17 Apr

Hillary’s Lies From 1992 Through 2008

The video montage shows footage of Clinton from 1992 through 2008 from her first 60 Minutes interview to her lies about sniper fire, NAFTA, and Iraq.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I just can’t get over this that we have the lowest in character running for President.
We are the greatest country in the world, we have men and women of such awesome character and dedication and their love for this country, our freedom whose DNA is Red, White and Blue serving our country. Our veterans who set the way for those serving now.
And then to have people like we have now running for office, and let’s include those in office, Pelosi, Murtha, Reid, Kennedy, Kerry, the list would be long if I named them all. Each one disgusting beyond belief, each one someone I would not allow on our property, let alone do I even want them in our country.
Liars all, racists, and top that off with terrorists endorsing our candidates!

17 Apr

Another Terrorist Endorses B.Hussein Obama aka Obama Akbar

Aaron Klein and John Batchelor interviewed Ahmed Yousef, chief political adviser to the Prime Minister of Hamas, on WABC radio.
Hamas has endorsed Barack Obama for President. Yousef said:

“We like Mr. Obama and we hope he will win the election.” Why? “He has a vision to change America.” Maybe Yousef has some insight into what Obama means by all these vague references to “change.”

“I hope Mr. Obama and the Democrats will change the political discourse. … I do believe [Obama] is like John Kennedy, a great man with a great principal. And he has a vision to change America to make it in a position to lead the world community, but not with humiliation and arrogance,” Yousuf said, speaking from Gaza.

Yousef was asked about Obama’s condemnation of Carter’s visit with Hamas, but didn’t seem troubled by it.

Hamas, he says, understands American politics; this is the election season, and everyone wants to sound like a friend of Israel. Nevertheless, he hopes that the Democrats will change American policies when they take office.

You can hear the entire interview HERE and then just click on the link at the site.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Some other information on Ahmed Yousef:
In 1998, while serving as the executive director of the United Association for Studies and Research (UASR), Yousef gave an interview to the Middle East Quarterly in which he defended Hamas, suicide bombings and encouraged attacks on Jews. Asked if he wrote, “God has promised that the Muslims will fight the Jews and defeat them,” Yousef answered that he did, and continued, “I took this from an authentic Islamic hadith (or tradition) that does not say when this defeat will happen or where. My objective in using this quote is to assure the Palestinian people that one day justice will be realized and to encourage them to continue their struggles with the assurance of victory against the occupation.”
Yousef fled the US in 2005 to avoid prosecution in the Fawaz Damra terrorist support trial and reappeared in Gaza as the official spokesman for HAMAS.

* Fox News blog

17 Apr

Phelps & “God Hates Soldiers” to Desecrate Funeral of SSG Matt Maupin

Army SSG Matt Maupin

We have all heard and read about the church of Phelps and his signs that says, “God hates Soldiers” protesting the funeral of hero.
From Phelps’ own website, which I won’t link to, because I don’t want to give him traffic, comes this gem:

“Great American Ball Park 100 Main This is for the funeral of Army Staff Sgt. Keith M. Maupin. Thank God for another Dead Soldier! Whoohoo! That is some goodness right there! “

One item that I noticed only recently comes from Matt’s family, and is information they received early on about Matt’s capture. In addition to the disturbing threat of someone being executed, and the military’s inability to actually confirm that it was Matt was a message that the executioners permitted Matt to make. In it Matt said that all he wanted was to return to his wife and child.
The truth is that Matt had no wife or child.
Matt was signaling that he was being tortured and forced to speak. It was important for him to let his nation know that anything he said or did should be discounted.
Also significant is that Matt was taken prisoner in the Abu Ghraib region of Iraq. The media, which made a big deal of a phony, torture-atrocity at Abu Ghraib prison, in which prisoners were stripped of their clothing, has not mentioned the real atrocity of Abu Ghraib, the torture-death of an American Prisoner, SSG Matt Maupin.
This young hero deserves our support as he is laid to rest. His last known words were an attempt to uphold the dignity of his nation. What can we do for him?
Cincinnati, Ohio, Great American Ball Park, Sunday, 27 April, approximately at noon.
President intends to attend the visitation with family on 26th April.
If you all are in the vicinity, PLEASE don’t let these vermin desecrate this funeral.
The PGR have been invited to attend the services for SSG Maupin. Here’s a link to the mission thread:
Patriot Guards and Maupin Funeral:
From PGR email:

