“Obama was speaking those bitter word to on April 6th. It was the MOST wealthy of the wealthy in San Francisco .. the homes of 3 billionaires, as documented below. And the mainstream press were absent, because this sojourn was off calendar… not noted in news coverage (at least not truthfully about the contributors), no photos. But an enterprising sleuth captured some really good stuff, and, of course, someone in there taped it, which is how it got out at all.
A tiny smattering of media did in fact show up — three local news crews stood across the street or down the block and used the Getty mansion as the backdrop for short segments about Obama’s swing through the Bay Area.
Wait just a minute there. If you do the math, on just this one day in the Bay Area, Obama went to four events, three of which had $2,300 minimum donations per ticket, and the other $1,000 minimum per ticket. Each of the events, from the various descriptions, held as many as 400 people (the Getty mansion has a ballroom that reportedly seats at least 300). 400 x $2,300 = $920,000 per event, times three events = $2.76 million, plus the other event, which undoubtedly puts him over $3 million in contributions for this one day alone. And who knows how many other similar days he schedules in other parts of the country.
Michelle Obama (and other Obama campaign spokespeople) aren’t telling the truth. It seems that a signficant portion of Obama’s monthly campaign contributions are coming from “large donors”‘ — i.e. rich people, not just the “$20 to $50” donations they’re constantly bragging about. “
Muqtada al-Sadr says he will not enter any political process that would allow US forces to remain in Iraq. Alalam news
April 12
Iraq’s Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr on Saturday lashed out at Robert Gates, saying the US defense secretary will always remain his enemy because he is the occupier of Iraq.
“You have always been my enemy. And you will always be my enemy till the last drop of my blood,” Sadr said in a statement.
He was reacting to comments by Gates in which he reportedly said, referring to Sadr, that those who are prepared to work peacefully “within the political process in Iraq” are not the enemies of the United States.
“Which political process do you want to involve me in when you are occupying my land,” Sadr asked.
“I heard the statement of the terrorist American defense minister and I feel compelled to give a decent response to such a terrorist. I have no enemy but you. You are the occupier.”
Sadr said he will keep resisting the US presence in Iraq in a “way that we consider suitable.”
The cleric also told his Mahdi Army that he will no longer accept “any armed men on the streets when they are empty of the occupier.”
“If the occupier leaves the cities, we should not use our weapons. Don’t raise your weapons against Iraqis as long as they don’t help the occupier. I also call on the Iraqi government to back its people to rid the land of the occupier.”
Wild Thing’s comment…….. “And you will always be my enemy till the last drop of my blood,”
Hopefully, from Mookie’s lips to God’s ear…and soon.
Sadr is feeling the heat from the Locals heh heh
* Coalition forces killing “a senior intelligence officer of al Qaeda in Iraq’s network in Diyala. Arkan Khalaf Khudayyir, also known as Karrarr . . . was described as a senior intelligence leader . . . who facilitated suicide bombing attacks in the Diyala River Valley,” and this same “network also has been responsible for attacks in Baghdad, ‘to include attacks by female suicide bombers.'”
* “A document seized by US forces in Balad, and a communique from al Qaeda in Iraq’s leader intercepted by U.S. intelligence (painting) a bleak picture of the terror group’s ability to conduct operations in former strongholds.” A captured diary written by a “emir” Abu Tariq “documents the terror group’s decline, the desertion of its fighters, and logistical problems incurred in the wake of the surge. The diary is also an intelligence coup for U.S. forces. Tariq names current members of the groups and the companies and individuals used in al Qaeda’s support network in the region.” Hillary said that if media reports are accurate, the diary requires a willing suspension of disbelief.
* Al Qaeda in Iraq, “driven from its havens in Baghdad and the surrounding belts region, and most recently Diyala,” has tried to regroup in Mosul, “which has emerged as the latest battleground.” On January 25, ‘lame duck’ al-Maliki announced a new offensive to kick al Qaeda out of the Mosul region, where al Qaeda “maintains its only established supply line to Syria.” The operation has gone better than expected, as you can see by all the media coverage it’s not getting.
