28 Mar

“Damn America” Pastor Wright Gets $1.6M Home in Retirement

The four- bedroom, 10,000-plus square foot home that Trinity United Church of Christ is building for Reverend Jeremiah Wright. (FNC Photo)

Obama’s Former Pastor Getting $1.6M Home in Retirement
Fox News
By Jeff Goldblatt
This was supposed to be the week that the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. returned to the pulpit to preach for the first time since his anti-American sermons generated nationwide outrage and drew condemnation from his longtime parishioner, Barack Obama.
But, citing security concerns, Wright canceled his speaking engagements in Florida and Texas. A spokeswoman at his former church in Chicago said his schedule is pending.
A two-week FOX News investigation, however, has uncovered where Wright will be spending a good deal of his time in retirement, and it is a far cry from the impoverished Chicago streets where the preacher led his ministry for 36 years.
FOX News has uncovered documents that indicate Wright is about to move to a 10,340-square-foot, four-bedroom home in suburban Chicago, currently under construction in a gated community.
While it is not uncommon for an accomplished clergyman to live in luxury, Wright’s retirement residence is raising some questions.

“Some people think deals like this are hypocritical. Jeremiah Wright himself criticizes people from the pulpit for middle classism, for too much materialism,” said Andrew Walsh, Associate Director of the Leonard E. Greenberg Center for the Study of Religion in Public Life with Trinity College in Hartford, Conn.

“So he’s entitled to be tweaked here. So the question really is, how unusual is this? Somewhat unusual,” he said.
According to documents obtained from the Cook County Register of Deeds, Wright purchased two empty lots in Tinley Park, Ill., from Chicago restaurant chain owner Kenny Lewis for $345,000 in 2004.
Documents show Wright sold the property to his church, Trinity United, in December 2006, with the proceeds going to a living trust shared with his wife, Ramah.
The sale price for the land was just under $308,000, about $40,000 less than Wright’s original purchase two years earlier.
Public records of the sale show Trinity initially obtained a $10 million bank loan to purchase the property and build a new house on the land.
But further investigation with tax and real estate attorneys showed that the church had actually secured a $1.6 million mortgage for the home purchase, and attached a $10 million line of credit, for reasons unspecified in the paperwork.
There is apparently nothing wrong with that, according to non-profit tax expert Jack Siegel of Charity Governance Consulting, who examined public documents FOX News obtained from the Cook County Register of Deeds and the Village of Tinley Park.

“At least looking at it from a public document standpoint, there’s clearly not a problem that jumps out or some sort of wrongdoing,” Siegel said.

Siegel characterizes the transaction as unusual, however, because of the way Wright sold the property to Trinity and the way the deal was financed, with the attached $10 million line of credit.
Because churches are classified as private businesses, Trinity isn’t required to reveal its intended use for the line of credit. Nor, because it’s a non-profit entity, is it required to provide that information to the IRS.
A spokesman for ShoreBank, the Chicago-based financial institution that secured mortgages for the loans, said the deals were aboveboard.
Wright did not respond to repeated calls for comment, and Trinity United refused to discuss the specifics of the home it is building for him and the way the deal was financed.
The church referred FOX News to its denominational headquarters in Cleveland, which provided a statement of support:

“It is customary and appropriate in many Christian denominations, including the United Church of Christ, for local churches to offer housing provisions for retiring clergy, especially in cases where pastors have served long-term pastorates. We support efforts by our 5,700 local churches to ensure that retiring pastors and spouses have continuing housing, adequate pension and health care, as an expression of our continuing appreciation for their years of service. Each local UCC congregation is free to honor a retiring pastor in ways it feels most appropriate to address the needs of that clergyperson’s circumstances,” wrote the Rev. J. Bennett Guess, spokesman for UCC’s national office.

“This is about how these kinds of churches work,” notes Walsh. “These pastors who made big successful churches are real valuable commodities. Is it morally wrong? Well, Protestants don’t have the idea that their religious leaders should live modestly or aesthetically. We’re not talking Buddhist monks or Catholic priests here. There’s no tradition that says they have to live poor.”

Tradition at Trinity United centers on a congregation that’s unashamedly black and unapologetically Christian, according to the church’s website. There are also no apologies from the church for the home it’s building for its former senior pastor, who nurtured a religious empire that grew to have more than 8,000 congregants.

