08 Jan

Bush Snubs Netanyahu on Israel Visit

Likud Opposition Leader Binyamin Netanyahu


U.S. President George W. Bush has declined to meet with former Prime Minister and current Likud Opposition Leader MK Binyamin Netanyahu during his upcoming visit to Israel, slated to begin on Wednesday, according to the Jerusalem Post.
Sources in Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s Kadima party quoted in the report offered this explanation: “At the White House, they think [Mr. Netanyahu] is a liar because of his behavior when he was prime minister.”
Outraged Likud officials accused Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of sabotaging what would normally be a routine meeting between a visiting U.S. President and an Israeli Opposition Leader, a long-established diplomatic custom.
“Given the extent to which the prime minister is willing to endanger the country to survive politically, it is not surprising that the Prime Minister’s Office is going out of its way to prevent Bibi (Netanyahu) from meeting with Bush,” said senior Likud sources.
A spokesman for Olmert stated that he was unaware of any efforts to block a meeting between Bush and Netanyahu.
Bush has no plans to meet with any politician or other officials opposed to the Annapolis process.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is a bad call by Bush. It reminds me when the Clinton’s snubbed Netanyahu and catered to Arafat instead.

08 Jan

California Girls Entertain The Troops At Striker Base In Iraq

Lisa Haze and the California Girls (all-girl band) entertain the troops at Striker Base in Iraq! Another bombed out soccer stadium and the fun never stops. Check out the soldier dancing on stage at the end

And here they play for the troops in Iraq at Anaconda Base. The show is at night in a bombed out soccer stadium and the soldiers said it was one of the worst dust storms ever.

08 Jan

Barack Hussein Obama’s Church Not So Friendly

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Obama’s church is headed by black supremacist activist, Jeremiah Wright whose close associates are people like Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan.
The Trinity United Church of Christ, is well known as anti-Israel, anti-Jew and pro-Arab.
Substitue ‘white’ where you see black’. If a white church came out with something like this, Sharpston and Jackson would be out front with 10,000 protesters in a heartbeat.
From the website for his church:
We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian… Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. “WE ARE AFRICAN PEOPLE, AND REMAIN TRUE TO OUR NATIVE LAND”..
Trinity United Church of Christ adopted the Black Value System written by the Manford Byrd Recognition Committee chaired by Vallmer Jordan in 1981. We believe in the following 12 precepts and covenantal statements. These Black Ethics must be taught and exemplified in homes, churches, nurseries and schools, wherever Blacks are gathered. They must reflect on the following concepts:
Commitment to God
Dedication to the Pursuit of Education
Dedication to the Pursuit of Excellence
Commitment to Self-Discipline and Self-Respect
Disavowal of the Pursuit of “Middleclassness”
Pledge to make the fruits of all developing and acquired skills available to the Black Community
Pledge to Allocate Regularly, a Portion of Personal Resources for Strengthening and Supporting Black Institutions
The Pastor as well as the membership of Trinity United Church of Christ is committed to a 10-point Vision:
A congregation committed to adoration.
A congregation preaching salvation..
A congregation actively seeking reconciliation..
A congregation with a non-negotiable COMMITMENT TO AFRICA.
A congregation committed to biblical education.
A congregation committed to cultural education.
A congregation committed to liberation.
A congregation committed to retoration.
A congregation working towards economic parity.

….Thank you Captain Dave for sending this to me.

07 Jan

Iranian boats provoked 3 U.S. Navy Warships In The Strait Of Hormuz

The USS Hopper, seen in a file photo, was one of the ships harassed by Iranian boats, officials say.

Five Iranian boats made aggressive manoeuvres and showed hostile intent towards three U.S. Navy ships at the weekend in the Strait of Hormuz, a major oil shipping route in the Gulf, the Pentagon said on Monday.
The Pentagon said the incident was serious. It described the Iranian actions as “careless, reckless and potentially hostile” and said Tehran should provide an explanation.
In Tehran, the Iranian foreign ministry described the incident as ordinary.

“The example that happened on Saturday was similar to previous cases and is an ordinary and natural issue,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini told Iran’s official IRNA news agency.

“This is an ordinary issue that happens for the two sides every once in a while and, after the identification of the two sides, the issue is resolved.”

The incident was the latest sign of tension between Washington and Tehran, at odds over a range of issues from Iran’s nuclear programme to U.S. allegations of Iranian support for terrorism.
U.S. President George W. Bush is due to travel to the Middle East this week on a trip he has said is partly aimed at countering Iranian influence.

