25 Jul

DNC Caught Getting Tax Free Gas At City Pumps

DNC host’s tax-free gas evaporates
Angry reaction brings a halt to use of city pumps
Rocky Mountain News
The committee hosting the Democratic National Convention has used the city’s gas pumps to fill up and apparently avoided paying state and federal fuel taxes.
The practice, which began four months ago, may have ended hours after its disclosure.
An aide to Mayor John Hickenlooper released a statement Tuesday evening saying that Denver 2008 Host Committee members would pay market prices for fuel and would also be liable for all applicable taxes.
However, Public Works spokeswoman Christine Downs told City Council members just hours before that host committee members were fueling up at the city pumps. The city does not pay taxes on the fuel for its fleet, and Downs said the host committee would not either.
The disclosure brought immediate scrutiny. Colorado Attorney General John Suthers said the practice “would seem” to be illegal and referred the matter to the state Department of Revenue.
Nonprofits, such as the host committee, are subject to state and federal gasoline taxes, according to the Department of Revenue.
The issue arose during the regular weekly meeting of Hickenlooper and City Council members. Downs requested authorization for a contract so the Public Works Department could be reimbursed by the host committee for use of “fueling facilities, fuel and car washes.”
Downs said the contract with the host committee started in March and that $9,700 in fuel and services had been purchased from the city so far. But the committee has yet to be billed. The city anticipates $466,125 in total revenues from the contract, Downs said.
City Councilman Charlie Brown raised the question of whether the host committee would be paying fuel taxes, and Downs said it wouldn’t.
“There’s something there that just doesn’t seem right to me because, in a sense, you’re saying then that the officials who pass the laws are not willing to live by them,” said Councilwoman Jeanne Faatz.
Hickenlooper said the practice isn’t unique to Denver.
“I do know for a fact that they’re doing the same exact thing in Minneapolis,” Hickenlooper said, referring to the city that along with St. Paul is hosting the Republican National Convention.
But Teresa McFarland, a spokeswoman for the Minneapolis-St. Paul host committee, said its members are getting their gas at public pumps.
“We’re not getting a tax break on fuel,” she said. “That’s not the setup at this end.”
In Colorado, consumers pay 40.4 cents per gallon in state and federal fuel taxes.
“We’re a nonpartisan, nonprofit committee, but certainly, if the city feels that taxes are applicable, we will pay those, too,” said Chris Lopez, spokesman for the host committee. “So we would pay all applicable taxes on any of the fuel.”
The host committee, which is responsible for raising money to put on the convention, is using the city’s pumps “for safety and security reasons,” Lopez said.
“We know the gas is not tainted,” he said. “We use it as a safety and security measure.”
Hickenlooper said GM is “loaning” the host committee vehicles and he expects a large number to be hybrids. It wasn’t clear Tuesday whether host committee members are using those loaners or their personal vehicles.
Dick Wadhams, chairman of the Colorado Republican Party, said the city’s arrangement with the DNC host committee was “appalling.”
“I’m hoping this is not the first of many stories about how Colorado taxpayers are apparently subsidizing the Democratic convention,” Wadhams said.
After the meeting, Faatz said it was wrong for the DNC host committee to get a tax break.
“I am just troubled by not having the payment of taxes for what I consider to be a privately funded party, and that’s what the host committee is: it’s a private organization,” she said.
“If you’ve got a 14-gallon tank, on the average, that’s about $5.66 that they don’t have to pay for fill up,” Brown said.
Brown also questioned the need for car washes.
It also wasn’t clear Tuesday whether the Department of Revenue will investigate.
“We can’t talk about any individual taxpayer’s circumstance,” said department spokesman Mark Couch. “Tax-exempt organizations are not exempt from fuel taxes, so a nonprofit group is not exempt from fuel taxes. As to the individual circumstance involved here, we’d have to look into it and investigate to make any kind of determination.”
Denis Berckefeldt, spokesman for Denver Auditor Dennis Gallagher, said Hickenlooper’s administration has been guilty in the past of doing business before a contract is executed.
“Is it unusual that it happens?” he asked. “No, because they do stuff like this. Do we like it? No.”
In January 2006, Gallagher complained to Hickenlooper in a letter about the “ongoing problem related to work being performed on behalf of the city before a contract for that work has been fully executed and properly signed.”
At that time, Gallagher wrote, an examination of 999 contracts found that in 790 cases – 79 percent – work began before the contracts were “fully executed.”
“We would have a problem with this because they’re clearly selling fuel to the host committee without a fully executed contract,” Berckefeldt said. “We have a real serious issue at the auditor’s office with the city doing business with anyone without a contract.”


Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL their sujpposed reason……………..

The host committee, which is responsible for raising money to put on the convention, is using the city’s pumps “for safety and security reasons,” Lopez said.
“We know the gas is not tainted,” he said. “We use it as a safety and security measure.”

Also the RNC is NOT doing this as the DNC has said in this article.

25 Jul

Hussein Camp Plasters Posters at Western Wall

Advertises Democrat candidate’s website, official slogan at Judaism’s holiest site
JERUSALEM – Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign plastered the entrance to the Western Wall – the holiest site in Judaism – with official campaign posters, WND has learned.
Jerusalem Police spokesman Mickey Rosenfeld confirmed to WND posters that adorned police barricades erected at the Western Wall plaza for Obama’s visit were distributed by the presidential candidate’s campaign.
“These posters were his campaign and not the doing of the police,” said Rosenfeld, whose police department coordinated security and provided protection for Obama’s visit today to the holy site.
Asked if it was traditional practice for politicians visiting the Western Wall to bring along posters or campaign materials, Rosenfeld replied, “No.”
The posters display Obama’s name in Hebrew. One poster erected on the main police barricade used by Obama to enter the holy site boasts the official red, white and blue campaign “O” symbol and advertises the candidate’s campaign’s website.
A second poster also displays Obama’s name in Hebrew and contains an image of Israeli and American flags.
Reuters posted images of the Obama campaign posters showing a handful of people waiting behind the police barricades.
Reuters images had the following caption:

“Supporters of U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) stand behind banners printed with his name in Hebrew as they wait for his arrival at the Western wall.”

The caption implied supporters brought along the pro-Obama material.
But an eyewitness speaking to WND tells a different story.

“The kids waiting for Obama may not even be Obama supporters. No one knew Obama was coming in advance. We saw the police barricades erected. We saw Obama’s face on the posters, and some police said Obama was on his way. So a few people gathered by the barricades and waited for Obama,” said the witness


Wild Thing’s comment…….
Manipulation by Obama’s team and I find it disgusting! These people do not respect anything. NOT our military, NOT the Jews in Israel, NOT our wounded soldiers, NOT our country……NOTHING!
Yes I am ticked about these lies and disrespect.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.

25 Jul

Uncle Jay Explains Congress Vacation aka Work Days

It’s Uncle Jay’s first-ever rerun! Here’s his educational “vacation” episode, explaining why Congress needs so many vacation days.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
They sure work hard don’t they. All that paid time off…..amazing. Then they give themselves raises all the time too.
I am glad they are not there to do more harm with that vile Pelosi at the helm. But to be paid for so many days off is stupid.

….Thank you Mark for sending this.

25 Jul

Candidate Muslim O-uh – Bama and His Stammering and UH’s!

Rush Limbaugh put together a montage of Obama’s stuttering and stammering at his press conference in Amman, Jordan. There are no repeats or replays. It is all Master Orator Obama running this thing up on the beach without his teleprompter.
Video by Rush Limbaugh

* Stop the ACLU

24 Jul

Obama Campaign Says ~ “inapprpopriate to visit our Troops in Germany! “

Girly man, wanna be dictator of the USA ………well if he can’t visit our troops he can go to hell as far as I am concerned. I have had it with this Muslim candidate B. Hussein Obama. — Wild Thing

Jake Tapper of ABC News reports the Obama campaign issued a statement saying the planned visits with the troops were canceled because it was deemed by the campaign to be “inapprpopriate” because Obama’s stop in Germany was part of his presidential campaign.
Obama Scrubs Visit to See Troops in Germany; Says “Inappropriate” Since Campaign Funding European Swing

“The German magazine Der Spiegel is reporting on line that Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. has “cancelled a planned short visit to the Rammstein and Landstuhl U.S. military bases in the southwest German state of Rhineland-Palatinate. The visits were planned for Friday.”
“Barack Obama will not be coming to us,” a spokesperson for the U.S. military hospital in Landstuhl told Der Spiegel. “I don’t know why.”
Obama senior adviser Robert Gibbs told us in a statement, “During his trip as part of the CODEL to Afghanistan and Iraq, Senator Obama visited the combat support hospital in the Green Zone in Baghdad and had a number of other visits with the troops. For the second part of his trip, the senator wanted to visit the men and women at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center to express his gratitude for their service and sacrifice. The senator decided out of respect for these servicemen and women that it would be inappropriate to make a stop to visit troops at a U.S. military facility as part of a trip funded by the campaign.”

