18 Dec

Ground Zero to Baghdad

One Remarkable National Guard Unit’s Journey from Ground Zero to Baghdad
by Sean Michael Flynn

Amazon.com books
Flynn does a great job of “painting the picture” of what the unit looks like –the personalities, the leaders, and the troops.

“With a charismatic mix of irreverent humor and eye-opening honesty, Sean Flynn, himself a member of the 69th, memorably chronicles the transformation of this motley band of amateur soldiers into a battle- hardened troop at work in one of the most lethal quarters of Baghdad: the notorious Airport Road, a blood- soaked strand that grabbed headlines and became a bellwether for progress in postinvasion Iraq. At home on the concrete and asphalt like no other unit in the U.S. Army, Gotham’s Fighting 69th finally brings its own rough justice to this lawless precinct by ignoring army discipline and turning to the street-fighting tactics they grew up with and know best.
The Fighting 69th is more than a story about the impact of terrorism, the war on Iraq, or the current administration’s failures. It is the story of how regular citizens come to grips with challenges far starker than what they have been prepared for. Flynn’s dark humor, empathy, and candor make for a fresh look at who our soldiers are and what they do when faced with their toughest challenges. “

About the Author
Sean Michael Flynn served as a company commander during the Fighting 69th’s service from Ground Zero to Iraq. Before joining the Army National Guard as an infantryman, Flynn served on active duty in the U.S. Air Force. Flynn has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Maryland at College Park.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I have heard about this book and how good it is so I wanted to share about it. It will be available for delivery after December 24th of this year.

17 Dec

Venezuelans Chase Cuban Agents Out Of Airport

Venezuelans chase Cuban Agents out of the Airport
A group of Cubans who arrived in Venezuela from Cuba on Saturday December 15, received an unfriendly welcome at Maiquetía airport in Caracas.
Hundreds of Venezuelans at the airport received the Cubans, who were wearing t-shirts with the face of the criminal mass murderer che Guevara, with loud boos and yells of “fuera” (get out).
Venezuela’s official media and pro-Chavez groups who were at the airport to welcome the Cubans, never expected such a strong reaction from regular Venezuelans who were at the airport waiting for relatives and friends. Some of the Cubans looked around not knowing what to do.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Wow, that is something else. I am sure that the criminal Chavez will make the effort to kill as many of those citizens as possible. Bet he declares martial law.
I love the fact that the whole thing was spontaneous. The commie scum basically had to flee. The imported Cuban thugs and agents are not popular with the locals. The Cuban agents are all hard core commie thugs.

17 Dec

Ayman al-Zawahiri and What Christmas Means

Al-Zawahri Warns of Traitors
CAIRO, Egypt

Al-Qaida’s No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahri warned of “traitors” among insurgents in Iraq and called on Iraqi Sunni Arab tribes to purge those who help the Americans in a new videotape posted Monday on the Web.
Al-Zawahri’s comments were aimed at undermining so-called “awakening councils”—the groups of Iraqi Sunni tribesmen that the U.S. military has backed to help fight al-Qaida in Iraq and its allies.
Some Sunni insurgent groups have fought alongside American forces, and the U.S. military has touted the councils as a major factor in reducing violence in war-torn regions like Iraq’s Anbar province.
In the 90-minute video, al-Zawahri warned of the “presence of hypocrites and traitors among the ranks of the mujahedeen working and fighting for the Americans.”
“The tribe or clan that does not cleanse itself of traitors and apostates will be remembered in history for generations as one of the collaborators and traitors,” he warned. “But any clan or tribe that defends Islam and crushes traitors … will be remembered in Arab history with pride and glory.”
Al-Zawahri said the Americans have failed in Iraq and will withdraw soon.
“The American forces are defeated and looking for a way out. Their government is faced with an incredible popular demand to withdraw,” he said, adding that the U.S. forces would abandon Iraqi troops “to their fate.”
“No matter how much the gigantic propaganda machine in America tries to deceive the people, the reality is stronger and worse than all the deceptions,” al-Zawahri said.

Wild Thing’s comment….
LOL oh really al_Zawahiri! He sounds like he got his talking points from Reid, Pelosi and all the others on the left of the isle.

