13 Dec

The Gratitude Campaign

This is a wonderful video, just click on the link.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I would love to see more people doing something like this. I know sometimes a person will say, they can’t just walk up to a service member, maybe out of shyness or even tremendous respect. But if they even did what this video shows it would mean a lot.
Over the years I have so many special experiences in meeting our soldiers just seeing them out and about and telling them thank you. It is like an opportunity of a moment in time that says everything to take that chance to just say thank you. Without them, our troops and our Veterans, our country is nothing.


….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.

13 Dec

Dems: Amen to Ramadan But Forget About Christmas

9 House members praise Islamic faith, won’t recognize Christian observance
Only weeks after voting for a resolution that “recognizes the Islamic faith as one of the great religions of the world,” nine Democrats in the U.S. House refused to vote for a Christmas resolution that condemns the worldwide persecution of Christians.
Congressman Steve King on Fox News Channel’s Fox and Friends, said,

“The [nine] naysayers didn’t make it to the floor to debate. I would like to know how they could vote Yes on Islam, Yes on the Indian Religions and No on Christianity when the foundation of this nation and our American culture is Christianity…I think there’s an assault on Christianity in America.”

Nine Democrats voted No – Ackerman, Clarke, DeGette, Hastings (FL), Lee, McDermott, Scott (VA), Stark and Woolsey.
Nine Democrats voted Present – Conyers, Frank (MA), Holt, Payne, Schakowsky, Schwartz, Wasserman Schultz, Welch (VT) and Yarmuth
H. Res. 847: recognizing the importance of Christmas and the Christian faith
The nine Members voting NO were:
Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-NY), Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-NY), Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO), Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) (FL), Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA), Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA), Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA), and Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA). None of the nine voted against resolutions honoring the Islamic holiday of Ramadan and the Hindu holiday of Diwali.


The Ramadan resolution began:

Whereas Ramadan is the holy month of fasting and spiritual renewal for Muslims worldwide, and is the 9th month of the Muslim calendar year; and Whereas the observance of the Islamic holy month of Ramandan commenced at dusk on September 13, 2007, and continues for one lunar month: …”

The Christmas resolution started:

Whereas Christmas, a holiday of great significance to Americans and many other cultures and nationalities, is celebrated annually by Christians throughout the United States and the world… Whereas on December 25 of each calendar year, American Christians observe Christmas, the holiday celebrating the birth of their savior, Jesus Christ…Whereas many Christians and non-Christians throughout the United States and the rest of the world, celebrate Christmas as a time to serve others:”

The Ramadan resolution then acknowledged “the Islamic faith as one of the great religions of the world,” expressed “friendship and support for Muslims,” noted “the onset of Ramadan,” and rejected “hatred, bigotry, and violence directed against Muslims.” It also “commends Muslims … who have privately and publicly rejected interpretations and movements of Islam that justify and encourage hatred.”


Wild Thing’s comment……..
The worst part is that they don’t care about offending millions of Christians, but God forbid someone offend a Muslim!
America was founded by Judeo-Christian principles. We are not islamic. mohmed is not our prophet. Any SOB politician that votes to recognise child molesting, women oppressing, slave trading, suicidal satanic ritual holidays ought to be drug out of Congress

13 Dec

Hamas TV Children’s Show…”Wipe Out” Zionists to the Last One”

Title of Video: Children on Hamas TV Call to “Liberate” Al-Aqsa Mosque by Force and to “Wipe Out” Zionists to the Last One
Click below to see video…..

“My beloved brothers, as you know, today the Al-Aqsa Mosque is crying out: ‘Where are the people of the frontline, the Palestinian people?’ Yes, my dear brothers, that is the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The subject of our lesson today is Jerusalem, to where your Prophet made his nocturnal journey – the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
“Yes, my beloved brothers, as you know today, and as you knew yesterday and the day before, the Al-Aqsa Mosque has fallen into oppressing and malicious hands, the hands of those who know nothing but injustice. But let me tell you how the Al-Aqsa Mosque will be returned, how we shall rescue it from the shackles of the occupation, from the shackles of the Zionist entity.
“Will it be through conferences? No, not through conferences, but by means of force, because the Zionist entity, your enemy, the enemy of Allah, the enemy of Islam, knows nothing but injustice and the killing of Palestinians, the persevering people on the frontline. Indeed, the [mosque] will be returned only by means of force.
“In 1917, the Balfour Declaration was issued. Balfour decided on the cleansing of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. But look what the Zionist enemy has done, look what Israel and America have done. Look what the allies of Israel and America have done. They have dug tunnels underneath the Al-Aqsa Mosque, but the sheikhs and mujahideen of the Al-Aqsa Mosque have exposed these tunnels and called upon the Palestinian people: ‘Look what has happened, look what has happened.’
“These calls have gone unheeded, my beloved brothers. But is it too late? No, it is not too late. If we all unite, the Al-Aqsa Mosque will not remain in the hands of the Zionist enemy, it will not remain in the hands of your enemy, despite all their conspiracies against the Palestinian people.”


