28 Jan

Ice Queen Breaks Ranks With Democrats And Comes To Florida

Hillary Clinton comes to Florida, but is it campaigning?
Orlando Sentinel
A day after losing big in South Carolina, Hillary Clinton jetted into Florida for private events Sunday, raising money and hopes that her campaign is still on track.
In South Florida, Clinton was greeted by Miami Mayor Manny Diaz outside the Lucky Strike Lanes, a bowling alley on South Beach, site of the night’s first fundraiser in the area.

“She emphasized having enough turnout (Tuesday) to see that the Florida delegates are seated,” said Mike Garretson, deputy superintendent of the Broward County Schools. Garretson and his wife, Patricia, were among those who paid $500 each to attend

Clinton, who earlier attended a fundraiser in Sarasota, spoke for about 30 minutes at the Lucky Strike before heading to a developer’s house for the second fundraiser.
Clinton and the other Democratic presidential hopefuls pledged not to campaign in Florida after the state’s primary was scheduled in January. The party also stripped the state of delegates to the party’s convention, but Clinton on Friday issued a statement saying she would urge seating delegates from Florida and Michigan, another state that scheduled an early primary.
Clinton said Sunday she was going to Florida to assure Democrats that “their voices are heard” and to underscore her commitment to seeing the state’s delegation seated at the national convention.

“Hundreds of thousands of people have already voted in Florida (in early voting) and I want them to know I will be there to be part of what they have tried to do to make sure their voices are heard,” Clinton said in Memphis, Tenn., before heading for Florida.

She arrived in Sarasota taking care to abide by the details of the agreement not to campaign, because events in Sarasota and later in Miami were not open to the public.
With a wink at the deal, Clinton carefully staged her arrival so she left her airplane with palm trees in the background for photographers. Asked if she was happy to be in Florida, she said: “How could you not be. It is absolutely glorious. It is a perfect day here in Florida.”
At least two Obama supporters charged that Clinton’s presence in Florida constituted campaigning.

“She’s campaigning by her presence here. She’s telling Florida voters she cares,” said Brooke Gaebe, 24, of Miami Beach. “That’s campaigning.”

She stood outside the bowling alley holding a homemade sign that read, in part, “We want a president that can keep a promise.”

Among Clinton supporters at the first fundraiser was Michael John McCann, 52, of Delray Beach. He said the results in South Carolina didn’t worry him: “That was expected. She’s going to take Florida like (Barack Obama) took South Carolina.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Oh my gosh! LOL This is sooooo rich!! Now that Hillary is in Florida, I hope the Oranges don’t get frost bite.
There you have it … Hillary pulls a rope-a-dope on her opponents. She is after the delegates and will now claim they are disenfranchied – even though she was instrumental in the disenfranchisement as a party bigwig.
Dem candidates had agreed NOT to campaign here in Florida because they moved their primary date.
This FL & MI play is a “Hail Mary” pass if ever there was one.
Once again the Clintons PROVE that they can’t be trusted, no promise is binding, and it all depends on what the definition of “is” is.
The analysis by a CBS news political correspondent on tonight’s CBS Evening News to Clinton’s complete disregard of the rules that the rat’s put in place for the seating of Florida and Michigan’s delegates was, and I quote………
“It is what it is”
That was the entire explanation.
And THIS quote is the best part of the entire article ROTFLMAO
She stood outside the bowling alley holding a homemade sign that read, in part, “We want a president that can keep a promise.”

28 Jan

“What are you, some kind of Republican?” ~ LOL

Christopher Walken does his comedic-intimidating thing as Michael Rapaport’s mob caretaker in “Kiss Toledo Goodbye.” Rapaport says he wants out, and it turns into a political argument.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL Christopher Walken is so funny and this is a great little political scene. heh heh

28 Jan

Kennedy to Hit Trail For Barak Hussein Obama

Kennedy For Obama: Intends to campaign aggressively with Western trip this week, followed by appearances in Northeast… Kennedy upset over attempts by Clinton campaign to highlight Obama’s race and distortions of statements, record… made views known in call with former president.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Memo to HUSSEIN Obama:
Don’t let Teddy drive.
How many times will Obama now hear, “Drinks are on me”, from Kennedy. Let’ see, Kerry is for Obama, now Kennedy, who is next Al Gore?

