01 Feb

Bibi Nails It!

Opposition leader Netanyahu: Olmert is incompetent, unfit to lead
Israel is being led by an unfit and incompetent prime minister, opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu said Thursday, one day after the release of the Winograd report on the failures of the government and the military during the Second Lebanon War.
Netanyahu’s Likud party convened a meeting in Tel Aviv Thursday to discuss the implications of the damning report. Netanyahu spoke at a press conference held after the meeting, saying that Defense Minister Ehud Barak knows that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is unfit to lead, and that the public expects him to fulfill his promise and prevent the current leadership from remaining in power.
“The government is in charge of the military, and it failed miserably, that is the main conclusion of the report, as Winograd said yesterday,” Netanyahu added. “The [Winograd] committee concluded ‘we assign personal blame to the three captains.’ While two of the captains [former defense minister Amir Peretz and former chief of staff Dan Halutz] have stepped down, the political echelon and its leader [Olmert] refuse to take responsibility and exhibit personal integrity and leadership – which is what the decisive majority of the public expects them to do.”
According to Netanyahu, Israel’s citizens are demanding a new and worthy leader, and that will only come about via early elections. He refused to answer reporters’ questions at the conclusion of the press conference.
Olmert allies: PM won’t quit
Olmert told allies on Thursday that he would not step down as prime minister as the inquiry findings had granted him a reprieve and a boost for U.S.-backed peace talks with the Palestinians.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I know it’s tough to wage war on an enemy that considers the death of its own children a victory. But the ceasefire that Israel did and we were shocked by it was totally the wrong thing to do. It is past now, but still that kind of thing is wrong in so many ways.
I think not fighting terrorists gets terror to come back and bite you, bite you even with greater bites. The support and arming of the terrorists is backed by Iran and Syria, which have as their goal the destruction of Israel.

01 Feb

Zombies Among Us In Politics

John McCain


zombies for Obama

Zombie attacks might increase due to global warming, study shows
W.M. Briggs
A new study by scientists has suggested that zombie attacks might increase if the current projections of global warming are realized.

“If the earth gets warmer, it means longer springs, summers, and falls, and shorter winters,” said John Carpenter-Romero, Ph.D., a zombie-ologist who co-authored the study. “And shorter winters means more time for the undead to prey on the populace.”

Dr. Harrister, the other co-author, and head of Zombie Robotics at Wayward Robot, Inc., explained that cold winters typically stalled the walking dead. “It is well known that zombies can’t operate in cold weather. It freezes their brains.”

The pair calculated a 32.782412% increase in zombie attacks if CO2 increased to twice its pre-industrial rate. “Clearly, this is a very troubling result,” said Dr. Harrister, “If we don’t do something soon, the streets will be filled with blood.”


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Global warming the unifying theory of climate that predicts everything and nothing.
Zombies among us, like those the ones running for office. LOL It is a well known and obvious fact that we’re all under attack by blood-sucking zombies and they are currently vying for President.
If this global warming keeps up we may get another attack by the killer tomatoes too!

