07 Aug

Clinton Leaves Option Open for Convention Floor Vote

This video was filmed July 31st in Los Altos Hills, CA.


Clinton Leaves Option Open for Convention Floor Vote
Fox News
Hillary Clinton told a group of supporters recently that she has not yet decided whether she will put her name in for a roll-call vote at the Democratic convention in Denver later this month.
The New York senator was filmed addressing the matter apparently at a California fundraiser last week. The video was posted on YouTube.
“I happen to believe that we will come out stronger if people feel that their voices were heard and their views respected. And I think that is a very big part of how we actually come out unified, because I know from just what I’m hearing that there is just this incredible pent up desire,” Clinton said in the video, after being asked by a supporter if she’d consider putting her name in for the nomination.
“And I think people want to feel like ‘Okay, it’s a catharsis, we’re here, we did it,’ and then everybody get behind Senator Obama. … No decisions have been made.”
Clinton said she was trying to work out the issue with the Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Such a vote would presumably allow her remaining delegates to throw their symbolic support behind Clinton on the convention floor.
“I could be wrong, but the best way I think is to have a strategy where my delegates feel that they have a role and that their legitimacy has been validated,” Clinton said.
Barack Obama spokesman Bill Burton told FOX News that nothing has been decided in terms of the role of Clinton’s delegates.
He said Democrats remain united, despite the hard-fought battle between Clinton and Obama.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
This is gonna be good entertainment! heh heh
LOL she seems to have all her bases covered to very possibly have something happen at the DNC convention.
Obama will not complete his first year in office, if he nominates her for VP. Either by death, sickness or scandal driven resignation, she will assume the Presidency within the year if they let her tag along as VP.
Were I in his shoes, I would sincerely fear for my life with her in the VP slot.

07 Aug

Arabs Deny Obama Camp Returned Illegal Donations

Arabs deny Obama camp returned illegal donations
Candidate’s staffers insist Gaza brothers refunded, but men say, ‘We did not receive any money back’
Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign contends it returned $33,500 in illegal contributions from Palestinians in Hamas-controlled Gaza, but the donors told WND today they have not received any money.
The Wall Street Journal reported it spoke to Obama officials who said the donations from three Palestinian brothers were received between Sept. 20 and Dec. 6 last year, and virtually all of the money was returned by Dec. 6. The campaign said, however, the refunds were not reported to the Federal Election Commission due to a technical error.
The Obama camp insisted the remaining $2,500 was refunded Monday and all of the refunds will be reflected soon in an amended report. The campaign said new controls are in place to prevent any similar attempts in the future.
But WND asked two of the brothers – Monir and Hasam Edwan – to respond to the campaign’s claims.
“No, we did not receive any money back from the Obama campaign at any time,” said Monir Edwan.
Last week, the blog Atlas Shrugs outlined the series of donations made last year by Monir Edwan and Hosam Edwan, totaling $29,521.54. A third brother, Osama, reportedly gave the campaign about $4,000.
The Edwans continue to maintain – as they told WND earlier this week – that the financial transactions made on Obama’s campaign website were not actual donations but purchases of “Obama for President” T-shirts. The transactions, however, were listed as donations in U.S. government election filings.
The donations violate election laws, including prohibitions on receiving contributions from foreigners and against accepting more than $2,300 from one individual during a single election.

Wild Thing’s comment………
Hmmm, Caught in a Trap. Yes, That is where the Obama Campaign is regarding the Edwan brothers from Rafah, Georgia! Or is that Rafah in the Gaza Strip. Not really much difference when you’re the Messiah and can walk on water or do fundraising of soft money under $200.00 that does not have to be recorded the same way as hard money donations over $200.00
But when you’re the Messiah then you can fly all over the world with your collection plate raking in the donations either in CASH or by Credit Card. You have to wonder who passed the plate in Berlin and how the credit card funds rolled in to his campaign cash register. Just selling $20.08 T-Shirts to the fans in Germany. Yes Just words of praise and by my T-shirts for 20.00 each and send me your Twenties, and Fifties and One Hundred dollar donations.
Federal Election Commission
Type in the last name: Edwan
The amount still shown on this site is $31,318.00 as being received and reported by Obama’s campaign.
” technical error”….so that is the excuse Obama’s camp is giving. But since it takes time to get a story out like this one, then how come by this time the ” technical error” has not been fixed. hmmmmmmm

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.