A few hours later, this is added:
++ Obama Extends his Berlin Trip ++
4:59 p.m.: Obama seems to like the German capital. He is to stay longer on Friday than he had originally planned, delaying his departure for Paris by two hours to just after noon. According to his team, however, these plans can change at any time.
No mention he’s reconsidering his cancellation of visiting the wounded at Landstuhl.


Wild Thing’s comment……….
After visiting GIs in Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq as part the congressional delegation prelude to his campaign swing in the Middle East and Europe, Barack Obama canceled planned visits to the U.S. military bases at Ramsteina and Landstuhl.
Landstuhl is where wounded U.S. troops are taken from the battlefield to be stabalized before being flown to Walter Reed in Washington, D.C. and other military hospitals back home.
Curiously, Obama opened his speech in Berlin today by saying he was speaking not as a candidate but as a ‘citizen of the United States and as a citizen of the world.’
Other news outlets have reported that Obama has taken time to work out at a gym in Berlin and kidded around with reporters about exploring the nightlife in Berlin.
Der Spiegel first reported that Obama canceled the visit to the troops. That story was picked up on Free Republic and then exploded on the blogosphere.

24 Jul

B.Hussein Obama Speaks In Berlin At The Victory Column

“The people in the crowd aren’t voters so in that sense it’s not designed to get them to the polls. It’s not a political rally,” he said aboard his flight to the German capital. “Hopefully, it will be viewed as a substantive articulation of the relationship I’d like to see between the United States and Europe.”

A supporter cheers outside his hotel in Berlin, July 24, 2008. (Jim Young/Reuters)

Berlin, Germany
Berliners were getting ready early for Obama’s address, setting up food stalls and entertainment platforms along an avenue near the site of the event.
A huge crowd gathered at the Victory Column, the site of Obama’s speech, as musicals acts performed in the hours leading up to Obama’s arrival.
Obama volunteers set up shop on street corners and were registering Democrats who live abroad to vote.
“Anyone an American citizen?” bellowed one woman holding a homemade “register to vote” sign.
Some in the crowd were looking to cash in on the Obama frenzy. For 5 euros (about $8), one could pick up two unofficial Obama buttons.
One button that seemed popular among shoppers had a picture of him superimposed with President Kennedy. Another had Obama’s head atop the body of a beer garden waiter holding seven huge glasses of German brew. The button’s slogan said “Obamafest.”

Obama said Thursday his speech will not be “a wonkish policy speech.”

‘I come to Berlin as so many of my countrymen have come before. Tonight, I speak to you not as a candidate for President, but as a citizen — a proud citizen of the United States, and a fellow citizen of the world.”

A man holds a banner reading ‘Obama For Chancellor’ before a speech of Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama during his visit in Berlin July 24, 2008. REUTERS/Tobias Schwarz

The Crowd ……..
BERLIN (AFP) – Barack Obama Thursday told a staggering crowd of 200,000 people in Berlin that Americans and Europeans must tear down walls between estranged allies, races and faiths, in a soaring challenge to a new political generation.

from Fox News Major Garrett

The US embassy provided almost no help in arranging the visit to the Citadel (where the press conference will be held) and is not facilitating the meeting between Obama and King Abdullah.
The movements and pictures from this day forward are entirely dictated by Obama’s presidential campaign.
While it is true Obama is traveling as a senator, he’s also the Democratic nominee and the trip is intended not only to show his ability to maneuver comfortably on the world stage, it’s also designed, by the campaign’s own admission, to give voters back home a chance to grow more comfortable with movements and settings on the world stage that convey commander-in-chief imagery.
Lastly, the campaign repeatedly dodged questions about whether it would position a camera crew of its own at the Berlin speech for the express purpose of shooting the scene for future campaign ads.
The campaign will bring its standard videographers who shoot for the campaign website to the Citadel today and there are no arrangement for a separate commercial camera crew at that event.
That there may be one at the Berlin speech suggests that event could produce footage for future Obama campaign commercials. That is not certain, but it is a possibility.”

