04 Jul

“Generation Kill” HBO Mini Series

“Generation Kill ” launches on Sunday, July 13th at 9 P.M. ET/PT—only on HBO
It is a seven part mini series.
“Generation Kill” follows the highly trained Marines of Recon Battalion through the first 40 days of the Iraq war. Mini series taken from the book and written for the series by executive produced by “The Wire” creators David Simon and Ed Burns.
Website for ” Generation Kill”.

Based on Evan Wright’s acclaimed 2004 non-fiction book of the same name, Generation Kill is a seven-part miniseries that focuses on the first 40 days of the Iraq war, a.k.a. “Operation Iraqi Freedom,” through the eyes and actions of a group of elite U.S. First Recon Marines.

While offering vivid and unvarnished portraits of the actual Marines who rode alongside Wright (an embedded journalist working for Rolling Stone magazine) for two months starting in March 2003, Generation Kill provides a gritty, uncompromising account of the collective forces that guided these highly-trained Marines across a barren landscape, and against an unknowable enemy, in a military initiative designed to liberate the Iraqi populace from Saddam Hussein.

Bringing a candid, highly realiztic look at the details of modern warfare and the men who wage it, the miniseries depicts the War in Iraq with an immediacy, humor and humanity never before depicted on film.
In between scenes of intense combat, from Marines in under-protected Humvees blasting through hostile cities, the soldiers’ raw and frequently hilarious dialog is infused with an abundance of cultural references – from gossipy rumors of J-Lo’s death, to disparaging retorts to schoolchildrens’ letters of support, to on-the-road choral renditions of pop anthems like “Tainted Love” and “Loving You” (complete with falsettos).
People are already talking about this highly anticipated miniseries.

Based on the book of the same name by Evan Wright, a Marine chronicles his experiences during the first wave of the American-led assault on Baghdad in 2003. Written by David Simon and Ed Burns (“The Wire”). Cast includes: Lee Tergesen, Kellan Lutz, and Alexander Skarsgård and James Ransone.

A review of the mini series:
By Michael Samstag for Knoxville Films

“I was very fortunate to be treated to an advance screening of the first two episode’s of “Generation Kill” last week at the Nashville Screenwriters Conference. The seven part mini-series is based on the book “Generation Kill” written by Rolling Stone journalist Evan Wright chronicling his experience as an embedded reporter with the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion‎ during the first 40-days of the US led invasion of Iraq.
Right away, “Generation Kill” is different than any other show attempting to convey what it’s like to be at war. The series has more of a documentary feel–relying on the sounds of battle to heighten the tension rather than the use of traditional musical scores. The dialogue was gritty, sometimes vulgar, funny, and there were whole scenes that felt like they were recorded directly in the heat of battle. The production was enhanced further by the military technical consulting services of Sgt. Erik Kocher and Cpl. Jeffrey Carisalez who ensured that at no point did you feel you were watching actors playing Marines.
Yeah, the series is a sort of narrative-documentary hybrid–imagine The War Tapes meets the best parts of We Were Soldiers Once–but is it entertaining or simply another condemning look at the War in Iraq?
Well, it’s not that easy to summarize but I can tell you that I was expecting to get caught up in the technical aspects of the show and not get swept away by the story. It was a hell of a ride! I felt like I was riding along with the Marines. Pictures I remember from photogs in Iraq came to life before my eyes. The horrors I worked hard to drink away were alive again with an unapologizing, unflinching reality I would not have thought possible outside the documentary genre.
As for whether it’s a condemning portrayal of war, that’s not for me to say. What it is is an honest portrayal of what it must have been like being embedded with the Marines. It took a very frank look at the problems the marines faces with the Rules of Engagement and problems within their own ranks with command and control. This is not Hollywood’s version of war, though it’s just as riveting as the action movies Hollywood can produce. Bravo to Evan Wright, the cast and crew of “Generation Kill” and smart people at HBO who brought this series to the public.”

04 Jul

July 4th God Bless You All

The Declaration of Independence In Congress, July 4, 1776

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain Inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

03 Jul

Hostage Rescue from Columbia ~ 3 U.S. Defense Department Contract Workers and Others

Colombia rescues Betancourt, 3 U.S. hostages

This is from the front page at Northrop Grumman, I was hoping they would do something like this and they did!!
The freed Americans are former Defense Department contract workers Marc Gonsalves, Keith Stansell and Thomas Howes.
WELCOME HOME Keith Stansell, Marc Gonsalves and Thomas Howes,
and Ingrid Betancourt and the others.