* On the political front, Iraqi leaders pushed through a provincial powers law that helps define Iraqi federalism, and sets the stage for provincial elections later this year,” which is on top of enactment of an “amnesty law to resolve the status of many Iraqis held in Iraqi custody,” which is on top of enactment in January of a “de-Ba’athification law that allows mid-level Baath party members to re-enter political and civic life,” which is on top of enactment in December of “a pension law that will allow tens of thousands of Sunnis to collect the retirement benefits they were promised.” The proposed oil law hasn’t passed yet, but “the central government in Iraq continues to distribute oil revenue to the provinces” as if it had.
Now that 12 of the 18 “benchmarks” have been met, liberals complain that the laws passed only after sharp bickering and because lawmakers traded favors by voting for one another’s bills — mammoth abominations unheard of in a democracy.
Before the recent crackdown against militias in Iraq, the New York Times complained that al-Maliki wasn’t cracking down enough against militias in Iraq. Now the New York Times complains that Crackdown on Militias May Add to Instability in Iraq. But if the Mookster’s idiotic provocations accomplished anything, it’s to get the Sunni, Kurd and Shiite factions in the government behind al-Maliki and against the Mookster. Cracking down on Shia militias was another of the Democrats’ hallowed “benchmarks,” but that was until al-Maliki started cracking down on Shia militias. Bush-Petraeus-McCain won the argument, which is why the losercrats are looking sadr and sadr every day.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
The song is called Home by Chris Doughtry. The video was made by a Vietnam Veteran, a Marine and at YouTube he says…..” I made this to Chris Daughtrys song Home. I know it doesn’t fit perfect but I think it expresses the feelings of the troops in Iraq and Afhghanistan. As a former Marine who served in Vietnam I salute these young men and women and I pray for them.”
….Thank you Tincan Sailor for sending this video to me.
“When I go around and I talk to people there is frustration and there is anger and there is bitterness. And what’s worse is when people are expressing their anger then politicians try to say what are you angry about? This just happened – I want to make a point here today.
“I was in San Francisco talking to a group at a fundraiser and somebody asked how’re you going to get votes in Pennsylvania? What’s going on there? We hear that’s its hard for some working class people to get behind you’re campaign. I said, “Well look, they’re frustrated and for good reason. Because for the last 25 years they’ve seen jobs shipped overseas. They’ve seen their economies collapse. They have lost their jobs. They have lost their pensions. They have lost their healthcare.
“And for 25, 30 years Democrats and Republicans have come before them and said we’re going to make your community better. We’re going to make it right and nothing ever happens. And of course they’re bitter. Of course they’re frustrated. You would be too. In fact many of you are. Because the same thing has happened here in Indiana. The same thing happened across the border in Decatur. The same thing has happened all across the country. Nobody is looking out for you. Nobody is thinking about you. And so people end up- they don’t vote on economic issues because they don’t expect anybody’s going to help them. So people end up, you know, voting on issues like guns, and are they going to have the right to bear arms. They vote on issues like gay marriage. And they take refuge in their faith and their community and their families and things they can count on. But they don’t believe they can count on Washington. So I made this statement– so, here’s what rich. Senator Clinton says ‘No, I don’t think that people are bitter in Pennsylvania. You know, I think Barack’s being condescending.’ John McCain says, ‘Oh, how could he say that? How could he say people are bitter? You know, he’s obviously out of touch with people.’
“Out of touch? Out of touch? I mean, John McCain—it took him three tries to finally figure out that the home foreclosure crisis was a problem and to come up with a plan for it, and he’s saying I’m out of touch? Senator Clinton voted for a credit card-sponsored bankruptcy bill that made it harder for people to get out of debt after taking money from the financial services companies, and she says I’m out of touch? No, I’m in touch. I know exactly what’s going on. I know what’s going on in Pennsylvania. I know what’s going on in Indiana. I know what’s going on in Illinois. People are fed-up. They’re angry and they’re frustrated and they’re bitter. And they want to see a change in Washington and that’s why I’m running for President of the United States of America.”
