22 Dec

USMC Silent Drill Platoon ~ Totally Awesome!

This is a 2007 performance of the US Marine Drill Team at a recent Denver Nuggets Basketball game.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
The very first time I ever saw the USMC Drill Team I was in awe of what they do. That same awe is always there each time I see them. This is so wonderful that they had them at the game. I wish more of this kind of thing would happen. Keep our military in the lives of the citizens, let them see how fantastic they are and how we wouldn’t even have the freedom to play sports without our Veterans and troops keeping us free.

…. Thank you so much Mark for sending this to me.

22 Dec

Harry Reid’s Character Showing Up In Heavy Metal Video

Harry Reid character in our current congress in Pelosi’s court. Similarities can be seen in this video clip.

Heavy Metal – Captain Sternn

….Thank you so much Jack for sending me this video. I agree it does remind me of Harry Reid.

22 Dec

Saturday Toons

Global Warming…………………





22 Dec

Achmed the Dead Terrorist – Jingle Bombs

Jeff Dunham with Achmed the Dead Terrorist – Jingle Bombs

….Thank you John 5 (VN69/70) for this funny video.

21 Dec

USO Holiday Show Travels Throughout Combat Theater

Army News Service
Dec. 17, 2007
The band “Downrange” performs their final song with other tour members and Soldiers during the Sergeant Major of the Army Hope and Freedom tour, Dec. 16, at Camp Striker, Baghdad.

Singer Darryl Worley performs with the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders during the Sergeant Major of the Army Hope and Freedom tour, Dec. 16, at Camp Striker, Baghdad.

The show began with opening remarks from Sgt. Maj. of the Army Kenneth O. Preston, who introduced everyone on the tour, including all of the band members and the stage crew.
“During the holidays, the USO tour is a piece of home to all the Soldiers,” SMA Preston said. “It’s also an opportunity to say thanks for the sacrifices they make.”

Kicking the show off was the U.S. Army Band “Down Range” singing “I live in America.” Other featured acts were Keni Thomas, a former Army Ranger; country star Darryl Worley, four members of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders; singer and comedian Sheryl Underwood; Leeann Tweeden, a sports correspondent for Fox; and Vince Morris, who was greeted as newbie from the crowd because of his inaugural performance.
LeeAnn Tweeden said this is her 8th USO tour, and she just wants to be able to go back and tell everyone first-hand what she’s seen and experienced.


Miss USA Rachel Smith signs an autograph for Staff Sgt. Christopher Queen

American Forces Press Service reporter Jim Garamone is traveling with Navy Adm. Michael G. Mullen and the holiday United Service Organizations show.
Following are three more vignettes on the group’s recent experiences.
Show in the Snow
CAMP PHOENIX, Afghanistan
Dec. 20, 2007
It was the “Show in the Snow” for the USO performers here today.
Navy Adm. Michael G. Mullen brought the Chairman’s USO Holiday Tour to Afghanistan today. A C-17 carrying Robin Williams, Kid Rock, Lewis Black, Lance Armstrong and Miss USA Rachel Smith landed in snow at Kabul International Airport.
The temperature was right around freezing, and snow was falling. After shows in Kuwait and Iraq, the change in the weather came as something of a shock to all.
The show was sticking to cars and the grass, but not to the road as the motorcade moved to Camp Phoenix. More than 2,000 servicemembers from all U.S. services and many of the 14 countries that mentor and train the Afghan National Army and Afghan police gathered in the snow to see the performers.
Armstrong, who said that while many look at him and call him a hero for all that he has been through and accomplished, the real heroes are military servicemembers.
“We are all so excited to be here,” Mr. Armstrong said. “I am personally excited to be here to share my appreciation and not just on behalf of myself, but on behalf of my family, my children, my community and the state of Texas. Thank you all. You’re the real heroes.”
Tour de France winner Armstrong handed the floor over to Mr. Williams who drew even more laughter from the already ecstatic crowd with his own brand of stand-up comedy.

“We send a lot of love from people back home,” Mr. Williams said.
Mr. Williams then handed the stage to Kid Rock, who played several songs for the crowd and finished the USO show with his rendition of “Sweet Home Alabama.”
Two sailors sitting in the crowd were singing along with Kid Rock as the Detroit rocker belted out “Sweet Home Alabama.” One turned to the other and said, “All that karaoke is paying off, huh?” They “high-fived” each other and kept on singing.
“This crowd is up,” Williams said as he watched Black perform. The snow and the wet didn’t dampen anyone’s enthusiasm, and the show was one of the best so far in the trip.


Kid Rock on Entertaining Troops
Dec. 20, 2007
Kid Rock is devoted to entertaining American troops as part of the USO.

