24 Jan

500,000 Fake Guns Flooding Britain Every Year

500,000 fake guns flooding Britain every year… and that’s just through ONE port
Daily Mail. co.uk
Up to half a million replica guns are flooding into Britain each year through a single port, police have revealed.
Uzis, Berettas and AK47 rifles are among the huge stash of firearms shipped in from across the globe by importers at Felixstowe, Suffolk.
Though some are sold on legally, police fear most are falling into the hands of criminals who use them to intimidate victims.
Many imitation weapons can be converted into real guns in a matter of hours, although police say this is not the case with the guns brought in through Felixstowe.
Half of all gun crime, including street robberies, involves imitation weapons that have either been converted to fire deadly live ammunition or look so realistic that even police cannot tell they are fakes.
Scotland Yard yesterday started a month-long ‘surrender’ scheme, urging young men and boys or their relatives to hand in replica guns at police stations anonymously, in an attempt to stem rising gun crime.
The scheme is aimed at tackling the easy availability of replica guns on London streets and enforcing legislation introduced in October which makes it an offence to manufacture, import or sell realistic imitation guns.
The maximum sentence for carrying a replica gun in public has been increased from six months to a year. Ball bearing guns, cap guns, blank-firing pistols, airguns and ‘airsoft’ guns – which fire plastic ball bearings and are used at accredited game centres – are all included in the laws.
One mother has already been to a police station in South-East London-and handed in 19 replica guns she found in her son’s bedroom.
Detective Chief Superintendent Barry Norman, of the Violent Crime Directorate, said there were 30 or 40 importers at Felixstowe each bringing in about 1,000 guns a month.

He said: ‘We don’t know yet exactly how many are coming in. But if you’re looking at a thousand a time, then the numbers quickly become vast. Some of these will be destined for legal means but my assumption is that a great many are destined for illegal outlets.’

The Met will also crack down on the market stalls and shops where replica guns are mainly sold. Officers will carry out test purchases on companies selling them on the internet and prosecute suppliers.
Commissioner Sir Ian Blair said: ‘Imitation weapons cause fear and distress on our streets and I would urge our communities to take this chance to get rid of them.

‘While overall crime in London has significantly decreased, this campaign is aimed at young people whose lives are being blighted by gun culture and imitation firearms are an intrinsic part of that.’

Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL When fake guns are illegal, only criminals will have fake guns.
Note to Britian….When one of Osama Bin Laden’s cohorts walks into the PMs office and says he is here to take over and implement sharia law. His uzis won’t be fake.
“You can have my toy gun when you pry it from my inflexible plastic fingers.”
-GI Joe doll

23 Jan

Fred Thompson Withdraws and Other Political Thoughts

McLean, VA – Senator Fred Thompson today issued the following statement about his campaign for President:

“Today I have withdrawn my candidacy for President of the United States. I hope that my country and my party have benefited from our having made this effort. Jeri and I will always be grateful for the encouragement and friendship of so many wonderful people.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
During the Clinton administration I sent a snail mail to Fred Thompson. It was the year I got my first computer 1997, and during the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee investigation led by then-chairman Fred Thompson (R-TN). I also wrote to Jesse Helms, both letters hand written were about Americia, integrity and honor and my disgust with the Clinton’s.
I never thought I would hear from either one of them. My letter was just to be supportive and let them know there were citizens out here in we the people land that were extremely concerned with what was happening to our counrtry due to the Clinton’s.
Within less then two weeks I received letters from both of them. They were not form letters but well thought out personal letters. They discussed what I had written about as well as their concerns as well. Their love for America and added personal touches in their letters.
I mention this now because to do this was very special. To take the time to write me back and in such a personal way said something about each of them.
We have had two men now, Duncan Hunter and Fred Thompson pull out. Both men, especially Duncan Hunter good conservatives.
Unfortunately, the values of the Republican Party as witnessed in the last decade plus, are more populist in nature and geared around the acquisition and maintenance of political power, at any cost.
I believe we are approaching some more cataclysmic changes in the journey of our Republic. Many of us knew that the world as we have known it changed, with many, many unknown consequences to follow on September 11, 2001. The consequences of that change are still effecting us and the world and no one but God Almighty, knows where we are headed.
I believe, most emphatically that we are approaching the time our forefathers had in mind when they penned the Declaration of Independence and put the following philosophy into it very early on:

“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

George Washington warned in his farewell address about political parties. The following is a quote from that speech.