Wild Thing’s comment………
Obama is proving he not only went to Wright’s church, but heard and soaked in every message to heart and that is how he views the world.
And about Hillary, calling Obama elitist…this coming from the woman who would not allow people to look at her as she stomped her way through the halls of the White House. The woman who called the military guards at the White House, “pigs”.
This coming from the woman who had to have a special commode built for her while she traveled China when she was first lady that cost over $25,000.
Elitist, Hillary Clinton does not even give a tip to some minimum wage paid waitress.
America and American’s DO NOT DESERVE THESE TWO pieces of slim.
He’s running out of excuses. Obama wasn’t merely nodding off in the church audience. These were very detailed and condescending comments.
It’s finally coming to the surface-his relationships with Jeremiah Wright and Billy Ayers were warning signs-now he and his wife are really beginning to spew out their own hateful beliefs.
Obama is a racist, baby-terminating, crotch-saluting, America-hating, looney-pastor worshiping, campaign-speech-stealing liar.
In this Obama Family photo are: (bottom row, from left) half-sister Auma, her mother Kezia Obama, Obama’s step-grandmother Sarah Hussein Onyango Obama and unknown; (top row, from left) unknown, Barack Obama, half-brother Abongo (Roy) Obama, and three unknowns ( Sun Times)
Barack Obama stands behind Kezia (stepmother) in a Kenyan family shot. Included in the photo is brother Abongo “Roy” Obama who is a Luo activist and a militant Muslim who argues that the black man must “liberate himself from the poisoning influences of European culture.”
“Abongo’s new lifestyle has left him lean and clear-eyed, and at the wedding, he looked so dignified in his black African gown with white trim and matching cap that so me of our guests mistook him for my father,” Obama wrote in Dreams From My Father.
If Obama left Islam, Obama must have very definite thoughts about it. Obama would have had to make a decision to reject Islam. When did he make that decision? How? Why the silence? Why the reluctance to talk about it?
Apostasy is punishable by death in Islam. Have there been calls for Obama’s death? If not, why not? Islam gives no free passes. A few that have left Islam are quite vocal – Wafa Sultan, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Walid Shoebat, Elijah Abraham. These people have had their lives threatened.
Barack Obama’s cousin Raila Odinga is accused of ethnic cleansing and is currently battling for power in Kenya.
Barack has stated his support for Luo Opposition Leader in Kenya RaRaila Odinga (who signed a Shariah pact with Muslims and claims to be Obama’s cousin) and is married to Ida Odinga. They have four children – two sons and two daughters. His oldest son, Fidel, is named after Fidel Castro. Raila Odinga has signed a pact to institute sharia when he takes power after the current bloody coup.
Odinga is a Marxist who reportedly has made a pact with a hard-line Islamic group in Kenya to establish Shariah courts throughout the country. He has also vowed to ban booze and pork and impose Muslim dress codes on women — moves favored by Obama’s brother. Barack Obama’s cousin Raila Odinga is charged with ethnic cleansing by Kenyan officials.
President Mwai Kibaki was declared the winner of the 27 December poll, but the results were rejected by the opposition and called into question by international observers.
A supporter of the presidential challenger Raila Odinga
More than 600 people have died in unrest since, and another quarter of a million have been driven from their homes.
In an interview last week with the BBC’s HARDtalk programme, Ms Karua said the government had suspected that Mr Raila Odinga’s ODM party was “planning mayhem if they lost”.
But she said they had not expected “the magnitude [of the violence] and for it to be ethnic cleansing”. Barack Obama’s cousin and Kenyan Opposition Leader Raila Odinga (BBC)
source: Investor’s Business Daily
In 1991, when Obama joined the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, he pledged allegiance to something called the Black Value System, which is a code of non-Biblical ethics written by blacks, for blacks.
It encourages blacks to group together and separate from the larger American society by pooling their money, patronizing black-only businesses and backing black leaders. Such racial separatism is strangely at odds with the media’s portrayal of Obama as a uniter who reaches across races.