31 Jan

The Human Car ~ Gore Must Be Pleased

The Human Car has the power to revolutionize transport
The Human Car launched on April 22rd 2008 (Earthday) in South Menlo Park, Ca. This bi-directional human power interface harnesses all the large muscle groups of up to 4 people allowing users to easily cruise at speeds of up to 20 mph (45 mph with power assist). The machine offers a viable (preferable) alternative to the car in a wide range of scenarios.
A prototype vehicle (aka The Trouble Maker) can be seen on YouTube. This vehicle has been taken up to 80 mph on downhills. As well as cooperative power drive, coordinated leaning from the front is required to steer the vehicle. There are currently 4 pre-production prototypes of The Imagine, the next generation of HumanCar. This includes features such as: a exoskeletal safety cage and chassis that has been tested at up to 100 mph on salt flats; duel electric motors and variable human power input. It will also carry regular vehicle extras like a radio a trunk and wi-fi. It will retail at $15,000.
The HumanCar started life as a flash of inspiration in the mind of Charles Samuel Greenwood, an engineer and drag racer in the late sixties. The project has been passed down a generation to Charles’ son Chuck. Chuck has been making the most of the Silicon Valley’s explosion of clean-tech resources.
He is a member of the Green Technology Alliance and part of the Green Alley Project, which is taking over defunct car dealerships in South Melno and turning them into green-tech showrooms (including for the Tesla and Zap cars). His passion has made the HumanCar a reality and he clearly believes the machine has more to offer then simple transportation; test drivers regularly come back with their friends the following day, desperate for another ride. By all accounts the act of moving the vehicle together is a powerfully unifying and life affirming activity.
We have highlighted the multiple benefits of human powered transport before. The ubiquity of cheap energy from trapped sunlight, captured by prehistoric plants and now distilled into gas, has retarded the evolution of human powered transportation devices.
Our mass dependence on this cheap energy has profoundly changed the landscapes in which we live (urban sprawl, congested cities and out of town shopping malls) as well as the landscapes of our bodies. Rising gas prices (and the threat of peak oil), environmental damage (including global warming), new urbanism and health concerns now present a real opportunity to go back to the drawing board to explore new ways of getting around using human power.
The bicycle remains a triumph of human ingenuity and a supremely efficient way of moving from a to b. However, there are drawbacks for the cyclist, you are alone and vulnerable on your bike and when it rains… you get wet! The HumanCar changes all that by offering communal pulling power and a roof. In the future we may return to walkable communities in which we can shop, work and live without the need for machine transportation.
Until this time the HumanCar offers a great solution, allowing us to travel on existing road infrastructure without emitting green house gasses and with a range of personal benefits, from exercising the heart to putting an enormous smile on your face. Something tells me that even if we construct walkable eco-communities we will keep the HumanCars not for efficiency… just because they are fun.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Yabba-Dabba-No-Frigging-Way! It reminds me of those old see-saw, hand pump railroad cars in Buster Keaton type movies.
I love my bicycle and ride it a lot, but I wonder how they get car up a hill. LOL

31 Jan

Anti-Military and Anti-American City of Berkeley Council Tells Marines To Leave

Berkeley council tells Marines to leave
contra costa times
Hey-hey, ho-ho, the Marines in Berkeley have got to go.
That’s the message from the Berkeley City Council, which voted 8-1 Tuesday night to tell the U.S. Marines that its Shattuck Avenue recruiting station “is not welcome in the city, and if recruiters choose to stay, they do so as uninvited and unwelcome intruders.”
In addition, the council voted to explore enforcing its law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation against the Marines because of the military’s don’t ask, don’t tell policy. And it officially encouraged the women’s peace group Code Pink to impede the work of the Marines in the city by protesting in front of the station.
In a separate item, the council voted 8-1 to give Code Pink a designated parking space in front of the recruiting station once a week for six months and a free sound permit for protesting once a week from noon to 4 p.m.
Councilman Gordon Wozniak opposed both items.
The Marines have been in Berkeley for a little more than a year, having moved from Alameda in December of 2006. For about the past four months, Code Pink has been protesting in front of the station.

“I believe in the Code Pink cause. The Marines don’t belong here, they shouldn’t have come here, and they should leave,” said Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates after votes were cast.

A Marines representative did not respond to requests for comment.
The resolution telling the Marines they are unwelcome and directing the city attorney to explore issues of sexual orientation discrimination was brought to the council by the city’s Peace and Justice commission.
The recommendation to give Code Pink a parking space for protesting and a free sound permit was brought by council members Linda Maio and Max Anderson.
Code Pink on Wednesday started circulating petitions to put a measure on the November ballot in Berkeley that would make it more difficult to open military recruiting offices near homes, parks, schools, churches libraries or health clinics. The group needs 5,000 signatures to make the ballot.
Even though the council items passed, not everyone is happy with the work of Code Pink. Some employees and owners of businesses near the Marines office have had enough of the group and its protests.

“My husband’s business is right upstairs, and this (protesting) is bordering on harassment,” Dori Schmidt told the council. “I hope this stops.”

An employee of a nearby business who asked not to be identified said Wednesday the elderly Code Pink protesters are aggressive, take up parking spaces, block the sidewalk with their yoga moves, smoke in the doorways, and are noisy.

“Most of the people around here think they’re a joke,” the woman said.

Wozniak said he was opposed to giving Code Pink a parking space because it favors free speech rights of one group over another.

“There’s a line between protesting and harassing, and that concerns me,” Wozniak said. “It looks like we are showing favoritism. We have to respect the other side, and not abuse their rights. This is not good policy.”

Ninety-year-old Fran Rachel, a Code Pink protester who spoke at the council meeting, said the group’s request for a parking space and noise permit was especially important because the Marines are recruiting soldiers who may die in an unjust war.