From Drudge and also Drudge is all for B. Hussein Obama!!!
THURS JULY 24 2008 12:58:02
Thank you to the citizens of Berlin and to the people of Germany. Let me thank Chancellor Merkel and Foreign Minister Steinmeier for welcoming me earlier today. Thank you Mayor Wowereit, the Berlin Senate, the police, and most of all thank you for this welcome.
I come to Berlin as so many of my countrymen have come before. Tonight, I speak to you not as a candidate for President, but as a citizen — a proud citizen of the United States, and a fellow citizen of the world.
I know that I don’t look like the Americans who’ve previously spoken in this great city. The journey that led me here is improbable. My mother was born in the heartland of America, but my father grew up herding goats in Kenya. His father — my grandfather — was a cook, a domestic servant to the British.
At the height of the Cold War, my father decided, like so many others in the forgotten corners of the world, that his yearning — his dream — required the freedom and opportunity promised by the West. And so he wrote letter after letter to universities all across America until somebody, somewhere answered his prayer for a better life.
That is why I’m here. And you are here because you too know that yearning. This city, of all cities, knows the dream of freedom. And you know that the only reason we stand here tonight is because men and women from both of our nations came together to work, and struggle, and sacrifice for that better life.
Ours is a partnership that truly began sixty years ago this summer, on the day when the first American plane touched down at Templehof.
On that day, much of this continent still lay in ruin. The rubble of this city had yet to be built into a wall. The Soviet shadow had swept across Eastern Europe, while in the West, America, Britain, and France took stock of their losses, and pondered how the world might be remade.
This is where the two sides met.Ê And on the twenty-fourth of June, 1948, the Communists chose to blockade the western part of the city. They cut off food and supplies to more than two million Germans in an effort to extinguish the last flame of freedom in Berlin.
The size of our forces was no match for the much larger Soviet Army. And yet retreat would have allowed Communism to march across Europe. Where the last war had ended, another World War could have easily begun. All that stood in the way was Berlin.
And that’s when the airlift began — when the largest and most unlikely rescue in history brought food and hope to the people of this city.
The odds were stacked against success. In the winter, a heavy fog filled the sky above, and many planes were forced to turn back without dropping off the needed supplies. The streets where we stand were filled with hungry families who had no comfort from the cold.
But in the darkest hours, the people of Berlin kept the flame of hope burning. The people of Berlin refused to give up. And on one fall day, hundreds of thousands of Berliners came here, to the Tiergarten, and heard the city’s mayor implore the world not to give up on freedom. “There is only one possibility,” he said. “For us to stand together united until this battle is won.The people of Berlin have spoken. We have done our duty, and we will keep on doing our duty. People of the world: now do your duty. People of the world, look at Berlin!”
People of the world — look at Berlin!
Look at Berlin, where Germans and Americans learned to work together and trust each other less than three years after facing each other on the field of battle.
Look at Berlin, where the determination of a people met the generosity of the Marshall Plan and created a German miracle; where a victory over tyranny gave rise to NATO, the greatest alliance ever formed to defend our common security.
Look at Berlin, where the bullet holes in the buildings and the somber stones and pillars near the Brandenburg Gate insist that we never forget our common humanity.
People of the world — look at Berlin, where a wall came down, a continent came together, and history proved that there is no challenge too great for a world that stands as one.
Sixty years after the airlift, we are called upon again. History has led us to a new crossroad, with new promise and new peril. When you, the German people, tore down that wall — a wall that divided East and West; freedom and tyranny; fear and hope — walls came tumbling down around the world. From Kiev to Cape Town, prison camps were closed, and the doors of democracy were opened. Markets opened too, and the spread of information and technology reduced barriers to opportunity and prosperity. While the 20th century taught us that we share a common destiny, the 21st has revealed a world more intertwined than at any time in human history.
The fall of the Berlin Wall brought new hope. But that very closeness has given rise to new dangers — dangers that cannot be contained within the borders of a country or by the distance of an ocean.
The terrorists of September 11th plotted in Hamburg and trained in Kandahar and Karachi before killing thousands from all over the globe on American soil.
As we speak, cars in Boston and factories in Beijing are melting the ice caps in the Arctic, shrinking coastlines in the Atlantic, and bringing drought to farms from Kansas to Kenya.
