16 Jun

Global Warming Freak Gore Endorses B.Hussein Obama

Gore endorses Obama and promises to help him
Flint, Mich.
Al Gore announced his endorsement of Barack Obama Monday and promised to help the Democrat achieve what eluded him — the presidency. In a letter to be e-mailed to Obama supporters, the former vice president and Nobel Prize winner wrote,

“From now through Election Day, I intend to do whatever I can to make sure he is elected president of the United States.”

Gore is one of the most popular figures in the Democratic Party, but he maintained a low profile in the primary campaign. He’s planning to appear with Obama at a rally in Detroit Monday night.
It’s the second time that Obama has rolled out a major endorsement in Michigan, a state he did not campaign in during the primary because its election violated the party rules. Obama is counting on a win in Michigan in November, but brought Gore and 2004 vice presidential nominee John Edwards to help validate him among Democrats in the state after skipping their primary.
“It means a lot, obviously,” Obama said of Gore’s support, as he greeted workers outside the General Motors Flint Engine South plant. “He’s somebody who is a visionary, not just for the party, but for the country.”
Gore also asked for donations to help fund Obama’s effort — the first time he’s asked members of his Web site AlGore.com to contribute to a political campaign.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Thank the good Lord he’s decided. I’ve been losing a lot of sleep over this. – NOT hahahaa
LOL, Gore waits till Hillary is out of the race, Obama has is locked up then he says he will endorse Obama. Yes a real man Gore is……LMAO what a wimp.
Are there any more losers out there who have NOT endorsed Obama?
How ‘bout Dukakis? Has he come out for Obama yet? Yo ‘DUKE’?!?!? You out there boy? LOL

16 Jun

Chicago Wanna Be Tuff Guy Obama ~ “I’ll Whoop ‘Em, Don’t Mess With Me”

Obama accepts a gift from a 95 yr old supporter, Charles Edwards, and uses it to put Congress on notice not to get in the way of his healthcare plan.

The presumptive democratic nominee, clearly feeling his oats, took the stick and said, “If members of Congress don’t pass my health care bill – I’ll whoop ’em, I’ll whoop ’em. That’s right, you better not mess with me, and I’ll have that stick.”

Wild Thing’s comment………
This man doesn’t have the gravitas to serve on a local schoolboard, much less as president of the United States.
B.Hussein Obama is another Mugabe in the making!
Whenever someone I talk to is in favor of universal health care, I ask them how it will work here if it hasn’t worked anywhere else. Are all the other people who have tried it around the world stupid? Do they have inferior intellect? Is the current Congress and Obama somehow smarter than the elected people in these other governments?
Of course we all know the answers to these questions already. It won’t work, it never has and never will. I have lost two friends because of socicialized medicine. One that lived in England and one that lived in Canada. Both might be alive today if they had lived in the USA or at least not had socialized medicine.

16 Jun

Fox Removes E.D. Hill and Her Show

E.D. Hill and her show, “America’s Pulse” has been removed from her time slot at Fox, because of something she said in her news presentation . On June 6th last, on her former program, “America’s Pulse,” E.D. Hill teased in a segment about body-language about Obama’s fist bump with his wife Michelle.
Obama supporters and the leftist blogs on the web were in a rage and an uproar about the comments, and George Soros’ “Media Matters” began a campaign encouraging people to contact Fox and complaint about what is in their view an unforgivable slight of Obama and Michelle.
They called for E.D. Hill’s resignation.
Media Matters blog:
Fox and O’Reilly agreed that she was out of line,.typical of moderate O’Reilly who has stated many times he is not a Republilcan or a Democrat.

She apologized for her comments, which apparently that didn’t even help the situation . She was taken off her show at Fox.

Even after all of this, CNN and MSNBC joined in to complain.

