20 Jul

Obama 1st Lag of Trip To Afghanistan and Visit With U.S. Troops in Kuwait


Obama in Afghanistan
The campaign announced early Saturday morning that Obama was on the ground in Kabul, Afghanistan. The U.S. military later said Obama was greeting U.S. troops at Jalalabad airfield in eastern Afghanistan.
Obama made a secret stop in Kuwait and visited U.S. service members, then flew on to Kabul.
Obama and his party also met with troops and military brass at the huge Bagram Air Base, according to reporters on the ground.
A blogger briefly posted word Friday that Obama was in Kuwait, but the campaign refused to confirm it and the post was removed. The campaign had not given the dates of the trip, insisting that the press refer to it as “upcoming.”
Robert Gibbs, the campaign’s senior strategist for communications and message, announced the beginning of the trip with a 3:24 a.m. e-mail to reporters:
“At approximately 3:15 AM Eastern/2:15 AM Central, I received a phone call telling me that Sen. Obama had landed at the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan. Since leaving Washington on Thursday, Sen. Obama had stopped and visited troops in Kuwait.”

Scenes include him greeting the troops, playing basketball with the troops, shaking hands and signing autographs.


Senator Barack Obama at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan with, from left: William B. Wood, the American ambassador to Afghanistan; Senator Chuck Hagel; Sgt. Maj. Vincent Camacho; Senator Jack Reed; and Maj. Gen. Jeffrey J. Schloesser


This video above is from Fox News.

Obama Opens a Foreign Tour in Afghanistan
New York Times …for entire article
The governor of Nangarhar Province, Gul Agha Shirzai, a former mujahedeen commander who has a brutal past but is favored by the United States as a doer, was the only Afghan official to meet the senators, along with the United States ambassador and generals.
Mr. Shirzai, who is thought to have his own aspirations in Afghan presidential elections next year, has been praised for his tough action against poppy cultivation and official corruption in his province.
“Barack Obama thanked the officials of Nangarhar and the people of Nangarhar for eliminating poppy cultivation, fighting corruption, and he promised that the United States would give more help to Afghanistan and especially to Nangarhar,” he said by telephone after the one hour meeting.
The senators flew back to Bagram air base, north of Kabul, at 5 p.m., the governor said.
from Wild Thing: So the first Afghan official Obama meets is one who has aspirations to replace Karzai….how interesting.


Soldiers Overjoyed To Meet Obama In Kuwait
Obama Makes Stop On Way To Afghanistan In Whirlwind Tour Of Middle East, Europe
cbs Chicago
A group soldiers serving overseas, including some from the Chicago area, were overjoyed Saturday when presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama visited in Kuwait.
As CBS 2’s Susan Carlson reports, Obama stopped in at Camp Arifjan in Kuwait before making his first trip to Afghanistan. Camp Arifjan is a major gateway for U.S. soldiers moving into and out of Iraq.
The soldiers applauded thunderously when Obama arrived; one of them could barely contain herself as she sported a Chi-town sign.
When the cheers settled down, the first thing Obama said to the soldiers was, “Thank you.”
“I am so grateful to all of you,” Obama said.
Obama also talked briefly about military strategy.
“In speaking to commanding officers here, what’s clear is we’ve really perfected a lot of systems to move equipment, supplies and obviously troops in and out of Iraq, as well as some of the work that’s being done to coordinate our activities in Afghanistan,” he said.
Obama also impressed the soldiers with his basketball strategy on the court. He joked to those watching, “You came out here because you wanted to see me get beat by your fellow soldiers.”
And he took time to do a lot of hand shaking before moving on to his next stop.


Obama greeted troops in Kuwait before flying to Afghanistan


From an email from one of the soldiers in the land of sand, in Jalalabad.

“B. Hussein Obama has come and gone on his visit to Jalalabad Air Field in eastern Afghanistan. He landed about 1515 local and was gone by 1800, which is more than enough time for any Democrat to check the Natioanl Defense box, and he is now just as qualified as John McCain to speak on all matters related to Operation Enduring Freedom.
During his visit he toured the Task Force (TF) Bayonet 173rd Brigade (Sky Soldiers!) Headquarters and Tactical Operations Center (TOC). I spoke to a few soldiers who shook his hand but privately told me they would never vote for him.
lol It’s not a joke, it just sounds like one…but in all fairness I understand he went to Kabul and Kandahar as well.
God Bless, Captain (Now a Major) “


Wild Thing’s comment…….