28 Jan

Romney Sticks It To Obama On The War

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is from and older debate, but it had me laughing back then and I thought you all might like a good laugh too.

28 Jan

McCain’s Gay Marriage Flip Flop

Wild Tihing’s comment……..
Um McCain, asking if you fixed it is sure telling. Why not just say what you believe in and deal with it you jerk.

27 Jan

Obama Gives Hillary A “reality check” In S.C.

Obama overwhelmingly beat Hillary Clinton with 55 percent support to her 27 percent, and former Sen. John Edwards, trailing with 18 percent support, with almost all preccints reporting.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Hillary has used the phrase “we need a reality check”, in two of the debates so far. This reality check today was one she is not going to be happy with. LOL
Remember what Clinton 42 was like? Hell has no fury like a Clinton scorned! It probably isn’t healthy to win an election against a Clinton.
Obama is evil too, but he hides it well. His vision for this country is akin to a Marxist state.
Edwards is gone as far as how he has been donig, but his hair is still running. heh heh

LOL this still makes me laugh!! Kennedy saying Obama’s name.

27 Jan

Sheriff Arpaio To Campaign In Tucson For Romney Not McCain

Sheriff Arpaio to campaign in Tucson for Romney
Tuscon Citizen

Political action is heating up as Arizona’s Feb. 5 primaries near – from both ends of the spectrum.
From the right, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio will headline a rally Friday for former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
Romney is one of Sen. John McCain’s chief competitors for the Republican presidential nomination.
Arpaio is the honorary chairman of Romney’s Arizona campaign and will be in Tucson on Friday for a series of pro-Romney events.
He’ll begin at 11:30 a.m. at the Sheraton Tucson Hotel and Suites, 5151 E. Grant Road, then at 3:30 he’ll be at Broadway Proper Retirement Community, 400 S. Broadway Place. He’ll finish up at a 6:30 p.m. rally at the Medicine Man Art Gallery, 7000 E. Tanque Verde Road.

Who is Sheriff Joe Arpaio?
The National Ledger
Many Republicans, maybe even a few Democrats, believe there is a real problem. One of them is Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona. He’s nationally known for tough measures like taking away prisoners’ movies, their girlie magazines, and their hot meals. The philosophy he espouses is jails should be places people want to avoid.
When motorists are stopped in his jurisdiction, their immigration status is checked. They’re arrested if they’re here illegally. He’s also instituted a hot line for citizens to report employers suspected of hiring illegals. The New York Times offered its own imprimatur of the sheriff’s actions Sunday, editorializing that he “hounds immigrant day laborers as aggressively as he chases headlines.”
Sheriff Joe journeyed to Iowa last week to campaign for the person he’s supporting for president. He didn’t endorse fellow Arizonan John McCain. He didn’t express approval for Mike Huckabee.
Inside America’s toughest jail (Brit paper says Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s ideas would be great for U.K.)
The Sun

HIGH above the Arizona desert, a pink neon sign flashes the word “vacancy” from a watch tower manned by armed guards.
Surrounded by 25ft barbed wire fences, this is the welcome offered by America’s toughest jail ? Tent City in Phoenix.
Inside, nearly 1,000 prisoners live in army surplus tents, baking in temperatures of 122°F (50°C) in summer and freezing during winter.
No matter how many criminals are locked up here, the vacancy sign is never turned off.
Instead, if prisoner numbers increase, jail supremo Sheriff Joe Arpaio simply orders extra tents. He says: “I will build tents to house 100,000 people before I ever let anybody out of jail early. If I have to, I will put up tents from here to Mexico.”


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Sheriff Joe is known nationally as one of the toughest law-and-order guys around, and someone of impeccable conservative credentials. I wonder if this shows the lack of McCain’s non appeal to his fellow Arizonans. Like we heard New York is no fan of Rudy. That would be so embarassing when your own State does not want you to be President. I think Gore’s as well did not vote for him when he ran for President.

