Recycling Terrorists
Investors Business Daily
The U.S. has been releasing Gitmo terrorists only to see them rejoin the jihad and kill again. The blood of their victims is on the hands of the ACLU .
Taliban leader Abdullah Mehsud spent 25 months at Gitmo until his release from cruel American bondage in 2004. He insisted he was an innocent traveler when captured in Afghanistan, not a terrorist fighting with the Taliban. While out on his own recognizance, he returned to his native South Waziristan, where he rebuilt a Taliban cadre estimated at 5,000 foot soldiers.
Last year, Mehsud blew himself up with a grenade to avoid arrest during a raid.
But his brother, Baitullah Mehsud, now commands 30,000 fighters who actively support al-Qaida in Pakistan. He also allegedly masterminded the assassination of Benazir Bhutto.
These are the supposedly innocent goatherders, shepherds and bedouins the ACLU and other bleeding hearts claim the military is torturing at the camp they so desperately want to shut down.
Last year, the ACLU even started a “Close Guantanamo” campaign that included celebrities at the Oscars wearing orange ribbons to show support for the poor Gitmo terrorists forced to play soccer and pray five times a day in hot orange jumpsuits.
The ACLU is lobbying Congress to bulldoze the “dungeons,” unshackle the terrorists and “release them to countries where they won’t be tortured.” Their campaign is working. Of the 770 enemy combatants detained at Gitmo, 390 have been set free or remanded to Kuwait, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, the U.K. and other countries.
The ACLU apparently doesn’t care if they’re being recycled for jihad against the West. The human rights of live terrorists appear to be more important than the rights of their dead victims.
But the latest case of the Kuwaiti suicide bomber is yet another reason to keep Gitmo open, stocked and locked. In fact, we should throw away the key on these monsters.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Take them out but shoot them and be done with it. I will never forget the bodies of our soliders that were found or returned in pieces. These people worship death not life and I am all for helping them get to their fairytale 72 virgins on a carpet soaked in pig blood.
A few days ago I did a post :Former Guantanamo Detainee Carried Out Iraq Suicide Attack, about Abdullah Saleh al-Ajmi, a Kuwaiti released from Guantanamo. He was one the suicide bombers in the latest attack in Mosul.
When are we going to learn that these vermin have NO qualms about lying? Shame and guilt for dishonesty is not in their culture — it’s going to kill us if we don’t learn that!
Here is a past quote from Vice President Dick Cheney (June 23, 2005), Cheney does not want GITMO closed:
“The people that are there are people we picked up on the battlefield, primarily in Afghanistan. They’re terrorists. They’re bomb makers. They’re facilitators of terror. They’re members of Al Qaeda and the Taliban….We’ve let go those that we’ve deemed not to be a continuing threat. But the 520-some that are there now are serious, deadly threats to the United States.”
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