“To Al-Aqsa, to Al-Aqsa – we shall unite our ranks. We will wipe out the people of Zion, and will not leave a single one of them.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Meanwhile, their Jewish counterparts in Israel are learning how to read, write and do math. Golda Mier who said that there’d be peace in the Middle East only when the Arabs learn to love their children more than they hate Jews.
Islam is a perfect system for creating psychotics.

12 Dec

DOD Notifies Congress of Furlough Moves If No GWOT Funding

Defense Department Notifies Congress of Furlough Moves
American Forces Press Service
Dec. 11, 2007
The Defense Department has officially notified Congress that the department will begin the furlough process for civilian employees of the Army, the Marine Corps and the combatant commands.
Congressional leaders have released a letter from Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England dated Dec. 7. In it, England gave legislators the required 45-day notice before beginning furloughs.

The furloughs will become necessary if Congress does not pass a global war on terror spending bill. “Without GWOT funding, only operations and maintenance funds in the base budget are available to cover war-related costs,” England said in the letter. “O&M funds also cover salary costs for a large number of Army and Marine Corps civilian employees.”

England reminded legislators of a letter he sent Nov. 8 to explain what would happen without supplemental war funding. “I emphasized that without this critical funding, the department would have no choice but to deplete key appropriations accounts in order to sustain essential military operations around the world,” he wrote in his Dec. 7 letter.

The House passed a $50 billion bill last month with funds to continue the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but it included legislation that directs the president to withdraw most combat troops from Iraq by December 2008. The measure failed in the Senate. President Bush has vowed to veto any bill that includes a troop-withdrawal timetable.

England’s letter begins a process that could affect 100,000 civilian employees. “Specific furlough notices will be issued in mid-January,” England said in his letter. “The department will also begin notifying appropriate labor organizations.”

If the legislation does not pass, the Army will be the first service affected, in mid-February, and the Marine Corps about a month later. The services will be forced to divert operations and maintenance funds to continuing combat operations. Civilian employees in the United States and overseas would be affected.

“The furlough will negatively affect our ability to execute base operations and training activities,” England wrote. “More importantly, it will affect the critical support our civilian employees provide to our warfighters — support which is key to our current operations in both Afghanistan and Iraq.”

Congress has passed a $460 billion Defense Appropriations Act for 2008, but this is not enough to fund ongoing operations.

England told the lawmakers the Defense Department has no choice but to begin the furlough process. “While these actions will be detrimental to the nation, there are no other viable alternatives without additional congressional funding,” he wrote.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
So freaking despicable of these political tyrants. The Democrats are determined to destroy our military, and this ploy of not funding it is their ideal method to do so.
I wonder if they give ANY thought to the military, military family and military supporter VOTES out there that would be severely at risk, should they do this dastardly deed.
I would get the spineless together so those SOBs will hold the line… instead of flaking on Sunday shows and smoking cigars at the old boy’s club with the dems.
This isn’t a game.

12 Dec

WWE tribute to the troops ~John Cena and Others

WWE tribute to the troops will be happening again this year. The WWE has been big on supporting our troops.

From Last year, Christmas night saw WWE’s fourth annual Tribute to the Troops, as the fighting men and women at Camp Victory in Baghdad, Iraq were treated to the WWE experience.
John Cena, Umaga, Rated-RKO, Lashley, Jeff Hardy, Undertaker, Carlito and CM Punk were among the Superstars and Extremists in action, Santa Claus and the WWE Divas made an appearance, and in an unforgettable moment, JBL helped one soldier become the first person ever to break Chris Masters’ Master Lock.