U.S. military contractor Keith Stansell

BOGOTA, July 2 (Reuters) – Colombia said on Wednesday it rescued three Americans and French-Colombian politician Ingrid Betancourt from leftist guerrillas who had held them for years in secret jungle camps.
And this from our local newspaper:
Herald Tribune
Up to 15 hostages held by FARC terrorists for more than 5 years have been released in Colombia.
One of them is a local, a U.S. military contractor Keith Stansell, whose family lives in the Sarasota-Bradenton area was among the 15 hostages held for 5 years.
Stansell and two colleagues from Northrop Grumman Corp. had been the longest-held U.S. hostages in the world.
Stansell, 44, Marc Gonsalves and Thomas Howes were captured after their plane crashed and held by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, known by the Spanish acronym FARC.
Their rescue, along with 11 Colombian police and soldiers and former presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt, dealt the most serious blow ever to the 44-year-old Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, which viewed the Americans among their most valuage bargaining chips.
Stansell, captured in 2003 while flying anti-drug operations for an American company, was turned over immediately to U.S. officials in Colombia and reported heading to the United States soon, according to a statement from his Los Angeles-based employer.

The rescure:
Betancourt, who was seized while campaigning for president six years ago, called her surprise rescue “absolutely impeccable” and said she and 14 other hostages had no idea they were being rescued until they were airborne in disguised military helicopters.
“They got us out grandly,” Betancourt told Colombian army radio.
Defense Minister Juan Manuel Santos said military intelligence agents infiltrated the guerrilla ranks and led the local commander in charge of the hostages, alias Cesar, to believe they were going to take them by helicopter to Alfonso Cano, the guerrillas’ supreme leader.
The hostages, who had been divided in three groups, were taken to a rallying point where two helicopters piloted by Colombian military agents were waiting. The helicopters took off with the hostages, Cesar and one other rebel, and those two “were neutralized” during the flight, Santos said.
Betancourt said her hands and feet were bound on the way to the helicopters, and that only when the choppers had taken off did military crewmembers reveal their identity.
The rest of the rebel captors had dropped off the hostages and retreated into the jungle.
Stansell’s family had not heard from him since he was taken hostage but had seen a few “proof-of-life” videos, one taken by a journalist a few years ago. Every week they sent letters and called a Colombian radio station to leave messages that they believed reached Stansell in captivity.
“We just sent him a letter last week,” Coady said.
Coady and her children moved to Sarasota about three years ago to be closer to Stansell’s parents.
And there is this:
McCain had advance knowledge of Colombian raid
ON BOARD THE MCCAIN CAMPAIGN PLANE, En route to Mexico City (CNN) — After a scheduled meeting between John McCain and Colombian President Alvaro Uribe Tuesday, the presumptive Republican nominee was briefed on the upcoming hostage rescue raid carried out Wednesday.
As he left Colombia Wednesday afternoon, McCain learned that raid had been successfully completed, and congratulated Uribe by phone.
Senators Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham, both traveling with McCain, were also briefed. Lieberman said McCain’s advance knowledge of the raid signals a vote of confidence by foreign leaders.
UPDATE: John McCain released a statement on the operation later Wednesday afternoon.

“Today, I spoke by phone to President Uribe. He told me some of the details of the dramatic rescue of the people who were held hostage. Three Americans are now free and Ingrid Betancourt is now in good condition. I’m pleased with the success of this very high-risk operation. Sometimes in the past, the FARC has killed the hostages rather than let them be rescued.

“So I congratulate President Uribe, the military and the nation of Colombia. It is great news. Now we must renew our efforts to free all of the other innocent people held hostage. With regard to the three Americans and Ingrid Betancourt — they had been held many years, as many as six years.

“Last night, President Uribe and the defense minister did brief us that the operation was going to take place today.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Betancourt said that when she saw the men to whom they were being transferred, they were wearing Che t-shirts, like FARC members. When she got on the helicopter, she saw the man who had been the commander of the camp on the floor of the helicopter, bound, and with his eyes covered. That’s when she realized something was up, and after they took off, the men explained that they were being rescued. She said they thought they were going to bring the helicopter down because they were jumping up and down and hugging each other.
The story also said that the US govt. didn’t have any part in the operation, though Uribe’s govt. informed the US about it a few days ago. Uribe is really kicking butt and taking names of these rebels lately! Good for him.
I heard on CNN there are still something like up to 40 were also being held. Then on the radio they said there may be some 700 hostages. Weird how the news can’t get it straight.
I am just glad these people are free and can come home!

