10 Jun

Muslim Keith Ellison Addresses Nat. Conference for Media Reform

Socialist Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison: “America An Imperial Power”
Congressman Keith Ellison address the National Conference for Media Reform in Minneapolis, June 6, 2008.

Keith Ellison is America’s first ever Muslim congressman and his election was hailed by the MSM as a great step forward and a sign of our enlightened times.
Ellison talks about how Ronald Reagan made him sick but Bush makes him sicker. He calls America an “imperial power.” Then he suggests that the country should get rid of “hate radio” and Fox News.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
So much for moderate Muslims once again they prove there is no such thing.
I imagine Keith Ellison will be on Obama’s top 10 guest list IF Obama becomes President.


10 Jun

Some Politcal Humor from Denny Crane ~ LOL


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Denny Crane is a character on a TV series, this scene is from one of the shows where the Republican party came to Denny Crane’s office and was interviewing him to run for President. LOL It is a a very funny scene.
The TV show is called ” Boston Legal”.

10 Jun

Salmonellosis Outbreak in Certain Types of Tomatoes

Please go to their website for any UPDATES that may come in or to find our which States are OK.
Salmonellosis Outbreak in Certain Types of Tomatoes
The Food and Drug Administration is alerting consumers nationwide that a salmonellosis outbreak appears to be linked to consumption of certain types of raw red tomatoes and products containing raw red tomatoes. The bacteria causing the illnesses are Salmonella serotype Saintpaul, an uncommon type of Salmonella.
The specific type and source of tomatoes are under investigation. However, preliminary data suggest that raw red plum, raw red Roma, or raw round red tomatoes are the cause. At this time, consumers should limit their tomato consumption to tomatoes that have not been implicated in the outbreak.
At this time, FDA is advising consumers to limit their consumption of tomatoes to the following types of tomatoes.
The following types of tomatoes listed below are NOT likely to be the source of this outbreak.
cherry tomatoes
grape tomatoes
tomatoes sold with the vine still attached
tomatoes grown at home
Consumers who are unsure of where the tomatoes are from that they have in their home are encouraged to contact the store or place of purchase for that information.
Since mid April, there have been 145 reported cases of salmonellosis nationwide caused by Salmonella Saintpaul, an uncommon form of Salmonella. At least 23 hospitalizations have been reported.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I used to grow my own and this has been the second year I have not. Yum they were delicious and having them right there to pick was wonderful.
It is weird that the website doesn’t tell where the tomatoes are coming in from…Mexico maybe, just wondering. I guess it isn’t politically correct to tell where the problem starts from.

09 Jun

McCain’s Election Strategy per Rick Davis Campaign Manager

McCain’s Election Strategy
Washington Post for complete article
The “McCain 2008 Strategy Briefing” is voiced by campaign manager Rick Davis, who admits the political environment is “among the worst for in modern history for Republicans.”
Highlights from the video briefing:Please go to this LINK……Washington Post for complete article to see this part of article ( Washington Post does not want their entire articles posted at other sites then their own.)

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Just this, Memo from Wild Thing, for Rick Davis and John McCain, please stop using the strategy of attacking the present administration as it is the party you belong to. You are running against Obama NOT George Bush.

09 Jun

McCain SNUBS Billy Graham and Will NOT Meet With Him

McCain Campaign Declines to Meet with Billy Graham
newsmax for complete article
In another disturbing sign that Sen. John McCain has little interest in reaching out to his conservative base, including evangelical Christian voters, his campaign has declined an offer to meet with the Rev. Billy Graham.
For almost six decades, Graham has been America’s most influential preacher and evangelist, a man sought out by every president since Harry Truman.
Today, the 89-year-old Graham is in declining health and stays near his home in Montreat, N.C. His last public appearance, in May 2007, marked the dedication of his library. Three former American presidents — Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton — were on hand to honor Graham.
While meetings with ministers have caused their fair share of controversy in this election cycle, we thought it was worth a try to bring McCain together with America’s most celebrated preacher.
McCain’s campaign responded to Jacobs with the following letter dated June 3, 2008:

“Dear Mr. Jacobs,
Thank you for your kind letter offering to set up a personal meeting between Senator McCain and Dr. Billy Graham.
Senator McCain appreciates your invitation and the valuable opportunity it represents.
Unfortunately, I must pass along our regrets and do not foresee an opportunity to add this event to the calendar.
I know you will understand that with the tremendous demands on his time and the large volume of similar requests, events such as this are extremely difficult to schedule even though each one is important. However, we will keep your event in mind should an opportunity present itself in the future.
I know that the Senator would want me to thank you for your interest and to send his very best wishes.
Amber Johnson
Director of Scheduling
John McCain 2008 “

The rejection of an offer to meet with Graham is yet another indication that the McCain campaign has made a deliberate, strategic decision to chart a new course for the GOP, a course without the sizeable evangelical Christian voting bloc serving as its base.
The new course is likely designed to pick up disaffected Democrats, even Sen. Hillary Clinton’s women supporters, who are pro-choice.
The danger for McCain is in his campaign’s failure to grasp the size of the born again vote. Latest surveys show that fully 42 percent of all Americans claim to be “born again.”
But the risk is not just that the Republican nominee will lose evangelical voters but that he will lose its massive infrastructure: megachurches with their schools, television programs and massive mailing lists which traditionally play a crucial role for Republicans in voter registration and voter turnout. The cost to the party of replicating this role themselves would be incalculable.
McCain’s new course is a stunning turnabout for the GOP. In the summer of 1980, Ronald Reagan reached out to evangelicals gathered at the Religious Roundtable in a Dallas, Texas, saying to his audience of 10,000, “I know you can’t endorse me, but I want you to know that I endorse you.” It marked the beginning of a GOP relationship with evangelicals that became a winning coalition for three presidents.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
OK this is something that makes me feel badly personally. I know Billy Graham, he stayed at my parents home when I was growing up. I went to school with one of his daughers. He is one of the finest men. sigh McCain must have monsters inside his head to allow his team person to say no to this meeting. Maybe it is because Billy Graham met with President Bush ? And McCain is trying hard not to look like a Republican so he can keep getting more democrats to vote for him????? But you know what long ago Billy told my parents he was a southern democrat, much like the kind Zell Miller was. And remember that awesome speech Zell Miller made at the RNC convention? It was the best speech made at the entire convention!
I think this is the first time in my life I have seen a Republican candidate try so hard to give the middle finger to the Conservative base of his parrty.
This, on the face of it, seems just plain rude.
Rev. Graham is a fine man who has given his life to God and faith, here and all over the world. Billy Graham is one of the Great Men alive today. McCain is an ass.
Rev. Graham is probably the most apolitical evangelical pastor in modern American history. Unlike Jerry Falwell and James Dobson, Rev. Graham has mostly stayed out of politics. He’s a great man, a real living legend. I don’t know what’s worse—the fact that McQueeg won’t meet with him, or the fact that Democrats seem to think that meeting with Rev. Graham is some kind of negative thing!

UPDATE: This just in at Newsmax

McCain Hopes to Meet With Billy Graham
After a report on Newsmax.com indicated Sen. John McCain had rebuffed an offer to meet with the Rev. Billy Graham, the McCain campaign sought to clarify the matter.
Christian Ferry, McCain’s deputy campaign manager, tells Newsmax the campaign has been in the process of setting up a meeting between McCain and Graham.
Ferry said a misunderstanding of McCain’s intentions apparently arose because on June 3, 2008, the campaign sent what Ferry said was a routine letter declining an offer by Brian Jacobs, a Fort Worth, Texas, minister to broker a meeting between McCain and the evangelist.
Newsmax noted in its report that Jacobs had identified himself as a consultant to the Graham organization who had arranged a similar meeting between Graham and George W. Bush during the 2000 election.
In the June 3 McCain campaign letter, Amber Johnson, director of scheduling for the McCain, wrote to Jacobs, “Thank you for your kind letter offering to set up a personal meeting between Senator McCain and Dr. Billy Graham.
“Senator McCain appreciates your invitation and the valuable opportunity it represents [italics added by McCain campaign]. Unfortunately, I must pass along our regrets and do not foresee an opportunity to add this event to the calendar.”
Ferry said that despite the suggestion that the letter makes regarding no interest in such a meeting, the McCain campaign in fact had already been working with Graham’s son, Franklin Graham, to set up such a meeting.

