14 Mar

Friday Funnies ~ Thank you


…..Thank you Larry this is so funny.


The Haircut
One day a florist goes to a barber for a haircut. After the cut he asked about his bill and the barber replies, ‘I cannot accept money from you. I’m doing community service this week.’ The florist was pleased and left the shop.
When the barber goes to open his shop the next morning there is a ‘thank you’ card and a dozen roses waiting for him at his door.
Later, a cop comes in for a haircut, and when he tries to pay his bill, the barber again replies, ‘I cannot accept money from you. I’m doing community service this week.’ The cop is happy and leaves the shop.
The next morning when the barber goes to open up there is a ‘thank you’ card and a dozen donuts waiting for him at his door.
Later that day, a college professor comes in for a haircut, and when he tries to pay his bill, the barber again replies, ‘I cannot accept money from you. I’m doing community service this week.’ The professor is very happy and leaves the shop.
The next morning when the barber opens his shop, there is a ‘thank you’ card and a dozen different books, such as ‘How to Improve Your Business’ and ‘Becoming More Successful.
‘Then, a Congressman comes in for a haircut, and when he goes to pay his bill the barber again replies, ‘I cannot accept money from you. I’m doing community service this week.’ The Congressman is very happy and leaves the shop.
The next morning when the barber goes to open up, there are a dozen Congressmen lined up waiting for a free haircut.
And that, my friends, illustrates the fundamental difference between the citizens of our country and the members of our Congress.—
Vote carefully this year.


The Dying Priest and The Clinton’s
The old priest lay dying in the hospital. For years, he had faithfully served the people of the nation’s capital in Washington D.C. He motioned for his nurse to come near. “Yes, Father?” said the nurse.
“I would really like to see President Bill and Senator Hillary Clinton before I die,” whispered the priest.
“I’ll see what I can do, Father” replied the nurse.
The nurse sent the request to the Senate and waited for a response. Soon the word arrived; the Clintons would be delighted to visit the priest. As they went to the hospital, Hillary commented to Bill, “I don’t know why the old priest wants to see us, but it certainly will help our images and might even get me elected President. After all, I’m IN IT TO WIN IT.”
Bill agreed-it was a very good thing for her campaign once they put out a press release about it.
When they arrived at the priest’s room, the old priest took Bill’s hand in his right hand and Hillary’s hand in his left. There was silence and a look of serenity on the old priest’s face.
Finally Bill Clinton spoke. “Father, of all the people you could have chosen, why did you choose us to be with you as you near the end?”
The old priest slowly replied, “I have always tried to pattern my life after our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
“Amen” said Bill.
“Amen” said Hillary.
The old priest continued……”He died between two lying thieves. I would like to do the same.”

….Thank you Lynn for these funny jokes. hahaa


The Democratic Party has a crisis of monumental proportions:
They don’t know whether to vote for the “Nut” with two Boobs or for the “Boob” with two Nuts!


….Thank you Mark for this video it is so funny.


….Thank you Jack this is great, I love bears. hahaha

14 Mar

Memo From McCain’s Camp : Play Nice

McCain topper to allies: Stay on message
The Politico

“After being forced to respond to three separate incidents in recent weeks of conservatives alluding to Barack Obama’s middle name, John McCain’s campaign manager today sent a memo to top supporters urging them to stick to the campaign’s preferred message — and to avoid taking gratuitous shots at their Democratic rivals. ‘Overheated rhetoric and personal attacks on our opponents distract from the big differences between John McCain’s vision for the future of our nation and the Democrats,’ wrote Rick Davis in a document the campaign e-mailed to Republican officials and staffers this afternoon. ‘This campaign is about John McCain: his vision, leadership, experience, courage, service to his country and ability to lead as commander in chief from day one.’ McCain, Davis added, ‘has held himself to the highest standards and he will continue to run a respectful campaign based on the issues. We expect that all supporters, surrogates and staff will hold themselves to similarly high standards when they are representing the campaign. To help guide you, please find talking points below.'”

So the McCain campaign has sent out talking points to supporters, surrogates, and staff telling them what to say. “Those talking points focus entirely on McCain’s biography and positions on key issues.”