“All obstructions to the execution of the Laws, all combinations and associations, under whatever plausible character, with the real design to direct, control, counteract, or awe the regular deliberation and action of the constituted authorities, are destructive of this fundamental principle, and of fatal tendency. They serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation, the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels, and modified by mutual interests.
However combinations or associations of the above description may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people, and to usurp for themselves the reins of government; destroying afterwards the very engines, which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”

The two parties keep offering us populists that barter for our votes with benefits from them that stifle individual responsibility and achievement.
Always remember this is “our” Republic – Not Theirs!!!!!

23 Jan

Not So Fast There, McCain!

Not So Fast There, McCain!
Contributed by Russ Vaughn
Up front, as a Vietnam veteran, I will readily concede that I respect John McCain for his service to his country, first as a naval aviator and POW in Vietnam, then for his long years in our national Congress. I even will admit to the fact that I somewhat admire McCain’s desire to effect some sort of political reconciliation with the Democrat party. That being said, I must also make it very clear that I do not support certain decisions McCain has chosen on his pathways to political advancement.
Now that the Senator has won primaries in New Hampshire and South Carolina and the network pundits are proclaiming he may well be the Republican “Comeback Kid,” I am reminded of an old Army joke about a platoon sergeant faced with the prospect of breaking the terrible news to one of his young charges, Private Jones, that the soldier’s mother has just passed away. The sergeant calls his platoon into formation and barks out the order, “All of you with living mothers take one step forward.” Then after a momentary pause, he mutters, “Not so fast there, Jones.” That’s my take as a veteran and a conservative Republican on this new political development: “Not so fast there, McCain.”
My first and biggest beef with John McCain is that when a very brave group of Vietnam veterans who had served with John Kerry stood up to say that Kerry’s self-serving portrayal of his war record was patently false, that his blanket charges of war crimes against them were absurd, and that his testimony in Congress was used by the North Vietnamese to further torture McCain’s fellow POW’s, Senator McCain airily dismissed these courageous men and sided with his Senate pal. Playing conciliator in the national media, McCain despicably denounced the Swift boat veterans’ ad as dishonest and dishonorable, hinting that they were pawns of George Bush and the Republican right.
Like all the leftists in the MSM, John McCain never gave these true American heroes even the least opportunity to defend their claims. As a veteran who had suffered more than most to defend our constitutional right of free speech, McCain inexplicably used his powerful office and national presence to ally himself with the repressive forces of mainstream media to suppress that right to men who had risked their lives in combat to preserve it. It was one of the bitterest betrayals the Swift boat vets and the millions of us Vietnam veterans supporting them would have to endure. We expected treachery from the MSM and Kerry’s campaign, but not from John McCain.
What I can never reconcile in my mind, my heart or my soul, is how this naval aviator, POW and true war hero, could so easily turn his back on his fellow sailors, combat veterans all. In the name of political expediency, and a sorely misguided attempt to lay to rest all the troubled ghosts of Vietnam that his treasonous Senate colleague was primarily responsible for creating, John McCain turned his back on the true heroes and sided with a phony vet with phony medals and a suspect discharge.
Never mind that I disagree with McCain on immigration, taxes and his unconstitutional McCain-Feingold bill; that’s all merely politics and has nothing to do with honor and loyalty to those who served bravely alongside you in combat. Nope, that’s not the issue. But I’m putting the Senator on notice right now; if you should somehow get the Republican nomination, you are gambling with the votes of millions of veterans like me unless you repudiate your reprehensible siding with the traitorous, treasonous John Kerry. I have never stayed home on Election Day in protest of a distasteful candidate, but this could be the first time for me and many Vietnam vets, again turning our backs on a fellow vet who turned his first.
The Senator should read the excellent recounting of how a determined few veterans, whom he disgracefully defamed, defeated his old buddy, John Kerry, in the 2004 campaign. In ‘To Set the Record Straight,” authors Scott Swett and Tim Ziegler, lay it out, page by page, what the concerted efforts of a few honorable patriots with an unrelenting resolve can accomplish in the arena of national politics.
Like the old platoon sergeant, I would caution, “Not so fast there, McCain!
Russ Vaughn
Vietnam 65-66
Presidential Campaign 2004

….Thank you Russ for sending this to me.

