03 Feb

*~ Superbowl Sunday ~*

Super Bowl XLII will reach one billion people worldwide.

“When the AFL and NFL decided that they would combine into a single league in 1971, they also agreed to start playing a championship game after the 1966 season. Officially called the AFL-NFL Championship, it was soon nicknamed the Super Bowl. The first Super Bowl, though, between the NFL’s Green Bay Packers and the AFL’s Kansas City Chiefs, wasn’t so excitedly anticipated. The main question seemed to be how large Green Bay’s margin of victory would be. NFL Super Bowl Tickets cost only $12, and the game still wasn’t a sellout at that time. The Packers won the game 35 to 10. They also won Super Bowl II 33-14 over the Oakland Raiders. It wasn’t until Joe Namath guaranteed victory for the AFL’s underdog New York Jets in Super Bowl III and then delivered a 16-7 win over the Baltimore Colts that interest rose, particularly with the impending joining of the two leagues.”

The stadium seats 63,400 for Cardinals games, but will provide approximately 10,000 more seats for Super Bowl XLII.
Site: University of Phoenix Stadium – Glendale, Arizona
Date: February 3, 2008
Kick-off: 6:17 p.m. EST odd time 6:17 not sure why the 17!!??
Network: FOX
Radio: Westwood One
Home Team: New England Patriots
Away Team: New York Giants
Halftime Performance: Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers

Price of tickets
Section: 423 Row:20 ……. $1409
Section: 109 Row:1 ……….. $9400
Section: 109* Row: 13……. $10340

Internet Only version of the 2007 GoDaddy.com Super Bowl commercial starring GoDaddy Girl Candice Michelle, IndyCar’s Danica Patrick, the Teutuls from American Chopper, AHDRAs Valerie Thompson and Bob Parsons, CEO and Founder of GoDaddy.com

Cost of a commercial shown during the Superbowl
Last year, the big game was the highest rated TV show in the U.S. with more than 93 million people tuning in, according to Nielsen. And this year, with two teams from huge markets competing, the Super Bowl could draw even more viewers.
The average cost for a 30 second spot during this year’s game is $2.7 million, according to Fox, the News Corp (NWS, Fortune 500).-owned network that will broadcast the Super Bowl. That’s up slightly from last year when the going rate was $2.6 million and more than double the 1997 price of $1.2 million.

These were the teams that everyone picked for this last season. I hope you all had fun and thank you for being a part of football at Theodore’s World. For those of you whose team did not make it to the Superbowl I am so sorry, and let’s hope for next year. For those rooting for the Patriots and the Giants, CONGRATULATIONS!!

(Some names are those deployed in Iraq)
Lynn – Broncos, Bears, Browns
Tom – Cowboys, Broncos
Darth – New York Giants, Tampa Bay Bucs, (ABP – ‘anybody’ but Philly )
Mark – Patriots, Buffalo Bills, Bears
Bob – Buffalo Bills
Billy – Jets, NY Giants, Bears
Nick – Cowboys, Rams and Raiders
Karsten – Tampa Bay Bucs, NY Giants
navycopjoe – Chicago Bears
LindaSOG – Miami Dolphins
Jonathan – Raiders
Dawn – Seahawks, Bronco’s ….(husband USARMY delpoyed, Iraq)
Amber – Green Bay Packers …..(husband USMC delpoyed Iraq)
Cuchieddie – Raiders
Sierrahome – Colts
patrickdaniel – Chargers, Cowboys
Eve – Colts ….(husband USARMY deployed Iraq)
Beth – Bears , Saints
Chief – Seahwaks
Chrissie – Bears, Broncos and Cowboys
Andy ( USMC) – Colts
Mike ( USARMY) – Seattle Seahawks
Sand Man ( (USMC) – Bronco’s
Dave (USARMY) – Patriots
Tim ( USMC) – Bears
Jean ( USARMY) – Atlanta Falcons
Greg (USARMY) – Eagles
Max ( USARMY- Cowboys
Pete ( USMC) – Bronco’s
Steve – (USAF) – Bronco’s
Tony – (USARMY) – Redskins