“This is very serious,” Rachel said. “This isn’t a game; it’s mass murder. There’s a sickness of silence of people not speaking out against the war. We have to do this.”

Anderson, a former Marine who said he was “drummed out” of the corps when he took a stand against the Vietnam War, said he’d love to see the Marines high tale it out of town.

“We are confronted with an organization that can spend billions of dollars on propaganda,” Anderson said. “This is not Okinawa here; we’re involved in a naked act of aggression. If we can provide a space for ordinary people to express themselves against this kind of barbarity, then we should be doing it.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I wish the Marines would get orders to clear the area of rebels. Oh YEAH! I believe that we need to give the Marine Corps very specific orders regarding Berkley. “Secure the city.” They will know what to do, and I do not mean securing a 20 year lease.
Bastardly, traitorous, leftists. They are not worthy to tie the bootlaces of these Marines who defend their freedom to act in such an atrocious way. My contempt for these Berkley bastards is so strong.
Berkeley needs to be beaten at its own game. Someone needs to buy up property near or next to the Marine Recruiting Station and offer it to the Army, Navy and Air Force for recruiting offices also.
This is the ONLY COUCIL MEMBER that stood up for the Marines:
Wozniak, Gordon
Phone: (510) 981-7180
Fax: (510) 981-7188

31 Jan

Madeleine Albright At Hillary’s SF Campaign Headquarters

Madeleine Albright visiting Hillary’s SF campaign headquarters
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright walked through the door of the San Francisco campaign headquarters, and made a beeline to the tables of phone bankers. Secretary Albright thanked all the volunteers in the office, posed for photos and shared praises for Senator Hillary Clinton. Secretary Albright listened to the volunteers’ concerns on diplomatic issues.

Wild Thing’s comment………
Bill and Hillary are really stuck in their past. Madeline Albright was also on stage with them ( photo op) after one of the primaries.

30 Jan

Sometimes Deciding Is not Easy

This is my take on McCain and Romney and why Romney is the one I will vote for in November.

Sen. John McCain
There is no way I can vote for McCain, my first issue with him is what he did blocking the release of classified POW/MIA documents from the Vietnam War. I want him to burn in hell for what he did. Men left behind and he could have done something about it. He is vile and horrible.
To read about McCain and Senate Select Committee on POW and MIA
Go Here:

My other huge issue about McCain is his in our face demand about his Amnesty for illegal’s. I can feel his lies about building the fence, he is just saying that to try and appease we conservatives and even the few dems that are against it as well. He wants the illegal’s here and won’t even be honest enough to use the word Amnesty just like Romney has pointed out several times how McCain is not being honest about this.
Add in to these above things all the other things McCain has done and NOT done. And the ‘my friend’ term every time he feels he might be stepping on toes or to do what calm his own temper down or something? hmmmm odd and I get sick of hearing it.

Mitt Romney
Former Independent then changed to Republican. Had the guts to run for office in the liberal State of Massachusetts. He has also been coming around to conservative views, slowly yes but at least there is hope there unlike the others. Much like Reagan did when he switched from a Democrat to a Republican. They can see the light sometimes and there is a ray of hope that Romney has and will continue to.
There are more positives about him then the others. And I am trying to be realistic too about him.
We all know how we loved Reagan and he did Amnesty which ticked me off, but then he said he made a mistake doing it. I admire Reagan for admitting his mistake, something Bush will never do nor McCain either.
When Romney has talked about change and vision, he’s actually been specific in what he wants to do. Unlike others that just use the word change like lingo letting the audience put in their own desires of what is meant by their saying “change”.
I realize wanting the perfect conservative “candidate” is just not possible. I guess there are a lot of reasons, and most of them come down to a much weakened RNC and GOP. A party that has caved in to PC and rino’s over the years, backing rino’s instead of conservatives when they run for the same office against a Democrat. It happened here in Florida with a few of the candidates when we got stuck with rino Crist, Mel Martinez ( a total jerk) and others. And Crist is not a popular Governor, so his support in Florida for McCain is not that big a deal to conservatives. But it worked for the half hearted ones I suppose to throw their vote to McCain. Lord knows!
I read this as well that was interesting……

Re: The Federalist Society:
“…the Federalist Society, the expanding network of conservative lawyers who over the past quarter-century have played a leading role in reshaping the nation’s judiciary and setting high-level Republican administration policy.”
But as the Federalists have grown, they haven’t been immune to internal fissures. Federalists have key figures in both the Romney and Thompson campaigns who believe their candidate is a more worthy vessel for their legal philosophies. And they say they haven’t had to make the sort of compromise that Giuliani’s conservative supporters have.
David McIntosh, a former Indiana GOP congressman and gubernatorial candidate, is vice chairman of the Federalist Society, and he’s a domestic policy adviser to Thompson. Douglas Kmiec, another high-ranking official in the Reagan Justice Department, has gone with Romney, whom he calls “authentic.”