03 Jul

Jodie Evans Code Pink co-founder is Obama Bundler

B. Hussein Obama met with his terrorist supporting fundraiser, Jodie Evans, at a $5 million Hollywood fundraiser held last week at the Dorothy Chandler Pavillion on Tuesday, June 24.
It was a big middle finger to the veterans and military families who have urged Obama to renounce Evans, Obama met with Evans and was photographed with her at the fundraiser.
Code Pink ‘Bundles’ for Barack
Human Events

The co-founder of the radical anti-war group Code Pink has “bundled” more than $50,000 for Sen. Barack Obama’s presidential campaign, and pro-troops groups are demanding that he return the money.
Jodie Evans, a Code Pink leader, gathered at least $50,000 from friends and associates and donated it to Obama’s presidential campaign, according to information compiled by the nonpartisan watchdog group, Public Citizen.
Evans and her son, a student who lives at her Southern California address, each also gave the maximum individual allowable donation of $2,300 to Obama’s campaign.

The donations have raised questions about Obama’s association with the more radical elements of his base. Code Pink has harassed, vandalized and impeded military recruiters across the United States in a campaign it calls “counter-recruitment.” The group also gave $600,000 to the families of Iraqi terrorists in Fallujah, whom it called “insurgents” fighting for their homes.

Families United for Our Troops and Their Mission, Move America Forward,
Military Families Voice of Victory, The Band of Mothers and FreeRepublic.com, issued a statement this week saying Obama should cut ties to his radical bundler.
Obama’s campaign did not respond to repeated attempts to get comment on the latest controversy to hit his campaign.

Evans said in an interview last month on June 3 that al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden had a ‘valid argument’ for attacking America on Sept. 11, 2001.
When Obama launched his presidential campaign in February 2007, he turned to Jodie Evans, who had just returned from Cuba as a guest of the Castro government where she was protesting against America, to co-host his first big Hollywood fundraiser. He also tapped Evans to bundle between $50,000 and $100,000 for his campaign. Evans personally gave the legal maximum, $2300, to Obama’s campaign.
Evans’ fellow co-founder of Code Pink, Fidel Castro groupie Medea Benjamin, describing in great detail Evans’ meeting with Obama last week:

“Last night Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans was at a Hollywood bash for Barack Obama. And it was pretty interesting because there was Jodie going up to get her picture taken with Barack Obama. And I don’t know if you’ve seen but some of these right wing groups have been trying to say that Barack Obama is really a communist because he gets money from people like Jodie Evans.
“So Jodie went up to shake his hand and the first thing he said to her without her saying anything is, “I know you Jodie, and Code Pink. And I know that you want me to end this war and bring all the troops home and I am going to do that.”
“And he said, “I know that you want there to be no permanent bases in Iraq and I want that too.”
“And she said,”But we don’t trust you because you just put these policy advisors who are leftovers from the Clinton administration who are not antiwar.”
“He said, “Don’t worry, I have other advisors and I want to end this war in Iraq.”
“And then she said, “But we’re worried because you aren’t standing up against the FISA bill and for our rights not to be illegally spied on.”
“And he said, “I am going to vote against that bill.”
“Of course we wanted him to do more, we wanted him to filibuster but he’s not willing to do that. She pushed him on that.
“But I bring this up because we have the ability to push from the inside and the outside. And its being right here at this kind of place and places like this around the country that are the antidote to the people that are pushing Barack Obama to be quote centrist, which means a warmonger.
“So we have to keep this fight up. Not just because we want to see this Marine recruiting station closed. But because we want this message to reverberate in the presidential elections and the congressional elections.
“We want Nancy Pelosi to hear it. We want Barack Obama to hear it. We want all of those who are in power now and might have even more power come November to know that we are serious about ending this occupation and this war.”

Jodie Evans’ record as an anti-American activist is well-known. She travels the world, meeting with the likes of Hugo Chavez and representatives of the so-called Iraqi resistance. In 2005, she had this to say about the terrorists killing and maiming American troops:

“We must begin by really standing with the Iraqi people and defending their right to resist. I can remain myself against all forms of violence, and yet I cannot judge what someone has to do when pushed to the wall to protect all they love. The Iraqi people are fighting for their country, to protect their families and to preserve all they love. They are fighting for their lives, and we are fighting for lies.”