Kid Rock performs at the USO Holiday Tour stop at Logistics Support Area Anaconda, in Balad, Iraq, Dec. 20, 2007. The tour also included seven-time Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong and comedians Robin Williams and Lewis Black. Photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Chad J. McNeeley, USN

The Detroit-based singer makes an immediate connection to American servicemembers. When he sings, the young servicemen and women sing along with “Cowboy,” “Sweet Home Alabama” and many other anthemic hits.
Rock said the question is not why he does it, “but how can you not?”
He said that every second with the troops is overwhelming. “They give their best every day, … and we absolutely must give them our best,” he said.
Being with the troops puts life in perspective, the rocker said, adding that he is proud of what the servicemembers do and wants to pay them back for their sacrifices. “The whole experience has been incredible,” he said. “I’ll do it to the day I die, so long as I am needed.”


Dust-up at COB Speicher
Dec. 19, 2007
The Chairman’s USO Holiday Show has a grueling schedule, and it’s at the mercy of the weather.
Today was a good example. The performers woke up in Taqqadum, moved to Ramadi for a show, then to Contingency Operating Base Speicher, and were scheduled to perform at night at Contingency Operating Base Liberty near Baghdad.
Navy Adm. Michael G. Mullen broke off form the group to tour downtown Ramadi to see progress with his own eyes and then flew to Baghdad for meetings with Multinational Force Iraq Commander Army Gen. David H. Petraeus, U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan C. Crocker and Army Lt. Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, Multinational Corps Iraq commander.
The USO performers made it to Contingency Operating Base Speicher and performed, but a sandstorm moved in and grounded all aircraft.
At the same time, more than 750 servicemembers had gathered at Camp Liberty to see the show. Once it became clear that the troupe could not make it to Baghdad, Mullen rushed to the stage to deliver the news personally.
He broke the bad news, conveyed the performers’ regrets and stayed to pass out his chairman’s coin to every one of the young men and women who came. His staff also distributed gifts that the USO had collected — movies, video games, etc. — from companies and individuals. No one went away empty-handed.
The next morning, the weather cleared, and the troupe reunited at Balad Air Base, northeast of Baghdad. Robin Williams went up to Mullen and thanked him for standing in for the performers. “I tried to convey to them how disappointed you were to not be there and how much they mean to all of you,” Mullen told Williams.

21 Dec

Sen. Harry Reid’s Stink Bomb

The eyes are empty, skin unnatural, grim facial features, spoken words unGodly, rarely seen in sunlight …

Sen. Reid’s stink bomb
washington times
Before leaving town, Senate Democrats, led by Majority Leader Harry Reid, Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy and Sens. Chris Dodd and Russ Feingold, left a lump of coal (and a stink bomb) in the stockings of the American people when it comes to prevention against terrorist attack.
After they failed on Monday failed to block Republican efforts to retroactively bar lawsuits against telephone companies that helped the government monitor suspected jihadist communications after September 11, Mr. Reid pulled from the floor legislation to modernize the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), the primary law governing the monitoring of electronic communications.
Unless Congress acts, on Feb. 1 U.S. intelligence agencies will lose the ability to monitor at least some overseas terrorist telecommunications without first obtaining court approval.
Some special-interest groups would be very happy to see FISA expire. With the support of groups like People For the American Way, the ACLU and the blog DailyKos, Messrs.
Feingold and Dodd have been working feverishly to deny the telephone companies protection from lawsuits over their participation in terrorist surveillance efforts.
Mr. Dodd threatened to filibuster any effort to bar the lawsuits from going from going forward.
Mr. Reid had tried to broker a compromise between the decent FISA bill, negotiated by Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller, West Virginia Democrat, and Sen. Kit Bond, Missouri Republican, which contains telecom immunity; and a Senate Judiciary Committee bill, pushed by Mr. Leahy (with an assist from Republican Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania and a who’s who of the political left) that would deny retroactive immunity.
Last month, the House passed a measure that fails to provide such immunity.
No case on the public record better illustrates the heightened dangers Americans will face than the case of three soldiers from the Army’s 10th Mountain Division who were ambushed May 12 south of Baghdad, apparently by al Qaeda.
One soldier was found dead on May 23, while the other two remain missing. As coalition forces searched for the missing soldiers on May 13 and May 14, intelligence officials learned about insurgent communications they believed to be related to the ambush. On May 14, a special court overseeing FISA issued an order permitting some suspected terrorist communications to be monitored.
The following day, lawyers and intelligence officials spent more than nine hours discussing the need for a FISA order to monitor these communications before Attorney General Alberto Gonzales authorized monitoring.
Critics attribute the delays in the search to bureaucratic “bungling” — an intellectually dishonest argument, because it overlooks the fact that the FISA court had issued several rulings earlier this year that called into question the government’s authority to act without prior court approval.
Mr. Reid this week was faced with a choice between fixing the problems and pandering to special-interest groups who want to make it impossible for the military to do its job. Once again, he made the wrong choice.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Bush is supposed to be the Commander-in-Chief, currently running a war on terror. Surveillance of possible jihadists is a crucial facet of that war. Therefore, Bush should be able to conduct surveillance related to the war effort without needing any okay from Congress. I wish Bush would tell Reid to go play in the street, but I’m not holding my breath.
The Founders would be astonished at the modern Democrat Party.
“An ex post facto law (from the Latin for “from something done afterward”) or retrospective law, is a law that retrospectively changes the legal consequences of acts committed or the legal status of facts and relationships that existed prior to the enactment of the law.”
Generally speaking, ex post facto laws are seen as a violation of the rule of law as it applies in a free and democratic society…