Back in 1980 conservatives thought Reagan was a disastrous choice to face incumbent Jimmy Carter in November. After all, Reagan used to be a Democrat, one of those “Hollywood liberals” in fact, who not only admired Franklin Roosevelt but supported the New Deal and all the other big-government programs that FDR put into place. He would have been called a rino for sure if he was running today.
Then we have the divorce with Reagan’s first wife. Many conservatives at the time called Reagan’s morality into question. Now divorce in 2008 might not be such a big deal but in 1980, it was still something to be ashamed about, especially if you were running for President of the United States. In fact, even to this day, Ronald Reagan is the only U.S. president to ever have been divorced.
Now that was the atmosphere in which Ronald Reagan sought the GOP nomination back in 1980. When it looked like Reagan was the front-runner, the Republican establishment was in a panic. Many of them got behind a certain George H.W. Bush and in the Iowa caucus, Reagan got, well, bushwhacked.
Republicans urged Ronald Reagan to drop out after the Iowa loss but Reagan pulled himself off the mat and started racking up victory after victory.
But the GOP was still worried they were nominating the wrong man to go up against Carter. One of the GOP candidates (John Anderson) was so convinced that Reagan couldn’t beat Carter that he decided to run an insurgent Independent campaign of his own. And suddenly he was polling 25% and Reagan was in danger of having his base eroded.
Reagan achieved wealth and success outside of politics.
Reagan earned his political stripes by getting elected governor of a large state that normally goes Democratic. A very liberal State.
Reagan was hated by other politicians. Reagan was his own man. He didn’t owe anybody anything. Reagan, didn’t even need politics.
You could go back to January of 1980, and say try telling the conservative base that this Ronald Reagan is about to become the greatest president of our time. You might have gotten a few people to agree with you but the rest of them would have laughed at you and mocked you for your naivety and your stupid worship of this cardboard cutout of a presidential candidate from right out of central casting in Hollywood.
I’m not saying Romney will be another Reagan, but these would be the similarities I see as to how Reagan was treated and how Romney as well has been treated by the media and the others still in the running in the Republican party. Also as to how Reagan was a registered Democrat before switching to Republican and Romney was an Independent before becoming a Republican.
This has taken a lot of thought and discussions with Nick too. He felt this way for awhile and I think he is right. He is the one that mentioned about being in another party before becoming a Republican.
I am not gung ho, it is more like proceed with caution kind of feeling. One day at a time and we will see what happens.
What I do know is that our party is the best, it is injured now, weakened and the conservative base, (you and I) have been slapped in the face by the very President we voted for, campaigned for, worked to get elected. That being George Bush. He did this with his Amnesty bill, and twice he did this to us. He tried with his thinking of nominating Harriet Miers and we let him know it was a no go for us. His behavior with the Saudi’s etc. has been disgusting to the max as well. And his being a weak friend to Israel well there are words for a friend that is not a friend and that is Bush.
Yes even with all of this it still has been better then having Gore or Kerry instead , NOT MUCH but God help us if they had won. BUT Bush compared to McCain is on several issues is still more of a conservative then McCain will ever be.
Regarding Romney becoming more conservative. One thing about being in office and saying you have changed from being a left thinker to a conservative. It is very public, and he can never switch back to liberalism. If he did, his political career would be over. A good example is Bush and how he has let us down switching on several things to liberal decisions and actions. He is screwed now because the respect once given him is gone. IF Bush had a second term coming up he would never be voted for again.
Flipping can only endure one exercise in politics, and so Romney is stuck over here on the right with those of us who care about pre-born children and the value that marriage offers to society and knowing what amnesty means and are against it.
Romney is a fiscal genius, and I feel he can be trusted to turn the Executive Branch back in the right direction. He would be the smartest president we’ve had since Ronald Reagan, and he might be the most successful businessman to serve in the Oval Office. Romney is big enough to admit he was on the wrong side in the past and that he is on the right side now. Out of all the remaining candidates, he elicits the most trust and respect. Not that it is abundant but it is there.
Romney is not perfect, and I sure have learned that is not possible for any politician to be perfect. I am writing this with my eyes wide open. Like it is said, ‘trust but verify’, well I am going to put my trust in him to do the right thing more then I would the others. It is a HUGE thing for me to do this, especially after having Hunter and Thompson pull out when I was so much for them. I will not defend Romney when he is wrong, just as I have never defended Bush when he has been so wrong and that has been often unfortunately.
We know Romney is good with economics and here is what he has said about Israel and the terrorists we both fight. From all the things I have read Mitt is the only candidate who has unabashedly expressed support for Israel, openly condemned enemies of the United States and Israel (like Iran) and does not come up with anti-Semitic, anti-dual citizenship ideas.
Mitt Romney delivered the following remarks on April 26 at Yeshiva University in New York.

