11 Dec

God Bless America

Patriotism not quite dead in Public schools…….this video is The Battle Hymn and brought to you by school children.



….Thank you Mark for sendnig this to me, this is so special!!

drstrangeloveb52isok says:

Amen Mark & WT! Let’s not forget my hero – Glenn Miller – boarded a plane for Paris on December 15, 1944 and was MIA…. American Patrol & In The Mood 2007! * IN GOD WE TRUST 1775 * 2007!!

Mark says:

Darth, I saw a documentary on Glenn Miller, and there has always been speculation on how he died, because they never found the plane. One theory is, they were flying small plane, and happened to fly under a returning flight of Lnacasters.( They figured Lancasters because the British Bombed during the day) The speculation is one of the Lancasters jettisoned any bombs they had left over into the channel. And as luck would have it hit the small plane.

Mark says:

Oh what I forgot to post is the other two verses, which never seem to be performed, I think are truly part of this.
I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel:
“As ye deal with My contemners, so with you My Grace shall deal;
Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel,
Since God is marching on.”
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His Judgement Seat.
Oh! Be swift, my soul, to answer Him, be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on.
What is strange or maybe not both sides North and South believed God was on their side. After the battle of Fredericksburg, the night of December, 15, 1862, the Northern Lights could be seen in the sky,brillent streamers of color, This was an extremely rare occurance, since they are seldom seen that far south, both sides took it as an omen that God was watching over THEM.
But then again nobody complained about the separation of church and state, of course on that field, that day there were no NON believers.

It said the site was suspended.

SSgt Steve, USMC(P) says:

“This site has been suspended” “This site has been suspended” <---I got this. It is amazing to me how many sites like this one, sites with honesty about Demoncrats, sites about Liberals and sites that would be negative toward Hitlery quite often mysteriously "go away". I think there is something "amiss". A Demorat act and/or a VAST Left Wing Conspiacy? There are naked Hillary, Chelsea and Bill sites out there. Why don't these get "poofed"? I can only assume they are real pics and the Dems don't care.

Mark says:

I went there… Suspended, how did that happened, it worked yesserday.

Wild Thing says:

I checked too and it said the same for me. It worked when I posted it. waaaaa
Do you think it got too many hits and had to shut down or something? I know one time I got an email from the host server for my blog here and normally I get between 2,000 to 3,000 hits a day and one day I have almost 7,000. My site went down and the host server I have my blog at (Hosting Matters) had to put my blog on another server of theirs.
Maybe that is what happened to their site.
Darn it, it was so special.