06 Jul

Smokey Robinson On Being Black

Smokey Robinson Giving A Great Rant & On Being A Black American

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Last night on the Larry Elder show on Fox News he played a video of Smokey Robinson so I looked for it at YouTube. I thought it was really good and wanted to share it with you.

06 Jul

Iron Maidens Rock for The Troops In Iraq

Iron Maidens Rock for Iron Soldiers at Contingency Operating Base Speicher, located near Tikrit, Iraq.

The Iron Maidens World’s Only Female Tribute To Iron Maiden performing “The Number Of The Beast”
intercut with the original band Iron Maiden.

By Pvt. Alisha Nye
14th Public Affairs Detachment
The Iron Maidens, the world’s only all-female Iron Maiden tribute band, rocked an Independence Day concert held at Contingency Operating Base Speicher, located near Tikrit, Iraq.
The band consists of Aja “Bruce Chickinson” Kim on vocals, Sarah “MiniMurray” Marsh and Heather “Adrienne Smith” Baker of guitars, Wanda “Steph Harris” Ortiz on bass, Linda “Nikki Burrain” on drums and, for a limited time only, Guillermo, who is temporarily filling in for Heather Baker.
The Southern California band started in 2001. However, the band was not always strictly female.
“There was already a tribute band with half women and half men,” Marsh said. “I saw an ad in the paper around the same time Linda was looking for a project and we thought it’d be cool to make it all-female. So, we fired the guys.”
“It was a much more appealing package,” McDonald agreed.
The key was finding the right females for the part.
“We knew the girls in LA that would be able to play this type of music,” explained McDonald. “It’s a very intense music.”
It helps, said Marsh, that the members of the band have all been playing Iron Maiden songs since high school.
“It just feels so natural,” Ortiz said of playing the metal music.
“It’s the only kind of music that really moves me,” Kim added.
Since the band launched in 2001 they have slowly gained international recognition and have won awards in categories such as Best Tribute Band and Best in Category (vocals, guitar, bass, drums) from the Rock City News Awards, the LA Music Awards and All Access Magazine Awards Show.
The Iron Maidens brought, in full force, the talent that helped them with these awards to COB Speicher, July 4.
“We’ve always wanted to come and play in Iraq,” Marsh said. “We weren’t going to let anything stop us.”
That is why they have Guillermo, explained McDonald. He is filling in for Heather Baker, who was unable to make it.
McDonald and Guillermo play in another band together.
“When it came to filling in the position really quickly, I knew he’s really talented,” said McDonald.
With Guillermo filling in, the band was able to perform without missing a beat. An ability, said Kim, that was just as important to the band as it was to the Soldiers in their audience.

“It’s just amazing,” said Kim of performing for the troops. “It’s not like I would have ever dreamed.”

Kim said she didn’t think the band would get so close to the Soldiers and it overwhelmed her how excited the Soldiers were to see the Iron Maidens.

“As we encounter all of these wonderful people, it makes me want to stay longer and make them happier,” she said.

With the diligence and determination put forth to perform, the Iron Maidens gave Soldiers 90 minutes of time to have fun, rock out and forget where they are for a little while. With all the rocking out going on, the Soldiers gave the Iron Maidens something in return – a sense of thanks.
“Seeing their faces, seeing how excited they were to see us and them thanking us – there’s really no thanks necessary,” Kim said. “They’re the ones that need to be thanked.”

06 Jul

The Nobama Girl Sings About Obama

Wild Thing’s comment………..
I’m not sure but I think this is the first time a President campagin has had video wars on candidates. LOL Obama’s side does one then McCain’s side, then Obama’s side and back and forth.
This girl did an ok job on this one. The good thing is she is not for Obama and his wife.

06 Jul

The LIES in B.Hussein Obama’s Latest Ad

This video takes a look at Obama’s latest ad, in which he presents himself as Chicago’s Mr. Clean, a poor boy who worked his way through Harvard Law, who turned down big money to help the poor, who moved people from welfare to work.

Wild Thing’s comment………
Carter, Clinton and now they want make Obama President???? I don’t think so!