A satirical new video from al Qaeda’s second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, about the true meaning of Christmas
by ScrappleFace

17 Dec

Pararescue Jumper Motto: That Others May Live

National Geographic’s Rescue Warriors: Band Of Brothers about the US Air Force pararescue troops was on TV yesterday morning and watching it a person could see clearly what these brave warriors go through in their training. I urge everyone .. if you ever see it replayed, make sure you watch it. It’s compelling, and much of it the libs would definitely consider torture if it was done to the enemy, the savage terrorists.
These highly trained and specialized troops go through extreme training for rescue operations, as well as combat .. water choking and horrible discomfort included. It’s part of the training, because they have to be prepared to rescue and treat victims everywhere….including in hostile land and water environments. They are put through routine discomfort in their training, as any thinking person knows.
Air Force Pararescue…One

Air Force Pararescue….Two

At one point, the instructor, who was angry at the lack of efficiency of one of these particular troops, had them all get in a sodden mud pit, fully clothed, and sprayed them and their “patients” on the ground with ice cold water from the hose, outside in 30 degree temps.

While the pj was shaking and trying to get an iv line into the patient. All the while, the instructor is barking orders, while berating and belittling his efforts. They must be able to take care of business efficiently and save victims, under great pressure.
At the very least, what our troops endure to teach and toughen them up in training for battle should certainly be allowed on our sworn enemies to save lives.
The Pararescue Jumper motto says it all to me: That Others May Live

16 Dec

McCain Urges New Interrogation Specialty

McCain urges new interrogation specialty
Republican White House hopeful John McCain said he wants “a crash program” in civilian and military schools that emphasizes language and creates a “new specialty in strategic interrogation” so the nation never feels the need for torture.
McCain, a former Vietnam prisoner of war who suffered mistreatment, talked about the new proposal at a Columbia campaign stop Saturday.
McCain said he wanted to create an Army Advisory Corps of 20,000 soldiers to act as military advisers and a new Office of Strategic Services to fight terrorists. He said he wanted them to pursue “a crash program in civilian and military schools” to prepare more experienced speakers in strategically important languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Farsi and others, and to “create a new specialty in strategic interrogation — a new, a new group of strategic interrogators so that we never have to feel motivated to torture anyone ever again.”
When asked if he knew whether U.S. forces had engaged in torture in the past, the Arizona senator said he didn’t.
“I do not know whether they’ve been involved in torture because I don’t have that kind of information,” McCain said. “I do know that when tapes are destroyed of interrogations, it contributes enormously to the cynicism, the skepticism, and also is further damaging to the image of the United States of America in the world.”
The CIA recently acknowledged that in 2005 it destroyed videotapes made three years earlier of the CIA’s interrogations of two terror suspects. The tapes were made to document how CIA officers used new, harsh questioning techniques approved by the White House to force recalcitrant prisoners to talk.
Intelligence officials have said the methods that were shown on the videotapes included waterboarding, an interrogation tactic that causes the sensation of drowning and is banned by the Pentagon.
McCain also said he met with a “high ranking member of al-Qaida in Iraq” who told him that post-invasion lawlessness and images of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib helped recruit insurgents. The latter was “a great recruitment tool,” McCain said. “He said it and I believe it.”
He also said he’d go after terrorists with a new military force. “I’ll set up a new agency patterned after the old Office of Strategic Services that will be a small, nimble, can-do organization that will fight” terrorist anywhere in the world and on the Internet, McCain said.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
So, is this supposed to be a cadre of psychologists who will befriend the terrorists for 6 months to find out that a nuclear bomb went off 5 months and 28 days ago?
Their propaganda has convinced millions via the Net and disinformation meeted out to the MSM that has fed the 9/11 conspiracy theorists and recruited thousands to their cause by just outright lying.

16 Dec

“They like this war” Says Pelosi

Pelosi hits bottom
Washington Times
Just when you think the dominant left wing of the Democratic Party has hit rock-bottom, one of their partisans reaches new depths in slandering people who have an honest difference with them on policy.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hit the gutter on Thursday, when she tried to explain why Democrats are losing the budget war to President Bush. Mrs. Pelosi (who says she hopes to be able to practice a more civil approach next year) said she had misjudged Republican resolve — particularly on the war against jihadists in Iraq.

“They like this war,” Mrs. Pelosi said. “They want this war to continue. That was a revelation to me. I had thought they would listen to their constituents and change their position.”