23 Jan

Bill Clinton May Get Payout of $20 Million

Bill Clinton May Get Payout of $20 Million
Wallstreet Online Journal
Former President Clinton stands to reap around $20 million — and will sever a politically sensitive partnership tie to Dubai — by ending his high-profile business relationship with the investment firm of billionaire friend Ron Burkle.Mr. Clinton is negotiating to end his relationship with Mr. Burkle’s Yucaipa Cos. as part of a broader effort to protect the presidential campaign of his wife, Sen. Hillary Clinton, from potential conflicts of interest.
Details of Mr. Clinton’s involvement in Yucaipa and his efforts to unwind it come from documents and interviews with people familiar with the matter.
The former president has had links to Yucaipa since early 2002, when Mr. Burkle — a longtime friend and political contributor — offered him a role there.
Mr. Clinton’s association with the firm began at a time when he was looking to earn large amounts of money, partly to pay heavy legal bills accumulated to defend himself and Mrs. Clinton from several investigations during his presidency.
Now, as he negotiates with Yucaipa to withdraw from the relationship, he is a wealthy man, thanks partly to tens of millions of dollars he has earned making speeches around the world.Mr. Clinton initially signed on with Mr. Burkle as a senior adviser to closely held Yucaipa.
As part of that arrangement, Mr. Burkle agreed to give Mr. Clinton a share of the profits from two Yucaipa domestic investment funds if their returns reached a certain threshold. Mr. Clinton’s adviser arrangement ended in early 2007, five years after it began. But Mr. Clinton still hasn’t settled the issue of his payout.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
When the hell is this crap going to end?
The Clintons “foreign policy” is choosing which offshore account to use. The world turned ujpside down when Bill and Hillary got away with all their many crimes and ‘gates’. Yes it is criminal justice and not victim justice that’s for sure.

23 Jan

Lt. Col. Greg Gadson Is Giants’ Inspirational Co-Captain

Lieutenant Colonel Greg Gadson Is Giants’ Inspirational Co-Captain
NY Daily News

Eli Manning celebrates NFC title with U.S. Army Lt. Col Greg Gadson, who lost both legs to a roadside bomb in Iraq but, as honorary co-captain, has become part of the Super Bowl-bound team.

His name is Lt. Col. Greg Gadson and he used to wear No. 98 for the Army football team and was with the Second Battalion and 32nd Field Artillery, on his way back from a memorial service for two soldiers from his brigade when he lost both his legs to a roadside bomb in Bahgdad. It was the night of May 7, 2007, and Lt. Col. Gadson didn’t know it at the time because he couldn’t possibly have known, but it was the beginning of a journey that brought him to Lambeau Field Sunday night.
He was there as an honorary co-captain of the Giants, there on the sideline at Lambeau because this Giants’ season has become his season now and he wasn’t going to watch from some box. This is a Giant at the Super Bowl worth knowing about, as much as any of them.

“Me being a part of this team,” Gadson was saying Monday night from his home in Virginia, having made it back there from Green Bay, “really starts with the team I played on at West Point.”

He played at West Point between 1985 and 1988, and one of his teammates was Mike Sullivan, who played cornerback and some safety and is now one of Tom Coughlin’s assistants with the Giants. When Sullivan and so many other of Gadson’s teammates found out what had happened on the night of May 7, found that Gadson had first lost his left leg to arterial infections and then his right, it brought that old Army team back together.

“My injury turned out to be a catalyst event,” Gadson said. “These were guys who hadn’t talked in years, but now were rallying around me, and my family. Some of us had stayed in contact, but not to any great degree. But now an incident in a war reminded us that we were still brothers.”

Sullivan visited Gadson at Walter Reed, came back in June, this time with a No. 98 Giants jersey, Gadson’s own name on the back, signed by several Giants players. When Sullivan left that day in June, he said to Gadson, “What else can we do?”
Greg Gadson said he’d love to take his family to a Giants game.
It was the Giants-Redskins game, in Washington, third Sunday of the season, Giants 0-2 by then. The tickets were arranged and then the Friday before the game Mike Sullivan called and asked if Gadson would be interested in addressing the team on Saturday night.
Gadson’s wife Kim drove him to the Giants’ hotel. Lt. Col. Greg Gadson, Second Battalion, 32nd Field Artillery, old outside linebacker from Army, spoke to the Giants. And just as no one knew that the Giants would begin a 10-game road winning streak the next day, just as no one knew this could ever become a Super Bowl season, no one in that room including Gadson himself knew that the soldier in the wheelchair was joining the season that night.