First a comment on the email from my friend:
He landed about 1515 local and was gone by 1800, which is more than enough time for any Democrat to check the Natioanl Defense box, and he is now just as qualified as John McCain to speak on all matters related to Operation Enduring Freedom.
“He landed about 1515 local and was gone by 1800”
ROFLMAO….the Obamination has landed!!!! Perhaps if stayed longer he would have been called to the Islamic prayer. Now does that make Obama qualified for combat pay for the July pay period. heh heh
The soldiers applauded thunderously when Obama arrived; one of them could barely contain herself as she sported a Chi-town sign.
Jouranlistic license is an understatement when it comes to this article.
Overjoyed? Ya right. I’m sure everyone who serves is just thrilled. As for Osama doing any “fact” finding on his ‘whirlwind tour’, the only facts he’s going to find is the bathrooms aren’t the same as they are in America, because spending three hours in a country doesn’t leave much time to doing anything but shake hands, pose for the camera’s, and take a dump. there is no “fact finding” going on.
As this garbage story shows, it’s nothing but sham, media on a whirlwind Obama promotion tour.
My friend said one of her colleagues, a doctor she works with, told her his daughter was one of 154 troops that were interviewed by the MSM. Only 4 soldiers were against our mission in Iraq. THOSE were on the news report. they never included the other 150 ! She was furious!
Overwhelming black and half are female, strong Obama demographic.This is the truth, but the troops that were mugging him for a handshake and autograph were 95% black, and they were overjoyed, just as much as the 95% black non-military that are voting for him—because he is black. I find that sad that anyone would vote for a person because of their skin color.
The thing is there are some great and experienced black people who would make great candidates – one that we really need to get into the pipeline is LTC Allen West, running for congress in Florida.
The only thing is so many of the blacks would turn on him because he’s a republican what they call an “uncle Tom”. sheesh!
And get this, oh my gosh! I about gagged when the CBSNews reporterette made a pointed announcement that (my paraphrase)
“Obama is sacrificing valuable time to make this trip when he could be doing more Presidential campaigning back in the USA.”

20 Jul

Soldiers Recount Deadly Attack On Afghanistan Outpost

Spc. Tyler Stafford, 23, a soldier from Company C, 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment (Airborne), recounts the hours-long fight that killed nine of his comrades as he recuperates at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany.

“Just hardcoreness I guess,” he said. “Just guys kicking ass, basically. Just making sure that we look scary enough that you don’t want to come in and try to get us.”

This is one of many things that makes American Soldiers special. God bless and protect them.–Wild Thing

First-hand account of heroic outpost defense in Afghanistan
On Sunday, July 13, a remote combat outpost near the village of Wanat in Afghanistan’s rugged Kunar province on the Pakistan border was nearly overrun by a combined force of some 200 Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters. The outpost was manned by men from the 173rd Airborne Brigade and Afghan Army personnel.
The attack was well coordinated and designed for one purpose — to overrun the outpost and kill everyone in it. No way were the outnumbered Sky Soldiers from 2nd Platoon, C Co., 2nd Battalion, 503rd Parachute Infantry Regiment going to let that happen.
Today’s Stars & Stripes contains a stirring first-hand account by one of the men from Chosen Company that should inspire us and make us all thankful for their service and sacrifice. Here are the opening paragraphs, to give you a taste; read the whole thing.
That was what Spc. Tyler Stafford remembered thinking as he stepped onto the medical evacuation helicopter. The 23-year-old soldier would have been loaded onto the bird, but the poncho that was hastily employed as his stretcher broke. His body speckled with grenade and RPG shrapnel, the Vicenza, Italy, infantryman walked the last few feet to the waiting Black Hawk.

Sgt. Jacob Walker, 29, recuperating at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany, was wounded in Wanat, Afghanistan, when the forward operating base came under attack early Sunday morning.