Giants 17
Patriots 14

03 Feb

Time for Some Real Straight Talk

Time for Some Real Straight Talk
JB Williams
January 31, 2008
Republicans had better rush to come to grips with the reality that all of our smart options for the 2008 election cycle are already off the table. Unlike past elections, Republicans actually had two very strong conservatives to unite behind in the 2008 primaries, Thompson and Hunter, and they failed to unite behind either of them.
The time to stand up for a true traditional conservative Republican has passed. The chance to do something smart no longer exists. Now we have one last shot and less than one week to do something that is at least half-smart.
John McCain Is An Outright Liar
It is no less than Clintonesque to listen to John “amnesty” McCain call himself “the official new leader of the conservative movement in America.”
McCain is not being nominated by conservatives. He is being nominated by liberal Independents in open primaries and liberal RINOs in closed primaries. He has very little support among conservatives and he can’t win in November as a result.
But more importantly, on the issues facing our nation today, John McCain is no more conservative or Republican than Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. In fact, after more than three decades in Washington DC, his friends are not Washington conservatives, but Washington liberals like Clinton, Obama, Kennedy, Lieberman, Graham and Martinez.
Bold Faced Lying On The Issues
John McCain says he “changed the strategy in Iraq” and now we are winning in Iraq. But John McCain changed nothing in Iraq. He only supported beefing up the existing strategy in Iraq by putting more boots on the ground. A good move that should have happened sooner, but by no means a “change in strategy.”
Worse yet on this subject, McCain is on record fighting for open borders, legalizing illegal immigration, closing down Gitmo and giving known terrorists access to the US criminal courts, while refusing to aggressively interrogate those who can tell us when and where the next 9/11 might happen. Yet, to hear him from the campaign stump, he’s strong on national security, just not any of the measures needed to actually secure a nation under attack.
McCain now says he is for the Bush tax cuts that he railed against and indeed voted against in the Senate.
McCain sided with Kennedy, Lieberman and Russ Feingold in passing the first legislation to limit free political speech in US history, some of which has since been ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Yet he sees himself as a conservative champion of liberty and freedom.
In short, McCain’s senate record is that of an inside-the-beltway Washington liberal, not any form of a conservative or even a Republican. McCain is so far left that he is fully on-board Al Gore’s Global Warming Swindle and promises to usher in the economically disastrous policies drafted and advanced by international socialists for the sole purpose of bringing America to its economic knees.
But none of this is the John McCain touted from the campaign stump. Almost every word coming out of McCain’s so-called “Straight-Talk Express” is an outright lie.
South Carolina & Florida Change Everything
Like it or not, the worst possible Republican candidate has emerged from key conservative states the liberal victor of the early Republican primaries. In an instant, I went from being for a conservative or no one else, to being a reluctant Romney supporter as a result.
There is NO meaningful difference between a vote cast for Clinton, Obama or McCain. Ideologically, they are the same person and the same vote. All three are cut from the same cloth. It matter’s not a bit which of them wins the November election as all three believe in the same things.
Remember, all desirable smart options are already off the table. Only one half-smart option remains and the clock is ticking fast on this one.
One Shot And One Week To Do Something About It
No matter how I feel about Mitt Romney, or disagree with some of his past positions, some of which he now disagrees with as well, he is not Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama or John “amnesty – weak on terror” McCain.
I am a staunch conservative who supported Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter until they were no longer in the race. Even then, I was quite temped to vote for them in the primaries just to make a statement against all others. In part, this is what happened in Florida, making it possible for the most liberal Republican to claim he now holds the conservative mantle. What a joke! Except not so funny…