And from Rush Limbaugh because he said exactly how I feel about this:

” I have to tell you, this doesn’t apply to me, folks. No, it doesn’t. I’m not trying to be provocative here. This does not apply to me. I’m not a surrogate. I am a liberated American who will discuss the candidates as I see fit, without the help of the McCain campaign and their talking points. Can you believe this? Talking points? This is going to extend beyond just surrogates and staff and anybody that speaks for McCain, is going to be asked to stick to these talking points. I’ve never heard of a candidate issuing talking points to supporters, telling them to stick to those points and not to express their own views their own ways.”

“This is still pandering to the lib media, folks. Just stick to this, if you would, please. Just say that McCain has the experience, the judgment, the character to lead America in a dangerous world. That’s one of the primary talking points. This is not the way we Republicans do things. We don’t do this. You’re — you’re asking us to compromise our principles. This is something the Democrats do. You remember the calls. “Where is your integrity on this? “

Wild Thing’s comment………..
Um what happened to freedom of speech? Just asking of course but it seems to be talking points, memo’s and forget about speaking the truth. I agree with Rush, this will never apply to me, nor to this blog. I would not waste my time doing one post if I had to be under some kind of American version of Islamic law or something. No thank you.
And oh just one more thing, I will never do what this jerk Rick Davis of all people requests.
Past post about Rick Davis:
McCain and Connections To Soros ~ Ugly Stuff
I guess they just want us to go off quietly, in silence and not mention anything we learn about. Hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil. Sorry I did not come from a monkey. LOL

13 Mar

Confronting John Kerry about Winter Soldier II ~ Must See Video

Sen. John Kerry confronted about Winter Soldier II

Here’s the transcript:
Opening slate: On January 31, 1971, John Kerry organized the “Winter Soldier Investigations,” a media event that falsely accused American soldiers of routinely raping, torturing, and murdering innocent Vietnamese civilians.
Second slate: From March 13-16, 2008, “Iraq Veterans Against the War” has coordinated a second Winter Soldier Investigations in an effort to assail the U.S. Military in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Third slate: On March 11, 2008, Jason Mattera of Young America’’s Foundation confronted Senator Kerry (D-MA) about Winter Soldier II and the Senator’’s shady past.
MATTERA: Hey, Sen. Kerry! Jason Mattera with Young America’s Foundation. How are you?
KERRY: Jason. How are you?
MATTERA: I was wondering: Do you have any advice for the new group of activists who are organizing Winter Soldier II?
KERRY: I haven’t [unintelligble] what they’re doing or where they’re at. I just don’t…
MATTERA: Do you think this crop of anti-war activists, do you there’ll be any frauds like Al Hubbard?
KERRY: I have no idea. I hope not.
MATTERA: Do you think that they will make slanderous accusations–accusing the troops of raping women, pillaging villaging, just like you did to the Fulbright committee?
KERRY: Uh, I didn’t make those.
MATTERA: You didn’t?
Audio clip, John Kerry, 4/22/71: [They told the stories at times] they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country.
Kerry claims Winter Soldier Investigations were substantiated by further investigation.
MATTERA: Did you ever verify those –
KERRY (crosstalk): I’ve been misquoted about that hundreds of times.
MATTERA: So you never substantiated those charges before you–
KERRY: I proposed–I gave them to the committee because I felt that they ought to be investigated and that’s exactly what I said. These are the–many of those charges, incidentally, were subsequently verified by different entities.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
I am thrilled to see this, I love how Kerry got rattled and into the interview asked who Jason was ( Jason had already told him. hahaha) and who he was with. LMAO Kerry is lucky he lives in a politically correct USA, because if it was a Wild Thing USA he would be in jail for what he did, or worse. Because of Kerry soldiers died and I will never forgive him.
Never Forget!