‘ It is indeed truly sad to think of people so heartless that they must try to inflict more emotional torment at a time when the emotional pain is already great.
Many of our members don’t ride bikes, the only prerequisite is respect. ‘

The Maupins have given much for the WOT. Not only have they been instrumental in sending almost 10,000 care packages to Iraq, but they helped raise scholarships for students in memory of fallen servicemen and women. And even more significant, they will endure another son continuing his service in the war.
Matt Maupin’s Brother Re-Enlists In Marine Corps on the anniversary of his brother’s capture.

Thank you everyone. If you know of anyone in the area could you please email them this post or tell them about it. They do not have to ride a bke or have one to attend.
~ Wild Thing

17 Apr

Lawmaker Calls for Stripping of Taxpayer Funds to Carter Center

Lawmaker Calls for Stripping of Taxpayer Funds to Carter Center
Fox News
A U.S. lawmaker introduced legislation Wednesday to strip former President Jimmy Carter’s Georgia-based scholarly institution of taxpayer support because of Carter’s plans to meet with the top leaders of the Palestinian terror group Hamas.
And a second lawmaker presented a non-binding resolution that would urge former presidents from “freelance diplomacy” in direct response to Carter’s visit.
Carter is set to set to meet Thursday with Mahmoud Zahar, a top Hamas leader with control over militants in the Gaza Strip, and he met Tuesday with a high-ranked Hamas politician.
But the heaviest criticism for Carter is coming over a planned meeting on Friday with Hamas’ exiled leader Khaled Meshal.

“America must speak with one voice against our terrorist enemies,” Rep. Joe Knollenberg, R-Mich., said in a statement from his office. “It sends a fundamentally troubling message when an American dignitary is engaged in dialogue with terrorists. My legislation will make sure that taxpayer dollars are not being used to support discussions or negotiations with terrorist groups.”

Knollenberg said the Carter Center has received about $19 million in taxpayer funds since 2001. He named his bill the Coordinated American Response to Extreme Radicals Act — or CARTER Act, for short. The Carter Center is housed at Emory University in Atlanta.
The non-binding legislation was forwarded by Rep. Bill Shuster, R-Pa. If adopted, the bill would express the “sense of Congress” that it “disapproves of former President Jimmy Carter’s freelance diplomatic efforts in the Middle East, which contradict the stated foreign policy position of the current Administration.”
The new legislation is the latest embodiment of scorn directed at Carter over meetings he plans this week with leaders of Hamas, which both the United States and Israel recognize as a terror organization and with which they refuse to negotiate.
Also Wednesday, Reps. Howard Berman, D-Calif., who is chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Gary Ackerman, D-N.Y., chairman of the Foreign Affairs Mideast subcommittee, wrote Carter imploring him not to meet with any more Hamas officials.

“This visit will undermine the Middle East peace process and damage the credibility of Palestinian moderates,” they wrote, adding that the “legitimacy and prestige that Hamas will derive from your visit will be seen in the region as a clear demonstration that violence pays.”

Rep. Artur Davis, D-Ala., told FOX News, “I don’t think Israel should try to negotiate with Hamas because Hamas does not recognize Israel’s right to exist.” Davis added that Carter’s overtures stood athwart a tradition of support for Israel in America.

On Tuesday, more than 50 House members wrote Carter urging him to not meet with Meshal, calling him the man behind the deaths of 26 Americans.
Sen. Barack Obama, who has stated his disagreement with Carter on the Hamas visit but supports an open dialogue with Iran, was pressed Wednesday on the difference between the two.
“There is a distinction in terms of their status within the international community,” he told a group of Jewish community leaders in Philadelphia. “Hamas is not a state. Hamas is a terrorist organization. They obviously have developed great influence within the Palestinian territories, but they do not control the apparatus of power,” he said.
A Hamas spokesman, Ismail Radhwan, said in an interview that Carter’s visit “reflects the recognition that the Hamas movement cannot be ignored,” according to a transcript from MEMRI TV. “We will benefit from this meeting by explaining our cause, our positions, and our principles and by presenting our just cause,” the spokesman said.