The fact is, Republican ideologues like me, clinging to my principles and my principled but failing candidate, helped John McCain become the unlikely front-runner for the Republican nomination. Thompson, Hunter, Paul, Giuliani and Huck fans all put McCain in the lead. That means we have the power to take him out of the lead.
Straight Talk About Principled Voters
Standing firmly and unapologetically upon American values and principles is never wrong. It’s in fact the basis of conservatism and our founders called upon each of us to do exactly that.
But it is not always the best political strategy for doing all we can to protect and preserve those principles and values. The founders also warned us to be forever vigilant and somehow, we failed to head this mess off at the pass and avoid the need to make less than attractive choices.
Sometimes, when vigilance has been forgotten for too long and smart options are no longer available, a half-smart alternative is the best we can do. It seems to me that this is the crossroads we conservatives find ourselves at once again.
Four Candidates Standing – Two Choices Available
Thompson and Hunter dropped out of the race a week ago. Giuliani dropped out last night and endorsed the other liberal in the race, John McCain. The Huckaboom has already enjoyed its last bang in Iowa. Paul was never in the race, other than as a Perot type spoiler with much less support.
The Republican race is down to McCain and Romney, neither of them ideal, but one of them an outright career backstabbing liberal liar and the other, at least a reasonable hope for something much better.
Republican voters have six days to decide whether to hold their noses and help Romney defeat McCain on Super Tuesday, or stink up the entire country by voting against Clinton, Obama or McCain in November. No matter which of these three we vote against in November, we will get the same result.
Tomorrow, John Edwards will drop out of the DNC race. Clinton or Obama will be on the Democrat ticket in November, maybe both of them.
Four candidates remain and three of them are equally dangerous to America. Only one offers even a glimmer of hope to Republicans and conservatives, Mitt Romney.
Straight Talk About November
McCain has been propped up by the leftist press ever since he lost to Bush in 2000. He is the darling of the lame leadership of the Republican National Committee who has clearly determined that joining the left is the only way to compete with the left.
Romney is at least a Washington outsider with significant experience, strong family values, a moral compass and a general sense that America should be what the founders established it to be. McCain is none of these things.
Romney can attract most Republican voters under these conditions. If we propel him ahead of McCain, then help him continue to move right in the coming weeks and help him choose the right running mate at the convention, we can at least limit our losses. We have hope…
But McCain will never attract the support of the conservative base he has spent years stabbing in the back. Doubt me on that one and you can inaugurate Hillary for certain.
You Decide
We passed on the smart option of pro-actively and aggressively supporting a true conservative. It’s time to cut that loss loose and do something smart now. You can decide to sit back, lick your wounds and complain about losing America to the left, be it under Clinton, McCain or Obama.
Or, you can take immediate pro-active measures to stop the train wreck called McCain and limit our losses by making certain that the choice in November is at least a choice between wide open socialism under a Democrat White House with a Democrat congress, and a Republican who owes his presidency to the people who carried him to victory against the odds, the MSM and the Martinez RNC.
You decide, but decide fast! Super Tuesday is your last chance to do something at least half-smart. The consequences of failing to do so are immeasurable.
JB Williams is a business man, a husband, a father, and a writer. A no nonsense commentator on American politics, American history, and American philosophy. A hard hitting columnist, attacking the socialist cancer plaguing America today. He has a pragmatic “common Joe” approach to even the toughest issues facing our nation.