07 Aug

Democrats Kill Ban on Terrorists in Schools

Democrats Kill Ban on Terrorists in Schools
‘Citizens should be outraged lawmakers are playing political games with our safety’
Majority Democrats in the California Assembly have rejected two amendments that would have allowed schools to fire any employee discovered to be part of an extremist terror network and require users of school facilities to affirm they are not terrorists.
England argued lawmakers are charged with the duty of defending their citizens from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

“Yet California Democrats placed their radical political agenda ahead of citizens’ safety by refusing to prevent terrorists from teaching in our schools. Citizens should be outraged that these lawmakers are playing political games with our safety,” she said.

The amendments from Garrick and DeVore “would have required any person or organization seeking use of public school property to sign a ‘statement of information’ declaring they do not advocate the overthrow of our government and are not part of an extremist terror network. Also, any school employee discovered to be part of an extremist terror network could be fired.”
The amendments came as part of discussion on SB 1322, a bill that “will allow communists to teach in public schools and use government property for their meetings,” Capital Resource said.
The traditional values advocacy organization said it has opposed the measure “as we recognize the inherent danger in allowing communists – those who seek the violent overthrow of our democratic republic – access to the impressionable minds of young students.”
Meredith Turney, legislative liaison for CRFI, said

“It really is shocking that at a time when America is still subject to attacks from radical terrorists and communist governments still terrorize their citizens, California Democrats won’t stand up for us. We have brave soldiers putting their lives on the line every day to defend us from such tyranny, but Democrats will not cast a simple vote to do the same here in California. Democrats are quick to side with the latest political cause championing the rights of the oppressed. With their votes today, Democrats have missed their opportunity to make a statement denouncing oppressive communist governments responsible for the misery and suffering of so many worldwide.”

A report from Karen England at the Capital Resource Institute said the amendments were submitted by assemblymen Martin Garrick and Chuck DeVore to a plan that also would allow members of the Communist Party to teach in public schools.

“I am appalled that Democrat lawmakers will not agree to these commonsense amendments,” said England, executive director of CRFI. “My son is currently serving in Iraq to defend our state and nation from terrorists, yet Democrats will not do their part on the homefront to also defend us from such extremists.”

Wild Thing’s comment…………
There really is no doubt on who America’s internal enemies really are — and the clear and present danger they represent. These liberal lawmakers become more despicable every day.
These are the same lawmakers, who tried to ban day care centers, church schools, church baby sitter centers and schools from running criminal background checks to see if the applicants had jail records or were predators.

07 Aug

Left Plans “Nuremberg-Style” Tribunals for Bush Administration Officials

The Left and Plans for “Nuremberg-Style” Tribunals for Bush Administration Officials
National Review
One thing that hasn’t received much attention in conservative and Republicans circles is the ongoing conversation on the left about the possibility of Nuremberg-style war-crimes trials for members of the Bush administration should a Democratic president take office. I’m not exaggerating or introducing the Nazi analogy myself; they actually use the phrase “Nuremberg-style” when they discuss “war-crimes tribunals.” And they are quite serious (although the more moderate of them prefer a “truth commission.”)
At the Netroots Nation gathering in Austin, Texas last month — that is the successor to YearlyKos — Dahlia Lithwick, of the Washington-Post-owned website Slate, did an interview with the Talking Points Memo site in which she described a panel discussion she had just taken part in on what is known as the “first 100 days of accountability.” Among Lithwick’s observations:

“We’re already falling into this trap of either positing Nuremberg-style war crimes tribunals, or nothing, immunizing everyone from John Yoo up and down…but everybody says there’s a lot of gray area in between that, and that accountability doesn’t necessarily mean Nuremberg, it doesn’t necessarily mean nothing, it means possibly a truth commission, possibly appointing a special prosecutor to look at it……”

Lithwick recommended a massive retrospective investigation of the Bush administration, going through every piece of paper, before moving forward:

“Certainly long before we make a decision to do what Stuart Taylor suggested this week, which was immunize everybody in advance, or alternatively make a decision to trot them out before a war crimes tribunal before the whole world, we should really find out what happened……”

But Lithwick recognized that there are those who argue such an action might be divisive:

“We talked a lot about this notion that it’s bad for America, that it will rip America apart if we have hearings or we have criminal trials or if we have war crimes tribunals. And I think it’s really worse for America if we don’t……”