“The sentiment that ex post facto laws are against natural right is so strong in the United States, that few, if any, of the State constitutions have failed to proscribe them. The federal constitution indeed interdicts them in criminal cases only; but they are equally unjust in civil as in criminal cases, and the omission of a caution which would have been right, does not justify the doing what is wrong. Nor ought it to be presumed that the legislature meant to use a phrase in an unjustifiable sense, if by rules of construction it can be ever strained to what is just.” (Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Isaac McPherson, August 13th, 1813)

21 Dec

Friday With Your Tigress of the Tigris, Ramadan Rosie

As you know I was successfully snatched, grabbed and waterboarded by the following during OPERATION ICEBREAKER: USMC recon, USA Rangers, US Navy Seals, Royal Marines, Black Watch, USAF Pararescue and many other of your soldiers, sailors and Fly Boys.
In the process my burka was removed and of course I ended up with only this bikini. I was generously given part of one of their Santa outfits, but for some reason the soldiers said they could not find the jacket. I do love the suspenders aren’t they cute? If I snap by suspenders just soooo with my finger tips I can even get a few soldiers to salute me.
Oh we are having fun over here in the land of sand. But they are busy too, there are still a lot of my former brain dead Allah freaks to find, take prisoner or of course help them get to those promised virgins ( allah lied about that as I mentioned last week. There are no virgins at all but 72 hairy lipped, womens lib, man hating members of one of your organizations called N.O.W. they came over here when they delivered a check to the terrorists from Code Pink).
Did you hear the latest from the country near us Iran? You know the one that women in Iran who do not wear the hijab or Muslim headscarf, should die. That is the newest declaration from one of their top Muslim clerics in Iran, Hojatolislam Gholam Reza Hassani. Don’t you think his name sounds like HOT Botulism? LOL May the stings of a thousand bees land on his forehead. Did I say that? This Tigress of the Tigris has come a long way. But your soldiers are ever so convincing.

“Women who do not respect the hijab and their husbands deserve to die,” said Hassani, who leads Friday prayers in the city of Urumieh, in Iranian Azerbaijan.
“I do not understand how these women who do not respect the hijab, 28 years after the birth of the Islamic Republic, are still alive,” he said.
“These women and their husbands and their fathers must die,” said Hassani, who is the representative of the Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in eastern Azerbaijan.”

What a change life is from living under such laws and thinking. Your Western ways are much more fun. I think Muhammad was not only evil but also a stuffed shirt don’t you? That is where these clerics get their instructions from his writings and that silly Quran filled with let’s go bomb someone today verses.
Time to go and I leave with you my wishes for your Holiday called Christmas. And here is my Christmas tip for you.

21 Dec

Thank you Troops With All Our Hearts

Army 1st Lt. Adam Samiof, executive officer for Headquarters, Headquarters Company, Task Force 12, wears a Santa hat as he helps other Task Force 12 soldiers decorate a tree for the holidays. The tree was donated to them by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Photo by Sgt. Brandon Little, USA

Task Force 12 Soldiers Continue Traditions From Home
By Sgt. Brandon Little, USA
Special to American Forces Press Service
Dec. 20, 2007
As the holiday season approaches, many soldiers would like more than anything to receive just one simple present.
It isn’t a video game system, an MP3 player, or a new digital anything — it’s the chance to be with family and loved ones.
Instead of having a case of humbugs because they are away from home, some soldiers have decided to get together to spread some holiday cheer and help lift the spirits of those around them.

“Back home, my family would get together and take time to decorate our whole house,” said Army Pfc. Heather McKinnon, a supply specialist in Task Force 12 and a native of Biddeford, Maine. “That’s why (we) decided it would be a good idea to decorate a tree and put it somewhere everybody could see it.”

“I’m new to the unit, so helping set up decorations was a good opportunity for me to get to know some of the soldiers I’m going to be working with a little better,” said 1st Lt. Adam Samiof, executive officer for Headquarters and Headquarters Company. “I guess I’m just trying to get into the holiday spirit.”