Carter, speaking briefly with FOX News on Wednesday, said the search for Mideast peace should include reaching out to groups such as Hamas. The former president was the broker of Israel’s peace treaty with Egypt three decades ago.

“I’m going to try to get Syria to be constructive in the entire peace process, that would include Iraq and Lebanon, as well,” he said.

The Islamic militant group will meet with Carter in Cairo about their demand that Israel open Gaza’s crossings and stop military raids in the territory, a Hamas official told FOX News.
The meeting is expected to include Zahar, which would be significant because he controls militants in Gaza and is crucial to cease-fire negotiations with Israel. Egypt is trying to broker those talks.
Zahar is also instrumental to talks on the release of the captured Israeli soldier Cpl. Gilad Shalit, whose 2006 capture by Hamas was a catalyst to the monthlong fighting between Israel and the Iran-backed terror group Hezbollah, which also captured Israeli soldiers. Hamas wants some 450 Israeli-held Palestinian prisoners in exchange for Shalit’s release.
When speaking with FOX earlier Wednesday, Carter sidestepped a question about about how his talks are shaping up Friday with Meshal.

“I’d rather not tell FOX News what I want to talk to,” Carter said. “I don’t know yet. We haven’t firmed up anything. So it’s premature to talk about that yet.”

Carter reportedly hugged and kissed another Hamas leader Tuesday in the West Bank town of Ramallah. Carter’s embrace of Nasser Shaer, a senior Hamas politician, at a closed-door reception organized by Carter’s office was reported by several news outlets.

“He gave me a hug. We hugged each other, and it was a warm reception,” Shaer told The Associated Press. “Carter asked what he can do to achieve peace between the Palestinians and Israel … and I told him the possibility for peace is high.”

Shaer, who served as deputy prime minister and education minister in the Hamas-led Palestinian government that unraveled last year, is considered a leading member of the Islamic militant group’s pragmatic wing. After a stint in an Israeli prison last year, he is now a professor at a West Bank university, teaching comparative religion.
Carter also laid a wreath at the grave of Yasser Arafat, whom he praised as a man who fought for “just causes” in the world. The Bush administration and many Israelis blame Arafat for the breakdown of peace talks seven years ago and the violence that followed.
President Bush did not visit Arafat’s mausoleum in Ramallah when he visited earlier this year.
Israel and the West Bank were the first stops on a visit that also is to include Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and Syria — where the virulently anti-Israel Hamas movement is headquartered.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is a noble sentiment, but it’ll never get off the ground. I wish it would but history of the politicians wanting to do the right thing has not shown us they play hardball. Treason is a resume enhancement for a Democrat.
One good thing from this, at least Carter would get the message that his meddling in international affairs is not acceptable or welcome.
In WW2 this kind of action would have gotten you charged with treason. Would love to see carter rot in jail for the rest of his life.

17 Apr

Aussie Trooper Stationed in Iraq Shares With His Dad About U.S. Troops

A must read from an Australian whose son is in Iraq:
I am an Australian and my son is an Australian – as far as we are concerned there is no place on God’s earth better than Australia , and there are no people better than Australians.
That was until the past week or so.
My son is in the Australian Army and he is currently on deployment in Iraq . I can not go into his duties in great depth, but shall we say that he and his fellow army buddies are on a glorified guard duty looking after the Australian Embassy. They don’t go out looking for “action”, though it is a different story in Afghanistan , there the Aussie troops chase the baddies over the hills and into the valleys..
My son and I just ended a long ‘phone conversation and here are some of his comments, believe me this is what he said. We have all seen the bullshit emails written by some clown in his lounge room pretending to be at the coal face, but this is what was said.:

Before I came over here I thought we (the Australian Army) were pretty shit hot….. was I ever wrong!….The Yanks (I hope you don’t mind me using that word) are so professional from the top to the bottom that it is almost embarrassing to be in their company, and to call yourself a soldier….don’t get me wrong, we are good at what we do but the Yanks are so much better…..they are complete at what they do, how they do it and their attitude is awesome….they don’t complain they just get on with the job and they do it right.
“I carry a Minimi (SAW) so I am not real worried about a confrontation but I tell you I feel safer just knowing that the US Marines are close by….If we got into trouble I know that our boys would come running and we could deal with it but they would probably be passed by a load of Hummers. No questions asked, no glory sought, the Americans would just fight with us and for us because that is their nature, to protect those in need of protection.
“We use the American Mess so you could say that we are fed by the Americans…..they have every right to be pissed at that but they don’t bitch about that they just make us feel as welcome as possible….what gets to me is that the Yanks don’t walk around with a “we are better than you attitude” and they could because they are, they treat us as equals and as brothers in arms. If nothing else, coming here has taught me that the Americans are a truly great Nation and a truly great bunch of people.
“Let’s face it they don’t HAVE to be here, they could stay in America and beat the shit out of anyone who threatened them, BUT THEY ARE HERE because they believe they should be here, and the Iraqis would be screwed if they weren’t here…..When I come home, you and I we are going to the US, we will buy some bikes and we are going riding….”

The reason why I am sharing this with you is because I realize that you (as a nation) must get pretty pissed with all the criticism you receive by the so-called “know it alls” who are sitting at home – safe. The reality is that they are safe, just as I am, because of America . If the world went arse up tomorrow there is little we ( Australia ) could do about it, but I know that the Americans would be there putting themselves on the line for others. That to me is the sign of greatness.
The most precious thing in my life is my son, I look at him and I thank God that I am fortunate enough to be able to spend time in his company. We laugh, we discuss, we argue, we dummy spit, we have the same blood. I am not happy that he is where he is but that is his duty. He joined the Army to protect and to defend, not to play games. I mightn’t like it but I accept it.
My reasons for not liking it are selfish and self centered. I felt assured that he would be safe because he is in a well trained army with an excellent record, BUT NOW, I feel a whole lot better knowing that he is with your sons, daughters, brothers and sisters.
Whilst he was growing up, I was always there to look after him, I would not let harm befall him and I would always put myself before him to protect him. I can’t do that now. When it comes to looking after him now he and his mates will do the job, but also THANK GOD FOR AMERICA.
Gentlemen, I have rambled on for too long. But as I finish I say to you, as a foreigner and outsider, a nation is only a collection of its people and its attitude is the attitude of its people, collectively and as individuals. I am really glad you are here on this Earth and I respect you as a nation and as people.
Stand up and feel proud because you deserve it, there is no one else who will do what America does without question. The next time someone howls you down, take some comfort in the fact that America is defending their right to act like an idiot.
Finally, thank you for looking after my son.
Peter Turner

….Thank you Rhod for the link to this.

* Blackfive

16 Apr

Democrats Debate Tonight in Philadelphia


Debate location: Philadelphia at the National Constitution Center
Day : Today Wednesday, April 16th
Time : 8:00 pm EST and ending at 10pm EST
Moderated by : Charles Gibson and George Stephanopoulos
Network: ABC

….”Barack Obama will have to put on his game face Wednesday night at a crucial debate in Philadelphia if he wants to ensure his controversial comments about small-town American voters don’t become a game changer.” …

The debate will be the last time Obama and Hillary Clinton face off before the April 22 Pennsylvania primary.

16 Apr

Helping To Retire John Kerry! ~ 9 Years of Ineffectiveness


After seeing the first one I also saw this one…….. This is another one that is good too.