I think the thing to emphasize here is that this is a serious conversation going on among people who might have influential voices or play influential roles in an Obama administration. Many of them want to put John Yoo — a special favorite of theirs — on trial, whether before a Nuremberg-style tribunal, a criminal court, or a truth commission with as-yet unspecified powers. And, of course, they wouldn’t stop with Yoo; if they had their way, they would likely have a long list of former Bush administration officials to put in the dock. They are serious.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
This is very scary! They really dont know when to quit do they?
“But Lithwick recognized that there are those who argue such an action might be divisive: “
Oh really? Gosh do well how obvious is that statement.
Are we sure that Stalan hasn’t been reincarnated as Pelosi? The terrorist-loving left was hoping for a “civil war” in Iraq. If they keep this crap up, they’ll get one here. If they think that they can get away with it, they will do it in a heartbeat. My heart feels afraid BUT my head tells me they will have a tuff time of pulling this off even with the support of what I am posting below all of this in the additional information.
I believe with all my heart that if this country ever comes to something like this, those unlike you and I on here, you know those filled with apathy willl stand up and fight back along side those of us that have been awake all this time. Some people are leaders and others are followers and those with apathy are the followers and just need a fire lit under them. Let’s pray though none of this will come about.
There is an excellent book: War Crimes: The Left’s Campaign to Destroy the Military and Lose the War on Terror
Bestselling author Lt. Col. Robert “Buzz” Patterson (Ret.) He lays bare the Left’s extensive campaign against all things military and how it severely compromises the ability to fight the war on terror.


And here is more information if anyone might want to check it out:
From another article posted last month: This is freightening to say the least. Communisim has got such a strong hold in our awesome, wonderful, oh so special and beautiful America.

“The House Judiciary Committee held a hearing Friday [July 2008] it insisted was not about removing President Bush from office. But critics of Bush’s policies couldn’t pass up the chance to charge the president with a long list of impeachable ‘high crimes and misdemeanors.'”

Speaking of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’, here are some facts put together some time ago regarding the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, John Conyers Jr…
The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, John Conyers Jr of Michigan, is an endorser of the Revolutionary Communist Party call to “Drive Out the Bush Regime”. So, if anyone needs to be ‘investigated’, it’s that SOB. But since the republicans are mostly spineless cowards, I doubt it will ever happen.
Click on the WCW link just below and see: “Endorsers of the Call to Drive Out the Bush Regime Include”. Conyers’ endorsement appears right after Ward Churchill’s. Al Sharpton’s, Maxine Waters and Jesse Jackson Jr’s endorsements are also on the list:
And on Oct 5, 2006, the demonRat chair of the House Judiciary Committee, John Conyers Jr, GAVE A SPEECH to the World Can’t Wait–Drive Out the Bush Regime organization. Here’s full-page coverage of it from the WCW website:
Fact: World Can’t Wait–Drive Out the Bush Regime is a Maoist-revolutionary movement/organization initiated and controlled by the Revolutionary Communist Party. (scroll down the list that appears (after clicking link) to find the World Can’t Wait organization –rwor.org is the website of the Revolutionary Communist Party):
From David Horowitz’s FrontpageMag.com /DiscoverTheNetworks.org:
Profile: World Can’t Wait (WCW)
*Revolutionary communist movement that stages protests against the Bush administration
*Organizes college and high-school students
*Founded in June 2005 by Charles Clark Kissinger, a longtime leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party
From the website of the Revolutionary Communist Party (revcom.us or rwor.org) :

“Create Public Opinion, Seize Power: We are preparing minds and organizing forces for the time when there is a major crack in the system, whenever it comes and wherever it comes from: an opening that makes it possible to bring the future Revolutionary Army of the Proletariat (R.A.P.) into the field and wage a revolutionary armed struggle that actually has a chance of winning. And we have said that building our party itself is the most important part of organizing forces for revolution. This is true now, and it is true looking forward to the creation of that future R.A.P. and the waging of that armed struggle.”:

Also from the Revolutionary Communist Party website: “Tearing Up the U.S. Paper Tiger in Korea: How 300,000 Chinese Troops Snuck into Korea and Kicked the Ass of the U.S. Armed Forces” RW #1059, June 18, 2000:
Here’s the Revolutionary Communist Party (see link below) boasting of a FULL PAGE ‘World Can’t Wait–Drive Out the Bush Regime’ ad of theirs which appeared in the New York Slimes.(either “rwor.org” or “revcom.us” takes you to the website of the Revolutionary Communist Party). The NY Times has since allowed several additional full-page RCP/WCW ads.
Article title: “Who Hated the Bush Step Down Ad in the New York Times? …And what that Tells Us About Why We Must and How We Can Drive Out the Bush Regime”(actual title)

07 Aug

B.Hussein Obama and ACORN

(Obama’s former employer)ACORN hires Child Rapist, Thieves and Drug Dealers for Voter Registration
election journal
KRQE Channel 13 in Albuquerque aired this disturbing report about criminals, including child rapists, persons convicted of fraud and forgery, and drug dealers, being hired by ACORN to solicit voter registrations:
The litany convictions and charges against these individuals is long and this story is not the first problem for ACORN this year nationally or in New Mexico. In June the Dona Ana County Clerk warned citizens about registering with third party groups.
Across the country states like Arizona, Arkansas Louisiana, Nevada, Virginia, Wisconsin and others have warned citizens about registering with and providing sensitive personal information to groups like ACORN.


Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) Speaks At ACORN National Convention About Obama


Fake names get voter registration workers investigated (Obama’s ACORN, again!)
JS Onlline
Criminal investigations could be launched against at least six voter registration workers who tried to add dead, imprisoned or imaginary people to the voter rolls, according to the Milwaukee Election Commission and the organization that employed them.
Officials are reviewing some 200 to 300 fraudulent voter registration cards, Sue Edman, the commission’s executive director, said Wednesday.
And even though the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now caught the fraud and reported it before the cards were turned in, the incident revived a four-year-old partisan debate over the integrity of Wisconsin’s voter registration process, as political groups step up efforts to sign up voters for the Nov. 4 presidential election.
“One woman called us to complain because her husband has been dead for 10 years and a voter registration was submitted,” Edman said.
In about 12 cases, deputy registrars paid by ACORN were “making people up or registering people that were still in prison,” said Carolyn Castore, ACORN’s state political director.
And in other cases, workers used the same address for numerous voters or used driver’s license numbers that did not fit the voters’ birth dates, Edman said. But most of the fraud involved submitting duplicate cards for voters who were already registered, and forging the voters’ signatures, Castore said.
ACORN found the problems and fired a dozen workers, Castore said. Five of them appeared to be working together, she added.
The ACORN effort is part of a massive voter registration drive aimed at the fall presidential election, which is expected to pit Democratic Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois against Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona.

Wild Thing’s comoment……….
ACORN is a Marxist front organization for the left wing and for Obama. This is an extremely radical organization and is one of those that hides in plain site. But VERY dangerous is exactly what it is. They are working one city at a time in their revolution and it has been gaining strength.
Obama was an ACORN leadership trainer. ACORN’s agenda is ” Undisguised authorities socialism”.
Some members are Maxine Waters, John Conyers, and many others.
For the first article, dems would never find it necessary to be careful who they hire, why would they. The Dems love criminals and the low life’s of humanity that walk the earth.
Regarding the second article, yet another case in a long tradition of voter fraud by the democrats.

06 Aug

Pelosi Privately Tells Dems They Can Back Drilling

Pelosi: At-risk Dems back drilling
California Democrat Nancy Pelosi may be trying to save the planet — but the rank and file in her party increasingly are just trying to save their political hides when it comes to gas prices as Republicans apply more and more rhetorical muscle.
But what looks like intraparty tension on the surface is part of an intentional strategy in which Pelosi takes the heat on energy policy, while behind the scenes she’s encouraging vulnerable Democrats to express their independence if it helps them politically, according to Democratic aides on and off Capitol Hill.
Pelosi’s gambit rests on one big assumption: that Democrats will own Washington after the election and will be able to craft a sweeping energy policy that is heavy on conservation and fuel alternatives while allowing for some new oil drilling. Democrats see no need to make major concessions on energy policy with a party poised to lose seats in both chambers in just three months — even if recess-averse Republicans continue to pound away on the issue.

“The reality is we will have a new president in three months, and what Bush and the Republicans are trying to do amounts to a land grab for the oil companies,” said one senior House Democratic aide involved with party strategy. “I don’t think we have to give in at all pre-election — we have many more options postelection.”