27 Jan

Congressman Asks Prez To Support 2nd Amendment

U.S. Rep. Virgil Goode, R-Va.

Congressman asks prez to support 2nd Amendment (Rep. Virgil Goode)
‘Administration should reflect right to keep and bear arms’
A Republican congressman from Virginia is asking President Bush to order the Justice Department to submit a brief in a U.S. Supreme Court case that supports the rights afforded U.S. citizens under the Second Amendment.
The request from Rep. Virgil Goode concerns a filing submitted by the Justice Department in a Supreme Court case over the legality of a handgun ban imposed by the District of Columbia.
A similar request already has been submitted by officials for the Gun Owners of America, whose executive director, Larry Pratt, warned:
“If the Supreme Court were to accept the Solicitor General’s line of argument, D.C.’s categorical gun ban of virtually all self-defense firearms could well be found to be constitutional. …”
But worse than that, he said, the new precedent to affirm any and all gun restrictions would be “reasonable,” constitutionally the lowest rung of the qualifications ladder.

“In contrast to other provisions in the Bill of Rights, which can only be trumped by ‘compelling state interests,’ the Second Amendment would be relegated to an inferior position at the lowest rung of the constitutional ladder, should the Justice Department prevail,” said Pratt.

Goode now has weighed in on the issue, sending Bush a letter this week about the arguments submitted in the case.

“If this view prevails, a national ban on all firearms – including hunting rifles – could be constitutional, even if the court decides – on ample historical evidence – that the Founders intended the Second Amendment as an individual right,” his letter said.

“I would ask that you direct the Justice Department to withdraw this unfortunate brief and to replace it with an opinion which reflects the right of law-abiding Americans to keep and bear arms,” Goode wrote.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
First of all can you imagine that ANY President would have to be asked to support our 2nd Amendment. God hlep us!!
… rights afforded U.S. citizens under the Second Amendment.
God given rights guarenteed by the Second Ammendment. I wish they would get that right.
Our Founders clearly recognized the ‘right’ of self-defense in forging the 2nd Amendment. They recognized that the 2nd Amendment protects all the other Amendments from governmental tyranny, particularly the 1st, 4th, and 5th. If the 2nd Amendment falls, then so will all the others in rapid succession.
Is there any constituency left in the party that Bush hasn’t stabbed in the back yet?

27 Jan

The Hero Bear Who Went To War

The hero bear who went to war (and loved a smoke and a beer)
Daily Mail .co.uk

Voytek the ‘soldier bear’ was a secret weapon used by the Polish troops in World War II

