10 Jul

Yellowcake–Saddam’s Cake Mix Hauled in Secret From Iraq To Canada

Secret U.S. Mission Hauls Uranium From Iraq To Canada

Last major stockpile from Saddam’s nuclear efforts arrives in Canada. The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein’s nuclear program — a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium — reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.
The removal of 550 metric tons of “yellowcake” — the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment — was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam’s nuclear legacy. It also brought relief to U.S. and Iraqi authorities who had worried the cache would reach insurgents or smugglers crossing to Iran to aid its nuclear ambitions.
What’s now left is the final and complicated push to clean up the remaining radioactive debris at the former Tuwaitha nuclear complex about 12 miles south of Baghdad — using teams that include Iraqi experts recently trained in the Chernobyl fallout zone in Ukraine

U.S. Delivers Iraqi Uranium to Canadian Firm
Fox News
The U.S. military has finished delivering 550 tons of yellowcake uranium — left over from the late Saddam Hussein’s nuclear weapons-making era — from Iraq to a uranium trading company in Canada, Pentagon officials confirmed to FOX News on Monday.
Cameco, which sells the natural uranium, also called “yellowcake,” to electricity-producing utilities around the world, bought the uranium for an undisclosed price several weeks ago.
To assist in the sale, the U.S. military transported the uranium over the weekend to “ensure its safe transit,” senior Pentagon officials said.
“The Department of Defense was responsible for the safe and secure transfer of materials from Iraq to the country of purchase,” Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said. “The cargo was transported by convoy from Tuwaitha nuclear research facility in Baghdad to a secure location in the Green Zone” and then loaded onto a C-17 and flown to an intermediate location via 37 sorties, he said.
Once at that intermediate location, which Whitman declined to reveal, the cargo was shipped to a third country where it was loaded onto a U.S.-flagged cargo ship. It was transported from there to Canada.
Tuwaitha is the facility that was bombed by Israel in 1981 and again by the U.S. during the 1991 Gulf War. It was a centerpiece of Hussein’s nuclear weapons effort, and was looted shortly after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.
According to senior Pentagon officials, the U.S. spent an estimated $70 million to ship the yellowcake. Iraq has promised to reimburse the U.S. for the money spent flying the nuclear component.
Yellowcake, depending on market conditions, can be worth anywhere from $60 to $85 per pound.
Officials told The New York Times that while the material could not be used in its current form for a nuclear weapon or dirty bomb, the unstable environment in Iraq, along with the health dangers that can be caused from it sitting around in concentrated forms, encouraged officials to make sure it was put in secure hands.
The Times noted that the yellowcake removed from Iraq is not the same yellowcake that President Bush claimed in his 2003 State of the Union address that Hussein tried to buy from Niger.

Wild Thing’s comment………
This will hurt the argument that Bush lied and this was a war for oil. heh heh
How come they never say they were wrong????
This is fantastic news for the Bush Administration, but it’s now up to the them to wave this in front of the face of anyone who spouts this lie about no WMDs in Iraq. We shall see.

“Everyone is very happy to have this safely out of Iraq,” said a senior U.S. official who outlined the nearly three-month operation to The Associated Press. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject. “

When the Democrats were in power Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, biological, chemical and may be even nuclear.
Democrats Hypocrisy Over The Iraq War

WMD Quotes from Democrats

Democrats on Iraq + WMD’s (Weapons of Mass Destruction)“…At one time the Democrats and Republicans agreed on one thing: that Iraq and Saddam Hussein had WMD’s (Weapons of Mass Destruction) and would use them. …”


….Thank you Jack for sending this article to me. Jack’s blog is Conservative Insurgent

10 Jul

Michelle Obama Showing Envy


Michelle Obama sarcastically slams Angelina Jolie as “real important people” with a sideways snear in this video. Angelina Jolie is mostly a left-wing celebrity, but she has done a lot for people as the UN Goodwill Ambassador. In my opinion she’s done more for others than this America-hating super-important potential First Lady!
Here is the video CLICK HERE. It is right after it starts.