And this is from this year from one of the female wrestlers ….Mickie James
There are no photos yet or video for the 2008 WWE Tribute to the troops, but I wanted to show you how wonderful it is to see the passion these people have for our troops.
Tribute to the Troops blog
By Mickie James
Written: December 4, 2007

“Hey there.
After much anticipation, I am about to leave for the Tribute to the Troops tour in Iraq. I have to admit I am a little nervous, but my excitement surpasses any reservations I have. I don’t know how these soldiers can leave their families for months at a time to go to this foreign land, not knowing what tomorrow might bring. No matter where you stand on the war, you have to respect and commend our troops for dedicating and putting their lives on the line for us on a daily basis. This is just a small way for WWE as a company, a community and a family to give back to them for all they do for us.
I’ve been told that it’s wicked cold over there so I have packed lots of warm clothes. I went out and bought a really awesome super fuzzy warm hat, gloves and scarf. I also bought a really cute sweat suit from Victoria’s Secret – any reason to go out and shop, really. What a girl! Of course, I brought my daily Diva wear to sport for all my heroes when we go out to meet them, just a variety of sexy tops, jeans and boots, along with makeup and the necessities. A girl’s still gotta be a hottie even if it’s freaking freezing outside. I tried not to overpack, which is hard for me, mostly because I know it’s not the cleanest place and we’re gonna be doing a lot of walking. At any rate, I ended up with one bag weighing in at 55 pounds. Yeah, I know. And in my carry-on I had to bring my computer so I could still do my homework while we are over there and write my daily blog for WWE.com.”

12 Dec
11 Dec

It Only Takes One Shot and She Made It

Guard’s hands “didn’t even shake” as she shot gunman
Denver Post
Amid deafening cracks of gunfire, smoke-spewing canisters and the flight of thousands of New Life Church members, Jeanne Assam said she suddenly saw the hallways clear and a gunman come through the door.

“I took cover. I identified myself. I engaged him. I took him down,” the 42-year-old former law officer and volunteer church security guard said Monday at a news conference in the Colorado Springs police station.

“I just said, ‘Holy Spirit, be with me.’ I wasn’t even shaking,” Assam said. “I give the credit to God. I say this very humbly. God was with me.”

Assam, a member of New Life for only a few months, admitted she had been without sleep since Sunday’s midday shootings at Colorado’s largest church.
The episode left two injured and ended the lives of two teen sisters and the gunman, 24-year-old Matthew Murray.
The church’s senior pastor, Brady Boyd, said Assam was a real hero to him and to the whole church. He said she acted as his personal bodyguard.

“We will be holding a funeral for two very precious young women who were shot and killed on our campus,” Brady said. “Three people are needlessly dead, but many more lives could have been lost.”

Church spokesman Rob Brendle called Assam’s clear-eyed, swift action the “good news” of that horrible day.

“It was scary,” Assam said at the news conference. “I tell you it was scary. It was loud. I’ll never forget. The gunshots were so loud.”

Assam said she had drawn her weapon countless times in her prior law enforcement career, but she had never shot anyone until Sunday.

“I was very focused. I knew what I had to do,” she said. “It was it just seemed like me, the gunman and God.”

Assam, single and without children, has been working three months for an educational ministry called Messengers International, run by John and Lisa Bevere in Colorado Springs.
Assam said she had just ended a three-day fast Sunday. During the fasting she prayed and asked God to help her decide what to do with her future and whether she should work again in law enforcement.

“I was weak,” she said. “God made me strong. What was going through my mind is how awesome God is.”

She said she loves law enforcement, but she still doesn’t have her answer about her future.

“I’m going to continue to pray about it,” Assam said.

Sgt. Jess Garcia III, the public-information officer for the Minneapolis Police Department, said Assam left his police department in the late 1990s.
He said during her time there she worked in North Minneapolis, the busiest crime area of the city, as well as in downtown Minneapolis.

“Some of the training she received here apparently helped her,” Garcia said. “She did a great job.”

He said he knew her during her time in Minneapolis.

“I thought she had a great personality and always got along with everybody,” Garcia said.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Nice shot! This wonderful volunteer’s good shooting saved the tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars prosecuting him and having the media make a circus of this for years to come. We would have had to listen to and read about the gunman being a product of abuse and how we should pity him.