Wild Thikng’s comment……..
LMAO well here we have the ole hated American dream that Wright attacked in his sermons. Too funny!!
If Wright was a wonderful man of God, that taught the Gospel, how God wants us to be the best we can be for Him and for ourselves too as a person. To be kind to others and slow to anger etc. All the things the Bible teachers, then I would cheer him on for a beautiful home. But he has spent a lifetime of hating my awesome country, spreading and spewing hate of a white race that has never as far as I know been out to get him, hang him, make him a slave or anything close.
He has damned my country and NO one does that and get’s away with it. I will never wish him well, I will never be happy for him in any way. He is evil and that is all he is as a man, as a citizen and as a minister or hate.
Growing up the church we went to the minister was an awesome man. He had moved to America from Toronto, he was originally born in Scotland, he had been a hockey player and then went to school to become a minister. He fell in love, got married and adopted two children from the same place that I was adopted from. He was a fantastic preacher, a caring person and well loved and respected.
We would have church ice skating parties and he would love to skate again and was so good too especially since being a hockey player in his past. We all loved it when he would really let himself have fun and watched him do a lot of the fancy skating and spins etc. He would skate with his wife and kids too and they had such fun.
I mention this because he was of course given a home to live in as pastor of our church. It was a very nice house, in a safe and clean neighborhood with good schools for his children. His wife worked in her garden and it was beautiful. The house was not a mansion but that would have been ok too.
I don’t care if Wright has a mansion it is the man that concerns me. His character and that is lacking in the most devastating way. He is without any good character and has done much harm to those with mush brains that soak in all his hate he preachers. That to me is sad and very scary. And his damning America is unforgivable.

….Thank you Les for sending this article to me.

28 Mar

33 Senator’s Should Be On List As UnAmerican

33 Senators voted against English as America ‘s official language on June 6, 2007. Of the 33, only one is a Republican and two are Independents; the rest are Democrats!
On Wednesday, June 6, 2007, at 23:35:23, Colonel Harry Riley, USA-Ret. wrote:

” Your vote against an amendment to Immigration Bill 1348 to make English America’s official language is astounding. On D-Day, no less, when we honor those who sacrificed in order to secure the bedrock, character and principles of America , I can only surmise your vote reflects a loyalty to illegal aliens.
I don’t much care where you come from, what your religion is, whether you’re black, white, or some other color, male or female, Democrat, Republican or Independent, but I do care when you’re a United States Senator representing citizens of America and you vote against English as the official language of the United States.
Your vote reflects betrayal and political surrender. It violates your Pledge of Allegiance, dishonors historical principle, rejects patriotism, borders on traitorous action and, in my opinion, makes you unfit to serve as a United States Senator. Impeachment, recall or other appropriate action is warranted or possibly even worse.
Four of you voting against English as America ‘s official language are current or former presidential candidates: Senator Biden, Senator Clinton, Senator Dodd and Senator Obama. You are and were four Senators vying to lead America, but you won’t or don’t have the courage to cast a vote in favor of English as America’s official language when 91% of American citizens want English officially designated as our language.
This is the second time in the last several months this list of Senators have disgraced themselves as “political hacks” unworthy of being Senators and certainly unqualified to serve as the President of the United States .
If America is as angry as I am, you will realize a backlash so stunning it will literally “rock you out of your pants” and, preferably, totally out of the United States Senate. The entire immigration bill is a farce. Your action only confirms this really isn’t about America , it’s about self-serving politics and it’s despicable at best. It has been said, “Never argue with an idiot. They’ll drag you down to their level!”

The following Senators voted against making English the official language of America :
Akaka (D-HI)
Bayh (D-IN)
Biden (D-DE) (Unsuccessfully ran for President)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-CA)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Clinton (D-NY) (Wants to be President)
Dayton (D-MN)
Dodd (D-CT) (Unsuccessfully ran for President)
Domenici (R-NM) (Coward. Protecting his Senate seat.)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feingold (D-WI) (Not unusual for him!)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA)
Inouye (D-HI)
Jeffords (I-VT)
Kennedy (D-MA) (Unsuccessfully ran for President)
Kerry (D-MA) (Unsuccessfully ran for President)
Kohl (D-WI))
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
Lieberman (I-CT) (Disappointment here.)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Murray (D-WA)
Obama (D-IL) (Wants to be President)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV) (Senate Majority Leader)
Salazar (D-CO)
Sarbanes (D-MD)
Schumer (D-NY)
Stabenow (D-MI)
President Abraham Lincoln stated:

“Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled or hanged!”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is a great letter that Colonel Harry Riley wrote.
What nerve it takes and a hate for America for a politician to vote against English to be our language. Whenever I traveled out of the country I always took a small language booklet with me of whatever the language was in the country I was going to. I was never good at speaking other languages but I at least tried, out of respect for the country where I would be visiting or working.
There are many languages spoken by those coming to this country and it is WRONG that we have press #2 for Spanish instead of letting them know they need to learn English if they plan on living here.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.

28 Mar

God’s Busy

If you don’t know GOD, don’t make stupid remarks !!!!!!!
A United States Marine was attending some college courses between assignments.
He had completed missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. One of the courses had a professor who was an avowed atheist and a member of the ACLU.
One day the professor shocked the class when he came in. He looked to the ceiling and flatly stated, “God, if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform. I’ll give you exactly 15 minutes.” The lecture room fell silent.
You could hear a pin drop.
Ten minutes went by and the professor proclaimed, “Here I am God. I’m still waiting.” It got down to the last couple of minutes when the Marine got out of his chair, went up to the professor, and cold-cocked him, knocking him off the platform. The professor was out cold.
The Marine went back to his seat and sat there, silently. The other students were shocked and stunned and sat there looking on in silence. The professor eventually came to, noticeably shaken, looked at the Marine and asked, ”
What the heck is the matter with you? Why did you do that?”
The Marine calmly replied, “God was too busy today protecting America’s soldiers who are protecting your right to say stupid stuff and act like an idiot like you did………………………. So, He sent me.”

Wild Thing’s comment……
God bless our Marines! LOL I love this.

….Thank you John, love it.

28 Mar

Free Kittens

Little Suzy had a box of very small kittens that she was trying to give away, so she had them out on the street corner with a sign ‘FREE KITTENS’ next to them. Suddenly a long line of big black cars came up with a policeman on a motorcycle in front. The cars all stopped and a tall man stepped out from the biggest car. ‘Hi, little girl, what do you have there in the box?’ he asked.
‘Kittens’ Little Suzy says. ‘They’re so small, their eyes are not even open yet.’
‘What kind of kittens are they?’ he asked.
‘Democrats’ says Little Suzy. The tall man smiled, returned to his car and they drove away.
Sensing a good photo opportunity, Sen. Obama called his campaign manager and told him about the little girl with the kittens. It was planned that they would return the next day, have all the media there and tell everyone about these ‘democrat’ kittens.
The next day, Little Suzy is standing out on the corner with her box of kittens with the ‘FREE KITTENS’ sign and the big motorcade of black cars pulled up with all the vans and trucks from ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN. Everyone had their cameras ready and then Sen. Obama got out of his limo and walked up to Little Suzy. ‘Now don’t be frightened,’ he said, I just want you to tell all these nice news people just what kind of kittens you’re giving away today.’
‘Yes sir,’ Suzy said, ‘they are all REPUBLICAN kittens.’
Taken by surprise, Sen. Obama said, ‘But yesterday you told me they were DEMOCRATS.’
Little Suzy says, ‘Yes, I know. But, today they have their eyes open.’


Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL I love this, it is funny but also makes an excellent point too.

….Thank you RAC.

28 Mar

Michelle Obama Bashes America at USC

Michelle Obama Bashes America at USC

“It’s easier to hold on to your own stereotypes and misconceptions, it makes you feel justified in your own ignorance…That’s AMERICA”

From January of this year by Michelle Obama to students at the University of South Carolina, presumably just before their primary. It shows how Mrs. Obama can utter some truth but put it in such a tone-deaf manner that she obscures the truth with hostility and sneering condescension. In this case, she starts by challenging students to actually embrace diversity by having the courage to reach beyond their social comfort zones, and winds up calling America ignorant:

“We don’t like being pushed outside of our comfort zones. You know it right here on this campus. You know people sitting at different tables- you all living in different dorms. I was there. You’re not talking to each other, taking advantage that you’re in this diverse community. Because sometimes it’s easier to hold on to your own stereotypes and misconceptions. It makes you feel justified in your own ignorance. That’s America. So the challenge for us is are we ready for change?”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
She has certainly flunked her ‘training’ to be First Lady.
Princeton – – then Harvard Law – – earns $360,000 per in a figurehead job – – married to a U. S. Senator and presidential candidate.
Yup, she sure has a lot to complain about. Just wait until she’s First Lady! She’ll still be bitching about how tough it is to be black in America.