Fox caved in to the opposition, (Obama and Mediai Matters, MSNBC, and CNN’s ) demands and Fox quietly cancelled E.D.’s show, “America’s Pulse,” chastised her, and relegated her elsewhere for the time being.
Huffington is thrileld and posted about all of this with glee.
E.D. HIll was great and full of life and even though I seldom got to see her show, I used to watch her on the morning show she did before she got her show “America’s Pulse”.
And this is from this last Christmas!!!! Supporting the troops.
E.D. Hill did something that I loved so much. She organized a way for American’s to send injured U.S. troops holiday letters. She had to work hard to get this accompolished so it could be done, and she was able to do so. She called it “Operation Holiday Thanks”. And the wounded troops loved it. Of course Olberman at MSNBC had to bash what she was doing.

The thing that really concerns me about all of this is the power they are giving to the left, to Obama and his complaints. If we took the entire Media away from their promoting Obama he would never have done as well as he has in this election. I truly believe that. People on the left sit in front of their TV’s and don’t think for themselves mostly. They watch CNN and MSNBC and soak in all the propaganda about Obama and sit there and nod oh yes we can.
It is the leftie media that started the use of the word ” it’s like a movement with Obama”, ” never saw anything like this before”, pushing, promoting, 24/7, repeating over and over from each person on their leftie shows the same mantra about Obama.
Well he has accompolished his goal of getting E.D.Hill off her show for now anyway.

If you have seen her show and wondered where she is and would like to send an email about all of this the information is listed below.
Here are the Fox News contacts:
Fox News toll free comments hotline: 1-888-369-4762
or you can e-mail your comments at:
To contact Bill O’Reilly:
To contact Brit Hume, General News Mgr at Fox News:
or at:
To contact Mis Hill and offer her your support:

16 Jun

John Kerry Keen To Be US Top Diplomat

John Kerry keen to be US’ top diplomat
June 16,2008
John Kerry, who suffered defeat at the hands of President George Bush in last US elections, now harbours aspiration to become Secretary of State if presumptive Democratic nominee Barack Obama wins the race to the White House in November.
Kerry, who is the third ranking Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee, is keen to be nation’s top diplomat but does not eye the bigger prize of vice-presidency, Newsweek on Sunday quoted an unidentified source close to him as saying.
That could also well be the case for Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd, the committee’s second-ranking Democrat and for Senator Joseph Biden, the committee’s chairman, who is frequently mentioned by Democratic insiders as a potential Secretary of State though both might give the V-P post their first priority, the report said.
Kerry is a decorated Vietnam War veteran, but because his Senate experience is in foreign relations rather than military affairs, he’s more intrigued by the State Department than the Pentagon, Newsweek said quoting the source. He also speaks fluent French.
Dodd, meanwhile, has recently been showcasing his expertise on Latin America. At an April conference at the US Naval Academy, he laid out a blueprint for a “new relationship” between the United States and the region, the report noted.
Dodd’s plan would include efforts to “dramatically improve” relations with Raul Castro’s Cuba by lifting a US trade embargo and travel ban.

Traitor John Kerry through the years

John Kerry, from his book, The New Soldier:
This John Kerry quote comes in the epilogue to “The New Soldier,” the book put out by Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) . The book’s cover features a group of not-particularly sober-looking anti-war protesters (vets, presumably) flying the American flag upside down while mocking the historic flag raising event at Iwo Jima”:

“We will not quickly join those who march on Veterans’ Day waving small flags, calling to memory those thousands who died for the “greater glory of the United States.” We will not accept the rhetoric. We will not readily join the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars-in fact, we will find it hard to join anything at all and when we do, we will demand relevancy such as other organizations have recently been unable to provide. We will not take solace from the creation of monuments or the naming of parks after a select few of the thousands of dead Americans and Vietnamese. We will not uphold traditions which decorously memorialize that which was base and grim. It is from these things the New Soldier is asking America to turn. We are asking America to turn from false glory, hollow victory, fabricated foreign threats, fear which threatens us as a nation, shallow pride which feeds off fear, and mostly from the promises which have proven so deceiving these past ten years. “

Kerry testifies before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1971.
“Under questioning from the Committee, Kerry referred to the democratically elected government of South Vietnam — our allies — as a “dictatorial regime, the Thieu-Ky-Khiem regime,” while respectfully calling the North Vietnamese communist regime we were fighting by its oxymoronic official name, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, and the murderous Viet Cong’s political arm by their preferred “Provisional Revolutionary Government.”