Poorly secured nuclear material in the former Soviet Union, or secrets from a scientist in Pakistan could help build a bomb that detonates in Paris. The poppies in Afghanistan become the heroin in Berlin. The poverty and violence in Somalia breeds the terror of tomorrow. The genocide in Darfur shames the conscience of us all.
In this new world, such dangerous currents have swept along faster than our efforts to contain them. That is why we cannot afford to be divided. No one nation, no matter how large or powerful, can defeat such challenges alone. None of us can deny these threats, or escape responsibility in meeting them. Yet, in the absence of Soviet tanks and a terrible wall, it has become easy to forget this truth. And if we’re honest with each other, we know that sometimes, on both sides of the Atlantic, we have drifted apart, and forgotten our shared destiny.
In Europe, the view that America is part of what has gone wrong in our world, rather than a force to help make it right, has become all too common. In America, there are voices that deride and deny the importance of Europe’s role in our security and our future. Both views miss the truth — that Europeans today are bearing new burdens and taking more responsibility in critical parts of the world; and that just as American bases built in the last century still help to defend the security of this continent, so does our country still sacrifice greatly for freedom around the globe.
Yes, there have been differences between America and Europe. No doubt, there will be differences in the future. But the burdens of global citizenship continue to bind us together. A change of leadership in Washington will not lift this burden. In this new century, Americans and Europeans alike will be required to do more — not less. Partnership and cooperation among nations is not a choice; it is the one way, the only way, to protect our common security and advance our common humanity.
That is why the greatest danger of all is to allow new walls to divide us from one another. The walls between old allies on either side of the Atlantic cannot stand. The walls between the countries with the most and those with the least cannot stand. The walls between races and tribes; natives and immigrants; Christian and Muslim and Jew cannot stand. These now are the walls we must tear down.
We know they have fallen before. After centuries of strife, the people of Europe have formed a Union of promise and prosperity. Here, at the base of a column built to mark victory in war, we meet in the center of a Europe at peace. Not only have walls come down in Berlin, but they have come down in Belfast, where Protestant and Catholic found a way to live together; in the Balkans, where our Atlantic alliance ended wars and brought savage war criminals to justice; and in South Africa, where the struggle of a courageous people defeated apartheid. Ê So history reminds us that walls can be torn down. But the task is never easy. True partnership and true progress requires constant work and sustained sacrifice. They require sharing the burdens of development and diplomacy; of progress and peace. They require allies who will listen to each other, learn from each other and, most of all, trust each other.
That is why America cannot turn inward. That is why Europe cannot turn inward. America has no better partner than Europe. Now is the time to build new bridges across the globe as strong as the one that bound us across the Atlantic. Now is the time to join together, through constant cooperation, strong institutions, shared sacrifice, and a global commitment to progress, to meet the challenges of the 21st century. It was this spirit that led airlift planes to appear in the sky above our heads, and people to assemble where we stand today. And this is the moment when our nations — and all nations — must summon that spirit anew.
This is the moment when we must defeat terror and dry up the well of extremism that supports it. This threat is real and we cannot shrink from our responsibility to combat it. If we could create NATO to face down the Soviet Union, we can join in a new and global partnership to dismantle the networks that have struck in Madrid and Amman; in London and Bali; in Washington and New York. If we could win a battle of ideas against the communists, we can stand with the vast majority of Muslims who reject the extremism that leads to hate instead of hope.
This is the moment when we must renew our resolve to rout the terrorists who threaten our security in Afghanistan, and the traffickers who sell drugs on your streets. No one welcomes war. I recognize the enormous difficulties in Afghanistan. But my country and yours have a stake in seeing that NATO’s first mission beyond Europe’s borders is a success. For the people of Afghanistan, and for our shared security, the work must be done. America cannot do this alone. The Afghan people need our troops and your troops; our support and your support to defeat the Taliban and al Qaeda, to develop their economy, and to help them rebuild their nation. We have too much at stake to turn back now.
This is the moment when we must renew the goal of a world without nuclear weapons. The two superpowers that faced each other across the wall of this city came too close too often to destroying all we have built and all that we love. With that wall gone, we need not stand idly by and watch the further spread of the deadly atom. It is time to secure all loose nuclear materials; to stop the spread of nuclear weapons; and to reduce the arsenals from another era. This is the moment to begin the work of seeking the peace of a world without nuclear weapons.