The code also warns blacks to avoid the white “entrapment of black middle-classness,” suggesting that settling for that kind of “competitive” success will rob blacks of their African identity and keep them “captive” to white culture.
In short, Obama’s “unashamedly black” church preaches the politics of black nationalism. Obama has close family ties to Kenya, and even founded a school in his ancestral village — the Senator Obama School.
In the bloody conflict there, which already has claimed some 700 lives, Obama appears to have sided with opposition leader Raila Odinga, head of the same Luo tribe to which Obama’s late Muslim father belonged.
Obama’s older brother still lives there. Abongo “Roy” Obama is a Luo activist and a militant Muslim who argues that the black man must “liberate himself from the poisoning influences of European culture.” He urges his younger brother to embrace his African heritage.
Beyond family politics, these ties have potential foreign policy, even national security, implications.
Odinga is a Marxist who reportedly has made a pact with a hard-line Islamic group in Kenya to establish Shariah courts throughout the country. He has also vowed to ban booze and pork and impose Muslim dress codes on women — moves favored by Obama’s brother.
With al-Qaida strengthening its beachheads in Africa — from Algeria to Sudan to Somalia — the last thing the West needs is for pro-Western Kenya to fall into the hands of Islamic extremists.
Yet Obama interrupted his New Hampshire campaigning to speak by phone with Odinga, who claims to be his cousin. He did not speak with Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki.
Would Obama put African tribal or family interests ahead of U.S. interests?
He denies being Muslim, however, and says he “embraced Christ” while answering the altar call 20 years ago at Trinity. (Contrary to anonymous e-mail rumors circulating, Obama never took the oath of office on the Quran. He used a Bible, and Vice President Dick Cheney swore him in during his Senate ceremony.)
This merely raises another concern, beyond that of the controversial church he chose to baptize him. If Obama were ever Muslim, even as a youth, he would now be viewed as an apostate, which in radical Islam is punishable by death. As Mideast expert Daniel Pipes has noted, a President Obama could be the target of a fatwah.
Still, his Muslim heritage is not the signal issue before the electorate. It’s his Afrocentric church, which preaches black socialism and black nativism, and his family ties to an African tribe that’s fanning the flames of Marxism and militant Islam in a country once considered strongly democratic and a friend of the U.S.
“I believe in the power of the African-American religious tradition to spur social change,” Obama has asserted. He also says his faith has led him to question “the idolatry of the free market.”
How Raila acquired his billions. Source: Source:
Raila Odinga’s big break came in 2001 soon after he led his party, NDP, into a merger with KANU, the then ruling party. As Energy Minister in Moi’s government he was introduced to the family of Sheikh Abdukeder AlBakari, one of the richest families in Saudi Arabia with interests in petroleum drilling, petroleum exploration and export in the Middle East, Asia, USA and Africa.
Through the Saudi contacts,Raila was initiated into the lucrative world of oil business and soon enough he had joined the league of gig independent oil importers via his firm Pan African Petroleum Limited.
Industry sources say that one of the things that helped Raila make a quick buck in the oil business was a concessionary petroleum deal he struck with the Al Bakri Group where he was not only incorporated as a silent partner in the local arm of Al Bakri International but was also supplied with petroleum products from Saudi Arabia at subsidized prices which his firm would sell in the market at normal prices. That way,Raila was able to deftly beat the competition in oil business by occasional price undercutting.
While still Energy Minister,Raila re-established and nurtured his links with the Libyan government of Colonel Muammar Gadaffi where again he not only did good business in oil importation but also got substantial material support during the 2002 general elections.
A. K. Al Bakri & Sons Holding is the Saudi group headed by President & CEO Abdulkader Al Bakri, which has more outlets, subsidiaries and other companies than one can easily count. One of the prime contracts they would get is for the supply of jet fuel to Nairobi Airport, which allowed for undercutting of the competition there.
This is the very same Abdulkader Al Bakri listed as a defendant in the First Amendment Complaint suit brought by various insurance companies against al Qaeda and associated organizations and individuals.