It’s a reality that Rep. Nick J. Rahall (D-W.Va.) personally delivered to President Bush recently.
Democratic House aides say the energy agenda has been carefully gamed out in strategy sessions, and Pelosi always intended to take heat on gas prices while tacitly encouraging more vulnerable Democrats to publicly disagree with her and show their independence.
Freshman Democrats like Jason Altmire of Pennsylvania and Don Cazayoux of Louisiana have taken her up on the offer.
Altmire has said a drilling vote “will happen,” while Cazayoux, hoping to hang on to his seat in a conservative Baton Rouge-area district, on Friday sent a letter to Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) demanding a vote on more domestic oil exploration.

“There will be a vote,” said Altmire, who faces a rematch with former GOP Rep. Melissa Hart this fall in the Pittsburgh suburbs.

Indeed, Congress must vote before Sept. 30 to renew the annual moratorium; otherwise, it will lapse on its own, giving states the right to decide whether private companies can search for potential drilling sites three miles offshore. .

“My view is that if we have a vote, let’s make it a rational policy,” said Altmire, whose district includes viable coal and nuclear industries. “We can’t let Republicans hold this issue hostage because of one vote.”

Cazayoux, in his letter, says “the current debate seems to be bogged down in partisan one-upmanship.”
To some extent, House Republicans seem to be playing right along with the strategy, taking Pelosi’s name in vain dozens of times during their rebel House sessions over the past few days and making her the villain who won’t allow oil drilling votes.

“It’s grossly unfair to the Democrats who want a vote,” said Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas). “[Pelosi] needs to cut that out.”

The Senate has also gone with a run-out-the-clock strategy, with Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) calling for a bipartisan energy summit but promising no major energy votes. Reid embraced the drilling and conservation proposals of the bipartisan Senate “Gang of 10” last week, but he made further commitment on the energy debate.
Reid, like Pelosi, is expecting to have a much stronger governing majority in the Senate next year, so he has little incentive to give in to Republicans on energy policy as long as he thinks it won’t hurt Democrats.
Even as they face heat from constituents during the August break, Democrats say they aren’t going to cave in to popular pressure.

“We feel pretty comfortable with where we are,” said Rep. Michael E. Capuano (D-Mass.), who is close to the Democratic leadership. “This is a not a new issue. This just didn’t happen today. We’ve been working on this for months.”

Democratic insiders said that Pelosi and other party leaders were “not rattled” by the GOP floor rebellion, and at this point, it’s not clear if the Democrats will even pay a price on energy. State-level polling conducted by Democrats suggests that voters still view President Bush and the GOP as the incumbent power in Washington, and Democratic strategists believe any anti-incumbent wave would hurt Republicans more than Democrats.

Rep. Jeb Hensarling of Texas, one of the leaders of the rogue GOP House session, said he realizes that Democrats are “in a four-corners stall right now,” and admits that “it gets more challenging” for Republicans if they lose more seats in Congress.

Democrats are also comforted somewhat by the fact that crude oil prices have gone down more than 10 percent from their summer highs, and if the U.S. economy enters a recession, prices may fall further due to slackening demand.

“There is no crisis on our side of the aisle,” a top House Democratic leadership aide said. “We have a plan, and we will stick to it.”


Wild Thing’s comment……….
If the democrats do get a veto proof majority, Socialism will reign in this country. We need a big turnout for ALL Republicans running. That is the only to stop the socialist democrats.
Demoncrat and deceit are synonymous. She is the most bitter, hateful, vitriolic female legislator that ever sat in the halls of congress
She’s trying to save as many democrat seats as possible but a vote for any democrat in the House is a vote for Pelosi. She could care less if even her own voters have to pay high prices this winter or now. For Pelosi it is all about power and nothing more.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.