And also this:
From EW June ’08:
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Clint Eastwood is one of our most famous Republicans. Did you talk politics with him on the set?
ANGELINA JOLIE: Actually, we don’t disagree as much as you’d think. I think people assume I’m a Democrat. But I’m registered Independent and I’m still undecided. So I’m looking at McCain as well as Obama. Clint can teach me about things domestically and I’m more aware of some things internationally. So it was less a debate and more things we found interesting. But for the first few weeks I was just too nervous to get into any deep conversation!

Jolie learned to fly a plane

Jolie with General Petraeus


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Michelle Obama is full of hate, and full of herself.
Angelina may be a liberal, but she has more experience and knowledge about the situation in Iraq than either Obama has. She can be commended for putting her feet where her mouth is and taking action to help the disadvantaged and she has earned my respect for forging a real family that she keeps near her. She and Brad have used their celebrity for lots of good. Also, they give not only their money but their time too. As I posted before she is very pro gun and when she came back from Iraq and visiting the troops she publicly praised the success of our troops in Iraq.
At least they walk their talk. Michelle Obama hasn’t a clue what that means. I think Ms. “I Hate America” put her foot in it -again- by slamming Jolie.
Joli has been to Iraq and supports the troops and the people of Iraq… Cindy McCain has been to Vietnam and supports the poor and landmine victims… Michelle Obama has been to…. Where has she been to? Oh wait ……Obamamamma has been to the combat zones…in Chicago.
After her sarcastic crack about Angelina, she started in on the “joke” of Barack being a style icon because of his old clothes and shoes. She puts him down constantly. I think I have heard and read her doing this at least 15 times of more. Husbands and wives don’t always see eye to eye, but I think it’s incredibly disrespectful and rude to demean your spouse in public. I can’t imagine how Michelle acts in the privacy of their own home. Scary thought!
A very hostile, angry, and ill-tempered woman.
Something else about this that Nicholas brought up. Maybe she is not only jealous of Jolie but also Cindy McCain. There are some similar things about them.

Senator John McCain and his wife, Cindy, in a 1999 family photograph with, from left, Meghan, Bridget, Jimmy and Jack.

Cindy learned to fly a plane
Cindy is well off. When her Father passed away she took over the business and has it imaking more money then ever before.
Cindy is pro gun
Cindy has an adopted special needs child
Cindy works very hard for simliar causes as Jolie , helping disadvantage children around the world.
The bottom line is that Jolie has come a long way from being pretty screwed up years ago. I am glad to see the changes in her. I see no changes in Michelle Obama from the things she spouted back in college right up to now.

10 Jul

Jesse Jackson Learns Lesson About Open Mic

Jesse Jackson Tape: Open Mic Catches Audio of Disparaging Obama Remarks


” ‘We held back some of this conversation… we didn’t feel it had any relevance to the conversation this evening. We are not out to get Jesse Jackson. We are not out to embarrass him and we are not out to make him look bad. If we were, we would have used what we had, which is more damaging than what you have heard’

The comments were made prior to an interview Jackson did Sunday morning on Fox & Friends.
The video shows Jackson chatting with Reid Tuckson, EVP of United Health Group. The two were at Fox News Channel’s Chicago bureau getting ready to be interviewed about a new health care initiative.
Jackson was apparently unaware his microphone was hot when he made the comments about Obama, which we’re told are racial in nature.
CNN, anchor Don Lemon reported that Rev. Jackson had reached out to the network to apologize for the comments.
Later, during The Situation Room, Wolf Blitzer and Lemon interviewed Jackson about his comments. At one point, Blitzer said, “because it’s so crude, we can’t even repeat it on the air right now.”
Jackson told CNN that he didn’t realize his remarks were captured by a “hot” microphone. In a helpful tip to folks like Jesse Jackson that they might want to understand that all microphones are live and hot and all cell phone have cameras and video.
Jesse Jackson apoloogy statement:
Speaking to CNN Wednesday, Jackson said he feels “very distressed” over the comments.