This is another article he wrote:
How the Republican Party Committed National Suicide….This one is excellent as well!!!!!

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I never heard of this man till Tom sent me one of the articles in this post. I think JB Williams makes valid comments in both of these articles. I stand by what I said after Fred Thompson pulled out and I had already voted for him. If Romney makes it to November, I will be voting for Romney.
McCain is radioactive. McCain has has made a career of stabbing us in the back and worse yet has stabbed in the back the POW’s in the Vietnam War.
In McCain’s heart he does not want to secure our borders and securing our borders is very much a part of the war. How dare our country ask our troops to risk their lives, make sacrifices, and then in return not make our country secure back here at home as much as possible. This isn’t the Great Wall of China we are asking to be built! We have existing laws for immigration and plenty of people follow them, they wait a long time to do it right and follow our immigration laws. And we are to cater to the illegals coming in here and re-write laws for THEM??? To make it easy for THEM??? I THINK NOT!
It is one thing to vote for a candidate who wants to fight a war in the Middle East, but quite another to listen to that politician tout his “war” credentials and then vote to allow any illegal over the border regardless of nationality or creed. And McCain will do this, and will not stop till he does.
McCain is also against the use of interrogation techniques that our intelligence agencies have stated has procured information that was used to stop terrorist attacks against this Country. Would these attacks have been successful with a President McCain? Just something to think about. During the debates Romney said he disagreed with McCain on this and that to even put out there for terrorists to know what we would do and not do is dangerous for our troops.
As far as the Supreme Court judge issue – he has said that he doesn’t like Alito because “he wears his conservatism on his sleeve for everyone to see”. He clearly hates conservatives.
And the ‘if we don’t support the GOP nominee’ well…… We are in the position we are now because the GOP pushed for someone who’s allegedly electable, but only because he’s more liberal than what a GOP candidate should be. Supporting McCain now will only reinforce what the fools running the party now believe- that in order to beat the Democrats, the Republicans must become more liberal.
You do not advance conservatism by becoming more liberal. It never works. imo Rest assured, the GOP will never recover from this annoitment of McCain. Never. They will not change as long as we keep supporting liberals like McCain.
Conservatives didn’t choose McCain. He was chosen by the MSM, the RNC, the GOP good old boys, and the RINOs who support them.

…..Thank you so much Tom for sending this to me.

03 Feb

“Ike” Turns Over In Grave As Granddaughter Endorses Obama

Why I’m Backing Obama
By Susan Eisenhower
Washington Post
Forty-seven years ago, my grandfather Dwight D. Eisenhower bid farewell to a nation he had served for more than five decades. In his televised address, Ike famously coined the term “military-industrial complex,” and he offered advice that is still relevant today.

“As we peer into society’s future,” he said, we “must avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering, for our own ease and convenience, the precious resources of tomorrow. We cannot mortgage the material assets of our grandchildren without risking the loss also of their political and spiritual heritage. We want democracy to survive for all generations to come, not to become the insolvent phantom of tomorrow.”