Like any soldier, he loved to relax with a cigarette and a bottle of beer when out of the firing line.
But in the heat of battle, he became an inspiring figure – bravely passing ammunition along to supply the guns.
All the men in the Second Polish Transport Company agreed that the recruit they called Voytek was the perfect comrade.
As for Voytek, he was just happy to be part of the unit… ever ready to lend a helping paw.
The 250lb brown bear, standing more than 6ft tall, was possibly the most remarkable combatant of the Second World War, seeing action amid the hell of Monte Cassino in Italy.
After the war, he and his fellow troops were billeted in Scotland and he lived out his days in Edinburgh Zoo, dying in 1963.
Now a campaign is under way to build a permanent memorial to the remarkable animal who fought so valiantly for the Allied forces.
Voytek was just a tiny bundle of fur when he was discovered wandering in the hills of Iran by the Second Polish Transport Company when they were driving through Persia towards Palestine in 1943.
Having lost his mother, he attached himself to the men, who fed him on condensed milk and gave him an old washing up bowl to sleep in.
Little wonder that the troops adopted him, and soon found he could be a useful addition. As he grew he was trained to carry heavy mortar rounds.
Story has it that in the heat of summer he learned to work the shower, and used it so often that the Nissen hut had to be locked to prevent him exhausting the water supply.
On one occasion, Voytek was delighted to find the door ajar. Entering the bear discovered a cowering Arab who had come to spy out the lie of the land for a raiding party, intending to steal all the weapons and ammunition.
The spy confessed all, the raiding party were rounded up, and Voytek became a hero. He was given two bottles of beer and allowed to spend all morning splashing happily in the bath hut.
When Polish forces were deployed to Europe the only way to take the bear with them was to enlist him.
He was given a name, rank and number and when the Polish II Corps arrived in Italy in 1944 to supply their own and British frontline soldiers with desperately needed ammunition and food, Voytek was their secret weapon.
Despite almost constant heavy fire, Voytek travelled in the munitions trucks, his head hanging out of the window.
He helped the supply side by cradling 25lb shells or boxes of ammunition in his arms and passing them down the line.
Off-duty, he loved nothing more than a bottle of beer, a cigarette and to wrestle with the men – in between raids on the cookhouse.
By the end of the war, Voytek had become a symbol of ursine courage, but his country was under Soviet domination, so he travelled with other Polish troops to Scotland and the Berwickshire village of Hutton.
Soldiers who were stationed with him say that he was easy to get along with.
Voytek soon took on many human characteristics, crying when left alone and covering his eyes with his paws if chastised.
As he grew, he became a key member of the unit, being trained to carry mortar shells.
In the heat of summer, he reportedly learned to work the shower of the unit’s bath hut.
On one occasion, Voytek was delighted to find the door ajar – and discovered an Arab who was spying for a raiding party.
The intruder confessed all, and the enemy were rounded up. Hailed a hero, Voytek was given two bottles of beer and allowed to spend all morning splashing happily in the bath hut.
When the Poles were deployed to Italy in 1944 to supply Allied troops with desperately-needed food and ammunition, the only way to take their furry friend with them was to officially enlist him – so he was given a name, rank and number.
As the bitter battle for the monastery of Monte Cassino was fought, the bear travelled in the munitions trucks, his head hanging out of the window, ignoring almost constant shellfire.
Cradling 25lb shells or boxes of ammunition in his arms, he would effortlessly pass them down the line. Off-duty, he loved a bottle of beer, a cigarette and to wrestle with the men – in between raids on the cookhouse.

Voytek was found by soldiers when he was just a cub but he soon became attached to the troops

At the end of the war, the transport company was stationed in the village of Hutton, Berwickshire, where Voytek became a local legend.
“He was like a big dog, no one was scared of him,” said Polish veteran Augustyn Karolewski, 82, who still lives near the site of the camp.
“He liked a cigarette, he liked a bottle of beer – he drank a bottle of beer like any man.” When the troops were demobilised, Voytek moved to Edinburgh Zoo.
Mr Karolewski went to see him and found he still responded to the Polish language.
“As soon as I mentioned his name, he would sit on his backside and shake his head, wanting a cigarette.
“It wasn’t easy to throw a cigarette to him – I made several attempts until he got one.”
Teacher Garry Paulin has written a book, Voytek – The Soldier Bear, which will be published next month.
Aileen Orr, who lives in Hutton, is campaigning for a memorial. “The story is totally amazing and it would be good if we could have some memorial in Scotland, perhaps at Holyrood, to celebrate the bear’s life,” she said.
And like any other combatant, he is even said to have had an official name, rank and number.
Now a campaign is underway to build a permanent British memorial to the remarkable bear who fought so valiantly for the Allied forces and lived out his final days in Edinburgh Zoo.
Polish veteran Augustyn Karolewski, 82, who still lives near the site of the camp in Berwickshire, said: ‘He was like a big dog, no-one was scared of him.
“He liked a cigarette, he liked a bottle of beer – he drank a bottle of beer like any man.”
When the troops were demobilised, Voytek spent his last days at Edinburgh Zoo, where died in 1963.
Mr Karolewski went back to see him on a couple of occasions and found he still responded to the Polish language.
He explained: “I went to Edinburgh Zoo once or twice when Voytek was there.
“As soon as I mentioned his name he would sit on his backside and shake his head wanting a cigarette. “It wasn’t easy to throw a cigarette to him – all the attempts I made until he eventually got one.”
Teacher Garry Paulin has written a book Voytek -The Soldier Bear, which will be published next month. Campaigner Aileen Orr, who lives in the village of Hutton, said she first heard about Voytek as a child from her grandfather who served with the King’s Own Scottish Borderers.
She said: “I thought he had made it up to be quite honest but it was only when I got married and came here that I knew in fact he was here, Voytek was here.
“It is just amazing, the story is totally amazing and it would be good if we could have some memorial in Scotland, perhaps at Holyrood, to celebrate the bear’s life.”