“This is a sound bite in a broader conversation about urban policy and racial disparities. I feel very distressed because I’m supportive of this campaign and with the senator, what he has done and is doing,” he said. “I said he comes down as speaking down to black people. The moral message must be a much broader message. What we need really is racial justice and urban policy and jobs and health care. That’s a range of issues on the menu.
“Then I said something I regret was crude. It was very private. And very much a sound bite,” he also said.
In a statement issued earlier Wednesday to CNN, Jackson said, “For any harm or hurt that this hot mic private conversation may have caused, I apologize. My support for Senator Obama’s campaign is wide, deep and unequivocal. I cherish this redemptive and historical moment.”


Since it is not Imus saying this they are letting it slide.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Some are saying this was all a set up and Fox News fell for it. Others say it is for real and Jesse Jackson can’t stand Obama. I guess there is no way to tell unless we saw the complete video. I do know so far Jesse has not endorsed Obama so it might not be a set up. Jackson has never been well liked by black leaders in Chicago and elsewhere, even those who agree with him politically. King never trusted him and called him totally self-seeking.
Right at the end of his ‘cuttin off nuts’ comment he makes a motion that looks like he’s slicing under the table! To me that shows a lot of anger or rage and it is directed at Obama. LOL

10 Jul

Obama Says Your Kids Need to Learn Jive er ah Spanish

Barack Obama says “instead of worrying about immigrants having to learn English” we Americans “need to make sure our children can learn Spanish”.
Watch as Barack Obama gets more worked up over not enough American kids learning Spanish than Immigrants learning English.

Lou Dobbs last night pointed out in his commentary that Obama’s remarks were “breathtaking,” “pandering of the lowest sort,” and socially divisive. He also pointed out the ironies that nearly 30 FOREIGN nations have English as their official language and that Obama himself knows no Spanish!


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Obama has consistently opposed making English the official language so much so that he has voted against making it the official English four times in 2006 and 2007
He was one of 34 senators who voted against the measure.
He wants all of us to speak French, Spanish and what will be next? All the while Obama’s 2nd language is uh uh,, duh ,, uh well,, uh uh.! When B. Hussein Obama speaks off the cuff, I swear I don’t understand how he ever earned the title “articulate”?
There is a HUGE difference between being multi-lingual as an individual, and the first language of a country. I am fine with anyone being able to speak more then one language. I think it is cool actually. But this is not what Obama is up to, he wants us to cater to the illegals plain and simple!
And another thing about which this empty suit has no clue.
There’s a reason most Americans don’t go out of their way to learn other languages. All around the world, people learn English. Because they want to.
Anyone who has ever spent years learning a language, only to go to Europe or Asia and have a bunch of people dying to speak English to them, knows this fact very well. Today and for the foreseeable future, English is the language of business, of entertainment, of technology. We don’t make the rest of the world learn English; they do that all by themselves.
And if we had to learn some other language to do what we wanted to do in the world, we would. Duh.
But we don’t. Sure there are minor inconveniences on the individual level for English-only speakers, but for most people they don’t rise to the level of requiring the investment it takes to learn another language. For those who do need to learn another language, of course they do so (assuming they can).
If someone wants to learn another language for the sake of learning, or for some personal reason, that’s beautiful. But it’s simply not necessary to know any language but English almost anywhere in the world today.
We all have learned how many of our troops are learning other languages and that is normal in war. Many of these soldiers that can do this will go on further in their military career as well. It is a huge help to our troops to be able to learn the language of the enemy. But once again this is NOT what Obama is demanding.
Why isn’t America ashamed to have such an Anti-America, Anti-Military, Anti-Semetic, Racist, Elitist, Presumptuous bastard as a candidate for POTUS?
Obama’s other lanugage? heh heh

Airplane! – “Oh stewardess, I speak jive”

10 Jul

Obama Is Embarrassed Of Americans

Obama Embarrassed Americans Cannot Speak French On Our Vacations to Europe

Wild Thing’s comment………
Sheesh I am so sick of this girly man and his wife putting down our country and Americans!!! I am not positive but I don’t think Obama has ever been to Europe. Other places yes, but not Europe. He is such a horrible person!