Soldiers recount deadly attack on Afghanistan outpost
By Steve Mraz,
Stars and Stripes
Mideast edition, Saturday, July 19, 2008
Everything was on fire. The trucks. The bazaar. The grass.
It looked surreal. It looked like a movie.
That was what Spc. Tyler Stafford remembered thinking as he stepped onto the medical evacuation helicopter. The 23-year-old soldier would have been loaded onto the bird, but the poncho that was hastily employed as his stretcher broke. His body speckled with grenade and RPG shrapnel, the Vicenza, Italy, infantryman walked the last few feet to the waiting Black Hawk.
That was Sunday morning in eastern Afghanistan’s Kunar province. At a forward operating base — maybe as big as a football field — established just a few days prior.
Outnumbered but not outgunned, a platoon-plus element of soldiers with 2nd Platoon, Company C, 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment (Airborne), 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team accompanied by Afghan soldiers engaged in a fistfight of a firefight.
After maybe two hours of intense combat, some of the soldiers’ guns seized up because they expelled so many rounds so quickly. Insurgent bullets and dozens of rocket-propelled grenades filled the air. So many RPGs were fired at the soldiers that they wondered how the insurgents had so many.
That was July 13. That was when Stafford was blown out of a fighting position by an RPG, survived a grenade blast and had the tail of an RPG strike his helmet.
That was the day nine Chosen Company soldiers died.
It was just days before the unit was scheduled to leave the base.
The first RPG and machine gun fire came at dawn, strategically striking the forward operating base’s mortar pit. The insurgents next sighted their RPGs on the tow truck inside the combat outpost, taking it out. That was around 4:30 a.m.
This was not a haphazard attack. The reportedly 200 insurgents fought from several positions. They aimed to overrun the new base. The U.S. soldiers knew it and fought like hell. They knew their lives were on the line.
“I just hope these guys’ wives and their children understand how courageous their husbands and dads were,” said Sgt. Jacob Walker. “They fought like warriors.”
The next target was the FOB’s observation post, where nine soldiers were positioned on a tiny hill about 50 to 75 meters from the base. Of those nine, five died, and at least three others — Stafford among them — were wounded.
When the attack began, Stafford grabbed his M-240 machine gun off a north-facing sandbag wall and moved it to an east-facing sandbag wall. Moments later, RPGs struck the north-facing wall, knocking Stafford out of the fighting position and wounding another soldier.
Stafford thought he was on fire so he rolled around, regaining his senses. Nearby, Cpl. Gunnar Zwilling, who later died in the fight, had a stunned look on his face.
Immediately, a grenade exploded by Stafford, blowing him down to a lower terrace at the observation post and knocking his helmet off. Stafford put his helmet back on and noticed how badly he was bleeding.
Cpl. Matthew Phillips was close by, so Stafford called to him for help. Phillips was preparing to throw a grenade and shot a look at Stafford that said, “Give me a second. I gotta go kill these guys first.”
This was only about 30 to 60 seconds into the attack.
Kneeling behind a sandbag wall, Phillips pulled the grenade pin, but just after he threw it an RPG exploded at his position. The tail of the RPG smacked Stafford’s helmet. The dust cleared. Phillips was slumped over, his chest on his knees and his hands by his side. Stafford called out to his buddy three or four times, but Phillips never answered or moved.
“When I saw Phillips die, I looked down and was bleeding pretty good, that’s probably the most scared I was at any point,” Stafford said. “Then I kinda had to calm myself down and be like, ‘All right, I gotta go try to do my job.’ ”
The soldier from Parker, Colo., loaded his 9 mm handgun, crawled up to their fighting position, stuck the pistol over the sandbags and fired.
Stafford saw Zwilling’s M-4 rifle nearby so he loaded it, put it on top of the sandbag and fired. Another couple RPGs struck the sandbag wall Stafford used as cover. Shrapnel pierced his hands.
Stafford low-crawled to another fighting position where Cpl. Jason Bogar, Sgt. Matthew Gobble and Sgt. Ryan Pitts were located. Stafford told Pitts that the insurgents were within grenade-tossing range. That got Pitts’ attention.
With blood running down his face, Pitts threw a grenade and then crawled to the position from where Stafford had just come. Pitts started hucking more grenades.
The firefight intensified. Bullets cut down tree limbs that fell on the soldiers. RPGs constantly exploded.
