense.
There should be such an outrage across our land at the left and the rino’s and what they have said, and done and NOT done and said, but where is it. Oh we have it here at this blog and many others but out in the general public where is it? We have a freaking Moslem in Congress that took his oath with the Koran. And think about this….. does this sound like America to you, it doesn’t to me……President Barack Hussein Obama!
Pray for our country and for our troops and this next election.
This video tells it like it is, an in your face kind of thing that needs to be seen by all.


….Thank you Mark for sending this link for the video to me.

09 Dec

SitRep From Iraq


SitRep From Iraq: Young Enlisted Marines Hand Dan Rather his ARSE!
The ‘Snuffies’ give “Mr.” Rather what in common parlance is know as a “B—ch Slap”! (Verbally, of course … dammit!)
January 2005
A Marine’s Thoughts–from Iraq

“Hope everyone is well.
Elections right around the corner here. Everything is going very well (except for the visit we just had from Dan Rather and his freakin’ entourage from hell). A more pompous (but scared and nervous) bunch of individuals I have never met before. Actually, keep your eyes out for Rather’s report on our company in Lutufiyah (Golf Company, 2nd Bn, 24th Marines from Madison, Wisconsin). Should be interesting. The report should air on 60 Minutes II on Wednesday night your time, if somebody could tape it for me. I would really like to see what they keep in the report and what they edit out. Rather, that lowlife clown, kept trying to bait my young Marines with loaded questions and they kept putting it right back in his face. Best part was when he asked one of the Marines why they don’t like the media. The answer he got was, “that you idiots make the terrorists look like giants whenever they explode a bomb. They’re not; they’re nothing but a bunch of cowards. But they do know that you guys in the press will eventually beat down public opinion with your constant focus on only the negative.” Rather just looked at these guys with a scrunched up face, and did not give an answer back. I think he was ready to leave the “Mad Ghosts” area as soon as he could. Funny part, none of us were really sad to see him and his traveling circus hit the road.
Bottom line on this whole thing is that on Sunday, we will be involved in a historic event of immense proportion. A democratic election in Muslim country has never before taken place in this region. These people, over the ages, decades, and centuries of their existence, have always lived under the direct rule of one monarch type of leader or another. This is a momentous occasion, to say the least.
Occasionally, we do have some fun here. The attachment I have sent was forwarded to me by a friend at Headquarters, Marine Corps. Sad part is that it is pretty accurate.
Keeping this one very short, due to the short-fused time hack on the 60 Minutes II story.”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
This was written in 2005 but it so good and things like this never get old, never. I wanted to share it with you. Thanks Mark for sending this to me. I lvoe things like this. God bless our troops and this Marine!

09 Dec

Football Week Fourteen


The Steelers may be the Patriots’ last hurdle in their quest for an unbeaten season.

Here are the matchups for Week of Sunday, December 9th Time (EST)
DAL @ DET 1:00 PM
CAR @ JAC 1:00 PM
OAK @ GB 1:00 PM
MIA @ BUF 1:00 PM
NYG @ PHI 1:00 PM
SD @ TEN 1:00 PM
TB @ HOU 1:00 PM
STL @ CIN 1:00 PM
ARI @ SEA 4:05 PM
MIN @ SF 4:05 PM
CLE @ NYJ 4:15 PM
KC @ DEN 4:15 PM
PIT @ NE 4:15 PM
IND @ BAL 8:15 PM
Monday, December 10 Time (EST)
NO @ ATL 8:30 PM
Byes: None
Thursday, Dec. 13 Time (EST)
DEN @ HOU 8:00 PM
ALSO there is a game on Saturday the 15th (EST)
CIN @ SF 8:00 PM


These are the teams I think everyone is for. I will add to this as you tell me your favorite teams.
(Some names are those deployed in Iraq)
Lynn – Broncos, Bears, Browns
Tom – Cowboys, Broncos
Darth – New York Giants, Tampa Bay Bucs, (ABP – ‘anybody’ but Philly )
Mark – Patriots, Buffalo Bills, Bears
Bob – Buffalo Bills
Billy – Jets, NY Giants, Bears
Nick – Cowboys, Rams and Raiders
Karsten – Tampa Bay Bucs, NY Giants
navycopjoe – Chicago Bears
LindaSOG – Miami Dolphins
Jonathan – Raiders
Dawn – Seahawks, Bronco’s ….(husband USARMY delpoyed, Iraq)
Amber – Green Bay Packers …..(husband USMC delpoyed Iraq)
Cuchieddie – Raiders
Sierrahome – Colts
patrickdaniel – Chargers, Cowboys
Eve – Colts ….(husband USARMY deployed Iraq)
Beth – Bears , Saints
Chief – Seahwaks
Chrissie – Bears, Broncos and Cowboys
Andy ( USMC) – Colts
Mike ( USARMY) – Seattle Seahawks
Sand Man ( (USMC) – Bronco’s
Dave (USARMY) – Patriots
Tim ( USMC) – Bears
Jean ( USARMY) – Atlanta Falcons
Greg (USARMY) – Eagles
Max ( USARMY- Cowboys
Pete ( USMC) – Bronco’s
Steve – (USAF) – Bronco’s
Tony – (USARMY) – Redskins

Sunday FINAL Scores
TB 14 @ HOU 28 FINAL
SD 23 @ TEN 17 FINAL
PIT 13 @ NE 34 FINAL
IND 44 @ BAL 20 FINAL Colts blasted Ravens WOW
Rest of games this week, Monday night, Thursday night and Saturday night.