“I just spoke from the heart, as a soldier and as a former football player,” he said, “for about 10 or 15 minutes. I talked to them about appreciating the opportunities in their lives, how special and privileged they were, how everybody needs to understand what they truly have. And I talked to them about the power of sports in people’s lives, especially soldiers’ lives, how many times I’d watched soldiers get up in the middle of the night after a 12-hour shift if there is a chance to watch a game, or how soldiers would do anything to watch a game before they went on that kind of shift.

“I told them that of course after all the exteriors had been stripped away, they played the game for themselves. But that they had to play the game for each other. Then I talked about myself, how my old teammates came to my need, and how I was reminded again the power of a team, the emotional commitment teammates have for each other, that when a team finds a way to do things greater than they thought they could do, that they couldn’t have done individually, that a bond is formed that can live forever.

“I told them that truly great teams usually form that bond by going through something together, and how whatever they were going through at that point in the season that no success ever came easy. And finally I reminded them that nothing is promised to anybody in this life, starting with tomorrow.”

He watched from the sidelines at Lambeau as the team he met at 0-2 played the way it played against the Packers and played itself to the Super Bowl, watched as the Giants came back from that missed field goal at the end of regulation, finally saw Lawrence Tynes kick it through from 47 yards out.

“When the ball went through, you could feel the elation on our sidelines, and hear the stadium go quiet at the same time,” Gadson said. “It was like the air being let out of a whole state’s soul. And then the next thing I saw was my son jumping in the air and running on that field.”

The boy ran for both of them.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
I really liked what Lt. Col. Greg Gadson said to the team as well it is a great and touching story about one of our soldiers.

23 Jan

’19’ Waycross For OUr Troops

An amazing song..hitting home ..for many of us. The song ‘Nineteen’ by the group WAYCROSS- A song realizing the sacrifice our young men & women take everyday to be in in uniform fighting for what they believe so strongly in…the USA

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Yes this made me cry but it made me so proud too. Proud to be an American and so very proud of our troops and our Veterans. They deserve our utmost respect every day, not just when we hear news about them or see a soldier walking by in a uniform, but every single day to say inside our hearts how fortunate we are and indebted to our Veterans, our troops and to those that gave their all or came back wounded.
All this crazy politics going on there is one thing that is consistent in our lives and that is the dedication of our military to protect us, and fight for us. We here at Theodore’s World thank you with all our hearts.

….Thank you John 5 (VN69/70) for this video

22 Jan

Dem Debate ~ WWF Style Debating

The Democrat wanna be dictators of America Debate last night ~ Wild Thing’s take on the fun and games LOL

And so it begins……….
OMGoodness did Hillary have daggers in her eyes toward Obama or what?
OH oh oh……….FIGHT!!
This is getting good!
Hillary verbally slaps Obama
Obama brings up Hitlery being a corporate lawyer and on the board of Walmart….LOL
I say put the three in a cage and let em go at it. heh heh
Blitzer is losing control trying to bat for Clinton
Oh no Wolf, don’t bring in Edwards—he’ll start talking about mill workers and two Americas. Let Obama and Hill wrestle.
Go for the tears Hillary! Go for the Tears!
OOPS Wolfe has lost control of the audience too ….this is rich!
Wolf is completely out of his depth and really letting the Witch go on.
Obama gets his “I don’t know who I’m running against, you or your husband”
she slips rezko slam in.. OOoo….
Accusations all over this place!!!!!
The crowd didn’t like the referense to RESCO, That line got hisses from the crowd.
Oh no Edwards had to talk and ruin all the fun. He is pandering to African Americans.
2 americas, poor vs rich, black vs white… blah blah blah.
Pissing off Hillary can get a man killed, Barack.
Obama, Banks and financial institutions make policy? He’s fiscally retarded.
Ahhhhh thank goodness—Wolf stiring the sh!t again.
Edwards just said ” if you’re black you’re likely to have a net worth of 10% of what white folks have.”
Our Country is in one sorry state of affairs if these people are serious candidates for President.
Obama gets to respond from earlier….
Earlier Hillary had attacked Osama over his Chicago Crook County Tony (indicted) Retzko real estate deal.
Audience reaction was a lot of boos towards Hitlery.
Osama is trying to justify the shady land deal now.
Yikes……look at her face as he explains the slumlord comment. She is NOT happy.
Obama is too weak to be President. He can’t even stand up to a girl.
She seriously had daggers in her eyes a few moments ago. Hahaha