11 Dec

Insurgents Kill Detainees

5 Iraqi detainees killed in rocket attack
Public Affairs Office, Camp Victory
Five Iraqi detainees were killed and 25 others wounded when insurgents launched a rocket attack in the Rusafa district of eastern Baghdad Dec. 10.
Reports indicate nine 122mm rockets were fired with at least one of them hitting a detainee holding area on a forward operating base. Coalition Forces sealed off the area. An investigation into the attack is underway.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This must be the first “friendly fire” incident in Terrorists history. One of our deployed sent me an email about this, it happened Monday morning and he said :

” This one was part of a barrage. This particular rocket fell short of its mark. Let’s just say they don’t appear to be finished yet. A Muslim who has been indoctrinated into radical jihad will form a plan and then say “Inshallah” about the potential for friendly casualties.
Inshallah” means “Allah’s will” and it translates to a cultural paradigm in which anyone who gets killed was supposed to die per Allah (i.e. not the terrorists’ fault). That’s how they justify killing little children with roadside bombs as a U.S. convoy passes. Inshallah. So a terrorist blows himself up making a bomb, his compatriots shrug off the death by saying “Inshallah.”

11 Dec

God Bless America

Patriotism not quite dead in Public schools…….this video is The Battle Hymn and brought to you by school children.



….Thank you Mark for sendnig this to me, this is so special!!

11 Dec

Tree Shipments To Troops Take Root

Sprawled in his recliner, tired and achy after three days of nearly nonstop work, James Ward hardly looks like Santa Claus.
But this laid-off truck driver has just made Christmas brighter for thousands of U.S. Service members overseas by mailing them miniature, live spruce trees with all the holiday trimmings.
A year after Ward started Operation Christmas Tree to cheer up his deployed stepdaughter and a few dozen of her fellow soldiers in Iraq, the project has blossomed into a national campaign that shipped 5,000 potted trees this season.
About 2,200 of the 2-foot trees — packed along with bags of colorful ornaments and battery-powered lights — were mailed Dec. 3 to individual service members, mostly in Afghanistan and Iraq, whose families paid $20 to Ward’s nonprofit organization.

Some of those service members also received a batch of 50 or 60 extra trees to share with others. Other batches were sent to chaplains in the war zone to hand out to anyone in uniform who wants one.
The $80,000 balance not paid by donations was covered by the Armed Forces Foundation, a Washington-based nonprofit that helps the families of deployed troops. Local businesses also collected donations.
For Ward, 34, Operation Christmas Tree is an expression of the code he was taught by a firefighter uncle: “I was always brought up that if somebody’s in need of something, you help them.”
The same principle prompted Ward to lead a convoy of donated goods to Gulf Coast hurricane victims in 2005.

“If you can get seven tractor-trailer loads down to Katrina with all that going on, you can ship 5,000 trees,” he said.

But not without a lot of help. About 350 volunteers from as far away as Phoenix helped the Ward family pack the trees for shipment Dec. 1, working close together in a 40-by-60-foot rented tent at the nearby Carroll County Agriculture Center. Donated barbecued beef fed the volunteers. The trees, purchased from a North Carolina grower, had been parked there for a month, kept alive with regular waterings by the Westminster Fire Department.
The president of the Armed Forces Foundation, Patricia Driscoll, said Operation Christmas Tree is a joy for her staff members, who spend most of their time arranging housing, counseling and other services for families of injured warriors.

“When you’re dealing with the sick and wounded all the time, it can get depressing. This was really fun,” she said

This year’s 5,000 trees were a huge increase over the 75 that Operation Christmas Tree shipped last year — half to Ward’s Army medic stepdaughter, Spc. Luisa Gonzalez, and members of her unit. Gonzalez, 23, now stationed at Fort Hood, Texas, while awaiting discharge early next year, came home to help with the tree packing.

“I’ve been that person on the other end and it just meant a lot to be there to see the next wave,” she said. “In Iraq, every day’s the same — no holiday — so that little piece of home gives that holiday season something special.”

Ward’s wife, Betty; stepdaughter Elizabeth, 20, and daughter, Marie, 2, also worked on Operation Christmas Tree.
Photographs of Ward and his wife meeting first lady Laura Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice are displayed on the living room wall, and a scrapbook is filled with thank-you notes from service members and their families.
But Ward said there’s one reward he’s missing: seeing the trees as they’re received by the troops.

“I’d love to be a fly on the wall to watch them open them,” he said. “Trust me, it’s satisfying doing it, but it would be so cool to see these guys open some of them.”

Wild Thing’s comment………
The media of course never tells stories of the tremendous support for our troops. Hell would have to freeze over first.
Well hell doesn’t have to freeze over for all of us to know how much WE all love, respect and appreciate our troops and the same with all these various organizations that love to say thank you soldier we know you sacrifice for us.