Back at Stafford’s position, so many bullets were coming in that the soldiers could not poke their heads over their sandbag wall. Bogar stuck an M-249 machine gun above the wall and squeezed off rounds to keep fire on the insurgents. In about five minutes, Bogar fired about 600 rounds, causing the M-249 to seize up from heat.
At another spot on the observation post, Cpl. Jonathan Ayers laid down continuous fire from an M-240 machine gun, despite drawing small-arms and RPG fire from the enemy. Ayers kept firing until he was shot and killed. Cpl. Pruitt Rainey radioed the FOB with a casualty report, calling for help. Of the nine soldiers at the observation post, Ayers and Phillips were dead, Zwilling was unaccounted for, and three were wounded. Additionally, several of the soldiers’ machine guns couldn’t fire because of damage. And they needed more ammo.
Rainey, Bogar and another soldier jumped out of their fighting position with the third soldier of the group launching a shoulder-fired missile.
All this happened within the first 20 minutes of the fight.
Platoon leader 1st Lt. Jonathan Brostrom and Cpl. Jason Hovater arrived at the observation post to reinforce the soldiers. By that time, the insurgents had breached the perimeter of the observation post. Gunfire rang out, and Rainey shouted, “He’s right behind the sandbag.”
Brostrom could be heard shouting about the insurgent as well.
More gunfire and grenade explosions ensued. Back in the fighting position, Gobble fired a few quick rounds. Gobble then looked to where the soldiers were fighting and told Stafford the soldiers were dead. Of the nine soldiers who died in the battle, at least seven fell in fighting at the observation post.
The insurgents then started chucking rocks at Gobble and Stafford’s fighting position, hoping that the soldiers might think the rocks were grenades, causing them to jump from the safety of their fighting hole. One rock hit a tree behind Stafford and landed directly between his legs. He braced himself for an explosion. He then realized it was a rock.
Stafford didn’t have a weapon, and Gobble was low on ammo. Gobble told Stafford they had to get back to the FOB. They didn’t realize that Pitts was still alive in another fighting position at the observation post. Gobble and Stafford crawled out of their fighting hole. Gobble looked again to where the soldiers had been fighting and reconfirmed to Stafford that Brostrom, Rainey, Bogar and others were dead.
Gobble and Stafford low-crawled and ran back to the FOB. Coming into the FOB, Stafford was asked by a sergeant what was going on at the observation post. Stafford told him all the soldiers there were dead. Stafford lay against a wall, and his fellow soldiers put a tourniquet on him.
From the OP, Pitts got on the radio and told his comrades he was alone. At least three soldiers went to the OP to rescue Pitts, but they suffered wounds after encountering RPG and small-arms fire.
At that time, air support arrived in the form of Apache helicopters, A-10s and F-15s, performing bombing and strafing runs.
When the attack began, Walker was on the FOB. He grabbed an M-249 and started shooting toward a mountain spur where he could see some muzzle flashes. Walker put down 600 to 800 rounds of ammunition.
He got down behind the wall he was shooting from to load more ammo and was told they were taking fire from the southwest. He threw the bipod legs of his machine gun on the hood of a nearby Humvee. A 7.62-millimeter caliber bullet struck Walker’s left wrist, knocking him to the ground. A soldier applied a tourniquet to Walker and bandaged him.
Walker and two other wounded soldiers distributed their ammo and grenades and passed messages.
The whole FOB was covered in dust and smoke, looking like something out of an old Western movie.
“I’ve never seen the enemy do anything like that,” said Walker, who was medically evacuated off the FOB in one of the first helicopters to arrive. “It’s usually three RPGs, some sporadic fire and then they’re gone … I don’t where they got all those RPGs. That was crazy.”
Two hours after the first shots were fired, Stafford made his way — with help — to the medevac helicopter that arrived.
“It was some of the bravest stuff I’ve ever seen in my life, and I will never see it again because those guys,” Stafford said, then paused. “Normal humans wouldn’t do that. You’re not supposed to do that — getting up and firing back when everything around you is popping and whizzing and trees, branches coming down and sandbags exploding and RPGs coming in over your head … It was a fistfight then, and those guys held ’ em off.”
Stafford offered a guess as to why his fellow soldiers fought so hard.
“Just hardcoreness I guess,” he said. “Just guys kicking ass, basically. Just making sure that we look scary enough that you don’t want to come in and try to get us.”