Within that suit is mentioned documents (known as the Golden Chain document) picked up by Bosnian police on a raid on a charitable front organization for al Qaeda in Sarajevo. One of the listed documents is the “Tareekh Osama” (“Osama’s History”) in which Abdulkader al Bakri aka Abdel Qader Bakri gets a prominent listing:
CEO, Bakri Group of Cos
CEO, Al Bakri International Power Co. Ltd (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
CEO, Al-Bakri Shipping Group (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
CEO, Alkhomasia Shipping and Maintenance Company Ltd (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
CEO, Red Sea Marine Services (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
CEO, Diners Club International (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Bakri Group formed in April 2002 a JV with the Malaysian International Shipping
Corporation (MISC) to operate in Middle-East countries, including Yemen. MISC leased
super tanker MT Limburg when it was attacked on October 6, 2002, coming from Ra’s
Tannura (Saudi Arabia). And then particular to one of the bin Laden brothers:
Former Secretary General of the Muslim World League and Rabita Trust in Pakistan,
designated by the United States Treasury as SGDT
Receives donations from Suleiman Al Rashid, Abdulkader Bakri, Salahuddin Abduljawad,
Abdul Tahi Taher So, when a man like Raila Odinga is linked with Abdulkader al Bakri, you are not making a minor connection, but one directly into al Qaeda. Such are the vagaries of making political bedfellows in other Nations.
Then there is Raila Odinga’s Memorandum of Understanding with the Moslems in Kenya to turn the Nation into an Islamic State.
This Memorandum was dated and signed on August 29, 2007, between Raila Odinga and Shiekh Abdullah Abdi, chairman of the National Muslim Leaders Forum of Kenya. Here are just a few of them: b) Within 6 months re-write the Constitution of Kenya to recognize Shariah as the only true law sanctioned by the Holy Quran for Muslim declared regions. c) With immediate effect dismiss the Commissioner of Police who has allowed himself to be used by heathens and Zionists to oppress the Kenyan Muslim community. g) Within one year facilitate the establishment of a Shariah court in every Kenyan divisional headquarters. [Note: everywhere in Kenya, not just in “Muslim declared regions
Wild Thing’s comment………
Isn’t Obama’s family just great? Obama and Odinga support each other’s “insurgency” candidacies. Obama goes to Kenya, campaigns for his cousin and calls Kenya’s government corrupt, and, along with our State Dept., pushes Kenya into a coalition government with Odinga, who has attempted several coups against the government of Kenya, and now will be working from the inside to deliver Kenya to the Islamo-fascist NAMLEF, and the Eurasian Axis of Russia, Red China, Iran, etc
Obama is not merely related to this SOB Odinga which would be something he could not help, but CAMPAIGNED for him.
China: Plot on Olympic athletes foiled AP
April 10th
China said Thursday it had uncovered a criminal ring planning to kidnap athletes and others at the Beijing Olympic Games.
Thirty-five members of a ring based in the restive western Xinjiang region were arrested, Ministry of Public Security Spokesman Wu Heping told a news conference.
“We face a real terrorist threat,” Wu said. The arrests took place between March 26 and April 6, he said.
Since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror hijackings, China has tried to portray the simmering separatist rebellion in Xinjiang as being fueled by terrorist organizations in Central Asia and the Middle East. But evidence made public has been scarce.
Western embassies asked Beijing for more information after authorities said they broke up an attempt to hijack a plane in western China last month but so far no evidence has been provided, diplomats have said.
On Thursday, Wu said the ring was plotting to kidnap athletes, foreign journalists and other visitors to the August Games. He added that police had also confiscated almost 22 pounds of explosives and eight sticks of dynamite and “jihadist” literature in the latest raids in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang.
Wu also provided further details on a second group arrested in January, alleging they had been manufacturing explosives and were plotting to attack hotels, government offices and military targets in Shanghai, Beijing and other cities.
Wu said the gang had been acting on orders from a radical Islamic Xinjiang independence group, East Turkestan Islamic Movement.
