ABC News
Hillary Clinton, in advance of the possibility that the Obama campaign will declare victory on Tuesday based on an advantage in pledged delegates, told a crowd Monday morning that a Democratic nominee will not be determined by tomorrow.
“This is nowhere near over. None of us is going to have the number of delegates we’re going to need to get to the nomination. Although I understand – my opponents and his supporters are going to claim that – and the fact is we have to include Michigan and Florida.” Clinton continued, “We cannot claim we have a nominee based on 48 states, particularly two states that are so important for us to win in the fall. So part of our challenge is making sure that we nominate the person most able to win. And I believe that I’m the stronger candidate.”
Clinton said later in her speech, “I’m gonna make my case and I’m gonna make it until we have a nominee – but were not going to have one today and we’re not going to have one tomorrow and we’re not going to have one the next day. And if Kentucky turns out tomorrow, I will be closer to that nomination.”
Wild Thing’s comment………
LOL there are some funny comments at the link for the article.
The Operation Chaos is still in effect for today so we will see what happens. I would love to see them go at each other up to the end. heh heh
With the world awash in disaster, the United Nations is spending money to send a “special rapporteur” to look into racism in one of its member nations. The country? Why, the United States, of course. Investors Business Daily
The rapporteur in question, Senegal’s Doudou Diene, will investigate “contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance” in a number of American cities.
In fact, the U.S. is the least racist nation on Earth. Diene’s visit is a calculated insult to both the American people and President Bush, and an attempt to influence the upcoming U.S. election.
Sure we have our problems. But it’s hard to say a country where the leading candidate for president of one party is an African-American, while the other party has in the past eight years named highly accomplished blacks, Hispanic-Americans and Asian-Americans — Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Carlos Gutierrez, Alberto Gonzales and Elaine Chao — to the highest federal positions they’ve ever occupied, is actively racist.
The U.S. also has 40 million immigrants from virtually every nation on the globe, easily the largest such population of any nation. Will Diene look into that, too?
To see what a canard this idea is, one has only to look how America behaves globally. Each year, we spend billions of dollars, both public and private, to help less fortunate people around the globe — including people who don’t share our predominant skin color or our majority religion or our main ethnic heritage.
In the past two decades, the U.S. has intervened militarily on behalf of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Bosnia and Kosovo, none of which is exactly American — by race or religion.
When the tsunami hit Thailand in 2004, U.S. aid flooded the country — though some of the beneficiaries included those who applauded Osama bin Laden’s 9/11 attack on America. A U.S. Navy ship dutifully anchored off the coast to dispense badly needed emergency goods. U.S. aid workers are still there today.
In Burma, a country that bears virtually no cultural, racial or ethnic propinquity to the U.S., we have aggressively sought to save lives following Cyclone Nargis.
American planes and ships filled with emergency aid and workers have been forced to wait while the murderous Burmese regime lets its people die. Why no U.N. action on that?
The record is clear: Total public and private sector aid from the U.S. to others totaled $130 billion in 2006, the most recent year for which data are available. That’s a 6% increase from the year before, and four times what the next biggest giver delivered.
Add in $500 billion-plus in defense spending — much of which goes to protect other nations from the threat of war, terror or violent cutoffs of trade — and the U.S. is far and away the most generous nation on the planet. Not exactly a sign of rampant racism.
Meanwhile, the U.N. itself is no paragon. It’s directly responsible for holding Palestinians in camps for 60 years while passing inane resolution after resolution condemning the only peaceful, prosperous and completely democratic regime in the Mideast — Israel.
The U.N. should investigate other members’ rampant racism, which takes the form of extreme hatred for the West and its values.
Take South Africa, the country that hosted the U.N.’s Durban I Conference that, among other actions, equated Zionism with racism. Once the poster child for the left’s politically correct kumbayaism, South Africa is wracked with violent ethnic cleansing as armed thugs rampage against immigrants.
Where, we ask, is the special rapporteur for South Africa? Or the one for Zimbabwe, where Robert Mugabe has engaged in a brutal ethnic cleansing to remove white farmers and kill his foes?
How about one for the Arab world, which has spent the last half-century expelling and denying rights to Jews and Christians?