Barack Obama has no problem meeting with her, accepting her money and enlisting her aid in his campaign.
Whether he does exactly as she wants when she wants is beside the point. The point is Evans has the blood of American soldiers on her hands–and Obama embraces her without reservation. And he wants to be commander-in-chief.
Here is Jodie Evans official page on Barack Obama’s campaign website .

One last quote :

“if justice is to ever come to the people of Iraq, the people we call insurgents will have to be recognized as the ones who are actually defending their homeland.”

Jodie Evans sees her savior in Barack – and Michelle – Obama.

03 Jul

Vets For Freedom Pete Hegseth Good One!

Pete Hegseth , of Vets For Freedom, slammed the Marxist founder of Code Pink, Medea Benjamin, for the socialist organization’s attacks on the military.
Pete Hegseth, who served in Iraq with the 101st Airborne Division, is the the executive director of “Vets For Freedom”.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
God bless you Pete! I am so sorry these code pink people even exist.

02 Jul

A Girly Man Named Chris Satullo Hates America!

Chris Satullo: A not-so-glorious Fourth
The Philadelphia Inquirer
U.S. atrocities are unworthy of our heritage.
Put the fireworks in storage.
Cancel the parade.
Tuck the soaring speeches in a drawer for another time.
This year, America doesn’t deserve to celebrate its birthday. This Fourth of July should be a day of quiet and atonement.
For we have sinned.
We have failed to pay attention. We’ve settled for lame excuses. We’ve spit on the memory of those who did that brave, brave thing in Philadelphia 232 years ago.
The America those men founded should never torture a prisoner.
The America they founded should never imprison people for years without charge or hearing.
The America they founded should never ship prisoners to foreign lands, knowing their new jailers might torture them.
Such abuses once were committed by the arrogant crowns of Europe, spawning rebellion.
Today, our nation does such things in the name of our safety. Petrified, unwilling to take the risks that love of liberty demands, we close our eyes.
We have done such things, on orders from the Oval Office. We have done them, without general outrage or shame.
Abu Ghraib. Guantanamo. CIA secret prisons. “Rendition” of prisoners to foreign torture chambers.
It’s not enough that we had good reason to be scared.
The men huddled long ago in Philadelphia had better reason. A British fleet floated off the Jersey coast, full of hands eager to hang them from the nearest lampposts.
Yet they pledged their lives and sacred honor – no idle vow – to defend the “inalienable rights” of men. Inalienable – what does that signify? It means rights that belong to each person, simply by virtue of being human. Rights that can never be taken away, no matter what evil a person might do or might intend.
Surely one of those is the right not to be tortured. Surely that is a piece of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
This is the creed of July 4: No matter what it costs us, no matter how it scares us, no matter how foolish it seems to a cynical world, America should stand up for human rights.
No, not even the brave men who picked up a quill, dipped it in ink and signed the parchment that summer day in Philadelphia lived up perfectly to the creed. But they did something extraordinary, founding a new nation upon a vow to oppose all the evil habits of tyranny.
That is why history still honors them.
But what will history think of us, of how we responded to our great challenge? Sept. 11 was a hideous evil, a grievous wound. Yet, truth told, it has not summoned our better angels as often as our worst.
We have betrayed the July 4 creed. We trample the vows we make, hand to heart.
Don’t imagine that only the torturer’s hand bears the guilt. The guilt reaches deep inside our Capitol, and beyond that – to us.
Our silence is complicit. In our name, innocents were jailed, humans tortured, our Constitution mangled. And we said so little.
We can’t claim not to have known. The best among us raised the alarm. Heroes in uniform, judges in robes, they opposed the perverse logic of an administration drenched in fear, drunk on power.
But did we heed them? Hardly. Barely . . .
We were so busy. Soccer practice at 6. A credit card balance to fret. The final vote on Idol.
We left it to those in power to keep our precious selves from harm. Whatever it took.
We took the coward’s way.
The world sees this, even if we are too dim to grasp it. We’ve lost respect. We’ve shamed the memory of Jefferson, Adams and Franklin.
And all for a scam. The waterboarding, the snarling dogs, the theft of sleep – all the diabolical tricks haven’t made us safer. They may have averted this plot or that. But they’ve spawned new enemies by the thousands, made the jihadist rants ring true to so many ears.
So put out no flags.
Sing no patriotic hymns.
We deserve no Fourth this year.
Let us atone, in quiet and humility. Let us spend the day truly studying the example of our Founders. May we earn a new birth of courage before our nation’s birthday next rolls around.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Ever notice the hate America crowd always come out from under their rocks close to the Holidays like July 4th?
Subhumnas like this Chris just love to trot out the founders corpses when it suits your needs, otherwise all I ever hear from libs like you is that they were nothing but rich white men etc..
It is people like this that make me extra happy we have a 2nd Amendment. LOCK and LOAD !
May we earn a new birth of courage before our nation’s birthday next rolls around.
All that breathless melodrama to let us know he wants to elect a Democrat for president, as if we couldn’t have guessed.
Let us spend the day truly studying the example of our Founders.
Don’t tell him, but our founding father’s certainly wouldn’t let him marry this week’s gay lover.
What a P.O.S. Chris Satullo is.
Anti-American, liar. If you don’t like the USA, leave the country but don’t expect to get the same freedoms to print such drivel anywhere else.
His email:

….Thank you Mark for sending this. I love the smell of liberal’s being crushed at my blog. heh heh …..SPLAT!

02 Jul

“Black national anthem” Replaced National Anthem in Denver ~ WTF

This anti-American Rene Marie sang alternate lyrics to the tune of “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

“Black national anthem” causes stir at Hick speech
Denver Post

As Denver dignitaries gathered today for Mayor John Hickenlooper’s State of the City address, City Council President Michael Hancock introduced singer Rene Marie to perform the national anthem.
But that’s not what she did.
Instead, Marie performed the song “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing,” which also is known as the “black national anthem.”

When she finished, the proceedings moved forward, and the “Star-Spangled Banner” was never performed.
Councilman Charlie Brown took to local talk radio this afternoon to blast the lack of the nation’s anthem at the proceedings.

“There’s no replacement for the national anthem,” Brown said. “They should have sung it.”

“I was surprised,” said Hancock, who said he thought Marie should have cleared her plans with the mayor’s office in advance. By Tuesday afternoon he had received several telephone calls from citizens and the media. “But you go on with the show.”

Hickenlooper said in a statement:

“We were as surprised as anyone that jazz singer René Marie did not sing our national anthem at today’s State of the City ceremony, as our staff had requested. As I listened to her sing, I assumed she would eventually move into the traditional Star Spangled Banner. I called her personally this afternoon to understand what happened. She explained her song was an artistic expression of her love for her country. She said she meant no disrespect of any kind and that her song was in no way intended to be a political statement. She apologized for any problems she may have created.

“I’m disappointed that this matter has been a distraction from the great work and significant accomplishments of our City employees over the past year and the many important initiatives on tap for the coming year. “

Wild Thing’s comment………
God help us when people like this Rene Marie does something like this. There are some things that make my blood boil and this is one of them. Rene Marie is UN_American, she is promoting her OWN freaking agenda by her singing the “Black national anthem”!!
If I had been there I would have raised Hell! All it would have taken was one person in the audience to stand up and say … what are you singing?
So was she auditioning for B. Hussein Obama’s inauguration party? One has to wonder! She would fit right in with Michelle Obama and her not being proud of America and Rev. Wright and his G-d Damn America!
I have a feeling this is only the tip of the iceberg of CHANGE.
Black racism is rampant. Anybody who thinks otherwise is dumb as a box of rocks. Any white who would of sung a song with race connotations to it in place of the National Anthem would have been immediately fired. The mayor would be falling all over himself in apology, self loathing and taking a supine position.
The Black Liberationists have been lying in wait and building steam for decades.
This brazen act was deliberate – a shot across the bow.
This post will be filed in the sidebar under Traitors to America! She deserves nothing better then that.
About this racist singer:
Singer supports Jena 6 thugs:…from her website
If anyone wants to Contact Rene Marie
email rene@renemarie.com

02 Jul

Obama Site Urges Revolution Against U.S.

Obama site urges: ‘Revolution’ against U.S. ‘oppressive’ regime
Marxists, socialists, communists form group to plot on official campaign blog
Marxists, socialists and communists have created a safe space online to congregate, exchange ideas – including a stated revolution against the U.S. “oppressive” regime – and support their favored presidential candidate.
Their meeting spot? Sen. Barack Obama’s official campaign website, which allows registered users to form groups and post content in online “community” blogs.

One popular community group on the Illinois senator’s official MyObama website
calls itself “Marxists/Socialists/Communists for Obama.”

“This group is for self-proclaimed Marxists/Communists/Socialists for the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency. By no means is he a true Marxist, but under Karl Marx’s writings we are to support the party with the best interests of the mobilization of the proletariat,” states the groups charter.