Now Hillary and Edwards laying into Obama on all his “Not Present”, votes. LOL
He can’t defend himself. How could he, he is an idiot and gives an idiots excuse. Every one of these jerks is a socialist.
She just called him a chronic LIAR!!!
Oh oh, tag team ganging up on Obama now
More boo’s
I saw that as the real Hillary finally surfacing for all to see. The look on Obama’s face was the same look that Tom Cruise had when Col. Jessup (Jack Nicholson) finally said “damn right I ordered the code red”. Obama must have been advised to push her to the edge and he did.
I also liked his comment that sometimes he doesn’t know which clinton he’s running against.
I love the smell of burning democrats….
The actions of the Clintons in the last month especially, are a demonstration of how they’ll work against the Republicans. Take notes!
I can’t believe that I just heard Obama say “I have family members who were victims of sexual abuse.” Sounds like an Oprah show.
If true, I’m sure the family members don’t really want to be a talking point in a debate.
Whew, I had no idea this would be this funny.
Obama rambling a bit now. The dual attack rattled him a bit.
Edwards: You put your left hand in, you put your left out….
This is great fun!! The Beast had her teeth kicked out by Obama….POW, BANG, POW-POW!!!
Oh nooooooooooo LOL
Hillary said that she was going to the mattresses. Was she referring to Bill? ( That line is from one of the “Godfather” movies)….LMAO
I can’t stand her voice, can you imagine 4 years of listening to her constant drip…drip…drip… Talk about waterboarding torture!!!
Obama missed the boat when she complained about him working for 5 hours for a law firm, that had a client, who had a client that was an alleged slum lord. His response should have been “Oh you mean it’s important if a law firm such as the Rose Law Firm does work for a company like Whitewater, has partners like Webb Hubbell & Vince Foster, and does business for now convicted people as Jim McDougal & his wife in conjunction with Madison Guarantee and Castle Grande?”
OMG….now they’re talking about their admiration for the troops, and as sure as the sun will come up, they’re going to knife them in the back by undercutting all their accomplishments.
Yup….Hillary’s taking credit for the surge, I KNEW it!
Her logic? The Iraqi’s know they won’t get a blank check from W, and the party is soon over! So only now they’re “behaving”!?
Yeah, it simply CAN’T be that our troops killed off al-qaeda on foreign soil (as opposed to US soil as the hypocrats would have it)…not to mention they just can’t possibly be motivated to lead better lives!
What is it with the yellow face on Obama?
Bad makeup?
Talking about the cost of the war
Did Obama just say 2 trillion dollar would rebuild every road, church and school in America?
Gadzooks, does he have any idea how little 2 trillion is compared to what he is saying can be rebuilt for that sum!
Wolf just said they are taking a breaK and will be back with NO rules debating
What rules has he been enforcing up to now that will go away???? Hahahahaa
Thank God a commercial and a reprieve from Shrillery’s voice!
Clinton was asked point blank: “DO YOU WANT US TO WIN THE WAR IN IRAQ, OR JUST END IT” (or something like that). CLINTON SAID:
She openly admits she does not want victory in Iraq. This will/should come back to haunt her big time. The military must loath her as much as her husband loathed them.
What a pig! And this is a potential POTUS? Heaven help us.
The debate is like an accident
Hillary says that the Pres cant bind the US to a treaty w/o asking the Congress. How do “we the people” fit into her little ivory tower??
Her voice oh her voice……She has no warmth. She’s just like a nagging bitchy wife. She’s the kind of woman that drives a man to decide that spending the rest of his life in prison for murder is a small price to pay for some peace and quiet.
What really scares me is that there’s a bunch of mind numb lemmings that are ready to vote for this bunch.
Shillary and The Breck Girl are punching out Obama.
Do you think if Hillery is Prez, she will stoop to ask congress to ok any thing? She will be the closest thing to a Dictator this country has ever seen. NO one will dare to question her authority. If they do…off with their heads!
Now they are making nice andt chairs are lined up oh so cozy. But for how long.
Edwards saying that blacks can’t make it on their own. In the Two Americas they are on the bottom rung. Edwards to the rescue.
I think the fun is over. Getting boring now. Just who can promise (lie) the most.
Oh, boy. Here it comes. Ah don feeeeel no ways tye-rud!
yeowie……Obama just said:
“In a race where you have an African American, a woman, and………John…” priceless! Nobody knows what he is! LOL
Answering about being black in America…..
Obama just told Edwards it’s more than just talking about it during a campaign. LOL
COMPLETELY missed by every single soul in the place! Priceless and stunning at the same time!
Edwards is back to the homeless vets
Obama just missed his chance to destroy Hillary with the question re Bill as the first “black” president.
Obama just said in so many words “white folk got no rhythm” Obama also said…”said he’d have to see how Bill dances before he could say he was a brother.”
Obama: Blacks are arrested at different rates than whites. They are convicted at different rates.
Edwards keeps bringing up McCain. Edwards says McCain, McCain, McCain – how many times can he say it in one answer???