* Michelle Malkin

13 Mar

Protestors Intend To Shutdown The Tacoma Mall

Fort Lewis officials are alerting soldiers and their families to avoid the Tacoma Mall
the patriot files
The anti-war movement is ramping up their attacks with a call to harass military personnel and their families at the Tacoma Mall, this Saturday the 15th.
Recommend that DOD affiliated personnel, family members, retirees and civilians avoid the Tacoma Mall area on 15 March 2008 from 1200 to 1730 hours.
Local protest groups have announced their intention to shutdown the Tacoma Mall and the recruiting station located at the mall to call attention to the upcoming anniversary of the start of the Iraq War. They want to “Make it impossible for business as usual to continue as the Iraq War approaches its 5th year.”
Anticipated activities include distributing anti-war and anti-military literature, confront local recruiters or persons trying to enter their facilities, and attempts to interact with soldiers, family members and/or civilians who appear to be military or have DOD decals on their vehicles.
Recent protests against the war at the Port of Olympia have been marked by increased levels of violence. DOD personnel, family members and civilians should avoid contact, to include conversations or dialogue with protesters. Protesters may be filming activities for reporting in independent media or use in legal actions.
Commanders and supervisors should strongly encourage their soldiers, family members, and civilians to avoid the Tacoma Mall area during this time and to report incidents of violence to local police.
For incidents of violence, call 911
For non-critical information, contact Washington State Police at (253) 536-6210 or Tacoma Police Department at (253) 594-7800.
Conservative Talk radio KVI-570 has put out a call to all listeners to show up and support the troops. Bring a flag, a sign, a banner, and most of all a friend.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
There are about 20,000 Soldiers at Fort Lewis, 5,000 Airman (USAF) and about 15,000 Sailors and Marines in the Puget Sound area.
I am sick and tired of seeing people act malicious toward us soldiers and their families. And having to otell military families to stay away from the mall is not lilving under the precious FREEDOMS their loved one and our Veternas have fought for.
It is past time for leaders in the Senate and House to demand an investigation into the nationwide epidemic of attacks on recruiting stations. U.S. Attorneys should prosecute the agitators. The Constitution provides that the federal government be able to raise an Army during wartime. The escalation in attacks is not only costing taxpayers money, but they could cripple the country’s ability to defend herself.
If this isn’t treason, what is? What they want to do goes way beyond the First Amendment rights!

13 Mar

B. Hussein Obama’s Mentor Jeremiah Wright Obama’s Minister

Barack Obama’s mentor, Jeremiah Wright of Trinity UCC (United Church of Christ) preaching on the notion of a black Jesus being oppressed by white people and his tirade against Hillary Clinton stating that, “Hillary ain’t never been called a……

And then there is also this, it should mean trouble for Obama but since there is a double standard it probably won’t:

Obama’s Controversial Pastor Puts Church in Hot Water
Fox News elections
CHICAGO – Barack Obama’s controversial pastor and the church he’s served for 36 years may be in hot water over statements he has made from the pulpit in support of the Illinois senator’s run for the White House.
The Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. preaches that he follows the righteous path, but when it comes to the federal tax law, his Trinity United Church of Christ may have crossed the line.
Although Wright delivered what was billed as his final sermon last month on his path to retirement, prior to his departure he delivered commentary from the pulpit now being scrutinized in which he praised Obama.

“There is a man here who can take this country in a new direction,” Wright said during his Jan. 13 sermon, according to recordings obtained by FOX News.

It was not the first time Wright appeared to endorse Obama, who was baptized at Trinity United, has been an active member of the church for two decades and receives spiritual mentorship from Wright.
The title of Obama’s second book, “The Audacity of Hope,” was taken from a sermon by Wright.
During a Christmas sermon, Wright tried to compare Obama’s upbringing to Jesus at the hands of the Romans.

“Barack knows what it means living in a country and a culture that is controlled by rich white people,” Wright said. “Hillary would never know that.

“Hillary ain’t never been called a nigger. Hillary has never had a people defined as a non-person.”

In his Jan. 13 sermon, Wright said:

“Hillary is married to Bill, and Bill has been good to us. No he ain’t! Bill did us, just like he did Monica Lewinsky. He was riding dirty.”

FOX News purchased the video recordings of Wright’s sermons from the church.

“It’s pretty clear an indirect endorsement of Barack Obama – that’s not something you’re supposed to do according to the tax code,” said Andrew Walsh, a professor at Trinity College who specializes in religion in politics.

The tax code bans churches from participating in or intervening in a political campaign. Violations can result in the loss of a church’s tax exempt status.
The Obama campaign issued a statement in response to FOX News’ inquiries about Wright’s sermons.