MA Senate candidate REP. Jim Ogonowski heartily congratulates the man he’s trying to unseat, John Kerry, on his ineffectiveness. The print ad asks people to send it to Kerry’s HQ!
“Congratulations John! It’s been 9 years since you passed a bill on your own! Great job on being so ineffective!” The web ad shows a picture of a mansion on Nantucket (one of Kerry’s five) along with Kerry windsurfing. A Heinz ketchup bottle marks the passage of time.
Republican Jim Ogonowski ran against the widow of Paul Tsongas for Martin Meehan’s congressional seat. He didn’t win but did pretty well in his first race. Jim is the brother of one of the pilots who got killed on 9/11.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I don’t live in MA, but this guy looks good from what I have read about him and I love this idea he has done about Hanoi Kerry.
His own website LOL is awesome and it also has an ad by Ogonowski where he points out all the perks Senators get, and guess who pays for them.
Some more information from Republican Jim Ogonowski’s website take a peek at it too if you like. It is so well done!!!

Jim Ogonowski is a farmer and small businessman from Dracut who recently retired as a lieutenant colonel after serving 28 years in the Air Force and Air National Guard. Jim first came to national attention on September 11, 2001 when the plane his brother was piloting was hijacked and flown into the World Trade Center. In the words of ABC News, Jim “stepped forward when others could only cry.”
After his brother’s death on 9/11, Jim came to the rescue of his brother’s family by working the farm and saving it from being sold.
Jim Ogonowski was born and raised in the Merrimack Valley where his family roots lie for over 100 years.
It all began in 1904 when Jim’s great-grandmother, a widow, and her 4 children left Poland to begin their pursuit of the American dream. For nearly 2 weeks they sailed across the Atlantic and like so many before them, they greeted Ellis Island with great hope and optimism.
After settling in the Merrimack Valley, her oldest son – just a few years out of his teens – started Holy Trinity church on High Street in Lowell, which is still the family parish. The rest of the family settled on a farm in Dracut, a farm still in the Ogonowski family today.
Jim Ogonowski was born in Lowell, the 4th of 5 children. Jim grew up on a family farm that his dad purchased in 1948 when he returned to Dracut after serving in the army air corps which he worked as a second job so that he could send his 5 children to college.
Jim Ogonowski attended UMass Lowell and followed in his older brothers John’s footstep by joining the AF, ROTC. Upon graduating, Jim Ogonowski was commissioned into the United States Air Force.
For the past 28 years, Jim Ogonowski served in the Air Force and Air National Guard. When the Air Force transferred its Tanker Task Force Mission, a global air refueling mission, to the Air National Guard in 1995, Jim readily accepted the leadership role as the Commander, responsible for planning, coordinating and executing the transatlantic movement of Air Combat Command fighter aircraft into and out of all of Southwest Asia and Europe. This role became increasingly mission-critical during operations following September 11, 2001.
Through Jim’s leadership, the office became the role model of the air command’s rapid response team. His outstanding performance led to his promotion to lieutenant colonel in 2000, as he deployed to virtually every corner of the globe during peacetime and war. In 2005, Jim was one of the organizers of the largest airlift in New Hampshire National Guard history, deploying 1,000 soldiers and airmen to provide relief during Hurricane Katrina. Upon his retirement, Jim was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal for his outstanding service to his country, marking the third time he received this prestigious award.
Service to country has been an Ogonowski family tradition. Jim’s two grandfathers were in the military. All his uncles, his father, brother and sister all served in the service. Jim’s son Charlie, a junior at UMASS – Lowell, is in ROTC and he too will one day be a military officer.
Jim Ogonowski believes that Washington has become too big, too corrupt and too partisan. Washington is broken and that the time has come to end the partisanship that is hurting our nation. Jim wants to return the government to the people. It is time we send someone to Washington who will stand up to the Washington insiders and special interests. Jim Ogonowski wants to go Washington to work with BOTH Republicans and Democrats to fix the mess, bring new ideas to the table, and make helping Massachusetts his top priority.
Jim has two children, Charlie and Catherine, and lives in Dracut, Massachusetts with his wife Kathy.

….Thank you so much RAC for sending the link to me.