05 Jul

Pres.Bush Independence Day Speech and Code Pink Communists

Yesterday, on July 4th, President Bush attended the 46th Annual Independence Day Celebration and Naturalization Ceremony at Monticello in Charlottesville, Virginia


President Bush gives a Fourth of July speech at Thomas Jefferson’s home, Monticello, to honor, in part, new citizens — and a protester interrupts, yelling, “F#%@ you, George Bush, F&$@ you!”


A lady in the audience to one of the screaming Pinkos: SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN!

Code Pink interrupted the President just as he began to speak today at Monticello. This disturbance was well-rehearsed: three pinkos jumped to their feet and held up large pink banners, screaming “impeach Bush” as a fourth pinko tried to record as much of the chaos as she could with a camera.

President Bush never loses his cool. He says calmly over the screams: “To my fellow citizens to be, we believe in free speech in the United States of America.”
The pinkos are completely alone in this audience. There are no cheers for them, only boos and looks of annoyance.
The “Shut up and sit down!” comment by an audience member is priceless and ends the clip perfectly.

Desiree Farooz, one of the hatchet-faced whores from Code Pink, is dragged away by the Secret Service after running toward the President carrying a large pink banner.

President Bush:

“And this is a fitting place to celebrate our nation’s independence. Thomas Jefferson once said he’d rather celebrate the Fourth of July than his own birthday.

Today we know history had other plans. After many years of war, the United States won its independence. The principles that Thomas Jefferson enshrined in the Declaration became the guiding principles of the new nation. And at every generation, Americans have rededicated themselves to the belief that all men are created equal, with the God-given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Thomas Jefferson understood that these rights do not belong to Americans alone. They belong to all mankind. And he looked to the day when all people could secure them. On the 50th anniversary of America’s independence, Thomas Jefferson passed away. But before leaving this world, he explained that the principles of the Declaration of Independence were universal. In one of the final letters of his life, he wrote, “May it be to the world, what I believe it will be — to some parts sooner, to others later, but finally to all — the Signal of arousing men to burst the chains, and to assume the blessings and security of self-government.”

We honor Jefferson’s legacy by aiding the rise of liberty in lands that do not know the blessings of freedom. And on this Fourth of July, we pay tribute to the brave men and women who wear the uniform of the United States of America.”

Wild Thing’s comment………
I am so sick of these Code Pink people. They ARE traitors, they HAVE sided with the enemy of our country, the terrorists. I pray one day we bring back the death penalty for traitors like these Code Pink people.

05 Jul

Mad Man Murtha

Murtha admits the surge is working but only because the terrorists “are worn out” and American troops aren’t just beating down doors and killing innocents!


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Murtha is a waste of the air he breaths. I bet there is a place in hell with his name on it just waiting for him.

05 Jul

U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms ~ Rest In Peace

Jesse Helms, U.S. Senator and Conservative Champion, Dies
Conservative Sen. Jesse Helms, 86, a truly great American and champion of freedom, died at 1:15 a.m. today. Helms, who gave our country three decades of service as a U.S. senator from North Carolina, was ill in recent years.
How fitting that he passed on the Fourth of July, one of the great patriots of the 20th century!
He was an enemy of Communism when other Senators embraced their leaders. He was a friend of Tibet when Richard Gere and other lefties were still in diapers. He fought the Panama Canal give away and now we see the Chinese controlling the ports.
During World War II, Helms served stateside as a recruiter in the United States Navy.
Address by Jesse Helms Chairman, U.S. Senate Committe on Foreign Relations before the United Nations Security Council January 20, 2000
Jesse was originally scheduled to fly on the South Korean flight that the Russians shot down (because the atheists’ motherland was “sacred”). If he had we’d have lost him much sooner and while he was still serving in the Senate.
Here’s a few of those firebrand comments from Senator Helms:

“The destruction of this country can be pinpointed in terms of its beginnings to the time that our political leadership turned to socialism. They didn’t call it socialism, of course. It was given deceptive names and adorned with fancy slogans. We heard about New Deals, and Fair Deals and New Frontiers and the Great Society.”

“Compromise, hell! That’s what has happened to us all down the line — and that’s the very cause of our woes. If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?”

”Conservatism is a hard choice for a society that has become accustomed to big government and big entitlements promoted by liberals….I became a Republican when a very wise young lady asked me how I could remain a Democrat when I didn’t agree with what they stood for and did agree with what the Republicans supported.”