“Senator Obama has said repeatedly that personal attacks such as this have no place in this campaign or our politics, whether they’re offered from a platform at a rally or the pulpit of a church,” said Bill Burton, a campaign spokesman.

“Senator Obama does not think of the pastor of his church in political terms. Like a member of his family, there are things he says with which Senator Obama deeply disagrees.”

Obama defended Wright’s longtime activism for blacks in America last week at a campaign event in Ohio.

“Jeremiah Wright … has said some things that are considered controversial because he’s considered that part of his social gospel,” Obama said.

The Internal Revenue Service wouldn’t comment on whether it is looking into potential tax violations at Trinity United. The church declined to make Wright available for an interview.
Congregant Dwight Hopkins, a professor of Theology at the University of Chicago, said there is no basis for the IRS to go after the church.

“From the church side they will say it’s theology,” said. “If it wasn’t a senator running for president and it wasn’t his church, then I think we could say all kinds of things.”

The IRS has written dozens of letters warning churches against political advocacy from the pulpit. Yet it has revoked a church’s tax-exempt status only twice in the last half-century.
Walsh said it’s not typical for the IRS to enforce the rules.

“There’s a tension here between the desires of the religious leaders to say important things in the public marketplace and the IRS rules, and so most of the time, the IRS does not enforce these rules,” Walsh said.

The public scrutiny of these sermons comes in the wake of last month’s revelation by the head of the United Church of Christ that the IRS is investigation a speech Obama gave at the denomination’s national conference last year in Connecticut.
In a certified letter, Marsha Ramirez, IRS director, EO Examinations, wrote:

“Our concerns are based on articles posted on several Web sites including the church’s which state the United States Presidential Candidate Senator Barack Obama addressed nearly 10,000 church members gathered at the United Church of Christ’s biennial General Synod at the Hartford Civic Center, on June 23, 2007. In addition, 40 Obama volunteers staffed campaign tables outside the center to promote his campaign.”

The church and the Obama campaign have denied that any inappropriate political advocacy occurred during this speech.
Wright’s sermons often address themes of white supremacy and black repression, and critics have called them racially divisive.


Wild Thing’s comment……..

This is one very sick minister, human being!
I don’t understand hate, there are people I don’t respect at all, there are people I think should go to jail or even yes be executed for treason. But I don’t waste time in my heart to hate any of them. Hate like love is a strong emotion and unlike love that is a positive force, hate is destructive as much to the person it is directed upon as it is the person holding hate in their heart. Maybe it is called categorizing feelings I don’t know. It is just that I say how I feel about let’s say Hanoi Jane or Kerry, Murtha etc. rant about them, know what I would like done to them for punishment and then I move on. I know there is only so much I can do about my anger at them even though it runs deep within me. At the moment of a rant I can feel my blood like it is boiling, but when the rant is done my blood stops boiling till the next time. haha
My enemy is the enemy within our country. They are the ones that concern me the most. Not the terrorists you might ask? No they aren’t. Sure I want to be safe and all, but we know if we had to we could shoot them if they attacked us, if the situation was such that we had a gun with us at the time. But the enemy within is killing our country, and seems bound and determined to hand it over to the followers of Islam / socialism/progressives / communism / globalize. They are my immediate enemy and that kind of fight would have to be done with strong leaders that think and believe like we do. And that is the catch 22 that drives me up a wall. Because those kind of leaders are few and far between and most certainly none of them are running for President. And there is no way anyone should do violence against this kind of enemy it would be wrong and against the law as well. It is not an enemy that can be shot no matter what.
If I was in the military I would want to be a Marine sniper. One shot, one kill no remorse. Job done and go on with what I had to do next. But this is not life in the military, this is political suicide, this death to America is something that creeps across our land in laws, and PC and protesters against those fighting to keep us safe and living in the land of the free. It is back room deals and secret talks about amnesty and how to ignore existing immigration laws.
The enemy within has their sites on our Flag and what it stands for, on what our Founding Fathers fought each other and worked so hard to make the America we have to exist. They loath our military and have lied to our Veterans with the stroke of a pen. They leave our POW’s behind not by accident but intentionally as we know this has happened and is documented. They use poisons on our troops in the jungle and now too in the land of sand. Then deny their guilt and responsibility when the soldier gets home and gets sick. Making it hard as heck to get the right treatment. They scoff at rebuttals as though we are beneath them and they are the ones that live each day with hate ruling their very being just like the followers of Islam.
And just like this preacher of Obama’s church, a man filled with hate, smaller then small in character and only is capable of preaching his hate instead of working to do positive things for blacks. It is easier to yell vile things then it is to teach ethics and high character and how blessed they should be to live in America. No instead it is hate the white people and cop out to being responsible human beings and citizens. “Give me give me” like Michelle Obama has talked about in her speeches.
Being a positive person I can only say to pray, pray for America, pray for our military and their families. We can be fighters, Patriots and warriors and we need to be. We should never give up on this great land, this is the best country in the entire world.It might be where we have to go through some hell and it sure seems so but we will get our chance as long as we don’t give up. The enemy doesn’t realize and never will, it would take a thousand of them to equal ONE of you.