….Thank you so much Mark for sending this Update to me.

09 Jun

Statue of Liberty Play

I see strange happenings on TV! No, not horror movies, just Democrats and Republicans trying to give solutions to the price of oil and gas prices. They, with due respect haven’t got a clue!!
To me it’s simple, OPEC can control oil prices by production of their drilling. And we the USA are like ‘chicken little’, ‘ the Sky is falling’. etc. We’re like little chicks with our mouths open waiting for our next feeding.
Just as in sports, you have to psych out your opponents.
We should throw our system in the Legislature and the President, propose a fast track on building multiple refineries at record speed and propose drilling anywhere we have a chance for oil.
When that shows up on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC and all TV news channels all over the world, the price of oil will fall like a ton of coal.
OPEC will panic and gas prices will be cut in half PRONTO!

Angry Old Salt

09 Jun

The Energy Non-Crisis ~ So Many Lies From the Left and Rino’s

Massive Oil Deposit Could Increase US Reserves by 10 Times
“A democracy is we the sheeple. A Republic is We The People.”

The Video link is one hour and 15 min, I know everyone is busy. But if you get a chance to even have it playing in the background while you are online it is so well worth it. I watched the whole thing and for me it went so fast, because he kept it really interesting even shocking at times with information. I recommend it highly if you get a chance. — Wild Thing

The Video explains what is going on right now; to know why the price of gas is $4.00 to $5.00 per gallon, why it will go even higher, and why it could have been just $1.50 per gallon instead.


For a LARGER version of this video if you prefer just CLICK HERE

From Powerline Blog

” I hadn’t realized, until the hearings on energy that were held this week in House and Senate committees, that the United States doesn’t have any big oil companies. It’s true: the largest American oil company, Exxon Mobil, is only the 14th largest in the world, and is dwarfed by the really big oil companies–all owned by foreign governments or government-sponsored monopolies–that dominate the world’s oil supply.”

“With 94% of the world’s oil supply locked up by foreign governments, most of which are hostile to the United States, the relatively puny American oil companies do not have access to enough crude oil to significantly affect the market and help bring prices down. Thus, Exxon Mobil, a small oil company, buys 90% of the crude oil that it refines for the U.S. market from the big players, i.e, mostly-hostile foreign governments. The price at the U.S. pump is rising because the price the big oil companies charge Exxon Mobil and the other small American companies for crude oil is going up.”

“This is obviously a tough situation for the American consumer. The irony is that it doesn’t have to be that way. The United States–unlike, say, France–actually has vast petroleum reserves. It would be possible for American oil companies to develop those reserves, play a far bigger role in international markets, and deliver gas at the pump to American consumers at a much lower price, while creating many thousands of jobs for Americans. This would be infinitely preferable to shipping endless billions of dollars to Saudi Arabia, Russia and Venezuela. “

“So, why doesn’t it happen? Because the Democratic Party–aided, sadly, by a handful of Republicans–deliberately keeps gas prices high and our domestic oil companies small by putting most of our reserves off limits to development. China is now drilling in the Caribbean, but our own companies are barred by law from developing large oil fields off the coasts of Florida and California. Enormous shale oil deposits in the Rocky Mountain states could go a long way toward supplying American consumers’ needs, but the Democratic Congress won’t allow those resources to be developed. ANWR contains vast petroleum reserves, but we don’t know how vast, because Congress, not wanting the American people to know how badly its policies are hurting our economy, has made it illegal to explore and map those reserves, let alone develop them.”