Hillary gestures as Obama er ah listens? heh heh

Now Edwards said said he’s taken no money from special interests…like these two!?
The rest was blah blah…………….
Whew it is over……..FINI….The end.

22 Jan

Bill Clinton ~ I have a Dream~ OOPS! ~ LOL

Former president Clinton nodded off during the MLK awards presentation.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL This is sooooo funny! I know how this kind of tired feels, but he needed to pinch his fingers or something and try to stay awake.

22 Jan

Superbowl Threat Assessment After Stolen Equipment

Thefts of Official Credentials, Uniforms Could Facilitate Super Bowl Attack
Homeland Security Today …for complete article
JANUARY 21, 2008
Security for Super Bowl XLII, to be played at the University of Phoenix Stadium Feb. 3, is being described as “unprecedented,” and will include both covert and overt measures like ATF bomb-sniffing dogs trained to ferret out liquid explosives.
But the federal government’s terrorism threat assessment of the upcoming game between the New England Patriots and New York Giants outlines concerns about stolen official law enforcement credentials, uniforms, weapons, and other equipment that could be used to “infiltrate” the stadium complex to carry out an attack.
“High-profile” events like this, which the Arizona Counterterrorism Information Center said is expected to draw over half-a-million visitors, “make [them] a desirable target for domestic or international terrorists,” the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) threat assessment says.
While the assessment makes clear that the Intelligence Community “has not identified a credible terrorist threat to Super Bowl XLII and its related events,” one of the three “key findings” of the nine-page threat assessment, a copy of which was obtained by HSToday.us, is that “the threats of greatest concern” during events like this “include individuals impersonating law enforcement and other security personnel and insiders to facilitate attacks.”
further down in artricle……….

“It is important to remember that terrorists are trained to blend in and assimilate to their surroundings,” the Arizona Counterterrorism Information Center said in a Jan. 8 “terrorism awareness” bulletin.
Consequently, “illicit use of such credentials to gain access to the grounds of the Super Bowl or to associated events may be difficult to detect,” the assessment says.
The Super Bowl threat assessment points out that during a NASCAR race in Talladega, Alabama in May 2005, “an individual using a hat and jacket bearing the FBI insignia impersonated an FBI special agent to gain access to areas of the track. He was not questioned by security personnel or staff and was able to move freely within restricted areas.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
What I don’t get is why if this has happened before they are so lax about guarding these things in the future. Obviously this is one way for terrorists to do something horrible and precautions should be taken seriously.