As we said, the timing of special rapporteur Diene’s visit is highly suspect. Could the U.N. be playing the Barack Obama card here, tweaking Americans’ consciences over alleged racism to influence the outcome of our upcoming election?
Keep in mind that Obama’s rival, John McCain, has proposed a new League of Democracies that would circumvent the U.N.
America no doubt will welcome Diene and engage in a Mao-like frenzy of self-criticism. But we shouldn’t. Instead, we should politely but firmly ask him to leave. Then we should ask the same thing of the organization that employs him.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Screw the UN and this asshole from Senegal. What a bunch of bull this is.
“we had a little free time while we were in iraq and took a minute to make
this video for all of you in the states to enjoy! hope you like it! just because
we are a group of military police doesnt mean we dont know how to have fun! “
And this is his other one, this is awesome!
“one of my favorite songs. hope you guys really listen to the words
and look into the eyes of all the soldiers. everyday we are out there
giving our lives and ask nothing in return. and yet there are still people
that mock and hate us for it! sad but true! “
This is an UPDATE about the Tarik ibn Zayad Academy in Minn. Please follow the dates and see the latest UPDATE further down. Thank you. ~ Wild Thing It began here from an article April 10th of this year. Lynn sent me the article and things have been happening with the initial report from the newspaper article. Minnesota Muslim Public School Paid For By Taxpayers
Katharine Kersten’s excellent investigative work on the Minnesota taxpayer-funded Islamic school, TIZA, has led to a state probe of the institution. It has also shed light again on the spread of sharia in U.S. secondary public schools.
Now yesterday on May 19th News crew attacked during report at TiZA charter school
Local ABC affiliate KSTP has also continued to update the reporting on this story. Today they went to the school to determine how TiZA would respond to the state’s demand for corrective action. Instead, they found themselves at the center of the story as two TiZA officials attacked the news crew and stole their camera: In an attempt to report about the new findings from the Department of Education, 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS went to TiZA.
“While on school grounds, our crew was attacked by school officials. The two men were able to grab our camera and kept it until police arrived. Our photographer was treated by paramedics after suffering minor injuries.”
KSTP has a video report on their website.
The tape starts off pleasantly, as the children run up to the camera to smile and wave, just like children anywhere would do. One man walks rapidly towards the camera and grabs it, while another unseen man assaults the cameraman. Later, the police would retrieve the camera, and the video shows the police cars responding to the emergency call from the news crew.
The action by the MnDoE should make clear that Kersten had the story essentially right. Local journalists attempting to intimidate her and the Strib — which has thus far refused to submit to this bullying — have some explaining to do.
Obama tells Tenn.’s GOP: ‘Lay off my wife’ Yahoo
Obama, his party’s presidential front-runner, and his wife, Michelle, were asked in an interview aired Monday on ABC’s “Good Morning America” about an online video last week by the state’s GOP taking her to task for a comment some considered unpatriotic.
“The GOP, should I be the nominee, can say whatever they want to say about me, my track record,” Obama said. “If they think that they’re going to try to make Michelle an issue in this campaign, they should be careful because that I find unacceptable, the notion that you start attacking my wife or my family.”
He called the strategy “low class.”
The video, posted on YouTube, centered on remarks Michelle Obama made while campaigning in Wisconsin last February, when she said: “For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country.”
The four-minute video replayed the remark six times, interspersing it with commentary by Tennesseans on why they are proud of America. In a news release that included a link to the video, Tennessee’s GOP said “the Tennessee Republican Party has always been proud of America.” It urged radio stations to play “patriotic music” during Michelle Obama’s visit to Nashville last Thursday.
Michelle Obama later clarified the remark, saying she meant she was proud of how Americans were engaging in the political process and that she had always been proud of her country.
“Whoever is in charge of the Tennessee GOP needs to think long and hard about the kind of campaign they want to run, and I think that’s true for everybody, Democrat or Republican,” Obama said in the ABC interview, adding: “These folks should lay off my wife.”
Obama said his wife “loves this country. For them to try to distort or to play snippets of her remarks in ways that are unflattering to her is, I think, just low class. I think that most of the American people would think that as well.”