There are huge reserves in ANWR, according to the U.S. Department of the Interior there are more than 10 billion barrels that could be recovered for consumption and placement into the national strategic reserve. ANWR was set aside for this purpose by a Carter-era Democrat-controlled Congress, but we have yet to seriously tap into the ANWR reserves.
Then there are the American oil shale (kerogen) reserves, on the order of 2,500 gigabarrels, which is the largest known reserve of its kind in the world, enough to power the economy well into the 22nd Century.
And now comes word of the largest oil discovery in the continental U.S. in the last 38 years, enough to boost our already known reserve by a factor of 10. The earth beneath the states of North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana holds what is known as the Bakken Oil Formation. The Bakken Oil Formation holds 500 billion barrels of oil under 200,000 square miles of land. Based upon the information about to be released by the U.S. Geological Survey there is no reason at all for America not to be energy independent in very short order.
From Energy News
America is sitting on top of a super massive 200 billion barrel Oil Field that could potentially make America Energy Independent and until now has largely gone unnoticed. Thanks to new technology the Bakken Formation in North Dakota could boost America’s Oil reserves by an incredible 10 times, giving western economies the trump card against OPEC’s short squeeze on oil supply and making Iranian and Venezuelan threats of disrupted supply irrelevant.
In the next 30 days the USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) will release a new report giving an accurate resource assessment of the Bakken Oil Formation that covers North Dakota and portions of South Dakota and Montana. With new horizontal drilling technology it is believed that from 175 to 500 billion barrels of recoverable oil are held in this 200,000 square mile reserve that was initially discovered in 1951. The USGS did an initial study back in 1999 that estimated 400 billion recoverable barrels were present but with prices bottoming out at $10 a barrel back then the report was dismissed because of the higher cost of horizontal drilling techniques that would be needed, estimated at $20-$40 a barrel.
It was not until 2007, when EOG Resources of Texas started a frenzy when they drilled a single well in Parshal N.D. that is expected to yield 700,000 barrels of oil that real excitement and money started to flow in North Dakota. Marathon Oil is investing $1.5 billion and drilling 300 new wells in what is expected to be one of the greatest booms in Oil discovery since Oil was discovered in Saudi Arabia in 1938.
The US imported about 14 million barrels of Oil per day in 2007 , which means US consumers sent about $340 Billion Dollars over seas building palaces in Dubai and propping up unfriendly regimes around the World, if 200 billion barrels of oil at $90 a barrel are recovered in the high plains the added wealth to the US economy would be $18 Trillion Dollars which would go a long way in stabilizing the US trade deficit and could cut the cost of oil in half in the long run.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I don’t think I have ever been this angry about anything. There is NO reason for any of this oil to be kept from being drilled except for the left ( democrats and that includes enviro American hating jerks ) and the rino’s.
This information is available to all of our leaders, to all those running for President and they still will not do it. Anyone that will not do what needs to be done should be kicked out of our government, dear God if that could only be possible!!
God help us these people in power want to destroy our country!!!!

……Thank you Rhod for the graphic

Thank you Melissa and LLoyd and Paul for this information, link to the information and the video link.

09 Jun

U.S. Military Captured Arms Dealer Who Is Also Commander of an Assassination Squad

U.S. Military: Leader of Basra ‘Assassination Squad’ Captured in Iraq Raid
Fox News
U.S. soldiers in Baghdad captured an Iraqi arms dealer and “assassination squad” leader responsible for trafficking Shiite extremists in and out of neighboring Iran for training, the military said Sunday.
The arrest came as Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was visiting Iran and was expected to raise with its leaders the long-time U.S. allegations that Tehran arms, trains and funds Shiite Muslim militiamen inside Iraq. Tehran denies the charges.
The Iraqi prime minister, himself a Shiite, is struggling to keep Washington happy while reassuring Iran, the largest Shiite nation, that a proposed U.S.-Iraqi security agreement would not make his country an American launching pad for attacks on Iran.
The U.S. arrest campaign against Shiite militiamen with alleged ties to Iran was likely to be on the agenda for al-Maliki’s talks with Iranian officials.
U.S. soldiers, acting on intelligence from other Shiite militiamen already in custody, captured the Basra-based “special groups” leader late Saturday at a hideout in eastern Baghdad, according to a military statement.

“The wanted man is alleged to be a commander of an assassination squad in Basra, an arms dealer with connections to Iran and a document counterfeiter,” the statement said.