While the United States has labeled the East Turkestan Islamic Movement a terrorist organization, the State Department alleges widespread abuses of the legal and educational systems by the communist authorities to suppress Uighur culture and religion.
Note the double-speak of Rogge!!! Athletes who take Tibet stand ‘face Olympic cut’
April 11th Times Online
Athletes who display Tibetan flags at Olympic venues — including in their own rooms — could be expelled from this summer’s Games in Beijing under anti-propaganda rules.
Jacques Rogge, the president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), said that competitors were free to express their political views but faced sanctions if they indulged in propaganda.
He accompanied those comments with an admission that the Games were in “crisis” after pro-Tibet protests engulfed the Olympic torch relay.
Mr Rogge’s call for Beijing to abide by its promise to address human rights was given short shrift by Beijing, which bluntly told him to keep politics out of the Games.
Japan says no to Chinese torch guards
April 11th
TOKYO (Reuters)
Japan will not allow the squad of Chinese flame guards to intervene with the Beijing Olympic torch’s progress when it arrives in a Japanese city this month, the national police head was quoted as saying on Friday.
“We should not violate the principle that the Japanese police will firmly maintain security,” Kyodo news agency quoted Shinya Izumi, head of the National Public Safety Commission, as saying.
“We do not know what position the people who escorted the relay are in,” Izumi was quoted as saying. “If they are for the consideration of security, it is our role.”
The torch is set to arrive in Nagano, central Japan, where the Winter Games were hosted in 1998, on April 26, after passing through Buenos Aires, Mumbai, and Canberra, among other cities.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
There is a lot happening regarding ithe Olympics so I thought I would start to keep a record of news that is important about it.
Wild Thing’s comment…….. LOL you can make your own B. Hussein Obama logo. hahahaa I made the two that you see above.
It is funny because obviously THIS is not what they had in mind with their idea at their website to support the jerk Obama. heh heh http://logobama.com/ Here is what it says at their website:
“We’ve been noticing a trend of people displaying their support for Barack Obama’s Democratic presidential campaign by using his logo as their avatar, or visual representation on the web. We thought, “what can we do to show our support?”
So we created Logobama, a place for you to create your own custom Obama logo and use it wherever you want. As Obama says, “we are the change we have been waiting for.” That’s what Obama is representing… someone who wants all of us to participate in changing the world. And together, we can make this change, one logo at a time.
B. Hussein Obama’s remarks at a San Francisco fundraiser Sunday Politico Full transcript: OBAMA:
“So, it depends on where you are, but I think it’s fair to say that the places where we are going to have to do the most work are the places where people are most cynical about government. The people are mis-appre…they’re misunderstanding why the demographics in our, in this contest have broken out as they are. Because everybody just ascribes it to ‘white working-class don’t wanna work — don’t wanna vote for the black guy.’ That’s…there were intimations of that in an article in the Sunday New York Times today – kind of implies that it’s sort of a race thing.
Here’s how it is: in a lot of these communities in big industrial states like Ohio and Pennsylvania, people have been beaten down so long. They feel so betrayed by government that when they hear a pitch that is premised on not being cynical about government, then a part of them just doesn’t buy it. And when it’s delivered by — it’s true that when it’s delivered by a 46-year-old black man named Barack Obama, then that adds another layer of skepticism.
But — so the questions you’re most likely to get about me, ‘Well, what is this guy going to do for me? What is the concrete thing?’ What they wanna hear is so we’ll give you talking points about what we’re proposing — to close tax loopholes, uh you know uh roll back the tax cuts for the top 1%, Obama’s gonna give tax breaks to uh middle-class folks and we’re gonna provide healthcare for every American.
But the truth is, is that, our challenge is to get people persuaded that we can make progress when there’s not evidence of that in their daily lives. You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.
Um, now these are in some communities, you know. I think what you’ll find is, is that people of every background — there are gonna be a mix of people, you can go in the toughest neighborhoods, you know working-class lunch-pail folks, you’ll find Obama enthusiasts. And you can go into places where you think I’d be very strong and people will just be skeptical. The important thing is that you show up and you’re doing what you’re doing.”