27 Mar

Hillary Arrives On A Tank ~ LOL

Wild Thing’s comment……
The music is the Panzie lied song. haha

27 Mar

Hillary wasn’t lying! Bosnia Gunfire Footage Discovered ~ LOL

Wild Thing’s comment………
Barely Political is a left leaning site but they have lots of funny stuff there in some of their other video’s. It’s also were the Obama girl videos come from.
The most important thing people need to take from this gaffe is just what an empty suit she really is. If she strays from the script even a little, she steps in do-do. thats why her interviews are scripted and managed. She cannot function when the end result is not pre-arranged.
I knew this was going to be a parody, but I didn’t think it would be this funny. ROTFLMAO! Personal fav: the part where she executed the terrorist.

27 Mar

Saddam Paid For Lawmakers’ Iraq Trip

The congressmen brought an anti-war message

US: Saddam paid for lawmakers’ Iraq trip
Federal prosecutors say Saddam Hussein’s intelligence agency secretly financed a trip to Iraq for three U.S. lawmakers during the run-up to the U.S.-led invasion.
An indictment in Detroit accuses Muthanna Al-Hanooti of arranging for three members of Congress to travel to Iraq in October 2002 at the behest of Saddam’s regime. Prosecutors say Iraqi intelligence officials paid for the trip through an intermediary.
In exchange, Al-Hanooti allegedly received 2 million barrels of Iraqi oil.
The lawmakers are not mentioned but the dates correspond to a trip by Democratic Reps. Jim McDermott of Washington, David Bonior of Michigan and Mike Thompson of California. There was no indication the three lawmakers knew the trip was underwritten by Saddam.
And this………….
Prosecutors: Saddam’s regime paid for U.S. lawmakers’ prewar trip

The lawmakers are not named in the indictment but the dates correspond to a trip by Democratic Reps. Jim McDermott, Washington; David Bonior, Michigan; and Mike Thompson, California. None was charged and Justice Department spokesman Dean Boyd said investigators “have no information whatsoever” any of them knew the trip was underwritten by Saddam.
During the trip, the lawmakers expressed skepticism about the Bush administration’s claims that Saddam was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction. Though such weapons ultimately never were found, the lawmakers drew criticism for their trip at the time.
Al-Hanooti was arrested Tuesday night while returning to the U.S. from the Middle East, where he was looking for a job, his attorney, James Thomas, said. Al-Hanooti pleaded not guilty Wednesday to charges of conspiracy to act as an unregistered agent of a foreign government, illegally purchasing Iraqi oil and lying to authorities. He was being held on $100,000 bail.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Treason charges should be filed! Hey Nancy Pelosi, does this meet your “high” ethical standards?
And who has the where-with-all to do anything about these fine Congressmen? NOBODY!! As usual. The inmates control now the asylum.
“Democratic Reps. Jim McDermott of Washington, David Bonior of Michigan and Mike Thompson of California. There was no indication the three lawmakers knew the trip was underwritten by Saddam”
Oh of course they didn’t have a clue…what a bunch of BS. Who did they think was paying?!?!
Are any of these seats being contested in November? Hmmmmmm let’s see now, Bonior retired from Congress several years ago, McDermott is a commie America-hater and Thompson I don’t know about.
From 2002 National Catholic Reporter:
……conservative columnist George F. Will termed Bonior and his two Democratic colleagues “useful idiots”–useful to Saddam Hussein, that is. Pundit Christopher Caldwell termed the Baghdad visit a “treason tour.”
From the Omega Letter:
Who Did Saddam Bribe?
List Names Top Officials in France, Russia
Terror – Islam
Monday, February 09, 2004

On January 25, 2004, a daily newspaper in Iraq called al Mada published a list of individuals and organizations who it says received oil from the now-deposed regime. Among those listed is Shakir al Khafaji, an Iraqi-American from Detroit, who ran “Expatriate Conferences” for the regime in Baghdad. Al Khafaji also contributed $400,000 to the production of Scott Ritter’s film “In Shifting Sands.” Finally, al Khafaji arranged travel and financing for the “Baghdad Democrats”–Jim McDermott, Mike Thompson and David Bonior–last fall. Following the trip, al Khafaji contributed $5,000 to McDermott’s Legal Defense Fund.