“We support Barack Obama because he knows what is best for the people!” exclaims the group’s online creed.

And on Obama’s site, the declared Marxist, communist and socialist bloggers rant against such varied targets as Republicans, capitalism and the Fox News Channel.
In a posting titled “The Nature of the Proletariat ,” one group member calls for revolution against the U.S. “oppressive” regime.
And on Obama’s site, the declared Marxist, communist and socialist bloggers rant against such varied targets as Republicans, capitalism and the Fox News Channel. According to author profiles, the bloggers range from registered voters to underage high school students who state they are looking to foment revolt.

“Eventually, the bourgeoisie controlled government will fail to keep the ever growing masses at bay, and the Revolution will occur,” adds the posting.

The user argues Obama will help advance the “revolution,” which he says can be a physical revolt or massive governmental reform:

“The Neo-proleatarian is now the bearer of the Revolution. That’s why I support Obama. He helps destroy the paradigm of bourgeoisie government, which is best for the Proletariat. In the end, this will only hasten the Revolution even if the Revolution must come as a massive government reform.”

Another posting by a registered group member calling himself “The Chalk Graffiti Terrorist” argues on Obama’s site against the “evils” of capitalism.

“We can’t just accept the evil side of capitalism. The nature of capitalism is to maximize profits, and this is often done by minimizing expenditure—in short, cutting costs. And cutting costs means less benefits, less pay, and poorer conditions for the workers. But capitalism has more evil in it than that. The profit motive drives the destruction of our environment, it has caused the current foreclosure crisis, and it exploits and basically enslaves those poor not protected by legitimate representative government.”

A blog posting on Obama’s official campaign site urged Americans to take action to secure the release of imprisoned terrorist fundraiser Sami Al-Arian, comparing the controversial former professor to Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.
The posting, which has been removed since publication of the story, is just a sampling of a large volume of racist, anti-Semitic and pro-Palestinian rhetoric published on the user-friendly MyObama community blog pages.

One recently removed posting claims Jews control the media. Another referred to Jews as “puppet masters” and “war criminals.” Yet another posting, titled “The Israeli connection to 9/11,” claimed Israeli intelligence was involved in the mega-attack and planted “false flags” to blame Arab countries.

For complete article please go to LINK for wnd article, thank you
And here is the link to the page the article is about. Not sure how long they will keep it there.
LINK at Obama’s site

Wild Thing’s comment………..
Terrorists, CodePinkos, the gay agenda cabal, and the commies all find something to love about the Obamunist.
Obama’s four-year stint as a political organizer and agitator in Chicago’s South Side neighborhoods gave him a hands-on education in Alinsky revolutionary tactics, which he seems adept at using now. Another Alinskyite, Hillary Clinton, studied Alinksy and his rule book and turned down an offer to work for him.
The Soviets, following the lead of Marxist theoreticians like Antonio Gramsci, took very seriously the idea that by blighting the U.S.’s intellectual and esthetic life, they could sap Americans’ will to resist Communist ideology and an eventual Communist takeover. The explicit goal was to erode the confidence of America’s ruling class and create an ideological vacuum to be filled by Marxism-Leninism. As we see in the examples we have seen often at Obama’s website.
Their major function was to spread disinformation as we have seen happening over the years. Bush’s War, re-write History, slander the military by their saying we are occupiers as Pelosi and others have said over and over , Progressive ( communist/socialist) politicians in our government, and Marxism in our media.
The ideological warfare and the Gramscian damage to America is very much alive. Here are some of the most important Stalinist propaganda memes:
* There is no truth, only competing agendas.
* All Western (and especially American) claims to moral superiority over Communism/Fascism/Islam are vitiated by the West’s history of racism and colonialism.
* There are no objective standards by which we may judge one culture to be better than another. Anyone who claims that there are such standards is an evil oppressor.
* The prosperity of the West is built on ruthless exploitation of the Third World; therefore Westerners actually deserve to be impoverished and miserable.
* Crime is the fault of society, not the individual criminal. Poor criminals are entitled to what they take. Submitting to criminal predation is more virtuous than resisting it.
* The poor are victims. Criminals are victims. And only victims are virtuous. Therefore only the poor and criminals are virtuous. (Rich people can borrow some virtue by identifying with poor people and criminals.)
* For a virtuous person, violence and war are never justified. It is always better to be a victim than to fight, or even to defend oneself. But ‘oppressed’ people are allowed to use violence anyway; they are merely reflecting the evil of their oppressors.
* When confronted with terror, the only moral course for a Westerner is to apologize for past sins, understand the terrorist’s point of view, and make concessions.
I am still optimistic about our country. But we have to do more than recognize Stalin’s memes; we have to reject them. We have to eject postmodern leftism from our universities, progressivism from our politics, and Marxism from our media. It means we have to speak up, staying silent we surely will not win this war with the enemy within. We need to vote these lefties out of office and let’s not forget too how we all joined in with emails, fax’s and phone calls twice to stop amnesty. It worked twice and it showed we do have a voice if we use it and work to get it heard. They outnumber us so how much more we can stop amnesty looks dim for sure. Especially since both candidates are very pro illegals. But there are other things too our voices have been heard when we went into the fight back mode. Showing us there is a ray of hope and we must never give up.
Obama attacks these vile groups because he is one of them and they know it. He may not hold his fist in the air side by side the Black Panthers but he associates with them all the same. His thinking is similar to these groups this post is about that want a Revolution. Obama just calls it CHANGE.