John Kerry and the VVAW–Hanoi’s American Puppets

“Two recently discovered documents captured from the Vietnamese communists during the Vietnam War strongly support the contention that a close link existed between the Hanoi regime and the Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) while John Kerry served as the group’s leading national spokesman.”

Winter Soldier (WinterSoldier.com is dedicated to the American veterans of the Vietnam War, who served with courage and honor.)
You can CLICK the link above and at the page that opens up is the mother lode of FBI files on Vietnam Veterans Against the War.
This archive contains 21,477 pages of documents received in response to our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, bundled up by the FBI as PDF-format Files of Unusual Size.


John Kerry calls American troops terrorists

John Kerry says stupid troops get stuck in Iraq


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Kerry and Obama would probably be on the same diplomatic page. Unconditional surrender.
Kerry should have been punished for treason when he did the above and other things back in the 70’s. If you like you can go to a page I made when Kerry was running for President. It is called Extreme Prejudice The Red Zone. It has a lot more information there.

16 Jun

Ohio Judge Proud of Che Guevara and Obama

Lourain County Common Pleas Judge James Burge speaks in his office in Lorain, Ohio as posters of Che Guevara and Barack Obama hang on his wall.

Ohio judge: State must change lethal injection law
USA Today

A judge in Ohio says the state’s method of putting prisoners to death is unconstitutional because two of three drugs used in the lethal injection process can cause pain.
Lorain County Common Pleas Judge James Burge said Tuesday the state’s lethal injection procedure doesn’t provide the quick and painless death required by Ohio law.
Burge said Ohio must stop allowing a combination of drugs and focus instead on a single, anesthetic drug.
The ruling is likely be appealed to the Ohio Supreme Court.
Ohio has executed 26 inmates since it resumed putting prisoners to death in 1999.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Note the poster behind the Judge and it is in his own office. Yep this is in America, times sure are changing. Good grief! ( shaking my head)

15 Jun

Obama: ‘If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun’


Here is a gun for Obama ……the Backwards Gun.

From the film “Untouchables” scene with Sean and Costner —- The Chicago Way
from Rhod

“Obama was stealing David Mamet’s words from the screenplay for the Costner version of “The Untouchables”.
The Sean Connery cop said something like “they break a finger and we break a leg, they bring a knife and we bring a gun, they put one of ours in the hospital and we put one of theirs in the morgue…that’s the Chicago Way”….”

Obama: ‘If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun’
The Wall Street Journal
Mobster wisdom tells us never to bring a knife to a gun fight. But what does political wisdom say about bringing a gun to a knife fight?
Sen. Barack Obama talks at a town hall meeting at Radnor Middle School in Wayne, Pa., Saturday, June 14. (AP)

That’s exactly what Barack Obama said he would do to counter Republican attacks “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said at a Philadelphia fundraiser Friday night. “Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

The comment drew some laughs and applause. But it also struck a chord with his Republican rival. John McCain’s campaign immediately accused the Democratic candidate of playing the politics of fear. They also mentioned that Obama said he would use a gun that would be illegal under Obama’s plans to cut down on illegal firearms.

“Barack Obama’s call for ‘new politics’ is officially over. In just 24 hours, Barack Obama attacked one of America’s pioneering women CEOs, rejected a series of joint bipartisan town halls, and said that if there’s a political knife fight, he’d bring a gun,” McCain campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds said in a statement.

Obama made the comment in the context of warning donors that the general election campaign against McCain could get ugly. “They’re going to try to scare people. They’re going to try to say that ‘that Obama is a scary guy,’” he said. A supporter yelled out a deep accented “Don’t give in!”