Wild Thing’s comment…….
The Soldiers of Chosen Co. deserve to get their story out for the world to know what happened July 13, 2008. That was the day when Al Qaeda/Taliban learned no matter where, no matter how outnumbered, Americans will never never give in, will never never give up.

“Two hours after the first shots were fired, Stafford made his way — with help — to the medevac helicopter that arrived.

“It was some of the bravest stuff I’ve ever seen in my life, and I will never see it again because those guys,” Stafford said, then paused. “Normal humans wouldn’t do that. You’re not supposed to do that — getting up and firing back when everything around you is popping and whizzing and trees, branches coming down and sandbags exploding and RPGs coming in over your head … It was a fistfight then, and those guys held ’ em off.”

And cone again the quote where Stafford offered a guess as to why his fellow soldiers fought so hard.

“Just hardcoreness I guess,” he said. “Just guys kicking ass, basically. Just making sure that we look scary enough that you don’t want to come in and try to get us.”

God bless them all. Brave men doing what brave men do. How this country produces men like this is an amazing thing to behold. They most certainly carry the torch of their brothers before them in other wars.
And to B.Hussein Obama, who spent just a few hours in Afghanistan thinking, no hoping the world will now see him as a man with “Gravitas”. It’s never going to happen!!!!

20 Jul

More Concerning Associations Of B.Hussein Obama

Obama had a private meeting with a fellow called Hassan Qazwini in Dearborn, Michigan. The thing to take note of who the man is, ole Qazwini is a bit of an extremist to say the least.
Imam Hassan Qazwini has hosted Louis Farrakhan at his mosque and is close to the Hezbollah Spiritual Leader who issued the fatwa to blow up 300 U.S. Marines and embassy officials in 1983.


Imam Hassan Qazwini, head of the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn, met privately with Sen. Barack Obama

Imam Hassan Qazwini met privately with Senator Barack Obama this week in Michigan.
The Detroit Free Press reported:
A Muslim leader from Dearborn met privately with Sen. Barack Obama during his Wednesday visit to Michigan.
Imam Hassan Qazwini, head of the Islamic Center of America, said in an email that he met with Obama at Macomb Community College. A mosque spokesman, Eide Alawan, confirmed that the meeting took place. During the meeting, the two discussed the Presidential election, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and the Iraq war, according to Qazwini.
At the end of the meeting, Qazwini said he gave Obama a copy of new book, “American Crescent,” (his book on why Islam is good for America) and invited Obama to visit his center.
The meeting with Obama came about after Qazwini had asked David Bonior, the former U.S. Rep. from Michigan, if he could meet with Obama during his visit. Qazwini was not selected to be part of a group of 20 people who met with Obama, but Qazwini later got a private meeting with Obama, Alawan said.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Keep adding to the list Hussein, you just keep proving to all of us how right we have been about you.
Obama doesn’t deserve to put one foot in our White House! Not as President or any other title. He should not be a Senator either.

19 Jul

Obama Drops Plans To Speak At Brandenburg Gate

President Ronald Reagan! Now THIS is why Obama could NOT touch this kind of moment, not even in his dreams.