06 Aug

RNC Delivers Tire Gauges to Obama Press Corps

RNC Delivers Tire Gauges to Obama Press Corps
Fox News
When the Obama press corps arrived at the Elkhart, Indiana, Jameson Inn where the campaign is staying tonight, Obama staffers were on hand to distribute room keys – and a small white envelope from the RNC.
That’s right, the Republican National Committee.
Inside the envelope addressed to individual members of Obama’s regular traveling press, was a small tire gauge labeled “Obama’s Energy Plan” along the side, and a note that joyously read, “Happy Birthday, Barack Obama!”
The RNC along with the McCain campaign seized upon Obama’s advice to a voter last week to properly inflate her tires to increase fuel efficiency, and have managed to create a sideshow to mock Obama’s “judgment” and “experience” when it comes to energy policy.
The RNC doubled down on their humorous assault tonight with its “gift” to the press corps. “We hope you’ll enjoy this complimentary tool related to Barack Obama’s energy plan – your very own tire gauge. Because, instead of actually increasing America’s domestic oil supply, this is how Obama thinks you should try to alleviate your pain at the pump,” the note read.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
LOL this is funny, great idea! hahahahaha
I’ve never seen such a huge chip-on-the-shoulder, take- offense mentality like the one B. Hussein Obama has.. And I think the majority of the American people are getting increasingly sick of it.

06 Aug

Marxist Obama: GOP Detractors ‘Take Pride in Being Ignorant’

Obama responds: ‘It’s like these guys take pride in being ignorant”
Barack Obama, responding to a week of taunts from John McCain’s campaign, said Tuesday that his Republican detractors “take pride in being ignorant” and that it’s time to get serious.
The Illinois senator was responding in part to criticism from Republicans who mocked him for suggesting last week that Americans could save on energy costs and gas by properly inflating their tires. McCain surrogates passed out tire gauges that say “Obama’s Energy Plan,” and McCain said last week the “only thing” Obama has proposed with regard to energy is to inflate tires.

“This is the kind of thing they do. I don’t understand it,” Obama said at a town hall meeting in Berea, Ohio, Tuesday. “Two points: One, they know they are lying about what my energy plan is, but the other thing is they are making fun of a step that every expert says would absolutely reduce our oil consumption by 3 to 4 percent.

“It’s like these guys take pride in being ignorant,” he said.

Also in Berea, Obama (defended his remark about inflating tires, a first response to the favorite Republican attack of the moment, which he’d ignored for a few days as the GOP mailed gas gauges to reporters.


Wild Thing’s comment……….
Ignorant? The Obamaloon couldn’t find America on a map. a-hem …..57 States???
Keep running your mouth, Hussein, your good at one thing, insulting everyone in the country.
At least he didn’t say it was RACIST!!!!!!! That’s an improvement, isn’t it? hahaha

06 Aug

Man At Obama’s Ohio Townhall Shouts Out About Pledge of Allegiance To Be Done

Heckler at Obama event in Berea, Ohio
A man who wore press credentials and took photographs from a platform interrupted Barack Obama’s town-hall meeting Tuesday by shouting complaints that the Democratic presidential candidate had not called for the audience to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Obama invited the heckler to lead the audience in the pledge, and he did.
Asked why he had interrupted the event, the man said: “He (Obama) said it was a town-hall meeting” and open to the public. He expressed dismay that Obama hadn’t called for the pledge himself, saying, “You all learned the pledge in the first grade.”

Wild Thing’s comment……….
The guy has a point and lot of guts. If he is not a plant then I congratulate him. If he is a plant to try and show Obama in some kind of Patriotic light then it stinks to use our Pledge of Allegiance in this way.

06 Aug

Bikers Roar For McCain At Rally

Bikers roar for McCain at Rally: GOP candidate stops at Sturgis
The Rapid City Weekly News
Politicians are used to hearing the roar of the crowd, but Sen. John McCain heard an entirely different roar Monday night at The Buffalo Chip.
Motorcycles pounded out a welcome to the Republican presidential candidate at the campground in Sturgis, as he made a campaign appearance.

“This is my first time here but I enjoyed the sound,” McCain said. “It’s the sound of freedom.”

He noted that his Democratic opponent, Sen. Barack Obama, had received a loud ovation in Berlin during a European tour last week. “I’ll take the roar of 50,000 Harleys any day,” McCain said.

Thousands of bikers, most clad in black T-shirts and leather, cheered for McCain. He appeared with his wife, Cindy McCain, Sen. John Thune and Gov. Mike Rounds during a salute to veterans and people currently serving in the military. The tribute was followed by a concert featuring Kellie Pickler and Kid Rock.
McCain brought a group of national reporters with him to The Buffalo Chip and they were agape as they snapped photos of girls dancing on stripper poles, muscular bikers strolling around and the general air of freewheeling frivolity at the campground.