Decorating this tree, donated by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, is just one of the ways Task Force 12 soldiers plan to cope with being deployed during this holiday season.

“My husband and I decorated our room,” said Sgt. Lisa Riat, a communications security custodian from Lumberton, N.C. “Having my husband (Chief Warrant Officer Jasbir Riat) here makes it a little easier to be away from home during the holidays.”

The Riats are one of several married couples in Task Force 12. “This is our first deployment together,” said Riat, a three-combat-tour veteran. “We plan to have dinner together, but we have decided not to exchange gifts this year.”
Many soldiers have found ways to enjoy this holiday season without their loved ones.

“I just plan to be around some friends that I have, just like I did for Thanksgiving Day this year and last year,” said Samiof, a native of Albany, N.Y. “Some of the friends you make in the military can become a different kind of family for you when you’re not with your real family.”

“Being away from close friends and family members back home during the holiday season can really make you miss and appreciate the things you might have taken for granted,” Riat said. “I really miss being getting ready to cook a big dinner for me and my family.”

Whether it’s hanging decorations on a tree or having a home-cooked meal with family members, soldiers in Iraq have found ways to adjust to the things they will miss this holiday season.

“This is my first holiday season away from home, and I think what I will miss most is being around friends and family and having a home-cooked meal,” Samiof said. “I know that being away from home this year will make everybody appreciate being with their families much more next year.”

and here is a story from Afghanistan.

MAYMANEH, Afghanistan Culinary Specialist 2nd Class Timothy Wright, assigned to the Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan, cuts up pomegranates to put out as a snack. In addition to his duties as a cook, Wright is also responsible to order and store all supplies; and for all maintenance, hygiene and upgrades to the galley. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class David M. Votroubek (Released)

20 Dec

Senate Passes Gun Bill ~ Response To Virginia Tech University Killings

Senate passes gun bill in response to rampage
Congress, prodded by the deadliest shooting rampage in modern American history, passed legislation on Wednesday designed to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill.
Without objection, the Senate and House of Representatives approved the measure, which would bolster background checks for gun buyers, and sent it to President George W. Bush to sign.
The measure would be the first major new gun-control law in more than a decade. It was drafted after a deranged gunman killed himself and 32 others in April at Virginia Tech university.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
And what is the criterion of “mental illness” required to deprive a citizen of his right to keep and bear arms? There are certainly enough people who think anyone who actually believes they need a gun is mentally unstable. There are already laws that prevent people who have been diagnosed with Mental illness from buying guns.
Political Correctness prevented his case from being reported and political correctness disarmed the victims.

20 Dec

Control Sought On Military Lawyers

Bush wants power over promotions
Boston.com …for complete article
The Bush administration is pushing to take control of the promotions of military lawyers, escalating a conflict over the independence of uniformed attorneys who have repeatedly raised objections to the White House’s policies toward prisoners in the war on terrorism.
The administration has proposed a regulation requiring “coordination” with politically appointed Pentagon lawyers before any member of the Judge Advocate General corps – the military’s 4,000-member uniformed legal force – can be promoted.
A Pentagon spokeswoman did not respond to questions…. But the requirement of coordination – which many former JAGs say would give the administration veto power over any JAG promotion or appointment – is consistent with past administration efforts to impose greater control over the military lawyers.
The former JAG officers say the regulation would end the uniformed lawyers’ role as a check-and-balance on presidential power, because politically appointed lawyers could block the promotion of JAGs who they believe would speak up if they think a White House policy is illegal.

Retired Major General Thomas Romig, the Army’s top JAG from 2001 to 2005, called the proposal an attempt “to control the military JAGs” by sending a message that if they want to be promoted, they should be “team players” who “bow to their political masters on legal advice.”

It “would certainly have a chilling effect on the JAGs’ advice to commanders,” Romig said. “The implication is clear: without [the administration’s] approval the officer will not be promoted.”

The new JAG rule is part of a set of proposed changes to the military’s procedures for promoting all commissioned officers…. The Pentagon began internally circulating a draft of the changes for comments by the services in mid-November, and the administration will decide whether to make the changes official later this month or early next year.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
I would think this would increase politically-based prosecutions a thousandfold.
And wouldn’t it enable the JAG officers to serve the function that the political officers did in the Red Army. It will make sure that they show loyalty to their political masters, rather than to the Constitution. Politics isn’t a part of military promotions and shouldn’t be. The Commander-in-Chief (whoever it is) shouldn’t have oversight over company and field officers. That should be left to their own chain of command. imo
And to think or rememebr when Clinton was President (as we cannot be promised to always have a Republican and a conservative one at that) all those affirmative action political appointee Generals of the Clinton era. We have all heard the input of those that served during Clinton’s reign of terror. His, Hillary and Chelsea’s loathing of our Military!
This whole thing will end up making the military nothing but the political secret police of the party in charge.