“Today, America faces a number of critical challenges. In my view, at the top of the list is the threat of radical, violent Jihad and the associated threat of nuclear proliferation.
“I think many of us, including some of our leaders, fail to comprehend the extent of this threat. Take former President Jimmy Carter. President Carter thinks that Israel’s security fence is the thing that keeps peace from coming to the Holy Land.
“Having just been to Israel, I came to the opposite conclusion: the security fence keeps peace in Israel – it’s helping – that fence is helping prevent bloodshed and terror and violence.
“What Jimmy Carter fails to understand is what so many fail to understand. Whether it’s Hamas or Hezbollah; Al Qaeda or Shia and Sunni extremists, there is an overarching goal among the violent Jihadists – and it transcends borders and boundaries. That goal is to replace all modern Islamic states with a religious caliphate, to destroy Israel, to cause the collapse of the West and the United States, and to conquer the entire world.”
“I think it’s important for us to isolate Iran diplomatically. Their leaders should be made to feel exactly like those of Apartheid South Africa, or worse. That’s why I ordered the state police of Massachusetts to refuse security details for former Iranian President Khatami when he came to Harvard.”

And this from Powerline dated January 28.2007: ….for complete article and speech

Joel Mowbray continues his reports from the three-day conference in Herzliya, Israel that concluded this past Wednesday. Today Joel provides his take on Governor Romney’s speech at the conference. Joel titles his report “Romney REALLY gets it.”
What I had not seen from him before, though, was any real indication that he had more than a passing knowledge of foreign policy or a decent handle on the global struggle in which we are engaged.
After what I witnessed, however, it’s hard not to be a Romney cheerleader.
What was most extraordinary was how clearly Romney articulated the nature of the common enemy Israel and the United States both face. It was, by far, the most remarkable speech on the topic given by an American politician of either party, on television or in person.
One line in particular captures how thoroughly Romney understands our jihadist enemies:
“Contrary to the Baker-Hamilton Commission, resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict will not magically mollify the jihadists.”
Don’t let the clever phrasing hide the serious message. The origins of modern Islamic fundamentalism long precede the creation of the Jewish state of Israel, and Palestinians merely serve as convenient propaganda to rile the masses. And as the world has seen, radical Islamic propaganda can be found just about anywhere: ultimately untrue stories about the flushing of a Qur’an, quoting a medieval scholar, or even cartoons. Romney gets that.
It’s not just that Romney strongly supports Israel—that would hardly distinguish him in American politics—it’s that his support is rooted, at least in part, in a textured comprehension of Islamic fundamentalism. For proof, read the next few paragraphs of Romney’s remarks:
“No, what we should have realized since 9/11 is that what the world regarded as an Israeli-Arab conflict over borders represented something much larger. It was the oldest, most active front of the radical Islamist jihad against the entire West. It therefore was not really about borders. It was about the refusal of many parts of the Muslim world to accept Israel’s right to exist – within any borders.
“This distinction came into vivid focus this summer. The war in Lebanon had little to do with the Palestinians. And it had nothing to do with a two-state solution. It demonstrated that Israel is now facing a jihadist front that from Tehran through Damascus to Southern Lebanon and Gaza.
“As Tony Blair astutely put it, Hizbullah was not fighting ‘for the coming into being of a Palestinian state…but for the going out of being of an Israeli state.’
“Yet we have still not fully absorbed the magnitude of the change. As far as our enemies are concerned, there is just one conflict. And in this single conflict, the goal of destroying Israel is simply a way station toward the real goal of subjugating the entire West.”
On the topic of the most pernicious present threat, Iran, Romney also offered a coherent strategy for nonviolently combating Ahmadinejad and the mullahs. He laid out a 5-point plan that included economic and diplomatic isolation of the regime, prodding Arab states to lock arms with the West, and working with “progressive” Muslims in Iran and elsewhere to “defeat radical Islam.”