….Thank you Mark for the article.

02 Jul

Presidential Wanna B….UH Um UH Hussein Obama

There is so much to post about Obama right now, so I thought I would take snipets of things and put them all here. –Wild Thing

Obama Got Discount on Home Loan
Washington Post ……for complete story

Shortly after joining the U.S. Senate and while enjoying a surge in income, Barack Obama bought a $1.65 million restored Georgian mansion in an upscale Chicago neighborhood. To finance the purchase, he secured a $1.32 million loan from Northern Trust in Illinois.
The freshman Democratic senator received a discount. He locked in an interest rate of 5.625 percent on the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage, below the average for such loans at the time in Chicago. The loan was unusually large, known in banker lingo as a “super super jumbo.” Obama paid no origination fee or discount points, as some consumers do to reduce their interest rates.
Compared with the average terms offered at the time in Chicago, Obama’s rate could have saved him more than $300 per month.
Obama’s house purchase has been a source of controversy.


July 10-24, 2008 issue of Rolling Stone….

NOTE the Lapel pin but watch out for those teeth. LOL
Interesting that there’s no words of the cover. Perfect for a guy with no ideas, or bad ideas. And quite fitting considering he’s an empty suit also.


Obama says opposes Calif. anti-gay marriage measure and McCain supports it
Obama website for Pride Week for gays etc.
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama opposes a California measure that would define marriage as between a man and woman after the state’s top court backed same-sex weddings, according to a letter released on Tuesday.
Californians will vote on the effort to alter the state’s constitution and override the state Supreme Court’s decision on November 4, when they cast votes in the presidential election. Obama’s Republican rival, John McCain, endorsed the measure last week.
The California court’s decision made the state the second after Massachusetts to allow same-sex marriages and the first to offer to marry gay couples from outside the state. The marriages began on June 16.
Obama said he favors extending “fully equal rights and benefits to same sex couples under both state and federal law” in the letter, posted on the Web site of the Alice B. Toklas Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Democratic Club of San Francisco.
This past week he sent a letter to the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Democratic Club where he congratulated those in California who recently got married. He also lays out his gay rights agenda.
Read the letter below:

“Dear Friends,
Thank you for the opportunity to welcome everyone to the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club’s Pride Breakfast and to congratulate you on continuing a legacy of success, stretching back thirty-six years. As one of the oldest and most influential LGBT organizations in the country, you have continually rallied to support Democratic candidates and causes, and have fought tirelessly to secure equal rights and opportunities for LGBT Americans in California and throughout the country.
As the Democratic nominee for President, I am proud to join with and support the LGBT community in an effort to set our nation on a course that recognizes LGBT Americans with full equality under the law. That is why I support extending fully equal rights and benefits to same sex couples under both state and federal law. That is why I support repealing the Defense of Marriage Act and the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy, and the passage of laws to protect LGBT Americans from hate crimes and employment discrimination. And that is why I oppose the divisive and discriminatory efforts to amend the California Constitution, and similar efforts to amend the U.S. Constitution or those of other states.
For too long. issues of LGBT rights have been exploited by those seeking to divide us. It’s time to move beyond polarization and live up to our founding promise of equality by treating all our citizens with dignity and respect. This is no less than a core issue about who we are as Democrats and as Americans.
Finally, I want to congratulate all of you who have shown your love for each other by getting married these last few weeks. My thanks again to the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club for allowing me to be a part of today’s celebration. I look forward to working with you in the coming months and years, and I wish you all continued success.
Barack Obama”

Mrs. Obama attempted to link the civil rights movement with the gay rights movement:

““We are all only here because of those who marched and bled and died, from Selma to Stonewall, in the pursuit of a more perfect union,” she said at the event, held days before the anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall riots between gays and New York police, and the city’s annual gay pride parade.
“The world as it is should be one that rejects discrimination of all kinds,” she said.
Touting her husband’s record pushing for workplace discrimination legislation as an Illinois state senator and his support of civil unions, Obama noted her husband also had brought a call for equality to conservative groups, telling churchgoers they need to combat homophobia in the black community.”