“I won’t but that sounded pretty scary. You’re a tough guy,” Obama said.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
These people say some heavy stuff, but if McCain took the kid gloves off and said these types of things?
The Obama people and their pals in the media would be crying like a bunch of babies about “racism” and “death threats.” And the Democrats would have TV adverts castrating McCain by now
I am shocked, shocked I tell you. I am SHOCKED that a 2nd Amendment opponent like Osama Obama Hussein would so casually ENDORSE the misuse of weapons!
I’m not sure he’d know which end to aim where.

…..Thank you Rhod, for telling about the film and where Obama got that line from.

15 Jun

Happy Fathers Day

I Love this, it is an actual sign. HAPPY FATHERS DAY!


Marine, Soldier, Deployments – Dad Through It All
By 1st Lt. George Fowler
1123rd Transportation Company, 1/152nd Cavalry Regiment, 1st Sustainment Brigade
CAMP TAJI, Iraq – Alone with his thoughts, Staff Sgt. Andy Graves, a Paragould, Ark., native, sits quietly in the “Snack Shack” during his guard shift reminiscing. Presently Graves is a squad leader for the 1123rd Transportation Company, an Arkansas National Guard unit, 1/152nd Cavalry Regiment, an Indiana National Guard unit, 1st Sustainment Brigade, in support of Multi-National Division-Baghdad,
His eyes did not always reflect a digital pattern. His military career dates back to 1995, when he enlisted in the Marine Corps out of high school. Deciding to jump behind the wheel, he enlisted as motor transportation operator and enjoyed life at his first duty station in Okinawa, Japan. While there, he went to Norway twice for cold-weather survival training and to Estonia once for the Baltic Challenge until bidding farewell to the Marines in 1999.
“The Marines were the best time of my life,” he recalls.
Despite leaving the Corps, Graves could not put serving his country behind him. A couple months later he enlisted in the Arkansas Army National Guard under the 875th Combat Engineers in Little Rock, Ark. He attended the engineering advanced individual training in 2000 and, ironically, admitted he joined the guard because, “(well) they never go anywhere.”
In February of 2003, Graves was pulled out of the 875th with only a day’s notice to report to the 1123rd Transportation Company.
“They never go anywhere,” consequently landed him in Iraq twice while assigned to the 1123rd Transportation Company.
He spent from April 2003 until April 2004 in Iraq running transportation missions and instead of returning to the engineers he remained with the 1123rd; where he was activated to deploy with the 39th Infantry Brigade Combat Team in 2007. When asked about both deployments, Graves calmly replies, “It’s just another deployment.”
Yet through the years, deployments, and long training exercises, Graves has the support any Soldier should from his loving wife, Chasity, and his three daughters, Sydney, Madeline, and Adrian. Despite the “Army” way of life his family has become accustomed to, he was able to be home for the birth of his youngest daughter.
“He’s not only my dad, he’s my hero,” says Sydney, the youngest of three girls.
When not serving his country, Graves’ enjoys spending some good old fashioned quality family time camping and boating back in Arkansas. He already has plans in the works upon his return in January.
“The thing I miss most during this deployment are my wife and my kids,” concludes Graves.


Susan D. Tyree, of Brooklyn, Ark., and daughter of Sgt. 1st Class Michael Mizell, a Bay, Ark., native, shows off her patriotic support at her graduation from Arkansas State University here May 10. Mizell is assigned to the 1123rd Transportation Company, 1st Battalion, 152nd Calvary Regiment, 1st Sustainment Brigade, in support of Multi-National Division- Baghdad, as a platoon sergeant.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Happy Father’s Day to all of you that are Dad’s!
As we celebrate our Fathers on this Father’s Day, please take a moment to say a prayer of thanks to all our “fathers” presently deployed.
And let’s also remember all those children of the fallen who feel the pain of that loss particularly painful today. To them, I offer my most sincere gratitude and prayers.
God Bless all our fathers in harms way or away from home as they serve our country. Thank you for all you have sacrificed.