Today we are engaged in a debate about these very issues. Deep in America’s heart, I believe, is the nagging fear that our best years as a nation may be over. We are disliked overseas and feel insecure at home. We watch as our federal budget hemorrhages red ink and our civil liberties are eroded. Crises in energy, health care and education threaten our way of life and our ability to compete internationally. There are also the issues of a costly, unpopular war; a long-neglected infrastructure; and an aging and increasingly needy population.
I am not alone in worrying that my generation will fail to do what my grandfather’s did so well: Leave America a better, stronger place than the one it found.
Given the magnitude of these issues and the cost of addressing them, our next president must be able to bring about a sense of national unity and change. As we no longer have the financial resources to address all these problems comprehensively and simultaneously, setting priorities will be essential. With hard work, much can be done.
The biggest barrier to rolling up our sleeves and preparing for a better future is our own apathy, fear or immobility. We have been living in a zero-sum political environment where all heads have been lowered to avert being lopped off by angry, noisy extremists. I am convinced that Barack Obama is the one presidential candidate today who can encourage ordinary Americans to stand straight again; he is a man who can salve our national wounds and both inspire and pursue genuine bipartisan cooperation. Just as important, Obama can assure the world and Americans that this great nation’s impulses are still free, open, fair and broad-minded.
No measures to avert the serious, looming consequences can be taken without this sense of renewal. Uncommon political courage will be required. Yet this courage can be summoned only if something profoundly different transpires. Putting America first — ahead of our own selfish interests — must be our national priority if we are to retain our capacity to lead.
The last time the United States had an open election was 1952. My grandfather was pursued by both political parties and eventually became the Republican nominee. Despite being a charismatic war hero, he did not have an easy ride to the nomination. He went on to win the presidency — with the indispensable help of a “Democrats for Eisenhower” movement. These crossover voters were attracted by his pledge to bring change to Washington and by the prospect that he would unify the nation.
It is in this great tradition of crossover voters that I support Barack Obama’s candidacy for president. If the Democratic Party chooses Obama as its candidate, this lifelong Republican will work to get him elected and encourage him to seek strategic solutions to meet America’s greatest challenges. To be successful, our president will need bipartisan help.
Given Obama’s support among young people, I believe that he will be most invested in defending the interests of these rising generations and, therefore, the long-term interests of this nation as a whole. Without his leadership, our children and grandchildren are at risk of growing older in a marginalized country that is left to its anger and divisions. Such an outcome would be an unacceptable legacy for any great nation.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Well how abouto this…”My Grandfather wasn’t President, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express and Obama is becoming the scariest thing ever to run for President. ” – WT heh heh
Susan Eisenhower has done and said very liberal, dumb things before but this has to top the list. Would someone please track down Patton’s grandchild to kick her pinko loving ass!
My Dad told me about Ike and I always remember him telling me, Ike once stated in a speech that while growing up in Abilene, Kansas, “to talk about a democrat in Abilene was like speaking about the town drunk.”
She was married to a Russian, Roald Sagdeev. He was “head of the Soviet space program, adviser on arms control to Gorbachev, and Hero of Socialist Labor.” I don’t know if they’re still together.
She has her own consulting business in Washington. But she’s also a director of a consulting firm run by Clinton appointee Sandy Berger.
Her father John Eisenhower endorsed Kerry. http://www.truthout.org/docs_04/093004U.shtml

02 Feb

In Counrtry – Thank You Troops!

Airman 1st Class Amber Motske (left) instructs Senior Airman Cassandra Hernandez on how to strike using her baton Jan. 24 during self-defense tactics training at an air base in Southwest Asia. The self-defense training familiarizes Airmen with how to use non-lethal force to defend themselves. Both Airmen are assigned to the 386th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron and are deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Patrick Dixon)


A Marine and a Cab Driver in Iraq.
A US Marine and a Iraqi Civilian get into a conversation about insurgents. hehheh Itis safe for the cab driver, the Marine is just having some fun. Then telling the guy he will only be there for an hour.

02 Feb

MoveOn.org Endorses Barak Hussein Obama

Obama Wins Endorsement of MoveOn.org
NY Times
As the Democratic presidential rivals dashed into a final weekend of campaigning before the nominating contests here and in 21 other states next Tuesday, Senator Barack Obama collected the endorsement on Friday of a leading antiwar group, MoveOn.org. He said his opposition to the war would make him a stronger general election candidate.
The endorsement by MoveOn .org is the first time the group has weighed in during a Democratic primary. In a poll of its members, 1.7 million of whom live in the 22 states holding contests next week, Mr. Obama outpaced Mrs. Clinton 70 percent to 30 percent.

“The enormity of the challenges require someone who knows how to inspire millions to get involved to change the direction of our country,” said Eli Pariser, executive director of MoveOn.org

From MoveOn.org website
MoveOn Endorsement Throws Progressive Weight Behind Barack Obama
In a resounding vote today, MoveOn.org Political Action’s members nationwide voted to endorse Senator Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination for President. The group, with 3.2 million members nationwide and over 1.7 million members in Super Tuesday states, will immediately begin to mobilize on behalf of Senator Obama. The vote favored Senator Obama to Senator Clinton by 70.4% to 29.6%.
Senator Obama accepted the endorsement stating:

“In just a few years, the members of MoveOn have once again demonstrated that real change comes not from the top-down, but from the bottom-up. From their principled opposition to the Iraq war – a war I also opposed from the start – to their strong support for a number of progressive causes, MoveOn shows what Americans can achieve when we come together in a grassroots movement for change. I thank them for their support and look forward to working with their members in the weeks and months ahead.”

