Yeager, in backing Hunter, cites candidate’s experience
New Hampshire Union Leader
Chuck Yeager says Duncan Hunter has “The Right Stuff.”
So when the Republican’s supporters felt wronged that their candidate was excluded from recent debates, the aviation legend took action. He teamed up with former U.S. Sen. Bob Smith, R-N.H., on Saturday to host a radio talk show for Hunter in an effort to reach thousands of likely voters.
“Duncan is the only one I know who is running for President who is not trying to buy his way into the White House,” Yeager said in a telephone interview last night from his home in California.
Hunter, a congressman from California, is soldiering on in the grassroots spirit of the New Hampshire presidential primary.
“Mike Huckabee has his Chuck, I’ve got mine,” Hunter said in Manchester. “He’s got Chuck Norris on the ground. I’ve got my Chuck at 30,000 feet.”
Hunter is a long-time member of the House Armed Services Committee, and past chairman. Despite being kept off stage in the ABC and Fox News debates this weekend, he placed third in the Wyoming GOP caucus Saturday.
Yeager has known Hunter for decades. His son served with Hunter in the Vietnam war. Despite his candidate barely registering in polls, he is not considering others at this point. Not even Sen. John McCain, another veteran with foreign policy experience.
“John McCain cries and whimpers too much,” Yeager said. “No one has half the experience as Duncan Hunter.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
We all know the left truly are the enemies of our country and it’s future. There are only two conservatives left running against the dems, Thompson and Hunter. It isn’t over yet for any of them, I just keep hoping things turn around and one of these leads the way. Hunter would be awesome as my first choice. Thompson would be ok too.
This election will effect so many things, our country, our military, our strength in the world, small business, big business, our borders, our security the list goes on and on. There are moments of throwing in the towell, with the media doing there best to mess with this election, keeping people out of debates etc. But until we know who we end up with there is still that ray of hope.
Hunter took 3rd in the recent Wyoming Republican caucus which vaulted him from obscurity to the top tier of candidates with whom he expects to appear at the next debates following being excluded from the past two.
There is also an excellent letter here……Why Chuck Yeager supports Duncan Hunter………
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