Voytek in the zoo: He soldiered on there until 1963

Wild Thing’s comment……..
You know I love, LOVE, this story. I also loved how Polish veteran Augustyn Karolewski went back to the zoo to visit Voytek.

…Thank you Tom for sending me this story. I am smiling so big reading about this bear and the soldiers.

27 Jan

Outback’s ‘ bloomin onion’ Favorite Of Troops

Smells of secret sauces and spices filled the inside of the dining facility as employees from Outback Steakhouse prepared Bloomin’ Onions, calamari, and pasta. Outside, the scent of sizzling steaks rose from the grill and wafted throughout the base.
A task force of 22 employees from Outback Steakhouse and its sister company Carrabba’s Italian Grill fed the troops of Al Asad during Feeding Freedom Five.
To complete their mission they had to reach one goal: give the service members the best meal of their deployment.

“We came to show our support and it’s a way for us to say thank you from Carrabba’s and Outback,” said Josh Upton, a national food technician for Carrabba’s Italian Grill and the team leader for the operation. “One of our philosophies is to give for the sake of giving, not to get something back.”

Outback Steakhouse began arranging Feeding Freedom Five in November of 2006. The tours, which are semi-annual, are designed to feed deployed service members throughout the Middle East, feeding troops in Afghanistan, Kuwait, Salerno and Iraq.
According to Shanda Breedlove, a service technician at Outback Steakhouse in Atlanta, Ga., the point of the tour was to bring service members a taste of home and give them a good meal.

“It’s been very exciting, it’s nice to see their faces, they really appreciate this and it’s not enough thanks for what they do for us,” said Breedlove. “It’s very simple, but I’m glad it means a lot to them.”

To achieve the same freshness and food quality as a steakhouse from home, the company donated all of the food. The rib eye steaks, potatoes, onions, and calamari we’re flown over to provide the highest degree of freshness and satisfaction for the troops.
In order to produce a meal for approximately 13,000 service members and contractors on Al Asad, the Outback employees took a lesson from the troops; they learned to adapt and overcome.
The biggest challenge the Outback employees faced was making sure everything came together including preparation time and ingredients, added Matt Bregner, a food quality control technician for Outback restaurants in the Penn. region.
The team spent the night before the dinner preparing the Bloomin’ Onions, Bloomin’ Onion sauce and potatoes at all three base dining facilities. They cut the fresh onions with a special press and then made the Bloomin’ Onion sauce by mixing secret ingredients. Finally, they rinsed the potatoes in salt and butter before baking them.

“Preparation wise, it takes about eight hours for this many people,” said Upton. “We cook the steaks non-stop from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. to get them all done. We have 14,000 steaks. The last feeding we had, we served fillets and every Marine came up for two steaks and a potato.”

The Outback employees had mixed predictions on what the troops would like the most, but they had it cornered to either the Bloomin’ Onion or the steak. The votes weren’t quite unanimous among the service members, but the two most popular menu items were the Bloomin’ Onion and the rib eye steak.

“The bloomin onion was the best part of the meal,” commented Lance Cpl. Jeff Harris, a data network specialist with Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 163.

After reflecting on the meal with a full belly, service members found they appreciated more than just the steak.

“The steak is juicy, it’s tender and it’s not overcooked,” said Lance Cpl. Arthur Watson, a Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 29 avionics technician. “It reminds me of back home and this shows us that there are actually people out there who care.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I absolutely love when business’s do things for the troops. It sets them above the others in so many ways. And our soldiers appreciate it so much.