Eli Pariser, MoveOn.org’s Executive Director, issued the following statement on the group’s endorsement:

“Our members’ endorsement of Senator Obama is a clear call for a new America at this critical moment in history. Seven years of the disastrous policies of the Bush Administration have left the country desperate for change. We need a President who will bring to bear the strong leadership and vision required to end the war in Iraq, provide health care to every American, deal with our climate crisis, and restore America’s standing in the world. The enormity of the challenges require someone who knows how to inspire millions to get involved to change the direction of our country, and someone who will be willing to change business as usual in Washington. Senator Barack Obama has proved he can and will be that President.

“With 3.2 million members nationwide and over 1.7 million members in states that vote next Tuesday, we’ll be able to immediately jump into action in support of Senator Obama’s candidacy. We’ve learned that the key to achieving change in Washington without compromising core values is having a galvanized electorate to back you up. And Barack Obama has our members ‘fired up and ready to go’ on that front.

“We congratulate Sens. Clinton, Dodd and Biden, former Senator Edwards, Governor Richardson, Congressman Kucinich and former Senator Gravel on running tremendous campaigns. We thank them for their contributions to the important debate that has gripped our nation and for their ongoing engagement with our members. We’re looking forward to working together to bring progressive values to the nation’s capitol and to end this disastrous war in Iraq. MoveOn members are committed to putting a Democrat in the White House in 2008 and ushering in a new era of progressive values no matter who wins the nomination.”

MoveOn members’ comments in the vote reflect the reasons they support Senator Obama:

“Obama’s grassroots organizing experience and unifying message combine to show he will work for working people and speak to a broad cross section of the American public. We need this,” said Linda Blong of Penngrove, CA.

“There are defining moments in our nation’s political history and this is one of them. Barack Obama appeals to the very BEST of the American Spirit,” said Estina Baker, Hackensack, NJ

“Barack Obama represents CHANGE in so many levels. He brings HOPE that America can, again, be respected by the rest of the world and that Americans can be proud, again, of our leaders!” Isabelle Mollien, Denver, CO

“Obama has the ability to draw people to him, to energize people who generally don’t vote, to create an atmosphere of long-overdue possibility around himself and what he could bring to the office. It is my belief that he can re-establish the lost connection between the American people and their leader, and put our country back on course to be a positive force in the world.” Matthew Smith in Columbus, OH

MoveOn’s endorsement means a fresh infusion of people-power for Obama in the critical days before Super Tuesday. MoveOn will immediately connect thousands of progressive activists into the Obama GOTV volunteer operation. It will also use the same cutting-edge computer-based phone program that made 7 million GOTV calls for Democrats in 2006 to allow MoveOn members to call other MoveOn members in Feb. 5 states and encourage them to vote for Obama.
Today’s endorsement is the first time MoveOn.org has endorsed a candidate for President in the Democratic primary.
Over the past year, MoveOn surveyed a rotating sample of 30,000 members each week to determine their membership’s preference in the Democratic presidential primary.
For months, MoveOn members were divided among many candidates — as many waited to see who would take bold progressive positions on the issues.
As the primary race has gained momentum, the polling showed a consensus forming and, with Senator John Edward’s withdrawal from the race, members made their decision in favor of Senator Obama. The vote took place from Thursday, January 31st to Friday, February 1st.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Can you imagine any of this happening when we were kids? The kind of candidates running for office and the kind of people backing them, that endorse them. God help us all!
I remember when I first learned about the Progressive Socialist party, and how so many of those in our House and Congress are members, how shocked I was. They were all Democrats but even so, just to know that anyone in our government at any level was that kind of person. It sent chills through me the same way this kind of thing with MoveOn.org does.
I posted a few awhile back how Obama was anxious to be backed by Soros so this is just part of it. It seems to be all in the plan of Soros and his ownership of Obama. Yes Obama you are OWNED by Soros how does it feel Obama? You should be ashamed of yourself for many reasons. Slavary is alive and well in the Soros camp and Barak Hussein Obama is the prize pupil.
This is funny but also very serious. Funny in how mad about this Hillary will be after she stayed in lock step with them over the Gen.Petraeus ad! They are going nuts at DU About it.
Moveon.org just slapped Hillary Clinton in the face AFTER SHE supported their Petraeus ad!