He also arranges transportation of criminals into Iran for training, and then back into Iraq, it said. One of the leader’s aides was also arrested without incident.
The U.S. military uses the term “special groups” to describe Shiite fighters defying a cease-fire order from anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, whose militiamen fought American and Iraqi forces for seven weeks until a May truce.
Meanwhile, the military said in another statement that it captured six more suspected Sunni extremists Sunday in the northern city of Mosul, including an alleged al-Qaida in Iraq leader and another man who is a wiring expert in charge of a bombing cell there.
Two women were injured when American soldiers “breached the door of a target building” during the arrest raid, the statement said. Both were treated at the scene and then transported to an Iraqi hospital, it said.
Mosul is believed to be one of the last urban strongholds of al-Qaida in Iraq, and U.S. and Iraqi forces have battled with militants there in recent months.
Violence continued Sunday in Baghdad, where four new police recruits were killed in an attack on the National Police headquarters on the city’s west side, where a blast went off near a gate where recruits were gathering, police said.
Another 22 people were wounded in the attack. Police gave conflicting reports about whether the attack used mortars or a roadside bomb.
A mortar shell landed just outside Baghdad’s Green Zone midmorning, killing three employees and wounding seven others, police said. The mortar was apparently targeting the Defense Ministry, which is inside the U.S.-guarded diplomatic zone, but fell short, they said.
Mortar and rocket attacks were once a daily occurrence in the Green Zone in central Baghdad, but have fallen off in recent weeks.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Three cheers for our troops!
For those who hoped to see the US fail in Iraq, much hinged on the Iranians and their support for their proxies, the Mahdi militia. Fortunately, coalition forces are cutting them down and removing their potential to threaten the elected government of Iraq. These are sad times for Liberals and all of those who wanted the US to fail in Iraq .

….Thank you Darth for the link and information this is great news!

09 Jun

First lady Laura Bush in Afghanistan

First Lady Laura Bush made an unannounced visit to Afghanistan on Sunday with an appeal to the international community not to abandon the war-torn country in the face of resurgent Taliban violence.
This is Mrs. Bush’s third trip to Afghanistan, where the repressive Taliban ruled until U.S. forces invaded following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

“The people of Afghanistan don’t want to go back and live like that,” Mrs. Bush told reporters on her plane as it made the nearly 14-hour flight to the Afghan capital. “They know what it was like. The international community can’t drop Afghanistan now, at this very crucial time.”

United States first lady Laura Bush, (R) watches a traditional New Zealand arrival dance with Afghanistan’s first woman provincial mayor of Bamiran Province Habiba Sarabi (L) after arriving at the Bamiyan Provincial Reconstruction Team Base controlled by the New Zealand military.

U.S. first lady Laura Bush, center, poses for a group photo with New Zealand soliders during a welcoming ceremony at the military compound in Bamiyan, Afghanistan, Sunday, June 8, 2008. New Zealand military took over Bamiyan’s Provincial Reconstruction Team Base from U.S. Troops in 2003.

U.S. first lady Laura Bush speaks to Afghan women during a visit to Kabul June 8, 2008. Bush appealed to the international community on Sunday not to abandon Afghanistan in the face of resurgent Taliban violence. Rocked by daily battles with Taliban rebels that have killed some 12,000 people in two years, Kabul is to ask international donors in Paris this week to fund a $50-billion five-year development plan it hopes will undercut the insurgency.

U.S. first lady Laura Bush poses with U.S. military personnel stationed at Bagram AB before her departure for Slovenia after a surprise visit to Afghanistan


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Laura Bush is first class all the way. I thought it would be nice to do a post about her trip to Afghanistan.

09 Jun

B.Hussein Obama Bikes In Chicago

Obama on a bike ride in Chicago, Sunday, June 8, 2008
The Illinois senator and his wife, Michelle, rode to a neighbor’s house with their daughters, Malia and Sasha, on Sunday. Then the group headed out for the ride along the scenic lake shore. But the outing was cut short by a downpour.

Senator Obama demostrates the opertion of the Obamacycle: the vehicle that the peasants, er, citizens will be allowed to own under his administration. This model is only for the Party faithful.


President Bush responds heh heh

Wild Thing’s comment……..
The first thing I thought of when I saw this was he was having his “Kerry Moment” right off the bat! Rememebr Kerry and his wind sailing and other things?
Now I am serious about this part, he better be careful being out in public, “as a black man he can get shot for just going to the gas station” according to his wife Michelle the racist.