And one last one here from the past:
US lawmakers push diplomacy in Iraq
30 September, 2002
BBC News

The congressmen brought an anti-war message
The three members of the House of Representatives – David Bonior, Jim McDermott and Mike Thompson – have been in Iraq for four days to assess the humanitarian situation.
Mr McDermott, of Washington state, said the US should concentrate on making sure Iraq was safe, not toppling its leader.
“Regime change requires war, disarming can be done diplomatically,” he said.
He also suggested that former President Jimmy Carter, who has become involved in peace-making and monitoring elections, could check that the UN inspectors were allowed to do their checks unhindered.

….Thank you Jack for the article, there is no other name for this then treason. Jack’s blog is Conservative Insurgent.

27 Mar

Supreme Court Rules Against Illegal Alien Death Row Murderer

Jose Ernesto Medellin

Medellin was born in Mexico, but spent much of his childhood in the United States. He was 18 in June 1993, when he and other members of the Black and Whites gang in Houston encountered two teenage girls on a railroad trestle.
The girls were gang-raped and strangled. Their bodies were found four days later


Supreme Court rules against illegal alien Death Row murderer; upholds US sovereignty
This is very good news. Congrats to the state of Texas, which had to fight the open-borders lobby and the Bush administration all the way to the high court to prevent international law from superseding American sovereignty:

President Bush overstepped his authority when he ordered a Texas court to grant a new hearing to a Mexican on death row for rape and murder, the Supreme Court said Tuesday.
In a case that mixes presidential power, international relations and the death penalty, the court sided with Texas 6-3.
Bush was in the unusual position of siding with death row prisoner Jose Ernesto Medellin, a Mexican citizen whom police prevented from consulting with Mexican diplomats, as provided by international treaty.
An international court ruled in 2004 that the convictions of Medellin and 50 other Mexicans on death row around the United States violated the 1963 Vienna Convention, which provides that people arrested abroad should have access to their home country’s consular officials. The International Court of Justice, also known as the world court, said the Mexican prisoners should have new court hearings to determine whether the violation affected their cases.
Bush, who oversaw 152 executions as Texas governor, disagreed with the decision. But he said it must be carried out by state courts because the United States had agreed to abide by the world court’s rulings in such cases. The administration argued that the president’s declaration is reason enough for Texas to grant Medellin a new hearing.
Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the majority, disagreed. Roberts said the international court decision cannot be forced upon the states.
The president may not “establish binding rules of decision that pre-empt contrary state law,” Roberts said.

Andy McCarthy summed up the bottom line on this case last fall:

“At bottom, the case is about the freedom of Texans to govern themselves, to put sadistic murderers to death if that is what they choose democratically to do, as long as they adhere to American constitutional procedures in carrying out that policy choice. Sure, it offends Mexicans, Europeans, international law professors, and a motley collection of jurists who see themselves as a supra-sovereign tribunal. But that is not a basis for the President to interfere.
The administration has made a great show of promoting democracy. Democracy, however, begins at home.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is excellent news. What a brilliant and clear thinking Chief Justice we have! And Bush had way exceeded his authority big time.
You can also go to my post from October 11, 2007 to read how hard Bush tried to favor this criminal.
Bush Sides With Sides With A Murdering Rapist Against State Of Texas

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.

* Michelle Malkin’s blog

27 Mar

U.S. Based Revolution Muslim Website Spreading Messages of Hate


U.S. Based Revolution Muslim Website Spreading Messages of Hate
Fox News at this link there are also links to video’s this jerk has made.

On any given day, log on to RevolutionMuslim.com and a host of startling images appear:
The Statue of Liberty, with an ax blade cutting through her side;
Video mocking the beheading of American journalist Daniel Pearl, entitled “Daniel Pearl I am Happy Your Dead 🙂 “;
Video of a puppet show lampooning U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq;
The latest speech from Sheikh Abdullah Faisal, an extremist Muslim cleric convicted in the UK and later deported for soliciting the murder of non-Muslims.
Even more surprising is that RevolutionMuslim.com isn’t being maintained in some remote safe house in Pakistan. Instead, Yousef al-Khattab, the Web site creator, runs it from his home in the New York City Borough of Queens.
And, because al-Khattab enjoys the First Amendment right to freedom of speech, all the authorities can do is watch.
Formerly known as Joseph Cohen, al-Khattab is an American-born Jew who converted to Islam after attending an Orthodox Rabbinical school, which he later described as a “racist cult.”