Wild Thing’s comment………
O.K. this guy totally creeps me out. This is what he really thinks too! He is a POS! This is arrogance of the highest form. I’m surprised he didn’t add the phrase “Typical white people.” at the end of his remarks.
For one thing it is small town America that has built this country, kept it strong and is the heart and soul of our Nation.
Obama hates the America we have, like all the leftists his love is of the America they intend to create after they tear this one down.
Isn’t it obvious Obama hates religion? No one would place religion in that list of “negative” things unless they totally disrespect believers.
Same goes for daring to oppose illegal immigration, in Obama’s mind. And in supporting the 2nd amendment.
Obama did this in his “race” speech as well – referring to perfectly wholesome things like anti-crime sentiment as somehow being bad things resulting from capitalism.
Add to this his view of “babies” as a punishment.
Obama holds bizarre left wing views through and through. His view of small town America itself is frightening. Decent people are “clinging” to religious belief because of capitalism.
Funny, Obama watched Rev Wright rant like a clown for twenty years, but that brand of religion never troubled him.
Obama views all mainstream traditional views as diseases to be eradicated.
Even Juan Williams in FNC channel a little while ago, maybe an hour or soe was talking about how stupid these comments were especially when coupled with the not wanting his daughters “punished with a baby” comments. ****** Please read Mark’s comment in the post below this one, it is excellent and it comes from somoene that lives in PA.******
….Thanks Mark for the heads up about what he said.
The other day we had a post here ….. Minnesota Muslim Public School Paid For By Taxpayers
Katharine Kersten’s excellent investigative work on the Minnesota taxpayer-funded Islamic school, TIZA, has led to a state probe of the institution. It has also shed light again on the spread of sharia in U.S. secondary public schools. ABC Eyewitness news A Star Tribune newspaper column has prompted a state investigation into a charter school. A substitute teacher said a school in Inver Grove Heights is blurring the line of separation of church and state.
Being a charter school Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy, or TIZA, is supported by tax dollars. The teacher told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS the presence of religion she observed at the school took her by surprise.
TIZA Executive Director Azad Zaman insisted the school follows with state and federal laws. “TIZA does not endorse any religion,” he said. However, TIZA Academy is sponsored by Islamic Relief USA, based in California. The questions came after substitute teacher Amanda Getz taught at TIZA last month and told the Star Tribune about things she observed that day that shocked her.
“I’ve been in a lot of schools and I’ve never been in a school where they had washing rituals, or they had prayer, or where they had a room where you had to take your shoes off,” Getz said.
“It is most likely that this substitute teacher was sadly mistaken,” said Zaman.
He said the school follows state and federal guidelines when it comes to religion.
“We’re required under the federal guidelines to allow students to pray when they wish to do so. And as Muslim students, they’re allowed to pray around 1:30 p.m., so we allow them to do that,” Zaman explained.
The State Department of Education said they would conduct more site visits and write to the State Department to find out more about the school’s sponsor.
TIZA requires all students to learn Arabic as a second language English. State law requires the school to fly an American flag during school hours, however no flag flies outside of TIZA Academy. Zaman told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS he didn’t know how to work the flagpole.
Please also see the post at Michelle Malkin’s where she has more details about this and other schools as well where this is happening.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
The barbarians at the gate!
The multicultural idiots in our public school systems will stop at nothing to be politically correct, no matter how wrong it makes them or how dangerous the poison they spread. But, they can’t be blamed, …not entirely. Too many people play PC games when it comes to identifying Islam as evil. It’s like telling Satan his demons are cool, as long as we only get the ones we want, and then expecting him to respect our wishes. There is no such thing as a little bit of the right kind of Islam.
….Thank you Lynn for the link to the article and thank you Mark for the headsup of the excellent information at Michell’s blog.
This is so important that people know about this going on. I bet a lot of parents never knew this kind of thing was happening right here in America.
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