16 Apr

CAIR Now Involved Regarding Minneapolis Tax-funded Muslim School

Muslim civil liberties group seeks FBI probe of school threats
Star Tribune
The Minnesota chapter of a national Islamic civil liberties group has asked the FBI and local law enforcement officers to investigate reported threats against a Twin Cities charter school as possible hate crimes, while a Jewish organization deplored the threats.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) made the request Monday after the director of Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy in Inver Grove Heights told police that he and the school had received threatening and harassing phone messages and e-mails.
The group is concerned about the safety of the school’s students, many of whom are Muslim, said CAIR chapter coordinator Chris Schumacher. Tagging the threats as possible hate crimes also makes it clear that prejudice could have prompted them, and “we wanted to bring that to light in case that wasn’t already obvious to people,” he said.
The Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas also condemned the alleged threats in a statement released Monday.
As of Monday, the charter school had not filed a complaint with the Minneapolis FBI office, but agents will reach out to the school and get more details about the messages, said Special Agent Paul McCabe. Identifying the messages as possible hate crimes would put them under the jurisdiction of federal as well as local law enforcement authorities, he said.
CAIR members are talking with the school about follow-up action that could include a community meeting along the lines of a town hall forum held in Blaine after arsonists set fire to a convenience store owned by a Muslim man in January, Schumacher said.
The K-8 charter school has come under close scrutiny since Star Tribune columnist Katherine Kersten questioned whether the publicly funded academy promotes the Muslim faith.
The Minnesota Department of Education has begun an investigation of the school in response to Kersten’s columns. Director Asad Zaman, who could not be reached for comment Monday, has said the school is nonsectarian.

Other posts at TW about this school:
April 10th, Minnesota Muslim Public School Paid For By Taxpayers
April 11th, Update On Sharia In U.S. Secondary Public Schools

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This sure is even more proof that this is a Muslim school, even though the leaders there deny it. CAIR gets involved and they start to intimidate those telling the truth.
I have no knowledge of real threats made on the school. That kind of thing would not be necessary, but what should happen would be for the parents that are not Muslim to make a fuss and a loud one. Calls and complaints to those in with pull much higher up then the stupid Principle that didn’t know how to raise the American Flag.
So many times CAIR has gotten involved when there were NO threats made at all. One thing and the only thing we do know is an article was written about the school. Now that is NOT a threat it is journalism and the woman did a great job writing about the school.

* Michelle Malklin

16 Apr

Rep.Kennedy ~ “Mental Health, Drug History Makes Him Stronger Advocate”

Rep. Kennedy Says Mental Health, Drug History Makes Him Stronger Advocate
Fox News
Rep. Patrick Kennedy says his personal struggles to recover from depression, alcoholism and substance abuse have made him a more compelling advocate in Congress for improved mental health care coverage.
The Rhode Island Democrat, a son of Sen. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, played a leading role winning House passage last month on a bill to expand coverage for people needing mental health and addiction treatment.

“My own story gave a lot of my colleagues a comfort level to tell me their own stories, privately,” he said in a recent telephone interview with The Associated Press. “In the process it tied them into this debate personally in ways I think that gave traction to this legislation early on.”

Kennedy, 40, crashed his car into a Capitol barricade in the middle of the night nearly two years ago, and agreed to a plea deal on a charge of driving under the influence of prescription drugs. He speaks publicly about his own recovery in hopes of ending the stigma of mental illness that prevents people from seeking treatment.

Kennedy, who has battled addiction since high school, said he’s pleased his father can “see now at this stage of the game that some of my perceived darker moments turned out to be the silver linings in this great battle that I fought.”

Those darker moments, he said, “gave me a platform and a credibility and a stature and a human quality in the House as a spokesperson on this issue that allowed me to cut through a lot of the white noise that insulates members from really facing these issues and addressing them honestly when they’re being lobbied so heavily by special interests.”

Kennedy and his father are on different sides as the House and Senate try to forge a compromise on expanding coverage for people needing mental health and addiction treatment. Big health care, insurance and pharmaceutical interests are waging a high-stakes fight in Congress over what has come to be known as mental health parity.
The younger Kennedy helped lead the push for the House bill that would require equal health insurance coverage for mental and physical illnesses when policies cover both.
His father was instrumental in winning Senate approval last September of a narrower version of the bill with support from business and insurance groups.
The elder Kennedy, D-Mass., has a reputation as one of the most skilled legislators in Congress, often working with Republicans to craft major bills during more than four decades in the Senate. He said he enjoys working with his son, despite their differing views.