15 Jun

Hero Lt. Col. Allen West’s Response to Black Conservatives Voting For Obama

Allen West’s response to: Black Conservatives Conflicted on Obama Campaign

“For most of my adult life I took an oath to a simple document, the US Constitution, to support and defend it against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and to bear true faith and allegiance to the same. My allegiance is to America, its people, and their rights as put forth in that superb document. I shall not discard my principles and commitment to my God and Country, just because. I applaud Senator Obama for his accomplishment, however, there is no way I will vote for someone that is so contrary to my beliefs in lower taxes, limited government, individual rights and freedoms, individual responsibility and accountability, not collective prosperity sharing.

I grew up in inner city Atlanta Georgia, and my elementary school, Our Lady of Lourdes, is across the street from Ebenezer Baptist Church. Dr King’s seminal ideal of “content of character vs color of skin” resonates with me. Regardless of the probable ensuing vitriolic name calling, my ideology and principles are not in concert with those of Senator Obama. I wish him well, but I dont wish him to be President of THESE United States of America”

Lieutenant Colonel Allen B West (US Army, Ret)
Republican Candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives
Florida District 22
Here is his website for his campaign for the U.S. House of Representatives .
He is also listed over at Vets for Freedom along with other Iraq War Veterans that are running for office.
West was in the US Army for 22 years.


Wild Thing’s comment………
This is a GOOD man and I pray and hope he wins.
Here is a little history about Lieutenant Colonel Allen B West (US Army, Ret)

Source :
dated November 2003
Now let’s see if I get this straight. An officer whose Tikrit-based troops have come under attack from Saddam loyalists becomes aware that an Iraqi detainee has information about a planned ambush of his Soldiers, but the prisoner isn’t being cooperative.
The officer then goes to interrogate the detainee — an Iraqi police officer, by the way — and in the course of questioning, fires his weapon as a way of making the point that he’s serious about obtaining straight answers.
The detainee then tells the truth. The ambush is averted, and Soldiers’ lives are saved.
The officer is then:
A: given a commendation.
B: promoted to full colonel for showing initiative under pressure and loyalty to his troops.
C: told to resign his commission immediately or face a court martial.
The correct answer, I’m sorry to have to report, is “C.”
Lt. Col. Alan B. West, who aggressively interrogated an Iraqi detainee so that he could prevent an ambush and save his Soldiers lives, is being charged with aggravated assault by his unit’s JAG officer.
According to published reports, Lt. Col West allowed two of his Soldiers to “physically agress” the prisoner (an act for which they were later fined), and then West brandished his pistol and fired two shots to scare the man into talking.
For this, the Judge Advocate General’s office wants to end his 19-year career and possibly send him to prison for eight years. Meanwhile, idiot officers who get their men killed are being given medals and promotions, and generals who have never come under fire are putting themselves in for Silver Stars.
General Schoomaker, this is madness — and you have to put a full stop to it right now.
Because this is what happens when lawyers, not shooters, run the military.
This is what happens when the Army culture replaces risk-taking and initiative with hundreds of pages of rules and regulations that hamper war-fighting, degrade unit integrity, and place inane limits on how Soldiers can or cannot conduct themselves in battle.
This is what happens when managers and systems analysts replace Warriors in the command structure.
This is what happens when somewhere along the chain of command, the idea that war is about killing people and breaking things gets completely lost. This is what happens when the Army forgets the words of General George S. Patton, Jr.: “We must be eager to kill, to inflict on the enemy — the hated enemy — wounds, death, and destruction.”
Now, I’m not in favor of hooking prisoners up to field telephones — although it has certainly happened in the past. Nor am I in favor of taking the Argentine approach to interrogation, i.e., tossing one prisoner out of a chopper 10,000 feet above the South Atlantic and then posing the question to the second prisoner in the chopper.
Moreover, Lt. Col West’s actions came nowhere close to anything that can be called torture. Aggressive? Obviously. Outside the box? Absolutely. But aren’t those qualities precisely the qualities we want in our officers?
Because if I were a Soldier serving under West’s command, I’d say HOOAH, Colonel, and follow him to hell. Why? Because Lt. Col. West demonstrated something that far too few of today’s officers are willing to demonstrate to their men and women: loyalty DOWN the chain of command.
Lt. Col. West put his Soldiers’ lives above his own career.