The 39-year-old New York taxi driver launched RevolutionMuslim.com with the mission of “preserving Islamic culture,” “calling people to the oneness of God” and asking them to “support the beloved Sheik Abdullah Faisal, who’s preaching the religion of Islam and serving as a spiritual guide.”

In 2003 Faisal was convicted in the U.K. for spreading messages of racial hatred and urging his followers to kill Jews, Hindus and Westerners. In sermon recordings played at his trial, Faisal called on young, impressionable Muslims to use chemical weapons to “exterminate unbelievers” and “cut the throat of the Kaffars nonbelievers with a machete.”

Authorities believe Faisal’s sermons have influenced 2005 London transport bomber Germaine Lindsay and “shoe bomber” Richard Reid, who attended mosques where Faisal preached.
At times, al-Khattab’s postings are farcical, such as a picture of him holding the book “Nuclear Jihad” with a wry smile on his face. Other messages call for radical Muslim rule worldwide.

Al-Khattab claims the Sept. 11 terror attacks were an “inside job,” and he blames U.S. foreign policy for spawning the terrorism that carried out the attacks.

He calls Daniel Pearl, who was kidnapped and beheaded in 2002 by Islamic extremists in Pakistan, “a convicted spy.”

“I could care less about Daniel Pearl,” al-Khattab said in an interview with FOXNews.com. “I’m happy to see that he’s gone.”

The content changes constantly. One reason is that the fast flow of information allows messages to spread through cyberspace quickly. Another, terrorism analysts say, is to make it difficult for law enforcement to monitor the site.
Despite his radical anti-Western views, al-Khattab says he does not support terrorism of any kind.
Yet, RevolutionMuslim.com claims to be the official site of “North American representatives” for Sheikh Faisal, and it appears dedicated to spreading his radical doctrine.

He says Faisal “never said to kill innocent people” and was unjustly imprisoned. He says the real terror organizations are the U.S. Army, the CIA, and the FBI — and the National Coast Guard, “to a lesser extent.”

According to RevolutionMuslim, Faisal — who was deported to his native Jamaica in 2007 — is now receiving donations solicited on the site, including money for a new laptop and DVD burner to spread his message.
It’s not illegal to post these messages or collect money for Faisal, but it would be if Faisal were designated a terrorist by the U.S. government. He currently is not listed on any government terror list; a Department of Justice spokesman could not confirm or deny if Faisal is being investigated for any terror related activity.
RevolutionMuslim may look amateurish when compared with other extremist Web sites, but it is no less of a threat, says Mia Bloom, political science professor at the University of Georgia’s School of Public and International Affairs.

“It may lead people who become radicalized by it to turn to other, more dangerous Web sites,” such as those run by terrorist organizations, she said.

Bloom characterized al-Khattab’s message as “narrow” and “misinformed” and said he is attempting to “proselytize or radicalize people who share some of these same ideas.”

“He has obviously been duped or is duping others because that’s not what Islam preaches,” she said.

On his site al-Khattab appears to condemn the very democracy that guarantees him the freedom to express himself — a freedom he cites in a disclaimer on his homepage:

“We hereby declare and make absolute public declaration that revolutionmuslim.com operates under the first amendment right to freedom of religion and expression and that in no way, shape, or form do we call for war against the U.S. government or adhere to the enemies of the United States elsewhere.”

Under the law FBI spokesman Richard Kolko said it is difficult to bring criminal charges against the operators of Web sites like RevolutionMuslim.com unless specific threats are made against an individual or individuals.
Kolko while not speaking directly about RevolutionMuslim said radical sites like these are not often prosecuted.

“It’s usually a First Amendment right if they don’t cross the threshold of making any threats,” said Kolko. “There’s nothing we should or could do.”

“Until the rhetoric reaches the point in which it’s no longer protected speech under the first amendment, it’s hard to stop it,” said security expert, Harvey Kushner.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Get this guy out of America! Sub-Human evil people. They are using our freedom against us!