13 Mar

Undercover Reporting in Berkely of Their Protests of Marines, Iraq War and Deodorant ~ LOL

Marines in Berkeley
Rob Riggle goes undercover to report on Berkeley, CA’s reaction to a new Marine recruiting station. Code Pink protests Berkeley Marines and war.

13 Mar

Second Muslim Elected to Congress

Andre Carson Becomes Second Muslim in Congress
transworld news
Andre Carson was elected in Indiana in a special election on Wednesday, becoming the second Muslim in Congress.
Carson was elected to fill the seat left vacant after his grandmother, Democratic Congresswoman Julia Carson, died last December.
Andre Carson, 33, is a member of the Indianapolis City Council who converted to Islam about a decade ago. The first and only other Muslim member of the US Congress is Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, also a Democrat, who is in his first term.
Unlike Ellison who sparked controversy for swearing his oath on a Koran instead of a Bible, Carson’s faith was not mentioned much during his campaign.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
If someone had told me in October of 2001 that there would be any muslims elected to federal office, and that the democrat front-runner would be named Barack Hussein Obama, I’d have fallen off my chair in laughter.
I can’t believe that people are that willing to turn their government over to people whose religion is the most intolerant on the face of the planet.
This was a post I made on Feb. 17, 2008 about this man Andre Carson running for office:
Islam Convert Seeks A Seat In Congress
And this one is a post I made on Feb 21st 2008
CAIR’s Guide to Muslims Running For Office

13 Mar

Code Pink’s Full Week Plans For Protesting in Berkeley

Code Pink protests Berkeley Marines, Iraq war
Toting house plants, pink pajamas, drums and organic veggies, protesters in Berkeley began settling in Monday for an around-the-clock protest at the Marine Corps recruitment center this week to mark the fifth anniversary of the beginning of the war in Iraq.

“We wanted to step up the pressure,” said Medea Benjamin, leader of the activist group Code Pink, which has been conducting regular protests at the center in downtown Berkeley since October. “Baghdad has a Green Zone. We wanted to create a really, really green zone with plants and bicycles and films about ecology.”

A few dozen protesters are expected to camp out until Friday on the sidewalk in front of the Marines center at 64 Shattuck Square, and spend their days doing yoga, singing, waving at motorists and watching sustainability documentaries on a laptop computer.
But they’re likely to run afoul of the Berkeley Police Department when they unroll their sleeping bags. Police intend to enforce state laws banning camping on the sidewalk, city spokeswoman Mary Kay Clunies-Ross said.

“They understand that we have a responsibility to keep the sidewalks clear and safe for everyone,” Clunies-Ross said. “So far everyone’s been cool about it. If this changes, we’ll adjust. But so far, so good.”

Four protesters spent the night in front of the center Sunday night but weren’t arrested because they didn’t sleep, Lt. Andrew Greenwood said.

“We’re going to continue to monitor the situation and keep the lines of communication open with the demonstrators,” Greenwood said. “We’re happy today was uneventful and we hope it stays that way.”