This is the moment when every nation in Europe must have the chance to choose its own tomorrow free from the shadows of yesterday. In this century, we need a strong European Union that deepens the security and prosperity of this continent, while extending a hand abroad. In this century — in this city of all cities — we must reject the Cold War mind-set of the past, and resolve to work with Russia when we can, to stand up for our values when we must, and to seek a partnership that extends across this entire continent.
This is the moment when we must build on the wealth that open markets have created, and share its benefits more equitably. Trade has been a cornerstone of our growth and global development. But we will not be able to sustain this growth if it favors the few, and not the many. Together, we must forge trade that truly rewards the work that creates wealth, with meaningful protections for our people and our planet. This is the moment for trade that is free and fair for all.
This is the moment we must help answer the call for a new dawn in the Middle East. My country must stand with yours and with Europe in sending a direct message to Iran that it must abandon its nuclear ambitions. We must support the Lebanese who have marched and bled for democracy, and the Israelis and Palestinians who seek a secure and lasting peace. And despite past differences, this is the moment when the world should support the millions of Iraqis who seek to rebuild their lives, even as we pass responsibility to the Iraqi government and finally bring this war to a close.
This is the moment when we must come together to save this planet. Let us resolve that we will not leave our children a world where the oceans rise and famine spreads and terrible storms devastate our lands. Let us resolve that all nations — including my own — will act with the same seriousness of purpose as has your nation, and reduce the carbon we send into our atmosphere. This is the moment to give our children back their future. This is the moment to stand as one.
And this is the moment when we must give hope to those left behind in a globalized world. We must remember that the Cold War born in this city was not a battle for land or treasure. Sixty years ago, the planes that flew over Berlin did not drop bombs; instead they delivered food, and coal, and candy to grateful children. And in that show of solidarity, those pilots won more than a military victory. They won hearts and minds; love and loyalty and trust — not just from the people in this city, but from all those who heard the story of what they did here.
Now the world will watch and remember what we do here — what we do with this moment. Will we extend our hand to the people in the forgotten corners of this world who yearn for lives marked by dignity and opportunity; by security and justice? Will we lift the child in Bangladesh from poverty, shelter the refugee in Chad, and banish the scourge of AIDS in our time?
Will we stand for the human rights of the dissident in Burma, the blogger in Iran, or the voter in Zimbabwe? Will we give meaning to the words “never again” in Darfur?
Will we acknowledge that there is no more powerful example than the one each of our nations projects to the world? Will we reject torture and stand for the rule of law? Will we welcome immigrants from different lands, and shun discrimination against those who don’t look like us or worship like we do, and keep the promise of equality and opportunity for all of our people?
People of Berlin — people of the world — this is our moment. This is our time
I know my country has not perfected itself. At times, we’ve struggled to keep the promise of liberty and equality for all of our people. We’ve made our share of mistakes, and there are times when our actions around the world have not lived up to our best intentions.
But I also know how much I love America. I know that for more than two centuries, we have strived — at great cost and great sacrifice — to form a more perfect union; to seek, with other nations, a more hopeful world. Our allegiance has never been to any particular tribe or kingdom — indeed, every language is spoken in our country; every culture has left its imprint on ours; every point of view is expressed in our public squares. What has always united us — what has always driven our people; what drew my father to America’s shores — is a set of ideals that speak to aspirations shared by all people: that we can live free from fear and free from want; that we can speak our minds and assemble with whomever we choose and worship as we please.
Those are the aspirations that joined the fates of all nations in this city. Those aspirations are bigger than anything that drives us apart. It is because of those aspirations that the airlift began. It is because of those aspirations that all free people — everywhere — became citizens of Berlin. It is in pursuit of those aspirations that a new generation — our generation — must make our mark on history.
People of Berlin — and people of the world — the scale of our challenge is great. The road ahead will be long. But I come before you to say that we are heirs to a struggle for freedom. We are a people of improbable hope. Let us build on our common history, and seize our common destiny, and once again engage in that noble struggle to bring justice and peace to our world.