But on the scary side this really is concerning, prayers for our country.

02 Feb

Jackie Mason ’08 Vlog 9 John McCain is a Phony!

“It’s disgusting to me what John McCain will do to win an election. He blatantly lied about what Romney said about timetables in Iraq, and he got away with it. The voters in Florida believed his lies. Let us hope, that the rest of the Republicans of this country don’t make the same mistake. I know he is a hero, and served our great nation proudly. He made many sacrifices for our country, but when it comes to becoming President, the only thing he will sacrifice is his morality. John McCain is a fraud!”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Jackie has a razor sharp wit and thinking process.
He said Demorats have a choice between voting for two losers:
1. Hiltery, who thinks being married to a serial sexual degenerate gives her presidential internship to be president.
2. Obama, who thinks being in federal goverment for for 2 years gives him the ‘on-the-job training for president.

02 Feb

What Costs More Per Year Then The Iraq War?

What costs more per year then the Iraq war?
1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year. LINK
2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens. LINK
3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens. LINK
4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English! LINK
5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies. LINK
6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens. LINK
7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens. LINK
8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare and Social Services by the American taxpayers. LINK
9. $200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens. LINK
10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that’s two-and-a-half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US. LINK
11. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin and marijuana, crossed into the U. S from the Southern border. Homeland Security Report. LINK
12. The National Policy Institute, ‘estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period. LINK
13. In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin. LINK
14. ‘The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States’. LINK
Total cost is a whooping… $338.3 BILLION A YEAR!!!


Social Security Change For 2008
The United States Senate voted to extend Social Security Benefits to Illegal Aliens beginning in 2008. The following are the senators who voted to give illegal aliens Social Security benefits. They are grouped by home state. If a state is not listed, there was no voting representative.
Alaska: Stevens (R)
Arizona : McCain (R)
Arkansas : Lincoln (D) Pryor (D)
California : Boxer (D) Feinstein (D)
Colorado : Salazar (D)
Connecticut : Dodd (D) Lieberman (D)
Delaware : Biden (D) Carper (D)
Florida : Martinez (R)
Hawaii : Akaka (D) Inouye (D)
Illinois : Durbin (D) Obama (D)
Indiana : Bayh (D) Lugar (R)
Iowa : Harkin (D)
Kansas : Brownback (R)
Louisiana : Landrieu (D)
Maryland : Mikulski (D) Sarbanes (D)
Massachusetts : Kennedy (D) Kerry (D)
Montana : Baucus (D)
Nebraska : Hagel (R)
Nevada : Reid (D)
New Jersey : Lautenberg (D) Menendez (D)
New Mexico : Bingaman (D)
New York : Clinton (D) Schumer (D)
North Dakota : Dorgan (D)
Ohio : DeWine (R) Voinovich(R)
Oregon : Wyden (D)
Pennsylvania : Specter (R)
Rhode Island : Chafee (R) Reed (D)
South Carolina : Graham (R)
South Dakota : Johnson (D)
Vermont : Jeffords (I) Leahy (D)
Washington : Cantwell (D) Murray (D)
West Virginia : Rockefeller (D), by Not Voting
Wisconsin : Feingold (D) Kohl (D)

…..Thank you so much John for this information.

02 Feb

Rick Santorum Endorses Romney

“If you’re a conservative, there really is only one place to go right now. I would even argue further than that. If you are a Conservative, I will go even further then that, if you are a Republican in the broadest sense, there is only one place to go right now, and that’s Mitt Romney.”