You can see the entire speech at the Powerline link.
The thing that I think I understand now that can never be changed is that like Tom, Mark, Rhod, Steve, Darth, Jack, Les, Lynn, John, John 5, Bob, Yankeemom, everyone, gosh all of you have explained is how we are Global now. Reagan was the only President that as far as I know was not a globalist. But both Bush’s have been and are, Clinton, Carter etc. I think we are stuck with it and boy howdy do I ever hate it with a passion.
I have been saying a lot how America has changed and it has, but so has the entire world. I wish it was like it used to be. Manufacturers here at home and our own citizens working in them. Borders meaning something and right being right and left being the distance of the Grand Canyon apart in the differences of the two parties. Political correctness not even being a word in our vocabulary would be nice too.
I pray for our country, for our military that it keeps getting funded first and foremost. That people will keep tearing up with our Anthem and seeing our Flag fly freely in the breeze to pay tribute to the lives that gave us our freedom like no other land. And pray for our leaders to have shame when they even try to take us down a road of destruction of our country.
We still live in the best country in the world and it is because of each one of you that has been a part of making this possible. I adore your hearts and passion for wanting things to be right and fighting back the left when we can, it is awesome. You all fought and served this country, and deserve so much better then what has been offered up to vote for.
Thank you for letting me share my thoughts with you. So ii he makes it to the next time I get to vote, I will be voting for Mitt Romney.
(((( hug ))))

30 Jan

Finale Republican Presidential Debate Before Super Tuesday ~ Tonight

Republican Presidential Debate at the Reagan Library
Time 8:00 EST
The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Foundation will host the final GOP presidential debate before the 2008 “Super-Tuesday” primary in California and several other key states. Mrs. Ronald Reagan will extend invitations to the front-runner GOP Presidential candidates to return to the Reagan Library for this final debate, which will be held on Wednesday, January 30, 2008. The event will give voters one last opportunity to hear the GOP front-runner candidates discuss their positions in a debate format before casting their votes in the February 5, 2008 primary.

“Ronnie always believed that debates are a great way for voters to hear candidates discuss the issues,” said former first lady Nancy Reagan. “He would be so pleased that his Presidential Library is serving such an important role in the election process.”

30 Jan

Edward to Drop Out of Race ~ Bye Bye

Edwards to quit presidential race
Yahoo news
Democrat John Edwards is exiting the presidential race Wednesday, ending a scrappy underdog bid in which he steered his rivals toward progressive ideals while grappling with family hardship that roused voter’s sympathies but never diverted his campaign, The Associated Press has learned.
The two-time White House candidate notified a close circle of senior advisers that he planned to make the announcement at a 1 p.m. EST event in New Orleans that had been billed as a speech on poverty, according to two of his advisers. The decision came after Edwards lost the four states to hold nominating contests so far to rivals who stole the spotlight from the beginning — Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama.

30 Jan

Traitor and Manchurian Candidate McCain Comes In First In Florida ~ WTF

“McCain, in his victory speech, made a very clear attempt to be gracious towards all of the candidates, including Romney, and reach out to Reagan-coalition conservatives.” ……From the ‘Captain’s Quarters’ blog.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I’d rather be waterboarded than vote for John McCain. McCain has betrayed conservatism at nearly every turn in his career and is definitely in bed with the illegals. The left and the so called conservatives already love his traitorous carcass!
I wish that the WOT people would understand that securing our borders is completely a part of the war. Oh sure he wants to reach out to us, but it will be with a One-Way sign pointed from Mexico to America.
McVain considers himself a Conservative because he’s 2 degrees right of Karl Marx. Hey little Johnny, just TRY and convince the guys you abandoned in Nam to vote for you! So IF McCain does win the whole shabang then we will have 2 Soros candidates—the Dem and McCain.
“It shows one thing: I’m the conservative leader who can unite the party,” the Arizona senator said in a brief interview with The Associated Press
TOTAL BS! There is NO way McCain can unite the Republican party. Like I would unite with a traitor to our soldiers left behind in Vietnam.
The Ass-Hat in his speech last night thanked the people of Pensacola for taking care of his family when he was away, during Viet Nam. He conveniently leaves out what happened to this family when he got back. He dumped them!
One thing to remember, the Election isn’t over yet.
Current delegate count after Florida:
Magic Number 1,191
McCain -97
Romney- 74
McCain has 97 of 1191 delegate. NOT EVEN 10%.
The media has been fawning all over this guy and they got their man selected, didn’t they? And they are just gushing all over the cable news channels. They’re just so in love with Captain McQweeg. Mark my words, though, this guy is going to be raving about strawberries before this campaign is done.
I sure hope that Romney roars back on Super Tuesday and McCain’s own McCain-Feingold bill prevents him from the necessary funds. Romeny’s speech last night was great and in comparison to McCain’s speech a night and day difference. He’s right about Washington, Reps and Dems alike, that is for certain.