22 Jan

Military Funnies

“A slipping gear could let your M203 grenade launcher fire when you Least expect it. That would make you quite unpopular in what’s left of your unit.” Army’s magazine of preventive maintenance.
“Aim towards the Enemy.” Instruction printed on US Rocket Launcher
“When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend. U.S. Marine Corps
“Cluster bombing from B52s are very, very accurate. The bombs are guaranteed to always hit the ground.” USAF Ammo Troop
“If the enemy is in range, so are you.” Infantry Journal
“It is generally inadvisable to eject directly over the area you just bombed.” U.S. Air Force Manual
“Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons.” General MacArthur
“Try to look unimportant; they may be low on ammo.” Infantry Journal
“You, you, and you … Panic. The rest of you, come with me.” U.S. Marine Corp Gunnery Sgt.
“Tracers work both ways.” U.S. Army Ordnance
“Five second fuses only last three seconds.” Infantry Journal
“Don’t ever be the first, don’t ever be the last, and don’t ever volunteer to do anything.” U.S. Navy Swabbie
“Bravery is being the only one who knows you’re afraid.” – David Hackworth
“If your attack is going too well, your walking into an ambush.” Infantry Journal
“No combat ready unit has ever passed inspection.” Joe Gay
“Any ship can be a minesweeper… once.” Anonymous
“Never tell the Platoon Sergeant you have nothing to do.” Unknown Marine Recruit
“Don’t draw fire; it irritates the people around you.” – Your Buddies
“If you see a bomb technician running, follow him.” USAF Ammo Troop
“Though I Fly Through the Valley of Death … I Shall Fear No Evil. For I am at 80,000 Feet and Climbing.” At the entrance to the old SR71 operating base Kadena, Japan
“You’ve never been lost until you’ve been lost at Mach 3.” Paul F.Crickmore (test pilot)
“The only time you have too much fuel is when you’re on fire.”
“Blue water Navy truism: There are more planes in the ocean than submarines in the sky.” From an old carrier sailor
“If the wings are traveling faster than the fuselage, it’s probably a helicopter and therefore, unsafe.”
“When one engine fails on a twin engine airplane you always have enough power left to get you to the scene of the crash.”
“Without ammunition, the USAF would be just another expensive flying club.”
“What is the similarity between air traffic controllers and pilots? If a
pilot screws up, the pilot dies; If ATC screws up, …. the pilot dies.”
“Never trade luck for skill.”
The three most common expressions (or famous last words) in aviation are: “Why is it doing that?”, “Where are we?” and “Oh S…!”
“Weather forecasts are horoscopes with numbers.”
“Progress in airline flying: now a flight attendant can get a pilot
“Airspeed, altitude and brains. Two are always needed to successfully complete the flight.”
“A smooth landing is mostly luck; two in a row is all luck; three in a
Row is prevarication.”
“I remember when sex was safe and flying was dangerous.”
“Mankind has a perfect record in aviation; we never left one up there!”
“Flashlights are tubular metal containers kept in a flight bag for the
purpose of storing dead batteries.”
“Flying the airplane is more important than radioing your plight to a
person on the ground incapable of understanding or doing anything about it.”
“When a flight is proceeding incredibly well, something was forgotten.”
“Just remember, if you crash because of weather, your funeral will be Held on a sunny day.”
Advice given to RAF pilots during WWII: “When a prang (crash) seems inevitable, endeavor to strike the softest, cheapest object in the vicinity as slow and gently as possible.”
“The Piper Cub is the safest airplane in the world; it can just barely
kill you.” Attributed to Max Stanley (Northrop test pilot)
“A pilot who doesn’t have any fear probably isn’t flying his plane to
Its maximum.” Jon Mc Bride, astronaut
“If you’re faced with a forced landing, fly the thing as far into the
crash as possible.” Bob Hoover (renowned aerobatic and test pilot)
“Never fly in the same cockpit with someone braver than you.”
“There is no reason to fly through a thunderstorm in peacetime.” Sign over squadron ops desk at DavisMonthan AFB, AZ, 1970
“If something hasn’t broken on your helicopter, it’s about to.”
Basic Flying Rules: “Try to stay in the middle of the air Do not go
Near the edges of it. The edges of the air can be recognized by the Appearance of ground, buildings, sea, trees and interstellar space. It is much more difficult to fly there.”
“You know that your landing gear is up and locked when it takes full Power to taxi to the terminal.”
As the test pilot climbs out of the experimental aircraft, having torn
Off the wings and tail in the crash landing, the crash truck arrives, the rescuer sees a bloodied pilot and asks “What happened?” The pilot’s reply: “I don’t know, I just got here myself!” Attributed to Ray Crandell (Lockheed test pilot)!