On a personal note, back when Bill Clinton was president I wrote a letter to Jesse Helms. Not an email but a hand written letter. It was about our country and when did it stop being important for character to matter.
Jesse Helms wrote me back, the most wonderful note. It was not a form letter, it was written by him with many little stories in it of his experiences and how I should hang in there and keep strong for America.
What a special man he was to take the time to answer me like that, after all I am only one of the ” we the people” and I will cherish what he did always.
God bless you, Jesse. You touched my heart and I’ll never forget you.
Rest in peace Senator Helms. Say hello to the Gipper for all of us. We are eternally grateful to both of you.

05 Jul

Gen. Petraeus and Independence Day Re-Enlistment Ceremony in Iraq

In Baghdad, General David Petraeus administered the oath of re-enlistment to over 1200 soldiers, Marines, sailors and airmen in Al-Faw Palace, one of Saddam Hussein’s former cribs. This was possibly the largest re-enlistment ceremony in the history of our all-volunteer military.
Army Command Sgt. Maj. Marvin L. Hill: These warriors are doing what they joined to do … They can see the fruit of their labor and see the fruit of the sacrifices of those who have gone before them. It makes them feel good about what they are doing.”
A 50-gun salute will honor of the nation’s birthday, and then all will sing “God Bless America.” The ceremony will end with a medley of service songs. [All of that inside one of Saddam Hussein’s former palaces!!

US soldiers from various branches of the military stand at attention during a mass reenlistment ceremony at the Al-Faw Palace, one of former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein’s main palaces, in Baghdad on July 4, 2008. More than 1,200 US service members took a reenlisment oath on the 4th of July, the anniversary of US independence, led by top commander in Iraq General David Petraeus.

General David Petraeus, head of the Multi-National Forces-Iraq, salutes with other service members
in the video below. I LOVE it!

04 Jul

Join Us To Celebrate the United States of America’s 232nd Birthday


Independence Day is a uniquely American holiday, celebrating not only the formation of a new country through the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, but the birth of a new culture as well.
Across America, military and civilian families and individuals alike will typically mark the day with picnics and cookouts celebrating American cuisine, singing patriotic songs and telling stories – perhaps even playing a pick-up baseball game – before bringing the day to a close by watching the spectacular flashes and flares of fireworks.
We owe the freedom we have to do this to our Veterans, our troops today and to our Founding Fathers. At Theodore’s World blog we celebrate and thank our Veterans and troops every day. And today we give ithem a special thank you from all our hearts!!

Martina McBride – God Bless America



The fireworks display in Washington D.C. is the backdrop lighting Arlington National Cemetery.