30 Jan

Barack Hussein Obama’s Aide Wants TALKS With Terrorists

Obama aide wants talks with terrorists Foreign adviser’s ‘anti-Israel policies,’ sympathy for Hamas, raise concerns
JERUSALEM ….for complete article
While officials here largely maintain a policy against interfering in U.S. election politics, some Israeli security officials quietly expressed “concern” about an adviser to Sen. Barack Obama who has advocated negotiations with Hamas and providing international assistance to the terrorist group.
The officials noted Robert Malley, a principal Obama foreign policy adviser, has penned numerous opinion articles, many of them co-written with a former adviser to the late Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat, petitioning for dialogue with Hamas and blasting Israel for numerous policies he says harm the Palestinian cause.
Malley also previously penned a well-circulated New York Review of Books piece largely blaming Israel for the collapse of the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations at Camp David in 2000 when Arafat turned down a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza and eastern sections of Jerusalem and instead returned to the Middle East to launch an intifada, or terrorist campaign, against the Jewish state.
Malley’s contentions have been strongly refuted by key participants at Camp David, including President Bill Clinton, then-Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and primary U.S. envoy to the Middle East Dennis Ross, all of whom squarely blamed Arafat’s refusal to make peace for the talks’ failure.

“We are noting with concern some of Obama’s picks as advisers, particularly Robert Malley who has expressed sympathy to Hamas and Hezbollah and offered accounts of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations that don’t jibe with the facts,” said one security official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The official stated he was not authorized to talk to the media about U.S. politics, noting Israeli officials are instructed to “stay out” of American political affairs.

In February 2006, after Hamas won a majority of seats in the Palestinian parliament and amid a U.S. and Israeli attempt to isolate the Hamas-run Palestinian Authority, Malley wrote an op-ed for the Baltimore Sun advocating international aid to the terror group’s newly formed government.

“The Islamists (Hamas) ran on a campaign of effective government and promised to improve Palestinians’ lives; they cannot do that if the international community turns its back,” wrote Malley in a piece entitled, “Making the Best of Hamas’ Victory.”

Ed Lasky, a contributor to the American Thinker blog, calls Malley a “[Palestinian] propagandist” who, he charged, bends “the truth to serve an agenda that is marked by anti-Israel bias. … Malley’s writings strike me as being akin to propaganda.”
Lasky points out Malley’s father, Simon Malley, was a personal friend of Arafat and wrote in support of numerous struggles against Western countries. Simon Malley founded Afrique Asie, a French magazine that was known for its advocacy for “liberation” struggles throughout the world, including the Palestinian cause.

“Robert Malley has seemingly followed in his father’s footsteps: He represents the next generation of anti-Israel activism,” wrote Lasky.

Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick noted in a column last week, “Obama has taken no steps to moderate his church’s anti-Israel invective. Obama’s affiliation with Wright aligns with his choice of financial backers and foreign policy advisers. To varying degrees, all of them exhibit hostility towards Israel and support for appeasing jihadists.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
And here is more on Malley, and Soros, here Barack Obama’s Middle East Expert.
Obama’s choice of company explains his hiring of Malley who, revealed in this article, is an apparent Jew hater and terrorist sympathizer and boldly so.
Obama should have his feet held to the fire on these issues! And why isn’t he, he shouldn’t be allowed to hold office or run for President. Everyone that he has for advice hates Jews and Israel.

….Mark, thank you so much for this article. I hope a lot of people read it and keep learning how dangerous Obama is and his empty suit is not so empty but filled with danger for America and Israel.