Obama Drops Plans To Speak At Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate
Obama will not be making his speech in Berlin before the Brandenburg Gate but at Victory Column, German news agency Deutshe Well said on Friday.
Obama will leaving for Europe and the Middle East next week in what pundits say is a bid to bolster his foreign policy and national security credentials. The presumptive Democratic nominee will make the much-awaited speech in Berlin on July 24.
Obama will still have the Brandenburg Gate as backdrop since the iconic site sits at the opposite end of a tree-line boulevard from the Victory Column.
The German newspaper Der Spiegel said last week that the presumptive Democratic nominee was considering speaking in front of the Brandenburg Gate, the site of the famous speech given by former President Ronald Reagan in 1987 that called on former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev to “tear down this wall.”
The report was met with little enthusiasm by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who said last week during the G8 Summit in Japan that it was up to Obama to find an appropriate location for his speech but that doing so at the historic site would be “a bit odd.”
German government spokesman Thomas Steq later on made clear Merkel’s stand on the issue by saying, “It is unusual to do electioneering abroad… No German candidate for high office would even think of using the National Mall (in Washington) or Red Square in Moscow for a rally because it would not be seen as appropriate,” according to The Age.
Erwin Huber, head of Germany’s Christian Social Union (CSU), was also reported by the BBC as saying last week, “Obama didn’t do anything for German unification… That’s not a criticism, but as a result there is no reason to grant him such a privilege.”
Some German officials, such as Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier told the Frankfurter Rundschau and Berlin Mayor Klaus Wowereit, welcomed the idea of Obama speaking at the historic site but the strong opposition triggered speculation on the Internet that the White House had pressured the Merkel to deny Obama’s plans. The White House has refuted such reports.
Obama will be meeting privately with Merkel in Berlin the same day he makes his speech, according to a German spokesman cited by Time.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
What a self-absorbed JERK. B.Hussein Obama learned that many in Germany, from Merkel on down, were not impressed with his plan to exploit their historic symbol. Yep – just what we need in a CIC – another example of his abysmal judgment and ignorance of history.

19 Jul

Conservative Group to Air Anti-Obama Ads

Conservative Group to Air Anti-Obama Ads

The commercial is also already up on the Web site:
An independent conservative group that worked on behalf of President Bush in 2004 is planning to begin broadcasting nationally next week a commercial that attacks Senator Barack Obama as a flip-flopper.
The non-profit advocacy group, Let Freedom Ring, is planning to spend several hundred thousand dollars to broadcast the commercial over several days beginning Tuesday, according to Colin Hanna, president of the organization.
The group has already obtained clearance to broadcast the advertisement on CNN and MSNBC and is seeking approval from several networks to make a national advertising purchase, Mr. Hanna said. But it is unclear how many spots the group could purchase, or how much impact it could have, by going the unorthodox route of a national buy.
The group’s efforts follows on the heels of another television advertising campaign by the group, Vets for Freedom, attacking Mr. Obama. The veterans group’s commercials were the first major outside effort boosting Senator John McCain.
The script reads:

“People are saying that Senator Obama’s recent changes of position have made him a flip-flopper. He’s not! Flip-floppers only hold one position at a time. Senator Obama is different: he holds two positions at the same time. Both ways on banning handguns. Both ways on public campaign financing. And now, both ways on withdrawing from Iraq. He’s ‘Both Ways Barack.’ Worse than a flip-flopper!”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Anyone that can help to keep that socialist idiot Obama from an oppurtunity to destroy our Nation is okay in my book.

19 Jul

” Where Freedom Flies” by Diana Nagy

Music video to the patriotic smash hit, “Where Freedom Flies,” by singer-songwriter, Diana Nagy. The song has been featured at multiple patriotic events hosted by the pro-troop organization, Move America Forward.

18 Jul

No Budge Pelosi ~ 9% Nan Stands Firm Against Offshore Drilling

Pelosi stands firm against offshore drilling
International Herald Tribune
Upon entering Congress in 1987, Representative Nancy Pelosi quickly became part of the solid California front against oil drilling along much of the nation’s coast.
The 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill and the steady push to tap the potential reserves off the state’s rugged coast had galvanized Californians and made opposition to offshore drilling part of the political DNA of up-and-coming figures like Pelosi.
She repeatedly resisted oil drilling in marine sanctuaries off the state’s coast near her San Francisco district and, after joining the Appropriations Committee, was an advocate of reinstating the coastal drilling ban through spending restrictions each year.

“We learned the hard way that oil and water do not mix on our coast,” Pelosi told a key committee in 1996 as she made her case for keeping the ban in place before a Congress then controlled by Republicans.

Now, with gas prices soaring, those drilling restrictions are facing their most severe test in years as calls intensify to more aggressively pursue domestic oil. Yet despite increasing pressure from President George W. Bush, a full-bore assault by congressional Republicans and some anxiety among her own rank-and-file Democrats, Pelosi is not budging.