And the FOLLOW UP dated December 2003
Lt. Col. West fined $5,000
Avoids court martial for using shock tactics to save lives
An officer in Iraq who used shock interrogation tactics to thwart an impending attack on American soldiers was punished with forfeiture of two month’s pay, according to his lawyer.
Previously faced with the possibility of a court martial, Lt. Col. Allen B. West accepted Article 15 non-judicial punishment from the commanding general of the 4th Infantry Division at a hearing today in Tikrit, Iraq, said Neal A. Puckett, a retired Marine officer.
Puckett said the loss of pay amounts to $5,000.
“I’m pleased that it’s over with,” West told WorldNetDaily by telephone from San Antonio, Texas. “But I thought that taking $5,000 away from a guy who is about to retire was a little bit unnecessary.
“I didn’t think that needed to be part of a sentence in order to send whatever message the commanding general thought he needed to send,” he continued.
“Simply a letter of reprimand should have done it,” Puckett insisted.
West will return to Ft. Hood, Texas, as soon as transportation can be arranged and will be assigned to the Rear Detachment of the 4th Infantry Division as he awaits the processing of his retirement request.
The punishment does not affect his eligibility for retirement and pension, Puckett said.
West’s commanding officer, Maj. Gen. Raymond Odierno, had authority to accept or reject the recommendation of administrative punishment from the officer who presided over West’s preliminary hearing in Tikrit last month, Lt. Col. Jimmy Davis.
At his preliminary hearing, West acknowledged he allowed two soldiers to beat an Iraqi policeman who refused to reveal details of an ambush plot and fired his pistol near the man’s head, threatening to kill him.
As WorldNetDaily reported, under threat of an attack, West took charge of the interrogation of an Iraqi policeman, Yahya Jhodri Hamoody, determined to flush out details as he warned subordinates “it could get ugly.” Threatening to kill the Iraqi if he didn’t talk, West fired a pistol near the policeman’s head.
The scared policeman then immediately disclosed the information, leading to the arrest of two Iraqis last August and cessation of attacks on West’s 4th Infantry Division battalion.
At the hearing last month, West was asked by his defense attorney if he would do it again.
“If it’s about the lives of my men and their safety, I’d go through hell with a gasoline can,” he said.
“But that’s what’s going on out there in the streets here, and that’s how I feel about my boys,” he told the hearing, held in one of Saddam Hussein’s lavish palaces. “There is not a person in this room I would not sacrifice my life for.”
But Army prosecutors believe his actions in the town of Saba al Boor, near Tikrit, violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice. He was charged with aggravated assault and faced a wide range of possible outcomes from no disciplinary action to a sentence of up to eight years in prison.
The prosecutors gave West a choice – face charges or resign within days of his 20 years of service, losing retirement benefits. West chose to face the charges and place his fate in the hands of Maj. Gen. Odierno.
The chairman of the House Armed Services Committee is appealing to the acting secretary of the Army to intervene on behalf of an officer in Iraq facing a possible court martial because of shock interrogation tactics used to thwart an impending attack on American soldiers.
In a letter, Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., and a senior member of his committee, Rep. John H. McHugh, R-N.Y., said they were “highly disturbed” the Army was considering criminal action against Lt. Col. Allen B. West, reported the Copley News Service.
Hunter and McHugh contended West’s actions “were necessary to protect the lives and safety of his men” and were reported immediately to his superiors.

….Thank you Dave for the added information Lt. Col. West.