McCain took the opportunity to blast Congress for taking an August recess in a time of economic peril. “Tell ’em to come back and get back to work,” McCain said.

He said the country needs to “drill offshore and drill now” to alleviate high gas prices.

He also said he would ensure a “respectable closure” to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

McCain discussed several national issues during a half-hour interview on the Straight Talk Express, his famed campaign bus.
He said Thune, whose name has been mentioned as a possible running mate, was a highly accomplished senator but he declined to say if he was under serious consideration for the Vice President slot.
“He (Thune) has made a name for himself in the Senate,” McCain said. “He has led on a variety of issues.”
But he said his campaign team had to “get through the process” before he could discuss potential running mates.
Thune said he doubted he would be chosen, said he feels a governor or senator from a bigger state would be best choice.
McCain also had kind words for Obama, at least as a person.

“I admire him, I respect him, he’s one of the most eloquent speakers to come along in a long time,” McCain said. “(But) we’ve got sharp differences.”

Among them are the war in Iraq, where McCain has long called for an increase in troops and a change in strategy. Obama had called for a quick pullout of troops but has since tempered his stance.
McCain said his consistent approach is one reason his message is getting out and he is gaining support. A national poll released Monday showed him with a narrow lead.

“An overwhelming, whopping one-point lead,” McCain said with a smile.

“We’ll take it,” Cindy McCain interjected.

On the stage, Sen. McCain joked that he noticed there was a beauty contest at the campground and he asked his wife if she would enter. She would have the rare opportunity to serve both as first lady and Miss Buffalo Chip.
The crowd cheered and both McCains smiled.
“We’ve got to have a little humor in the campaign,” Sen. McCain had said earlier during the bus ride. He said the controversial TV commercial that compared Obama to Paris Hilton and Brittany Spears was simply that.
But he had serious comments on health care, saying dramatic changes are needed to prevent the poorest people from getting the least care. That’s also the issue with fuel prices, McCain said, since the poorest people with the oldest cars have the hardest time paying for $4 a gallon fuel.
That’s why he supports expanded drilling for oil.
McCain said he was also concerned about health care for veterans and service members. Some veterans and the South Dakota Democratic Party staged a rally in Sturgis Monday to criticize McCain for supposedly “rationing” health care for veterans and service members, but McCain said they were distorting his words. He said he wanted to send uniformed personnel to regular health care facilities with “a plastic card” to cover the costs while Veterans Administration facilities focus on veterans who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and wounds from improvised explosive devices.
“I’d love to have that debate with Democrats and that group,” he said.
McCain, who was a prisoner of war from 1967-73, said he didn’t suffer from PTSD. “I never had a problem, believe it or not,” he said, attributing much of that to his age, since he was nearly 30 while many current service members are a decade younger. “It took me 15 minutes to readjust.”
He said the current wars are extremely violent and bloody. “That’s tough,” McCain said.
He didn’t have much knowledge on the proposed Deep Underground Science and Engineering Lab (DUSEL) at the former Homestake Gold Mine in Lead. “I’m sure it’s a worthwhile project,” McCain said.
But he said he didn’t support congressional earmarks, which helped to fund the proposed national science lab.
“It breeds corruption,” McCain said, pointing to former congressman Duke Cunningham, who was sent to prison after taking bribes, and Sen. Ted Stevens, the long-serving Republican from Alaska who is under fire for accepting gifts.
“Just let it compete with everything else,” McCain said of items set aside the earmarks. “I just want them to compete fairly.”
Most of the people in the crowd seemed in support of the Arizona senator.
Steve Mitchell of Great Bend, Kan., and Kim Briggs of Oklahoma City said they are McCain backers.
“We just like what he stands for,” Mitchell said.
“I like what he stands for,” Briggs echoed. “I don’t want my hard-earned money to be given away. People here are hard workers, conservative.”
Mitchell and Briggs said they were proud of McCain coming to the Rally, which they have attended five or six times.
“I thought it was great,” Mitchell said.
McCain said he feels the campaign is turning his way and he is finally getting a chance to speak to the American people.
“I think we’re starting to get the penetration on the issues that are important,” he said.

Wild Thing’s comment………
I can’t help it, LMAO I just keep thinking of Obama being at something like this. Not that everyone would want to go or should go, but that Obama would be much more comfortable at a Black Panther rally or slapping the knee of Louis Farrakhan at “let’s hate whitie” luncheon.