The president of the United States, with gas at $4 a gallon because of his failed energy policies, is now trying to say that is because I couldn’t drill offshore,” Pelosi said in an interview. “That is not the cause, and I am not going to let him get away with it.”

Her voice carries considerable weight since, as speaker, Pelosi is in a position to prevent a vote on expanded drilling from reaching the floor
And she and Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader, appear intent on holding the line against calls to approve drilling in areas now off limits. They mount the counterargument that the oil and gas industry is not aggressively exploring large expanses it has already leased on land and offshore. They also have urged Bush to pour some fuel from national reserves into the commercial supply chain in an effort to lower prices.

But Representative John Boehner of Ohio, the Republican leader who is escorting a delegation to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge this weekend, said the Democratic approach was woefully insufficient. He said Pelosi, in insisting on preserving the drilling ban, was putting Democrats in the cross hairs of voters furious about gas prices.

“I think Speaker Pelosi is walking her Blue Dogs and other vulnerable Democrats off a cliff and they know it,” said Boehner, referring to the coalition of Democrats representing more conservative districts.
He accused the speaker of using procedural maneuvers to thwart votes on expanded drilling, a position he said would prevail if the moment arrived. “Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are standing in the way of what the American people want,” Boehner said.
In both the House and Senate, small groups of Democrats have begun meeting informally with Republicans to try to come up with a bipartisan response to soaring oil prices; opening up new areas to drilling is part of the mix. Leaders of the Blue Dog coalition are openly pressing for drilling in the Arctic refuge and elsewhere.
The rest of this article is HERE

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Worst Speaker in the history of the Congress!
If we don’t drill there, someone else will. That gives (1) another country assets that could be ours, which (2) gives another country jobs which we would have otherwise had, and (3) we might end up buying the oil from that country.
If all the offshore oil drilling was added up, all the places in the entire world and then add up how many times there has been a spill or a problem. Good grief the good would weigh outnumber the bad things that have happened.
Let’ see planes can crash so I guess all planes should be banned. Children have fallen out of trees so let’s ban all trees and cut them all down all over the world. This is the kind of idiotic thinking of a Nancy Pelosi.

….Thank you Mark for the article.

18 Jul

LOL Stop The Presses ~ Obama Whines He Is Infuriated

Obama Blasts Conservative Attacks Against Wife: ‘Debate Me Not Her’
abc news
Obama said conservative criticism of his wife, Michelle, infuriates him.

“I don’t have a thick skin when it comes to criticism of my wife,” Obama told the women’s magazine Glamour in an interview to run in the magazine’s October issue. “And you know, the problem is that rarely do these folks have the guts to say it to your face.”

Obama, who is vying for the support of women voters who flocked to Sen. Hillary Clinton’s campaign during the primaries, argued his wife and Clinton have been the target of similar conservative attacks.

“Hillary Clinton was subject to this, others have been subject to this in the past,” Obama told Glamour editor -in-chief Cindi Leive Wednesday, “It is part of our political environment that I’d like to change.”

Asked whether he blamed Sen. John McCain’s campaign for the attacks, Obama said:

“I wouldn’t say the McCain campaign itself, but I would say that the apparatus of conservative columnists, blogs and the like.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Hey Obama, your wife is a kook. Have a nice day.
Great, we found something that infuriates Obama! Maybe if we can get the Iranians to insult Michelle, Obama will get mad at them too.
He also refuses to campaign at a single military base. His campaign has refused repeated attempts from organizers at Ft. Hood.
Hussein and his wife are both cowards, militiary loathers and sent to us from God knows where, pits of hell maybe, to destroy our country.
You don’t want your wife “attacked”? Then tell her to stop her “I Am A Victim” tour. Have you heard the things she says?

…Thank you Cheryl for this article.

18 Jul

Obama thinks only ONE bomb fell on Pearl Harbor

B.Hussein Obama speaking in West Lafayette, Indiana.
It is right at the beginning of his speech.