The usual penalty for sleeping on a sidewalk is a citation requiring suspects to appear in court at a later date, Greenwood said. Police would bring in suspects only to be fingerprinted and booked into jail if there was a likelihood they would immediately commit the same crime again.
Anticipating a deluge of protests in Berkeley leading up to the war anniversary on March 19, the city is cracking down on laws that keep the sidewalks clear and requiring all protest groups to obtain permits. Several groups have requested permits for Civic Center Park and 64 Shattuck Square on March 19, and city staff is trying to work out a compromise with all the interested groups, City Manager Phil Kamlarz said.
The protests don’t seem to be fazing the Marines, who conducted business as usual Monday even as Code Pink activists strung up banners proclaiming “Women Say Enough!” and arranged houseplants on the sidewalk.

“They don’t bother us,” said a Marine in the recruitment center who declined to give his name. “We’re used to it. We don’t get a lot of people coming to the office, anyway. We usually go out to meet people.”

Code Pink has a full roster of activities planned for the week, including: yoga every morning at 8:30, organic potlucks every noon; nightly movies and popcorn; a bike ride around Berkeley on Tuesday; an open-mike musical jam on Wednesday; and a “send-off” to the Marines on Friday, when protesters will bring suitcases and pink berets for traveling.

“Since Berkeley is such a green city, we thought we’d turn the Marines recruiting center into a green zone,” said Benjamin.

The center made international headlines last month when the City Council approved a proclamation that the Marines are “unwelcome intruders” in Berkeley. The city also granted a weekly parking permit to Code Pink outside the recruiting station to facilitate the group’s regular protests.
Thousands of military supporters and peace activists from throughout the country descended on Berkeley for the City Council’s reconsideration of the matter, creating the city’s largest and most colorful protest in years.
The council revoked the declaration, but restated its opposition to the war. Since the vote, protests have become nearly constant at the center, which opened in January 2007 in a small downtown storefront.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
What I don’t get is when they put that sign on the window isn’t that defacing property? Shouldn’t that person be arrested?
“”Baghdad has a Green Zone. We wanted to create a really, really green zone with plants and bicycles and films about ecology.”
OMG Can you believe this? LOL
“The council revoked the declaration”
Ms. Jones needs to check her facts. The council did NOT revoke their declaration, they only rescinded the portion about sending a letter to the Marine Corps.
The irony of all their foolish efforts is that Marine recruitment is. OOHRAH!
So up yours Code Pinko’s!

13 Mar

Marines Deserve Better Thanks Than This

A Tracy man calls out the Berkeley city council and a protest group for their actions against U.S. Marine Corps recruiters.
Tracy Press
By Craig Dander is a Tracy resident
In December 2006, U.S. Marine Capt. Richard Lund and staff moved from the old Federal Building in Alameda because it was scheduled to be torn down. He found a new location at Shattuck Square in Berkeley in proximity to the University of California, Berkeley, campus and many other colleges.
Lund is a Marine with more than eight years of service. He flew transport helicopters during most of this time, with two stints in Iraq and a tour in Sumatra, where he delivered humanitarian aid to victims of the 2004 tsunami.
He requested to come to the Bay Area to serve recruiting duty. He is the selection officer for the northern Bay Area; it is his job to recruit, interview, screen and evaluate college students and college graduates who show interest in becoming officers in the U.S. Marine Corps. Once they have formally committed to pursuing the program, his job is to help them apply and prepare for the rigors of Officer Candidate School and the challenges of life as a Marine officer.
To be eligible for the program, you have to either be a full-time college student or a college graduate. High schools students are not eligible to become officers.
Being a Marine officer is not the easiest path in the world; leading Marines requires incredible self sacrifice, and in today’s Marine Corps., succeeding in one’s quest to become a Marine officer almost guarantees a trip to Iraq.
Recently, the Berkeley City Council, in a 6-3 vote, approved a declaration proposed by council members and led by councilwoman Linda Mayo that the U.S. Marine Corps close its Berkeley recruiting center. The document went on to say that the Marines were “uninvited and unwelcome intruders.”
That same night, the council went on to approve a parking permit right in front of the Marine Corps offices and a noise permit — both free of normal fees collected by the city— to the antiwar group Code Pink.
These Code Pink folks try to characterize themselves in the media as a “bunch of grandmothers” who just want to see the boys come home from a stupid war. Nothing could be further from the truth.
They painted across the front doors of the Marine office in Berkeley: “Recruiters are traitors!” They’ve thrown animal feces at the Marines entering and exiting the building and posted signs that say things like, “Marines — the few, the proud, the insane!”
Councilwoman Mayo described Lund as a traitor in an interview on National Public Radio. She suggested that the Marines “take advantage of those in society with the fewest options … and they exploit the poor and impoverished to acquire more Marines to fight their war.”
She might be surprised to find that many young men and women seek out the Marines because they are an elite fighting group and the best amphibious assault force on the planet. They join because they want to be a part of something worthwhile and fulfilling. Often, these young people are fulfilling lifelong dreams in the pursuit of the Marine Corps.
We are an independent nation with an all-volunteer fighting force. We must maintain a military or be allied with those who do. Marines fight by order of the president. They have no power to change political policy here or abroad, so to insult them as a group or as individuals in such a hate-filled manner is misdirected at best. It’s not “their war,” and it should be remembered that they serve when and where they are asked to fight.
The Berkeley community has a tradition of respecting free speech and the rights of others. It’s a shame that those traditions have not been on display here. Instead, people with an utter disdain for the Marines, in the name of ending the war, demonized them as was done during the Vietnam era. They treat them as unwanted interlopers, and the council, in its arrogance, evidently thought endorsing this kind of message was for the greater good.
The Berkeley City Council and Code Pink are elitist, segregationist and self-righteous in both word and action.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of these United States of America, and I give my heart to the U.S. Marines and all the armed servicemen and -women who have given me the freedoms my family takes for granted each day. May God bless them all with a lifetime of abundance as they return home from active duty!