She later tried to clarify things by saying she had meant to say that Republicans like Mr. Bush’s strategy — not that they “like” the war. But the damage was done and the slur was uttered.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
You can’t cure stupid!!!!
Damn these communists to hell for all eternity for their petty, partisan, blindered, self-adoring refusal to fund support for our fine military. We don’t want the war to continue…we want to win it!
Their hatred is so embedded that it appears that they have lost all common sense.
Continuously trying to cut off funds to the troops is insane. Military personnel are Americans… One simply doesn’t abandon them financially in a foreign country which, in my opinion, is exactly what Reid and Pelosi are trying to do.
Can anyone honestly say that the dems hate terrorists as much as they hate Bush, the Republicans and yes our troops? If only America would wake up to their treason.

16 Dec

Football Week Fifteen



The Jets-Pats’ rivalry renews. Will the icy rematch be a rout to remember? And who would have thought that a Bills-Browns game on Week 15 would have such playoff implications? Go Bears… even though the Vikings are gonna crush you.

Here are the matchups for Week of Sunday, December 16th Time (EST)
SEA @ CAR 1:00 PM
BUF @ CLE 1:00 PM
TEN @ KC 1:00 PM
BAL @ MIA 1:00 PM
NYJ @ NE 1:00 PM
ARI @ NO 1:00 PM
JAC @ PIT 1:00 PM
GB @ STL 1:00 PM
ATL @ TB 1:00 PM
IND @ OAK 4:05 PM
DET @ SD 4:15 PM
PHI @ DAL 4:15 PM
WAS @ NYG 8:15 PM
Monday, December 17 Time (EST)
CHI @ MIN 8:30 PM
Byes: None
Thursday, December 20 Time (EST)
PIT @ STL 8:00 PM

These are the teams I think everyone is for. I will add to this as you tell me your favorite teams.
(Some names are those deployed in Iraq)
Lynn – Broncos, Bears, Browns
Tom – Cowboys, Broncos
Darth – New York Giants, Tampa Bay Bucs, (ABP – ‘anybody’ but Philly )
Mark – Patriots, Buffalo Bills, Bears
Bob – Buffalo Bills
Billy – Jets, NY Giants, Bears
Nick – Cowboys, Rams and Raiders
Karsten – Tampa Bay Bucs, NY Giants
navycopjoe – Chicago Bears
LindaSOG – Miami Dolphins
Jonathan – Raiders
Dawn – Seahawks, Bronco’s ….(husband USARMY delpoyed, Iraq)
Amber – Green Bay Packers …..(husband USMC delpoyed Iraq)
Cuchieddie – Raiders
Sierrahome – Colts
patrickdaniel – Chargers, Cowboys
Eve – Colts ….(husband USARMY deployed Iraq)
Beth – Bears , Saints
Chief – Seahwaks
Chrissie – Bears, Broncos and Cowboys
Andy ( USMC) – Colts
Mike ( USARMY) – Seattle Seahawks
Sand Man ( (USMC) – Bronco’s
Dave (USARMY) – Patriots
Tim ( USMC) – Bears
Jean ( USARMY) – Atlanta Falcons
Greg (USARMY) – Eagles
Max ( USARMY- Cowboys
Pete ( USMC) – Bronco’s
Steve – (USAF) – Bronco’s
Tony – (USARMY) – Redskins

Sunday FINAL Scores
SEA 10 @ CAR 13 FINAL :
TEN 26 @ KC 17 FINAL
NYJ 10 @ NE 20 FINAL
ARI 24 @ NO 31 FINAL
GB 33 @ STL 14 FINAL
DET 14 @ SD 51 FINAL

16 Dec

Barbara Walters Wants To Hijack A Christian Holiday

Walters surprised at religious White House Christmas card

The front of the card is a color print of a painting of the East Colonnade at the White House. The view is from a snowy outside, beside a water pool, looking through a large window into the White House at a lighted and decorated Christmas tree.
Inside the card, it says, (under a gold presidential seal)

“You alone are the LORD, You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them, You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you. NEHEMIAH 9:6 (NIV)

Below that, in a cursive typeface, it reads:

“May the joy of all creation fill your heart this blessed season. 2007” It is signed “George Bush ….Laura Bush.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Hey liberal breath Barbara Wawa, weally, that’s utterwy outwageous. gimme a bweak aweady.
Barbara, you moron, it’s a Christmas card, not a “Holiday” or a Ramadan or a Kwanza card. Walters being upset at seeing a little Old Testament scripture? She’s wound way too tight.
I just got my White House Christmas card yesterday and I was just glad it didn’t say Happy Holidays or Season Greetings.
This has nothing at all to do with the fact that Barbara Walters happens to be Jewish. That is NOT what she is upset about. She is not stupid she is well aware this is not the Hanukkah Holiday it is Christmas, a Christian Holiday and she is expecting not only the President but everyone to make it watered down and include Moslems etc. as she states. Even though Moslems have their holiday as well totally separate from Christmas and Jews. This is outrageous!!!!!!!!!!!
Christmas is a celebration of Jesus’ birth. And if that offends Barbara Walters so much then she can request to be taken off the White House card list I am sure.
I have dear Jewish friends that say Merry Christmas to me just as I tell them Happy Hanukkah.