“…..Throughout our history, America’s confronted constantly evolving danger, from the oppression of an empire, to the lawlessness of the frontier, from the bomb that fell on Pearl Harbor, to the threat of nuclear annihilation. Americans have adapted to the threats posed by an ever-changing world. “

Not only was he oblivious to history while living smack dab in the middle of it in Hawaii, apparently he’s never seen “From Here To Eternity.”
Pearl Harbor attack scene:
From Here To Eternity – Pearl Harbor Attack scene (1953)

Wild Thing’s comment……..
“The Bomb”? Just one?
One of my Uncles was stationed there, and if he were still alive he’d have steam coming out his ears. It was more than one bomb moron.
Is Obama confusing Pearl Harbor with Hiroshima. Like he confused Memorial Day with Veterans Day????
II wonder if he ever even visited the Memorial in Pearl Harbor. It is awesome and it stays with a person forever. Just a guess but I would say NO way has he been there. It didn’t have any drugs laying around he could take like he wrote about how he used drugs ALOT. And there are no I hate whitie groups there he could join.
If I was Mc Cain I would make ads out of things like that, maybe even have the images flash up on a back screen during debates.
That would be a great ad with Obama’s voice saying this and the multiple bombings in the background.
Then voice could speak the truth about the JAPANESE who dropped these bombs on Pearl Harbor.
McCain ends it with, “I know my history and I approve this message.”
He does not know that there was an attack fleet of 6 Japanese carriers with hundreds of aircraft, and that the bombs and torpedoes expended by the Japanese numbered in the hundreds (well around 240 bombs and 40 or so torpedoes IIRC.

18 Jul

America Hater 9% Nancy Pelosi Calls Bush ‘a total failure’


US Congress leader Pelosi calls Bush ‘a total failure’
US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday called President George W. Bush “a total failure” who “has no ideas,” in an interview with CNN.
Responding to stinging criticism from Bush on the Democratic leadership in both houses of Congress and the slow pace of the legislative agenda, as Congress prepares for its one-month summer recess in August, Pelosi let loose:

“You know, God bless him, bless his heart, the president of the United States, a total failure, losing all credibility with the American people on the economy, on the war, on energy, you name the subject.”

Pelosi, 68, said the House and Senate were busy “trying to sweep up after (Bush’s) mess over and over and over again … The president knows it. He needs something to talk about. Because he has no ideas.”

The speaker was especially critical of Bush’s proposal to lift a ban on offshore oil drilling as a means to ease the current fuel price crisis, calling it a ploy to draw attention away from his failures.

“We have seven and a half years of failed energy policy by the Bush administration. We have a faltering, downturning economy. The president needs a decoy.

“So he’s going out there, he even has the nerve to say the economy would be better off if we could drill in protected areas offshore,” she said, adding the Democrats’ proposal to free up the US strategic petroleum reserve, which she said is 91.5 percent full.

“And we’re saying let’s take 10 percent of that … and use that to put on the market so that we increase supply, reduce prices, and when the price comes down, we can buy back the oil at a lower price.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
The phrase ‘bless his heart’, can be used to insulate a person from whatever ugly thing they want to say about a person.
She is a traitor first, a total failure second!! What a total waste of air Pelosi is and Reid too, heck all of the democrats are! The Do Nothing Congress is ready to take its annual vacation despite not having addressed the problem of soaring gas prices.
Such disgraceful behavior from the “speaker of the house”. There are partisan divides in this country, but to Nancy, Bush is the enemy and AQ is her friend.
She still refuses to acknowledge the success in Iraq.
Her rating numbers are in the pits, and she blames that on President Bush. She ought to be tarred and feathered and dumped over Syria.
The numbers speak for themselves:
Congress approval rating – 9%
President Bush – 28%
OK I know this is popular with a lot of women but I am against it. Botox! When the time comes that I do start to get wrinkles I will own them, and just be glad I am alive and don’t have that stuff in my body. I read someplace that Botox can and does find it’s way into the nerve system in the brain. Injecting a product of botulism into your skin just because of a few wrinkles??? It is so much more important what the person is on the inside, their character and if they are a good person or not etc.
I seriously believe she should be medically examined to find out if this has happened – for her sake and the nation’s. But mostly for our sake. I think she is nuts!
The possibility that a House Leader can be suffering from poison induced insanity (not that she wasn’t already insane) should be a big deal. If she is nuts can’t we get her removed or something. LOL
Pelosi email AmericanVoices@mail.house.gov