Wild Thing’s comment………
They should have broadcast it at Gitmo for the prisoners there. Now we’re talking torture!!!!! Let me make this perfectly clear….uhhhhhhhhhhhh……duhhhhhhhh…..uhhhhhhhhhhh
Citizen of the world? I would have appreciated more if he could have said a Proud American citizen!!!! Oh wait this is America hating Obama speaking.
Of course he just HAD to work the race angle in. I’m surprised it only took him until the 2nd paragraph..”I don’t look like other Americans who have stood here.” Uh Yah, those others actually had brains.
“Tonight, I speak to you not as a candidate for President, but as a citizen — “
Then pay your own way you worthless bastard, and leave my tax money alone!!!!!!!
He is telling the Germans what noble victims they were.
Forgetting we did the airlift, we rehabbed Germany and Europe after they nearly destroyed civilization and that wall went down because of us.

‘People of Berlin — people of the world — this is our moment. This is our time.’

One World? Hell, the world is a US world.
Weak crowd response.
Weak delivery. There is no passion, no real belief.
And how stupid is he? Communism DID MARCH all over Europe.

“…As we speak, cars in Boston and factories in Beijing are melting the ice caps in the Arctic, shrinking coastlines in the Atlantic, and bringing drought to farms from Kansas to Kenya…”

This is truly unprecedented, campaigning in a foreign nation, criticizing your own nation and the current American president on foreign soil, proclaiming a vision for “our people.” This is a nauseating speech, I find this foreign campaigning flatly offensive, and his internationalist, socialist, enviro-hysteria rhetoric as truly alarming. God, I hope our nation does not fall for this charlatan.

24 Jul

B.Hussein Flyers For Germany

Obama is using flyers printed in German to turn people out for his campaign rally in Berlin on Thursday. This flyer can be found on a bilingual page on BarackObama.com advertising the event:

Similar to this…………………….

The German flyers bear Obama’s campaign logo and say “Paid for by Obama for America.”
Remember the other day when Obama’s campaign said this:

“It is not going to be a political speech,” said a senior foreign policy adviser, who spoke to reporters on background. “When the president of the United States goes and gives a speech, it is not a political speech or a political rally.
“But he is not president of the United States,” a reporter reminded the adviser.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
This sure is taking the normal baby-kissing campaigns to a new height. Reminder…..this is supposed to be an American candidate????
It sure feels like this entire trip of his had one main goal. NOT a goal of seeing the troops that was a token stop. NOT talking to General Petraeus that made no difference, as Obama stated afterward he still felt the same way about the surge as he did before.
Nope this trip has all been a lead up, an excuse to get to Germany to make this speech he wants to make.
There are countless examples of Communist imagery (largely Stalinist, Leninist, Maoist, and Che followers’ works) reworked to celebrate the Obamessiah.
This is a concious image decision within his scampaign.
They are effective images and some of them hit home to the true believer fellow travellers on the left.
Shepherd Fairey’s fans are familiar with his “revolutionary” politics. He is the artist beind the famous CHANGE and HOPE posters that were illegal wheatpasted around cities earlier in the year. It was work for hire and Obama wrote him a letter of praise expressing familiarity with his work in galleries and stuck on stop signs in public.
They know what type of message they are sending. It isn’t a coincidence.
I can’t believe this is happening right before our eyes. Our Founding Fathers would be speechless.

24 Jul

Obama:’Look At My Deeds’..That I Didn’t Actually Do

Obama, saying that the Senate Banking Committee — “which is my committee,” he says — passed some bill about something. Problem is, he’s not actually on the Senate Banking Committee at all.

Obama: ‘Look At My Deeds’… That I Didn’t Actually Do
Obama in Israel:
by Jim Geraghty

“Now, in terms of knowing my commitments, you don’t have to just look at my words, you can look at my deeds. Just this past week, we passed out of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee, which is my committee, a bill to call for divestment from Iran, as a way of ratcheting up the pressure to ensure that they don’t obtain a nuclear weapon. “

I was going to say that Obama’s statement that the Senate Banking Committee is “my committee” wasn’t that big a deal, and not that surprising from a man who told Bibi Netanyahu that he was about ready to “fall sleep standing up.” But he did say in the immediate preceding sentence, “Now, in terms of knowing my commitments, you don’t have to just look at my words, you can look at my deeds.”
In this case, Obama’s words are wrong, and “his deeds” don’t actually include voting for this bill. He had no role in the “passage” of this legislation.
I don’t think it is wise for Obama to try this stuff in front of the Israelis.
UPDATE: The Obama defense: the bill that passed included provisions that match legislation he introduced last year. The problem is, that doesn’t explain the “we” and the “which is my committee.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Whew Obama sure is a piece of work, or non work. haaha Little by little some in the media are a tiny bit getting enough of this communist Obama.
Something to think about regarding B. Hussein Obama. The MAJORITY of this man’s public life has been engaged in running for the next level up the ladder…seriously. So I’m thinking…he’ll spend four years running for Emperor of the New World Order?