Tennessee’s Republican Party was roundly criticized in March, including by likely presidential nominee John McCain, for a news release that used Barack Obama’s middle name — Hussein — and showed a photo of him wearing what it said was “Muslim attire.”
The release ultimately was removed from the party’s Web site at the urging of the state’s two Republican senators and Republican National Committee Chairman Mike Duncan, who said he “rejects these kinds of campaign tactics.”
The Tenn Rep. ad
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Yo Obama, tell your wife to just stay out of politics then!
First of all she is a public figure….which make her fair game. Secondly she is the one that has the hate for America and once she made her statement and she did it TWICE she cannot take that back no matter how much explaining she thinks will change it.
Michelle Obama’s out there, making appearances on her own. The “attack” was directed at her recorded public statements, independent of her “family.”
I am not huge fan of McCain but McCain’s wife loves America and it is just too bad the wives are not running instead of the husbands. hahaha I would vote for Cindy McCain.
I have been reading at several sites there is some kind of video tape of Michelle Obama going off and sounding like Rev. Wright they are calling it the Michelle “whitey tape. It is supposed to surface but no one is sure when or who will let it out. Does Hillary have it and is waiting no one is sure. But if this is true maybe this that Obama has done about lay off my wife is a preemptive strike in case the Michelle “whitey tape does surface……just wondering……..
RUSH: With Obama we started out, we couldn’t talk about his big ears ’cause that made him nervous. We’ve gone from that to this: Not only can we not mention his ears…
We can’t talk about his mother.
We can’t talk about his father.
We can’t talk about his grandmother unless he does, brings her up as a “typical white person.”
We can’t talk about his wife, can’t talk about his preacher, can’t talk about his terrorist friends, can’t talk about his voting record, can’t talk about his religion.
We can’t talk about appeasement.
We can’t talk about color; we can’t talk about lack of color.
We can’t talk about race. We can’t talk about bombers and mobsters who are his friends. We can’t talk about schooling. We can’t talk about his name, “Hussein.”
We can’t talk about his lack of experience. Can’t talk about his income. Can’t talk about his flag pin.
This started out we can’t call him a liberal.
It started out we just couldn’t talk about his ears.
Now we can’t say anything about him.
“The level of dishonesty at work here is large. Michelle Obama has made long speeches full of political content in her appearances at campaign rallies made to encourage people to vote for her husband. This makes her a central figure in the campaign.
Many of her ideas are radical, like those of her husband. It is of course wrong to distort or manipulate her remarks, but playing excerpts is not only legitimate but a necessary exercise of the media’s job to present the candidate and his closest advisors in full. What lacks class is the attempt to mold the media into an agent of the campaign by whining about how its coverage of speeches and statements is “detestable.”
Michelle Obama’s rhetoric has been full of appeals to the victim mentality, stuffed with angry rhetoric about “moving bars” and the climate of fear in the country.
Now her husband is trying to intimidate political coverage, to create a zone in which Michelle Obama and other associates can say or do anything and yet have it defined as irrelevant to his candidacy. That is a radical demand on the media, and while some in the MSM may agree to it as part of its campaign to get Obama elected, self-respecting professionals won’t be intimidated and they won’t be issued free passes to Mrs. Obama or any other figure that looms large in Obama’s life.
The bitterness Wright feels towards America has seeped into Michelle Obama’s rhetoric.”
Washington Post
PORTLAND, Ore. — Sen. Barack Obama has seen his share of large crowds over the last 15 months, but his campaign said they have not approached the numbers gathered along the waterfront here right now.
The campaign, citing figures from Duane Bray, battalion chief of Portland Fire & Rescue, estimated that 75,000 people are watching him speak.
The scene suggests this is not an exaggeration. The sea of heads stretches for half a mile along the grassy embankment, while others watch from kayaks and power boats bobbing on the Willamette River. More hug the rails of the steel bridge that stretches across the water and crowds are even watching from jetties on the opposite shore.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Per the Obama campaign, 75,000 people (60,000 in the gates and 15,000 outside of them). The 60k was confirmed by the local FD as inside. Now the headlines are listing 80k . LOL I guess the amount will keep growing with the media lies. It still was a huge crowd so why lie, I guess it just comes natural to them.