Wild Thing’s comment……..
If you go to the link you can also read the comments at the Tracy Press article. Many are from family members of those serving now.

12 Mar

McCain’s Campaign Condemns King’s Remarks About Obama

McCain Slams Rep. King’s Obama Comments
John McCain’s presidential campaign has condemned remarks by Rep. Steve King, who claimed that terrorists will be “dancing in the streets” if Democrat Barack Obama is elected president.

“The senator rejects the type of politics that degrades our civics, and this campaign will be about the future of our country,” said Jill Hazelbaker, spokeswoman for the presumptive Republican nominee.

“McCain could not be clearer on how he views these types of comments, and obviously that view extends to Congressman King’s statement.”

King, a three-term Republican from Iowa, made the comments to a radio station on Friday as he announced his bid for another term in the House, the Washington Post reported.

“I don’t want to disparage anyone because of their race, their ethnicity, their name — whatever their religion their father might have been,” King said.

“I’ll just say this: When you think about the optics of a Barack Obama potentially getting elected president of the United States — I mean, what does this look like to the rest of the world? What does it look like to the world of Islam?”

King then said: “I will tell you that if he is elected president, then the radical Islamists, the al-Qaida, the radical Islamists and their supporters, will be dancing in the streets in greater numbers than they did on September 11 because they will declare victory in this war on terror.”

King then told Fox News on Saturday that if “we elect Obama to the presidency and . . . if they don’t dance in the streets, I will come and apologize to you and everybody in America. But I’m saying, ‘I’m right.’”

Obama responded during a campaign stop in Mississippi on Monday: “I think that Mr. King has it backwards. The fact that the continuation of a presence in Iraq as Sen. McCain has suggested is exactly what, I think, will fan the flames of anti-American sentiment and make it more difficult for us to create a long-term and sustainable peace in the world.”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
I stand with King…McCain needs to apologize to King.
Regarding my being ticked at McCain for his being a liberal, it never seems to end……….Michael Corleone: “Just when I thought that I was out they pull me back in.”
I don’t see how McCain can campaign against either Obama or Hillary, especially if every time a Republican says something anti-Democrat, he jumps in to defend the lib. I have never seen a politician do so much to alienate his base as McCain has.
It’s true. Terrorists will be dancing in the streets. Tough cookies but Obama has painted himself as a terrorist-enabler by offering them a “summit”. Terrorists don’t deserve a “summit”. All the hand-wringing will bring us an Obama presidency.