President Bush Attends Ceremonial Groundbreaking of National Military Medical Center
National Naval Medical Center
Bethesda, Maryland
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, Deputy Secretary England, for that generous introduction. I am so honored to be here at Bethesda National Naval Medical Center. This is often called the “President’s Hospital.” The reason why is this is where the President gets medical care. But I’m relieved today not to be on the treadmill, weighing in and getting a blood test. (Laughte from crowdr.) I also will tell you that the care that the President gets here is extraordinary.
I am so excited to be here for what is a grand occasion. This is a big deal, the breaking ground of a new joint medical facility for the men and women of our Armed Forces. Thank you all for joining us.
In a few years the current campus at Walter Reed will close, and many of its services will be relocated to the new complex here on the grounds at Bethesda. The two hospitals will be merged into one central campus, which will be called the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. At this new center, wounds will be healed, medical knowledge will be advanced, lives will be rebuilt. And those who wear our nation’s uniform will be reminded that they have the enduring gratitude of the American people. I thank all who serve Walter Reed and Bethesda. I love being with the healers and caregivers, and incredibly compassionate people who makes our current facility successful and will make this new center a great success.
This morning, we gather in a place that was chosen by another President to be the site of a world-class naval hospital. When President Franklin Roosevelt dedicated Bethesda in the early years of World War II, he placed this facility on the front lines of what he called the “battle against disease, disability and death.” The military “surgeons and nurses, scientists and technicians,” he said, “are anonymous heroes of this war.”
More than six decades later, our nation is engaged in a very different battle for our freedom. Yet our success still relies on these “anonymous heroes” — the healers who care for the troops, those troops who keep the American people safe. In this new war, giving our troops the care they deserve requires cutting-edge medical facilities. And that is what this new medical center will provide.
Our troops and their families will no longer have to travel between Bethesda and Walter Reed to see multiple specialists. The new complex will also benefit from the good work of the Dole-Shalala Wounded Warriors Commission, which has issued recommendations for modernizing and improving our military health care system. Those recommendations will provide a strong foundation for effective, accountable care here at the new Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.
Major Walter Reed was the Army doctor who found that Yellow Fever is transmitted by mosquitoes — a discovery that has saved countless lives. The new institution bearing his name will continue his legacy of lifesaving research.
This new medical center will be a place of compassion. At Bethesda and Walter Reed, volunteers organize holiday celebration, poker nights and field trips. They distribute care packages from thousands of Americans who want to show their gratitude for our troops. Recently, schoolchildren from New York made pillows for soldiers at Walter Reed, and sent letters along with the gifts. The children wrote: “You are everyone’s hero.” “Thank you for fighting for our freedom.” At this new center, the Americans who fight for our freedom will get the compassion and support they deserve.
This new medical center will be a place of courage. Our wounded warriors show that while the human body is fragile, the human spirit is strong. Anybody who has met the wounded at Walter Reed and Bethesda cannot help but be incredibly impressed by the courage and sacrifice of our troops.
Recently, I saw this strength in a young Air Force Staff Sergeant named Scott Lilley. Scott was serving in Iraq when an IED left him with a severe brain injury. I think it was last 4th of July that you came to the White House. Yes, I was one who felt like this guy had no chance. And yet, he — the doctors here used state-of-the-art technology and aggressive treatment to get Scott better. Their perseverance paid off. And so has his. I welcomed he and his mom and dad to the Oval Office the other day. He was more eloquent than I was, which isn’t all that hard. (Laughter from crowd .) He drives a car, he goes to baseball games, he loves to joke.
His doctor calls Scott’s recovery “miraculous.” And thanks to the extraordinary care he received at Bethesda, as well his own extraordinary resolve, he is now back on active duty in the Air Force. And we are glad you’re here.
The greatest privilege of serving as President is to be the Commander-in-Chief of such an extraordinary group of men and women who wear our nation’s uniform. And I’m pleased to help start construction on the new hospital that will continue to provide the excellent care our troops deserve. It is fitting that this new facility be built in a place called Bethesda, which draws its name from the Biblical pool of healing. It is there that a lame man was made to walk, and was dispatched with the words: “Behold, thou art made whole.”
I pray that this will be the site of many miracles of healing — where the lame will walk again, where broken bodies will be made whole, and where you’ll always know that you’re in our prayers and in the hearts of the American people.
May God bless you, and may God continue to bless our country.


President Bush talks with USMC Pfc. Charles Cozart of Arizona City, Ariz., Thursday, July 3, 2008, after awarding Cozart with a Purple Heart medal and citation Thursday, July 3, 2008 at the National Naval Medical Center. in Bethesda, Md. Joining the ceremony, background, are his father and mother, Kevin and Sharon Cozart, and his grandparents, Arthur and Betty Cozart.

President Bush with Army Staff Sgt. John Borders, left, and Marine Capt. Ray Baronie

President Bush shakes hands after awarding a Purple Heart medal to U.S. Marine Corps Pfc. Jacob Brittain of Frankfort, Tenn.

President Bush shakes hands with U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Justin Rokohl of Orange Grove, Texas, Thursday, July 3, 2008, after awarding Rokohl with a Purple Heart and citation.


More Than 1,100 Troops in Iraq to Re-enlist in Independence Day Ceremony
More than 1,100 servicemembers stationed in Iraq will celebrate the nation’s birthday tomorrow by re-enlisting, the senior enlisted leader for Multinational Force Iraq said today.
Army Command Sgt. Maj. Marvin L. Hill said 1,157 soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines will re-enlist at the Al Faw Palace at Camp Victory, in Baghdad.
This may be the largest re-enlistment ceremony since the all-volunteer force began in 1973, Hill said via phone from Baghdad.
This is becoming an annual blockbuster event for the command. Last year, 588 servicemembers re-enlisted.