The New Geography
written by Russ Vaughn
It is good, very good indeed to see Barack Obama making good on his promises for meaningful change, even though we’re still several months shy of the chief justice actually placing the golden crown upon his handsome, entitled head. No, this is a politician so different from the rest that he’s making major changes without waiting for the electoral process, constitutional authority or congressional approval. Maintaining the momentum of his fast track political ascension he’s already putting his campaign promises into action, making major changes in the way we look at ourselves, and I do mean major.
How about, for instance the seven new states we’re suddenly being blessed with? And I don’t use that term blessed without due consideration of the political implications of Barack’s newly constituted America. For instance all you smarty-pants conservative pundits making snide remarks about Obama not knowing his own state of Illinois borders on Kentucky while claiming Hillary’s advantage in the primary there is due to her home state of Arkansas’ proximity; well, you instapundits just don’t understand the new geography of Obamamerica.
You think Illinois borders on Kentucky, you smug know-it-alls? Well, maybe right now it does, but it won’t for long since our Lord High Geographer has decided, in a gesture of unprecedented political magnanimity to a crushed political opponent, to create a new buffer state between the two to serve as a permanent site of political exile for you know who. However, I do think naming it Hillbilliana was a bit peevish and designating the capitol Monicapolis downright petty. However, if the Prophet walls off the entire new state and declares it a maximum security facility, he’ll probably enjoy the thanks of a grateful nation, not to mention New Yorkers.
I’m probably going out on a limb here by revealing that I have inside information from someone within the Obama campaign, in fact the very person who has been tapped by His Eminence to head up his States Realignment Commission (STREAC) in the new administration. I sure hope posting it here doesn’t get him fired from his campaign position that he can’t be fired from because he doesn’t hold a position within the campaign. Understand? OK, here then are proposals for some of the remaining new states: New Ayresona, which will be formed from a corridor extending from Hollywood, New Mexico (formerly known as Santa Fe before Shirley McClain led the Left Coast invasion of the mindsnatchers) to Arizona to encompass those portions of that state now dominated by ASU and UA students and retired UAW workers from Michigan. To honor both its inspired creator and its unrepentant namesake, the proposed name for the new capitol is Obomba. Wrightaho will begin in Gary, Indiana and encompass all of Chicago as it extends far enough into Wisconsin to include Madison (thereby restoring relative political sanity to the Badger State). The commission will designate the current Chicago as the new capital but has under review a proposal to rename it Shi-town, which will forever after have juvenile geography students purposely leaving out the hyphen. Farrakhansas, the largest of the new states, is to be carved out of the westernmost portions of North and South Dakota to demonstrate that the Anointed One is cleverly aware of the unique potential of flyover country. This area is now but sparsely populated by humans and has no known black residents. Both problems will be solved by designating F-K, as it is now abbreviated by commission members, as the probation and parole site for all American jails and prisons. This is intended to provide the Democratic Administration with the ability to claim, “Crime problem? What crime problem? Only one state has a crime problem and look where it is.” The proposed name for the new capitol, which is now but empty prairie, is Tyson’s Corner. Sorry about that, Virginia. Rezkohoma will serve a similar purpose as F-K but on a white collar level and with a decidedly international flavor demonstrated by the construction of the world’s largest international airport located in this dry rectangle of land that used to be the Oklahoma panhandle. This facility will be capable of handling hundreds of daily, over-the-pole flights to the Mideast. The capital’s proposed name, Ikhanbuyya, reflects both an exotic, international flavor as well as the new state’s laissez-faire entrepreneurial spirit. Can’t you just hear that peppy new state song? Rezzzzkohoma, where the bucks come flowing off the planes…
At this point, plans for the two remaining states are still on the board although names have been proposed. To facilitate a good working relationship with Congress, STREAC is in the process of demarcating two new western states, Pelosifornia, which will naturally link Hollywood and San Francisco with a special air corridor reserved for Learjets and larger private aircraft, and Reidosa, a small but essential carve-out of Las Vegas from the rest of the state. It is the Great One’s thinking that this small but significant geopolitical change will greatly enhance the value of the Senate leader’s inexpensively obtained real estate holdings there, paving the way for enhanced Senate-Administration relations.