— Senator Rick Santorum, endorsing Mitt Romney’s presidential bid
On Laura Ingraham’s talk show Rick Santorum said that the more endoresments and that the less if at all he will decide to start to listen to the conservative base. I think he is right. When the RNC types give McCain the A-OK it only is going to make him stronger on being a leftie and ignore the very party he belongs to more then he ever has.
His Bio:
Rick Santorum, a Senior Fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, established and directs EPPC’s Program to Protect America’s Freedom. He is writing a book on the “gathering storm” of the 21st century — the challenges posed by radical Islamic fascism and its growing alliances around the world.
Mr. Santorum served as United States Senator from Pennsylvania from 1995 to 2007 and as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1991 to 1995.
As a United States Senator, he was a champion of efforts to counter the threat of radical Islam, to protect victims of religious persecution, and to promote democracy and religious liberty around the world.
He founded the Congressional Working Group on Religious Freedom and spearheaded the passage of several key pieces of legislation, including :
the landmark welfare reform bill
the American Community Renewal Act
a ban on partial-birth abortion
the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act
the Combating Autism Act
the Farmland Preservation Act
the Abandoned Mine Lands Reform Act
the Multi-Employer Pension Reform Act
the Global Aids Authorization Act ealth Savings Accounts
the Syria Accountability Act
the Iran Freedom Support Act
From 2001 to 2007, he served as Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, where he directed the communications operations of Senate Republicans and was the third-ranking member of the Republican leadership.
Mr. Santorum is the author of It Takes a Family: Conservatism and the Common Good (ISI 2005).
Mr. Santorum received his undergraduate degree from Penn State University, his M.B.A. from the University of Pittsburgh, and his J.D. from the Dickinson School of Law. He and his wife Karen are the parents of six children.
The Radicalization of Young Muslims
Articles & Short Publications The Elephant in the Room: Reducing U.S. Oil Appetite
Radical Islamists in Latin America and Chavez’s Narcoterrorism

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I think this is a good endorsement, is it a big time name dropping one like McCain has been racking up, nope. BUT here is the difference, I would rather have the good guys supporting me then a thousand lefties, jerks and people that are set to destroy my country.

01 Feb

Ann Coulter ” Will Campaign For Hillary Clinton” ~ LOL

Wild Thing’s comment……..
LMAO ok I just think this is so funny. Can you imagine how the democrats will react to this??? And McCain’s people too.
Ann is claiming that Hillary is less a liberal than McCain is. Don’t you think that could have an impact on the McCain number next week? She’s playing it to the hilt, and I think that is great.
Even Alan is funny laughing and saying : “My work is done.”
Ann is the best at stirring the pot! hahahahaha
Ann has already written that she is voting for Romney.
Hope you all get a good laugh out of this like I did. Tongue in cheek humor. And who knows it may hit home how awfujl McCain would be.

01 Feb

Barack Hussein Obama To Hold Muslim Summit If Elected

Obama To Hold Muslim Summit if Elected
Israel National News
US presidential candidate Barack Obama said Thursday that he would hold a summit with Muslim countries if he is elected president, in order to repair the United States’ image in the world.

“Once I’m elected, I want to organize a summit in the Muslim world,” he told the French magazine Paris Match, “with all the heads of state, to have an honest discussion about ways to bridge the gap that grows every day between Muslims and the West.”

Obama said he would ask Muslim leaders to join the international fight against terrorism, and said his administration would “listen to their concerns.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
You bridge the gap with radicals who follow the tennants of their ideology to kill you by killing them and absolutely destroying that ideology and its tennants like we did with the Nazis.
And you prosecute said war with absolute extreme prejudice so that that ideology becomes a hiss and a by-word at the end of it so that those peoples NEVER want to return to it.
That is going to be the answer for radical Islam before it is said and done.
But I do not believe that this is what Barak Hussein Obama, son of a fundamental Islamic, has in mind.