08 Dec

Operation Gratitude Honors LTG Moore and Sends Off 300,000 Packages

Lt. General Moore joined the Volunteers on the Assembly Line as an additional 8,500 packages were prepared and shipped to the troops

Operation Gratitude Honors LTG Moore and Plans 300,000th Package
Blackanthem.com news
Operation Gratitude presented the first annual NATIONAL FREEDOM AWARD to retired U.S. Army Lieutenant General Hal Moore at the National Guard Armory in Van Nuys, California on December 1, 2007. Joined by We Were Soldiers Once and Young co-author Joe Galloway and the movie adaptation’s director Randy Wallace, hundreds of Military personnel and volunteers gathered to pay tribute to the General’s renowned career. Several Cavalry Veterans who served under Moore’s command surprised the General, and arrived wearing their revered Stetsons, the hallmark of the Cavalry.

“This experience was a most moving and sincere gathering of Americans, drawn together out of deep love and respect for each other, for our troops and for our nation,” said Lt. General Moore. “I accepted the National Freedom Award on behalf of all those in harm’s way who ensure our continued freedom and to whom we pay great tribute.”

Serving as the ceremony’s distinguished speaker, Lt. General Moore deeply touched the crowd as he recounted his dramatic return to the scene of the 1965 Battle of Ia Drang in Vietnam.
Eric Weider, publisher of the Armchair General and Operation Gratitude Magazines relayed part of General Moore’s moving speech in his online forum that night:

“General Moore became overcome with emotion and tears as he recalled visiting LZ Xray with Joe Galloway and others of his troopers in 1993.
At night he walked the perimeter and recalled the men in their foxholes and trenches…”Don’t worry Colonel they won’t get through us” he heard them say. Painfully, now in 1993, Moore knew which of those brave young men would be killed in the next morning’s assault by the North Vietnamese Army.
As Moore stood by the ant hill that marked his command post he vividly recalled the dead men laying under their ponchos with only their boots poking out…awaiting evacuation.
Lt. General Moore stood on that hallowed field for a minute of silence to remember all the dead of the conflict on both sides.
That night a meteor shower of several hundred shooting stars went on for about 10 minutes. Moore and Galloway believe those stars were the souls of all those lost at Ia Drang.”

Throughout the day at Operation Gratitude , General Moore met and spoke with hundreds of soldiers, Marines, airmen, and volunteers.

One soldier’s response typified the sentiments of most attendees. “I read We Were Soldiers in Boot Camp. I just couldn’t wait to meet Lt. General Moore.” While shaking hands, another soldier excitedly told the General, “I have read every history book that exists about you. I would serve under you any day!”

General Moore joined Operation Gratitude volunteers on the Assembly Line as they continued their Holiday Drive to ship 70,000 care packages by year-end to troops deployed in combat zones.

“I will be forever moved by the greatness of Americans,” states Moore. “It was very uplifting to stand shoulder to shoulder with more than 800 volunteers to assemble care packages for our troops. For all the ugliness that comes at times, there are great examples of genuine goodness – and Operation Gratitude is that many times over.”

A special gift was included in every care package this year-General Moore’s new book,A General’s Spiritual Journey, a compelling treatise describing his spiritual journey from childhood to his golden years. Moore also autographed copies of the “Journey” for the volunteers to take home.

“This day changed my life,” said one volunteer. “I am so inspired to do whatever I can to show my admiration and respect to the members of our military.”

Marine Staff Sergeant Scott Richardson, who has served tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, flew in from Michigan for the opportunity to meet General Moore.

“While deployed, I received an Operation Gratitude gift box, as did many of the soldiers here today. Opening that box felt like I had a little piece of home with me out there in the desert,” Richardson stated. “After spending the day with Lt. General Moore and so many hundreds of energized volunteers, I am motivated to go back to Iraq or Afghanistan to do my part-again-to do whatever it takes to defend our freedom. These Americans are the reason I love serving my country,” he said.

300,000th Care Package to be Shipped December 15!
On December 15, 2007, Operation Gratitude will celebrate another milestone: the shipment of it’s 300,000th care package since its inception! Several Military and political dignitaries, celebrities and corporate sponsors will be in attendance as the Volunteers assemble the 300,000th package and learn of the special gift to be included. The 200,000th and 250,000th packages contained the keys to new vehicles.

Operation Gratitude is the California- based 501 (c) (3) non-profit, all-volunteer organization that sends care packages of snacks, entertainment items and personal letters of appreciation addressed to individually named U.S. Service Members deployed in hostile regions such as Iraq and Afghanistan, and on military ships at sea. Its mission is to lift morale, bring a smile to a service member’s face and to express to all troops the appreciation and support of the American people. Operation Gratitude receives the names of troops from commanders in the field who see the positive impact of care packages on their troops’ morale; the organization sends more than 100,000 care packages every year. For safety and security, all assembling of packages occurs at the Army National Guard armory in Van Nuys, California. Since its inception in March, 2003, Operation Gratitude has shipped more than 295,000 packages to American troops deployed overseas. For more information about Operation Gratitude, please visit: www.operationgratitude.com or call: 818.909.0039

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I absolutely love hearing about the various things being done to honor those that have served, our awesome Veterans and our fantastic troops serving now. Each person deserves our thanks and to show them our appreciation.