So, just what part of New Geography don’t you smugbutt conservatives understand? And if any of you think you can come up with better names than STREAC, let’s hear ‘em.
Russ Vaughn
Vietnam 65-66
Special apperances: David Axelrod, CNN, Wolf Blitzer, Jack Cafferty, Gloria Borger, MSNBC, Keith Olbermann, Tim Russert, Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow, Joel Stein, LA Times, Politico, No Quarter, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Benny Hinn, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, John Lewis, presidents Thomas Jefferson, JFK, George Bush, Bill Clinton, George Soros, Oprah Winfrey, Tony Rezko, Vladimir Lenin (Soviet Union), Kim Jung Il (North Korea), Karl Marx, Deval Patrick
Soundtrack: Lacrimosa by Immediate Music
Wild Thing’s comment……..
There are several video’s by the same person so I am going to post some of them today.
Brilliant. This is excellent and terrifying and so well done! Obama is a package. He’s somebody’s creation. Obama himself says people see in him what they want to see.
This video was made by a person that wants Hillary Clinton to win. But interesting that it could very well be used by a Republican as well. The only thing I would take out of it would be the photo of Ronald Reagan shortly after the video begins.
We have all been amazed at the reaction across our country toward Obama.
Obama is NOT handsome but we are told by almost all the talking heads that he is a good looking man.
Obama is NOT an eloquent speaker, he can read speeches but left on his own he stammers and stutters for words and complete sentences.
And when reading his speeches he goes into his black church preacher accent with the emphasizing of words at the end of sentences. More of being an actor then a speaker he is acting out the part and not being real. Any one of us could speak the same way.
Obama is NOT experienced he is more like a plant put into place and many have said this on both sides of the aisle.
The Rev. Wrightgate did not throw off his campaign but only for a short time. The Rezkogate, Ayersgate, Farrakhangate, Black Panthergate etc. nothing has taken his campaign down. Including all the terrorists that have endorsed him such as the Hamas leaders and the PLO.
Maybe because it is not a campaign it is a movement like we have been told repeatedly. A movement that even the RNC and GOP obviously have decided to allow to win.
More of my thoughts on this.
The RNC is not stupid, they want our money, they want to win they like the power in being the majority in the Houses and White House. They know the history of McCain and how we conservatives feel about him. Unless McCain is a total loose cannon wouldn’t the RNC have sat him down even as the winner our parties delegates, told him to cool it on the LaRaza meet up this summer, they would have told him to chill out on his global warming BS too. Get elected then pull of your leftist thinking agenda but not before November.
Just a thought I could be wrong of course.
Remember back how we all knew that Bush was pro illegals before he ran the first time against Gore. Remember too how he never mentioned it in his speeches, he cooled it. He knew to first get elected then go after his own agenda that conservatives would not approve of. We all knew his feelings on illegals but because he did not keep putting it in our face we said ok he might not do amnesty for illegals and he very well might be a great president. We did the sorelooserman rallies and worked our butts off to get him elected. Even the second term against Hanoi Kerry, when he ran he still had not gone gung-ho on his amnesty dream. Only these last two years or his last term as President has he pushed amnesty and told we conservatives off.
One has to wonder with the blatant way McCain is putting his being more Dem then a Republican in our faces why he too would be so stupid. Does he want to loose? Does he plan on winning with the votes from Hillary’s people when she does not win enough delegates? Just something to think about.
This video is about a King maker and it would take more then a campaign to get Obama elected. It is not just blacks voting for him and blacks are not in the majority so there would never be enough votes anyway. I am not saying this jerk is a King maker like the video says,but it does add to how we wonder why and how Obama has been called the Messiah and the tremendous turn out at his speeches.
Footage from the 2008 election and the acclaimed PBS documentary “The Weather Underground”.
Collage of interviews with William Ayers (Bill Ayers), Bernadine Dohrn, Mark Rudd, Brian Flanagan, Naomi Jaffe, Laura Whitehorn, David Gilbert, Kathleen Neal Cleaver, Todd Gitlin, including the published memoir of Mark Rudd.
The closing voice was of Al Pacino from the movie “Devil’s Advocate”. Music score by Hans Zimmer.
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