24 Jul

Map For The Obama RATS Gone Wild Tour 08

I thought you might like to see the map of Hussein’s trip. Maybe he can just keep flying around the world on his Obama RATS Gone Wild Tour 08 and not come back.

24 Jul

Silence From Left On Military Voting

The Soldier Voting Scandal
by Robert D. Novak
Rep. Roy Blunt, the House Republican whip, on July 8 introduced a resolution demanding that the Defense Department better enable U.S. military personnel overseas to vote in the November elections.
That act was followed by silence.
Democrats normally leap on an opportunity to find fault with the Bush Pentagon. But not a single Democrat joined Blunt as a co-sponsor, and an all-Republican proposal cannot pass in the Democratic-controlled House.
Analysis by the federal Election Assistance Commission, rejecting inflated Defense Department voting claims, estimated overseas and absentee military voting for the 2006 midterm elections at a disgracefully low 5.5 percent. The quality of voting statistics is so poor that there is no way to tell how many of the slightly over 330,000 votes actually were sent in by the absentee military voters and their dependents and how many by civilian Americans living abroad — 6 million all total.
Nobody who has studied the question objectively sees any improvement since 2006, and that is a scandal. Retired U.S. Marine Corps Capt. Charles Henry wrote in the July issue of the U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings: “While virtually everyone involved seems to agree that military people deserve at least equal opportunity when it comes to having their votes counted, indications are that in November 2008, many thousands of service members who try to vote will do so in vain.”
Henry, now an independent broadcast journalist, has personal experience with this enduring scandal. While serving as a Marine at sea off Iran, he received his 1980 presidential ballot too late to count. President Harry Truman said of troops fighting in Korea, “The least we at home can do is to make sure that they are able to enjoy the rights they are being asked to fight to preserve.” But the U.S. military that has so perfected the art of war over the past half-century is at a loss to enable soldiers to vote.
A combat officer has enough to do without handling the votes of troopers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. A Defense Department Inspector General’s report in March last year recommended “appointment of civilian personnel” as “voting assistance officers.” The Pentagon brass rejected the idea.
I reported four years ago that the problems of 2000 overseas military voting had not been corrected for the 2004 presidential election. At that time, Under Secretary of Defense David Chu was put in charge of the problem. During massive turnover at the Pentagon, Chu remains in place — best known among critics of the military vote problem for his chronic failure to return telephone calls.
Congressional attention to the problem has been scattered and limited mostly to Republicans such as Sen. John Cornyn, who earlier this year decried “a lack of will” at the Pentagon to solve the voting problem. Democratic interest about tackling the problem might be tempered by apprehension that soldiers will cast too many Republican votes.
Nevertheless, at least one prominent Democrat — House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer — described himself to me as eager to deal with this problem. (Hoyer’s home state of Maryland is one of the worst offenders, with ballots of only 4.1 percent of overseas voters counted in 2006.) Hoyer and Blunt, who have become friendly adversaries in a bitterly partisan Congress, conferred several weeks ago and agreed in principle on co-sponsoring a resolution aimed at getting the Defense Department moving.
Hoyer wanted the resolution to cover expatriate Americans as well as the military, and Blunt did not object. They turned the issue over to their staffers and went about the business of major legislation. Blunt had instructed his staff to seek agreement with Democrats but, if not, to introduce a resolution applying only to the military, which was the outcome.

Wild Thing’s comment………
This is really disheartening, complete disgrace!!!!!! The Military ballots should count two times.
The Dems in general prevent the military vote. This time won’t be any different… it’ll probably be worse.
I remember how Gore worked to prevent the military vote from being counted in the 2000 election. And he pulled it off too, with the help of the Chicago political machine he succeeded in disallowing the vast majority of overseas military votes. That same Chicago machine now has a horse in the race.
This would be a GREAT campaign issue for McCain to take the lead on.
No excuses, Republicans Senators and Congressman should be screaming from the housetops.