09 Jul

Harry Reid Goes Apoplectic On Mitch McConnell

Leader Losing It
There was a remarkable exchange on the floor of the Senate between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. It offers pretty stunning evidence of how personally petty Reid is, as well as his penchant for defining “partisanship” as anything that keeps him from getting his way.
The particulars here aren’t terribly important, but what happened was this: The Senate was voting on a Medicare bill bloated with new spending. The bill was also an attempt to prevent cuts in payment rates to doctors who treat seniors on Medicare, and Democrats wanted to pay for that by taking the funds from Medicare Advantage, a private fee-for-service plan. The president would likely have vetoed the bill in its current form and Senate Republicans opposed the gutting of Medicare Advantage, so Senate Republicans blocked the bill. The trouble is that if the Senate doesn’t resolve the issue very soon, doctors will stop receiving Medicare funds. So Republicans proposed a 30-day extension to allow more time to hammer out a compromise. Democrats blocked the proposed extension. The impasse here caused Reid to go apoplectic on Mitch McConnell.
SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): “I have said we are all here by virtue of being elected by our respective States. I had out here earlier today our Velcro chart, 79 filibusters. Is it any wonder that the House seats that came up during the off year — Hastert’s went Republican, a Republican district that went Democratic; a seat in Louisiana that was a longtime Republican seat went Democratic. Is it any wonder that the State of Mississippi sent us a Democratic House Member? It is no wonder because they see what is going on over here. . . . Mr. President, I am sure it was a Freudian slip — 59 Democrats voted for this. But next year at this time, there will be 59 Democrats at least.” (Sen. Reid, Congressional Record, S.6233, 06/26/08)
SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL (R-KY): Here we are a few days before the doctors receive this unconscionable cut, and the majority is saying it is more important to play politics with this issue, to brag about the fact there are 59 Democrats who voted to go forward, to talk, of all things, during the Medicare debate about who won special elections for the House of Representatives in Illinois, Mississippi, or Louisiana. What in the world does that have to do with the subject matter?
The subject matter before us is not playing political games. . . . And the reality is that the refusal of the majority to approach this issue on a bipartisan basis, as has been typically done in the past, will lead to a Presidential veto, a reduction in the reimbursement rates for doctors, an expiration at the end of the week. There is a way forward to get back together like we have typically done on this, and that is to approve a 30-day extension.
SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): “A veto by the President? Gee whiz, who would be afraid of him? He has a 29-percent approval rating. How in the world could anybody be afraid of him vetoing a bill? I cannot imagine why anyone would care about that. . . . I say to my friend and I say I don’t know how many people are up here for reelection, but I am watching a few of them pretty closely, I say to all these people who are up for reelection: If you think you can go home and say, I voted no because this weak President, the weakest political standing since they have done polling, I voted because I was afraid to override his veto — come on.”

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid ridicules the idea of a veto of a Medicare payment bill from President Bush and then threatens Republicans who won’t vote with him. Here is a YouTube video of part of the exchange ……

As for his sniffing about being afraid of Bush’s low 29-percent approval rating, Reid would do well to remember that Congress’s approval rating is currently 18.5 percent. Reid’s personal approval rating back in Nevada is 43 percent and has been as low as 32 percent, late last year.