16 Dec

Hillary Cackle

Can you imagine Cackles as Commander in Chief????
YIKES! She has the Gore sigh, the Dean scream, the Clinton cackle.

YIKES, please do not let her become President.

15 Dec

Huge Taliban Defeat ~ An Eyewitness Account

Eyewitness Account of Huge Taliban Defeat
abc news The Blotter
Afghanistan’s government flag was raised Wednesday on what had been one of the biggest strongholds of the Taliban and al Qaeda in Afghanistan and a leading world center of heroin production.
The town of about 45,000 people was secured at about 9:30 a.m. as Afghan troops, steered by British soldiers and U.S. Green Berets, drove out remnants of the Taliban resistance from Musa Qala in the opium poppy region of northern Helmand.

As the only journalist to join NATO forces entering the town, I found it a ghost town abandoned by both the Taliban and its residents at the end of an eight-day coalition operation. The offensive was one of NATO’s biggest in the country since Operation Anaconda in 2002.

” Embedded with a team of British troops and a detachment/”A–team” of U.S. special forces, I watched the Taliban being pounded these last few days with overwhelming force — vapor trails circled in the clear blue sky over the Helmand desert as B1 and B52 bombers backed by A10 tank busters, F16s, Apache helicopters and Specter gunships were used to kill hundreds of Taliban fighters.
The operation was launched last Tuesday with an attack across the Helmand River by British Royal Marine commandos, a thrust from the west by light armor of the U.K. Household Cavalry Regiment; all this, however, was a feint for the main airborne landing from the north of a battalion of soldiers of Task Force Fury from the 82nd Airborne.
Faced with a full brigade of NATO forces, a brigade of Afghan government fighters and the defection of a key Taliban commander, the Taliban chose not to flee at first but to fight a desperate battle.
I joined one feint attack of Afghan soldiers last Friday that came under fierce Taliban fire in a village on the outskirts of Musa Qala — AK47s and heavy machine gun fire opened up on us as we advanced across open ground. The British and Afghans counterattacked backed by U.S. special forces who opened up with 50-caliber fire and by calling three F16 strikes and a B1 bomber strike.
On Sunday, as the 82nd Airborne advanced to take positions north, east and south of the town, I watched the sky being lit with large explosions from heavy ordnance dropped from the air to support the U.S. advance.
U.S. forces believe the Taliban were backed by a large strength of foreign fighters, including those linked to al Qaeda. Soldiers who I accompanied found one dead fighter whose notebook revealed he was from Pakistan.
While hundreds of Taliban are believed to have been killed, two British soldiers and one American soldier lost their lives. All the deaths, however, resulted from vehicles striking mines left not, it is believed, by the Taliban but by Soviet forces in the 1980s.
On Monday, after days of fierce fighting — more ferocious than NATO commanders had expected — the Taliban called it quits and fled the town. Afghan troops entered the town on Tuesday and completed their occupation on Wednesday after only token further resistance.
NATO forces now hope to launch a program of reconstruction that will persuade the local population to turn their backs on the Taliban.
In a controversial move, Musa Qala had been abandoned the previous year after British troops lost seven lives defending a base in the town from waves of Taliban attacks. Although handed over, in theory, to the elders of the town last October, it was taken over by the Taliban by February and became one of the few major places in Afghanistan where the Taliban could operate in the open, trying to set up their own local government and courts.
Last year’s British-backed deal was criticized openly by U.S. commanders and the recapture of the town heals an open wound that undermined claims by NATO that the Taliban were being defeated militarily.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is a fascinating account. And the hypocrats are deeply saddened.
What is tragically ironic is that the three coalition fatalities he mentions seem to have been caused by Soviet era landmines.
Our troops are the greatest! And it seems our allies played a big role in this one too.
Hell on Earth was delivered to these serial killers. Amazing what our side can do without gaggles of left wing mediots interferring with our military.


…..Thank you Tom for sending this article to me.