“We are extremely proud of the accomplishments we have made in security on the ground as well as proud of all of our great warriors for the work they are doing since they arrived in theater,” Hill said. “We recognize the sacrifices they make and the sacrifices their families and communities make as they serve in Iraq.”

These servicemembers know the cost of war and they are still re-enlisting, Hill said. Some serve in “the most austere conditions — meaning they are in patrol bases and combat outposts,” he noted. Some of the re-enlisting servicemembers are in places where the troops “hot-bunk it” — that is, they take turns using limited sleeping space — and burn human waste because they lack plumbing. Others are based in more comfortable surroundings.

The vast majority of the servicemembers tell Hill and others that they are re-enlisting because “they are doing what they joined the military to do,” he said.

“If they joined to be a rifleman, they’re doing it in combat,” the sergeant major said. “If they joined to fix helicopters, they’re doing it and doing it in combat.”

Often in years past, he said, some warriors probably felt they weren’t doing what they joined the military to do, he said.

“Now, since we’ve been fighting this global war on terrorism … these warriors are doing what they joined to do,” he explained. “They can see the fruit of their labor and see the fruit of the sacrifices of those who have gone before them. It makes them feel good about what they are doing.”

The ceremony will be broadcast on the Pentagon Channel, Hill said. Multinational Force Iraq Commander Army Gen. David H. Petraeus will preside. Hill and Petraeus will speak at the ceremony, then Petraeus will administer the oath of enlistment.
A 50-gun salute will honor of the nation’s birthday, and then all will sing “God Bless America.” The ceremony will end with a medley of service songs.
All components of the military are represented in the ceremony. Officials said 738 active-duty soldiers, 188 National Guard soldiers, and 122 Army Reserve soldiers are re-enlisting, along with 54 Marines, 39 sailors and 16 airmen.

Soldiers in Iraq Give Reasons for Re-enlisting

“I knew I was going to stay. I had already made up my mind about four or five years ago,” said Army Staff Sgt. Dimas Estrada, an air and missile defense operations sergeant for Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 10th Mountain Division.
For Estrada, the chance to re-enlist while serving here was a significant event. He comes from a long line of Army veterans, but his father, who served in Iraq during Operation Desert Storm, had also re-enlisted here.
“I was going to re-enlist when I got back,” said Estrada, a Phoenix native, stationed at Fort Drum, N.Y. This is Estrada’s fourth time taking the enlistment oath, having already served 12 years.

With only three years of service thus far, Army Spc. Jeremy Giddings, of Watertown, N.Y., also had an important decision ahead of him.

“I’ve been considering re-enlisting for at least the past year,” said Giddings, a member of a battalion security detail for Headquarters and Support Company, Division Special Troops Battalion. “I realized I wanted to stay in and make a career out of it. Besides, you can’t beat the benefits,” he said with a smile.

Those benefits come with the possibility of deploying again, but Giddings said that had no effect on his decision.

“I expect at least two or three more after this,” he calmly said.

For Estrada, the possibility of future deployments was something he took into account.

“I had to really think about it at first,” he said. “I know I’m going to deploy again, but I don’t have much time left [until retirement]. It’s a good thing for my kids. My family, after all, is secure — not just financially. I feel that my family is safer with me being in the military,” he added, mentioning the presence of military police at Fort Drum, where his family lives.

Soldiers have many reasons for re-enlisting and these reasons often differ whether they’re in the United States or in Iraq. But Giddings said his decision to re-enlist would have had the same outcome either way.

“This is just one of many [re-enlistments] to come,” he said, making it clear that no matter where he hangs his hat at night, he’s staying in the Army.

About 1,200 soldiers are re-enlisting in a mass ceremony at Al Faw Palace tomorrow, with Army Gen. David H. Petraeus, commander of Multinational Force Iraq, swearing them in for their next term.

04 Jul

“The Star Spangled Banner” sung by Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey – The Star Spangled Banner @ 2002 Superbowl

O thus be it ever, where freemen shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war’s desolation.
Blest with victory and peace,
may the Heaven rescued land,
praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, and this be our motto:
“In God is our trust!” And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave.
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave! — 3rd Verse of our National Anthem