Wild Thing’s comment…………
Reid is a power hungry traitor. McConnell is trying to get him on track, and Reid continues to play politics even after he’d been called out — injecting irrelevant comments about the president’s approval rating and other obvious jabs that have nothing to do with the matter at hand. Little weasel.
I just checked on http://www.usaelectionpolls.com and Congress has a 10 percent favorable approval rating.

09 Jul

Obama Says Critics Haven’t Been Listening ~ Waaaaa

LMAO this is hilarious it is a Barack Obama 57 State Remix

Obama Says His Critics Haven’t Been Listening
Senator Barack Obama on Tuesday forcefully addressed concerns that he had moved too quickly to the political center, acknowledging complaints from “my friends on the left” about his statements on Iraq, his approaches to evangelicals and his remarks on other issues that have alarmed some of his supporters.
“Look, let me talk about the broader issue, this whole notion that I am shifting to the center,” he told a crowd gathered at a town hall-style meeting in this Atlanta suburb. “The people who say this apparently haven’t been listening to me.”
“I am someone who is no doubt progressive,” he said, adding that he believed in universal health care and that government had a strong role to play in overseeing financial institutions and cracking down on abuses in bankruptcies and the like.
Mr. Obama has faced a wave of complaints from his followers in recent weeks that he is tacking hard toward the political center and moving away from his liberal base now that he is in a general election campaign.
“I believe in personal responsibility; I also believe in faith,” he said. “That’s not something new; I’ve been talking about that for years. So the notion that this is me trying to look” — he waved his hands around his head — “centrist is not true.”
Regarding his position on Iraq, he said, “Don’t be confused: I will bring the Iraq war to a close when I am president of the United States of America.”


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Obama we aren’t stupid !
Progressive = communist
One of the reasons Obama survives is because the MSM keeps giving him a free pass.

09 Jul

Bin Laden’s Youngest Son Doesn’t Fall Far From Islamonut Tree

Hamza Bin Laden son of the world’s most wanted man, Osama Bin Laden, is a battle-hardened zealot fully prepared to kill for his cause. Not only ready, but experienced at fighting and killing in Pakistan and Afghanistan

Bin Laden’s son in web terror rant
the sun.co.uk
Baby-faced Hamza Bin Laden — just 16 but already dubbed the Crown Prince of Terror — also ranted in his evil ode that the US and our other allies must be wiped out.
The teen declared in his demented ditty to fanatics:

“Accelerate the destruction of America, Britain, France and Denmark.”

He continued: “Oh God, reward the fighters hitting the infidels and defectors. Oh God, guide the youth of the Islamic nation and let them assist with the fighters’ plans.
“God, be pleased with those who want to go for jihad — and blind those who are watching and want to capture them.”

The vile verses, by the youngest of the al-Qaeda warlord’s 18 sons, appeared on an extremist website to mark three years since the 7/7 London suicide bombings killed 52 innocents.

The poem urged: “Grant victory to the Taliban over the gangs of infidels.”

His words — believed to be recited by the lad himself — accompanied a short video clip featuring old footage of his dad.
A short introduction announced: “We now offer you a new poem by Sheikh Hamza Bin Laden, may God protect him.” Hamza — thought to be hiding on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border — is Bin Laden’s only son by his Saudi wife.

Respected terrorist expert Chris Dobson said: “Despite his youth he is emerging as Bin Laden’s likely heir.” Tory MP Patrick Mercer, a member of the Home Affairs Committee, said: “The sins of the father are being visited upon the son. We now have the Crown Prince of Terror taking up his father’s mantle.”

Author and internet terror expert Neil Doyle warned: “There’s been a rising level of extremist chatter online about attacks on Britain. The comments will add fuel to that.” Jacqui Putnam, who survived the 7/7 attacks, said: “It’s deeply distressing. He should be doing what any boy his age in any culture should be doing and finding out about life in a normal way.”

The Muslim Council of Britain also blasted the poem, branding al-Qaeda “mass murderers”.