Obama to rename Bush’s faith office
The White House views the office as one of the cornerstone’s of Bush’s legacy, making Obama’s vow a very personal one.

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) plans to slam President Bush’s faith-based program as “a photo op” and a failure on Tuesday, and says he would scrap the office and create a new Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships that would be a “critical” part of his administration.
Obama, unveiling a plan to overhaul and expand Bush’s faith-based program during remarks at a community ministry in Zanesville, Ohio, said the White House Office of Community and Faith-Based Initiatives — which Bush founded during his second week in office — “never fulfilled its promise.”
“Support for social services to the poor and the needy have been consistently underfunded,” Obama says in prepared remarks. “Rather than promoting the cause of all faith-based organizations, former officials in the Office have described how it was used to promote partisan interests. As a result, the smaller congregations and community groups that were supposed to be empowered ended up getting short-changed.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
All of this makes me dizzy the way he is truly on a roll of what his plans are, what he and his wife are up to. WHEW!
There is just no way America can survive this couple. It is still recovering from the Clinton’s being in power.

02 Jul

“Mr. Obama, you, sir, are diabolical”

This is from the Official Obama Criticizer Bo Snerdley at Rush Lim baugh site and radio show.
This is Bo Snerdley, the Official Barack Criticizer for the EIB Network — medically certified with highly concentrated levels of slave blood, certified to criticize — and I have a statement. Mr. Obama, since your rise on the political stage, you and your handlers have crafted an image that depicts you as a unique politician, one that can bridge the divides of our nation with your exuberant charisma, your fresh face, and your unifying outlook. You, we were told, would transcend the old politics and usher in a new era. The blood sport political games of the Beltway would give way to a new politic where dreams come true and hope prevails. You would be that line, sir, in the sand from the old of bitter division, to the new America, with liberty and justice for all. “Yes, you can. Yes, we can.” Instead, we’ve seen nothing new. Your policy offerings, vague as they are, reflect standard tax, spend, tax ’em more Democrat policies — and your brand of politics, sir, is a swarmy, cutthroat, and sleazy as any Democrat who has ever run. The attack by your minion, Wesley Clark, on the war record of John McCain is just the latest.
Mr. Obama, you, sir, are diabolical.
You, sir, have sent your minion, Wesley Clark, out with a scorched-earth policy, to take no prisoners, not even a genuine war hero, a genuine prisoner of war. Sir, you lead an anti-war party that hates American victory in our present war and still shows no respect for our soldiers of past wars. You don’t represent change. You don’t represent hope. You’re not new. Sir, you are just another liberal Democrat. And now, a translation for our EIB brothers and sisters in the ‘hood. “‘Rack! Dig this, bro. You know up ’til now we’ve been kind of laying in the cut on you, you know, letting a whole lot of stuff go, but check this out. Yo, you are tripping on what. Come on, money. You gonna send out that old fool, Wesley Clark, to slice and dice McCain? McCain was fighting in Nam, yo homey. What were you doing? You were out chilling with the shorties, playing ball, you know, smoking a little herb. John was in prison camp, yo, being Abu Ghraibed by the Vietcong, man. And now you send out the ain’t-never-won-nothing, wannabe president whack-ass general to diss him? What’s up with that, man? This is ill! You ain’t representing, yo. You could talk all that patriotic stuff you want to, yo, but man you diss guys have been there, man, that did the fight? This is the kind of thing the Clintons used to run, man. What’s up with chu? Clinton was supposed to be the first black president. What are you trying to be, man, the first black Clinton? What’s up with that? Word, man. You need to let it up, man. Call your dogs back in and refresh up, yo, because this is not how you win the game. If those punk ass Republicans had any kind of juice, yo, they would fry you on this, you know what I’m saying? You, bro, are ill. This is whack!” And that concludes our statement.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
When I heard this rant by Bo Snerdley I just had to share it with all of you.