15 Jun

Black Republicans Thinking Of Voting RACE!

Black conservatives weigh voting for Obama
CNN political
Black conservative talk show host Armstrong Williams has never voted for a Democrat for president. That could change this year with Barack Obama as the Democratic Party’s nominee.

“I don’t necessarily like his policies; I don’t like much that he advocates, but for the first time in my life, history thrusts me to really seriously think about it,” Williams said. “I can honestly say I have no idea who I’m going to pull that lever for in November. And to me, that’s incredible.”

Just as Obama has touched black Democratic voters, he has engendered conflicting emotions among black Republicans. They revel over the possibility of a black president but wrestle with the thought that Obama doesn’t sit beside them ideologically.

“Among black conservatives,” Williams said, “they tell me privately, it would be very hard to vote against him in November.”

Williams, the commentator, says his 82-year-old mother, who also hasn’t voted for a Democratic presidential candidate, has already made up her mind.

“She is so proud of Senator Barack Obama, and she has made it clear to all of us that she’s voting for him in November,” Williams relates. “That is historic. Every time I call her, she asks, ‘How’s Obama doing?’ They feel as if they are a part of this.

Because she said, given the history of this country, she never thought she’d ever live to see this moment.”

Perhaps sensing the possibility of such a shift, Republican presidential candidate John McCain has made some efforts to lure black voters. He recently told Essence magazine that he would attend the NAACP’s annual convention next month, and he noted that he recently traveled to Selma, Ala., scene of seminal voting rights protests in the 1960s, and “talked about the need to include
‘forgotten Americans.”‘
J.C. Watts, a former Oklahoma congressman who once was part of the GOP House leadership, said he’s thinking of voting for Obama.

Watts said he’s still a Republican, but he criticizes his party for neglecting the black community. Black Republicans, he said, have to concede that while they might not agree with Democrats on issues, at least that party reaches out to them.

“And Obama highlights that even more,” Watts said, adding that he expects Obama to take on issues such as poverty and urban policy. “Republicans often seem indifferent to those things.”

God bless Michale Steele for NOT being a racist like these others voting ONLY because of RACE.– Wild Thing

Michael Steele, the Republican former lieutenant governor of Maryland who lost a Senate race there in 2006, said he is proud of Obama as a black man, but that “come November, I will do everything in my power to defeat him.” Electing Obama, he said, would not automatically solve the woes of the black community.

“I think people who try to put this sort of messianic mantle on Barack’s nomination are a little bit misguided,” he said.

Wild Thing’s comment……..

First of all let me say something. I have been a conservative all my life and no conservative would ever vote for Obama. The NO vote is NOT because he is a black man, but Obama is a Democrat, the most liberal, furthest to the left of all the democrats.
These people saying they are “thinking of voting for Obama BECAUSE HE IS A BLACK MAN” ….. are they coming out of the closet of their being a racist that they hid in these past years passing off as a conservative?
Has our American politics, governing and who should be voted for ….come down to if a person is black or white? I say NOPE, it has come down to Democrat BLACK is ok and Republican Black is NO good! If Obama was a conservative black man, the left would be calling him names like Oreo cookie and Uncle Tom like they called so many black Republicans.
Here is an example from the past:
“Democratic leaders in Maryland say that racially tinged attacks against Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele in his bid for the U.S. Senate are fair because he is a conservative Republican. Such attacks against the first black man to win a statewide election in Maryland include pelting him with Oreo cookies during a campaign appearance, calling him an “Uncle Tom” and depicting him as a black-faced minstrel on a liberal Web log.”
This is very sad to me to learn of Williams and Watts even thinking this way, even considering such a thing as to vote for Obama because of the historical
‘thing’ of it. I gave them both more credit then obviously they have deserved.
It is a sad day for our country too, if it has come down to this. Character and love for America being thrown out the window.
Maybe I have been naive, I didn’t know blacks were black before they were Americans. Not all but how sad that any of them feel this way.