Some more on Hamza Bin Laden
Terrorism: Bin Laden son named al-Qaeda heir
adakronos international
Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden’s youngest son Hamza is being groomed to take over from his father as leader of the terror network, says former Islamist Yemeni militant, Muhammad Sayd.
Sayd told the Arab satellite TV network Al-Arabiya that the 16-year old had been selected for the role.
“Young Hamza bin Laden, son of Osama, has been chosen to lead the al-Qaeda organisation in the future,” said Sayd, who has been close to the al-Qaeda leader in the past.
“I have met Hamza several times and the last time was 20 days before the ‘9/11′ attacks. He is a very religious boy, he learnt the Koran by heart at a young age and has been educated in Jihad (Holy War),” Sayd told Al-Arabiya, the Saudi-backed based in the United Arab Emirates.
“When I met him, he already knew who to used light weapons and how to escape from guerrilla attacks,” Sayd said, adding that Hamza writes poetry.
Hamza is well placed to take over his father’s job in the future, Sayd said.
“He is the only son by Osama’ s Saudi wife, and has always had a different education from the other children,” he said.
Sayd claimed Hamza is used to a spartan existence and is able to face the difficulties of such living conditions.
“He loved the simple life, unlike his brother Omar, who decided to return to Saudi Arabia [the bin Ladens’ homeland] and has now married an Englishwoman,” he said.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
I hope that someone steps on the little cockroach from the Taliban Trinity Church of head choppers!
He needs to be DEAD asap. And I could care less how young he is, so what. An enemy can be any age, and a man or a woman.

09 Jul

John Edwards ” Pick Me” Pick Meeeee”

Edwards would ‘seriously consider’ VP offer
John Edwards said Tuesday that if he were asked to accept the vice presidential slot or a cabinet position in a potential Barack Obama administration, he would “seriously consider” whatever the Illinois senator asked him to do.
It has been widely reported that the former North Carolina senator is on Obama’s vice presidential shortlist. On Tuesday, NPR interviewer Guy Raz called the former Democratic presidential candidate’s presence on the list an “open secret,” and asked Edwards whether he’d weigh accepting a vice presidential offer, or might take himself out of consideration as Virginia Senator Jim Webb had done Monday.
“I’m glad to hear that’s an open secret because I didn’t know it,” joked Edwards of his rumored consideration as Obama’s running mate.
“My answer to that is, I’ve run for vice president, I’ve run for president twice. I would do anything that I felt I could do to serve this country but I think it’s a huge presumption for me or anybody else to suggest what Senator Obama may decide,” he said.
To answer your question directly: I don’t expect to be asked, have no expectation about it at all, I will – anything that Senator Obama asks me to do, including this, including campaigning for him, I intend to do, because what I’m going to do, I intend to take seriously,” he added. “What I intend to do is everything in my power, use everything in my power to make sure that he’s the next president.”
Pressed on whether that meant he might join the ticket if asked, Edwards would not rule it out. “I am prepared to seriously consider anything, anything he asks me to do for our country,” he told NPR.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
As VP, maybe he could also head a new Cabinet position in Obama’s Universal Health Care scheme— “Secretary of Ambulance-Chasing”.
Edwards would ‘seriously consider’ VP offer
Edwards would seriously consider an offer from the “Book of the Month Club” He would take anything he could get.
LOL , Obama who thinks there are 57 states, and a VP who thinks there are 2 Americas.

08 Jul

Some News That Prayers Sure Can Help With……..

Linda is my blog mom, she helped me set up my blog so I could be a blogger. She is also my closest friend, and we have known each other for many years.
I have been waiting for Linda to post about this at her blog before I would share about it here. She has done so today.
Linda had brain surgery 10 years ago and all has been great. The turmor she had was removed.
She just found out the tumor is back it is called re-growth.

Linda goes into the details at her blog……Something….and half of Something.

Lots of love and prayers for you Linda! You are an awesome person!!!