“We urge the Iranians to refrain from such provocative actions that could lead to a dangerous incident in the future,” White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe said.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
It appears the Iranians are trying to downplay the event.

Published: 01.07.08, 19:01 / Israel News

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad-Ali Hosseini defined the incident in the Strait of Hormuz between Iranian and US Navy vessels as “something normal taking place every now and then for each party and it is settled after identification of the two parties,” the IRNA news agency reported.
“The case happening on Saturday was similar to the past ones and it was a regular and natural issue,” said Hosseini. (Dudi Cohen)

07 Jan

Retired Brig.Gen.Charles E. “Chuck” Yeager Re:Duncan Hunter

Yeager, in backing Hunter, cites candidate’s experience
New Hampshire Union Leader
Chuck Yeager says Duncan Hunter has “The Right Stuff.”
So when the Republican’s supporters felt wronged that their candidate was excluded from recent debates, the aviation legend took action. He teamed up with former U.S. Sen. Bob Smith, R-N.H., on Saturday to host a radio talk show for Hunter in an effort to reach thousands of likely voters.

“Duncan is the only one I know who is running for President who is not trying to buy his way into the White House,” Yeager said in a telephone interview last night from his home in California.

Hunter, a congressman from California, is soldiering on in the grassroots spirit of the New Hampshire presidential primary.

“Mike Huckabee has his Chuck, I’ve got mine,” Hunter said in Manchester. “He’s got Chuck Norris on the ground. I’ve got my Chuck at 30,000 feet.”

Hunter is a long-time member of the House Armed Services Committee, and past chairman. Despite being kept off stage in the ABC and Fox News debates this weekend, he placed third in the Wyoming GOP caucus Saturday.
Yeager has known Hunter for decades. His son served with Hunter in the Vietnam war. Despite his candidate barely registering in polls, he is not considering others at this point. Not even Sen. John McCain, another veteran with foreign policy experience.

“John McCain cries and whimpers too much,” Yeager said. “No one has half the experience as Duncan Hunter.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
We all know the left truly are the enemies of our country and it’s future. There are only two conservatives left running against the dems, Thompson and Hunter. It isn’t over yet for any of them, I just keep hoping things turn around and one of these leads the way. Hunter would be awesome as my first choice. Thompson would be ok too.
This election will effect so many things, our country, our military, our strength in the world, small business, big business, our borders, our security the list goes on and on. There are moments of throwing in the towell, with the media doing there best to mess with this election, keeping people out of debates etc. But until we know who we end up with there is still that ray of hope.
Hunter took 3rd in the recent Wyoming Republican caucus which vaulted him from obscurity to the top tier of candidates with whom he expects to appear at the next debates following being excluded from the past two.
There is also an excellent letter here……Why Chuck Yeager supports Duncan Hunter………

07 Jan

How To catch a Terrorist?

LOL this is really funny.

…Thank you Tom, I needed good laugh.

07 Jan

Glenn Beck

Here is his website
Glenn Beck
“Glenn Beck” airs nightly on Headline News on CNN at 7, 9 and midnight ET.
From his site:
A Note from Glenn

“Well it all started out fine. How it all ended with me in the hospital for 5 days and sent home with patches they give people (I found out later) who are at ‘end of life’ for pain is a journey I would like to forget, but know I won’t anytime soon. Today, New Years Day, is the first time since Christmas that I have been able to even attempt to play with the kids so, needless to say, I am not going to make it back for broadcast this week.
My best friend Pat will be filling in on Thursday and Friday. I hope to be back on Monday and we’ll all have great laughs at my expense. … but maybe not … as I told my doctor today that I was feeling a little better, he said, “You know, in 10 or 12 weeks you really will have gotten past most of the pain and will be able to laugh about all of this.” My response? “10 TO TWELVE WEEKS???? WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! YOU MAY BE GIFTED AT MANY THINGS — BEDSIDE MANNER AIN’T ONE OF THOSE THINGS”. 🙂

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Prayers he will be ok.

07 Jan

Fred Thompson Interview with Bill Hemmer on Fox

Presidential candidate Thompson talks about last night’s debate and his propects in New Hampshire and South Carolina.

07 Jan

Crazy Bike Powered By 24 Chainsaw’s

Wild Thing’s comment………
Not recomended for quick getaways.Hahaha
I do think it is amazing how people come up with things like this. I will always love the human spirit of having an idea and giving it a try.