“We’re always in contact,” the senator said. “We talk all the time. There are some important differences, you don’t minimize those … We still have a ways to go, but I think it’s important that we are making progress.”

The congressman hopes his father can help win GOP support for whatever compromise emerges.

“I am so glad my dad is there with me at the table, because if there’s anybody who knows how to work with Republicans and can work as good a deal as possible to try to break this free … it’s my dad,” he said.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Rep. Patrick Kennedy says his personal struggles to recover from depression, alcoholism and substance abuse have made him a more compelling advocate in Congress for improved mental health care coverage
Going by this train of thought…..Charles Manson should be the next Democrat Attorney General! And Ted Kennedy as the pool life guard and driving instructor.

16 Apr

Lt. Col. Wm Russell for Congress

From Fox News
Army Vet to Challenge House Defense Appropriations Chairman John Murtha
Pennsylvania’s 22nd District

I have posted this before but I want to put this part of it here again.
This is from his website:
This is his statement:

“I am a Conservative.
I believe in the sovereignty and security of this one nation, under God. I believe the primary role of government is to provide for the common defense and a legal framework to protect families and individual liberty. I believe in rugged individualism because individuals can make far better choices than any government entity in providing for families, protecting households, choosing doctors and health care plans, and deciding which teachers and schools are best for children. I believe prosperity is best ensured by what Adam Smith called the “invisible hand” of a natural, price driven economy.
I believe that we have the responsibility and obligation to control our borders and determine who is allowed to live and work in our country.
I believe that families are the foundation stone upon which all truly great societies are built. I believe that imposed systems of wealth redistribution destroy families, produce a culture of dependence, and hurt everyone. I believe in the sanctity of life and that life begins at conception. I believe in marriage between one man and one woman and that children should always be loved and sometimes spanked. I believe that all children in our school systems should be educated in English and taught the civic duties and responsibilities of citizenship and patriotism.
I believe in private property rights and that the death tax should be killed. I believe the Consumption or Fair Tax is the best and most equitable means to ensure all persons who participate in our economy, legally or illegally, pay their fair share and to reward those who build businesses or save and invest their money.
I believe in the right to bear arms and the right of self defense. Gun control and gun free zones only ensure that victims are unarmed.
I believe that no one owes me anything just because I live and breathe. I believe we should all practice charity in some form or fashion, especially to those who are suffering and least fortunate, but it must be voluntary and spring from a spirit of altruism and love for our neighbors.
Finally, I believe there is room to acknowledge the role of our Creator in public life as stated in the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. The mention of God in the Pledge, and asking his blessings for our nation and our safety before ball games, classes, and public meetings does not constitute the establishment of a state religion and does not discriminate against anyone.”

Lt. Col. Wm Russell ( BIO)

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is an important update as well …..
Russell, the GOP candidate attempting to unseat Democratic U.S. Rep. John Murtha of Johnstown, participated Monday in a Washington, D.C., press conference with other Iraq War veterans who are running for Congress.
They gathered to show their support for U.S. troops and for Gen. David Petraeus, the nation’s top commander in Iraq.
Russell, who is trying to gain 1,000 write-in votes in the primary to become his party’s nominee, said the veterans’ message stands in contrast to Democratic congressional leaders’ calls for a troop withdrawal.

“We’re all about supporting the troops,” Russell said. “It’s a chance for us to get together, because we feel we have a story to tell.”

Murtha has argued that the war has been mismanaged and cannot be won militarily.

Russell, an Army veteran of both wars in Iraq, was joined Monday by five other Republican candidates who issued a statement saying they are “willing to stake our lives on General Petraeus’ integrity.”

Russell said conditions in Iraq are improving, adding that calls for withdrawal send the wrong message.

“As long as we don’t encourage the enemy and allow them to think they can achieve a political victory with terror, things will get better,” he said.

Russell must vie for write-in votes because a judge ruled that he did not have enough valid petition signatures to appear on the ballot.