Hillary Clinton comes to Florida, but is it campaigning?
Orlando Sentinel
A day after losing big in South Carolina, Hillary Clinton jetted into Florida for private events Sunday, raising money and hopes that her campaign is still on track.
In South Florida, Clinton was greeted by Miami Mayor Manny Diaz outside the Lucky Strike Lanes, a bowling alley on South Beach, site of the night’s first fundraiser in the area.
“She emphasized having enough turnout (Tuesday) to see that the Florida delegates are seated,” said Mike Garretson, deputy superintendent of the Broward County Schools. Garretson and his wife, Patricia, were among those who paid $500 each to attend
Clinton, who earlier attended a fundraiser in Sarasota, spoke for about 30 minutes at the Lucky Strike before heading to a developer’s house for the second fundraiser.
Clinton and the other Democratic presidential hopefuls pledged not to campaign in Florida after the state’s primary was scheduled in January. The party also stripped the state of delegates to the party’s convention, but Clinton on Friday issued a statement saying she would urge seating delegates from Florida and Michigan, another state that scheduled an early primary.
Clinton said Sunday she was going to Florida to assure Democrats that “their voices are heard” and to underscore her commitment to seeing the state’s delegation seated at the national convention.
“Hundreds of thousands of people have already voted in Florida (in early voting) and I want them to know I will be there to be part of what they have tried to do to make sure their voices are heard,” Clinton said in Memphis, Tenn., before heading for Florida.
She arrived in Sarasota taking care to abide by the details of the agreement not to campaign, because events in Sarasota and later in Miami were not open to the public.
With a wink at the deal, Clinton carefully staged her arrival so she left her airplane with palm trees in the background for photographers. Asked if she was happy to be in Florida, she said: “How could you not be. It is absolutely glorious. It is a perfect day here in Florida.”
At least two Obama supporters charged that Clinton’s presence in Florida constituted campaigning.
“She’s campaigning by her presence here. She’s telling Florida voters she cares,” said Brooke Gaebe, 24, of Miami Beach. “That’s campaigning.”
She stood outside the bowling alley holding a homemade sign that read, in part, “We want a president that can keep a promise.”
Among Clinton supporters at the first fundraiser was Michael John McCann, 52, of Delray Beach. He said the results in South Carolina didn’t worry him: “That was expected. She’s going to take Florida like (Barack Obama) took South Carolina.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Oh my gosh! LOL This is sooooo rich!! Now that Hillary is in Florida, I hope the Oranges don’t get frost bite.
There you have it … Hillary pulls a rope-a-dope on her opponents. She is after the delegates and will now claim they are disenfranchied – even though she was instrumental in the disenfranchisement as a party bigwig.
Dem candidates had agreed NOT to campaign here in Florida because they moved their primary date.
This FL & MI play is a “Hail Mary” pass if ever there was one.
Once again the Clintons PROVE that they can’t be trusted, no promise is binding, and it all depends on what the definition of “is” is.
The analysis by a CBS news political correspondent on tonight’s CBS Evening News to Clinton’s complete disregard of the rules that the rat’s put in place for the seating of Florida and Michigan’s delegates was, and I quote………
“It is what it is”
That was the entire explanation.
And THIS quote is the best part of the entire article ROTFLMAO
She stood outside the bowling alley holding a homemade sign that read, in part, “We want a president that can keep a promise.”
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