09 Aug

The Laws To Be Eligible To Be President

2 campaigns seek ‘truth’ about Obama’s birth
Eligibility for presidency hinges on American citizenship
Israel Insider is reporting that analysts working separately have determined the birth certificate posted on the Daily Kos website and later on Sen. Barack Obama’s “Fight the Smears” campaign website is fraudulent, and now two different actions have been launched to try and obtain the truth about the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee’s birth.
The Israel Insider report said the two analysts it interviewed both have been “able to independently discern the name ‘Maya Kassandra Soetoro’ from artifacts left behind in the process of forging a new fake document for Barack from an image of Maya’s original document.” Maya is Obama’s younger half-sister.
The report follows a posting from another researcher, identified by the news publication as Techdude, that the birth certificate is a forgery because it originally documented the birth of a woman in the 1970s.
Blogger Mitchell Langbert now has launched a petition to the Federal Election Commission in which signers are asking the agency to “take responsibility to verify the eligibility of Mr. Barack H. Obama to be president of the United States.”

Wrote Langbert, “Mr. Obama has refused to produce a physical certified, stamped copy of his birth certificate. An electronically displayed imaged displayed by his official campaign website has alleged to have been a forgery. … We request that the FEC require Mr. Obama to authorize the FEC to obtain an official copy of his birth certificate.”

Ted Moran, who said he wished to be contacted at brotherbear@solomonsstables.org, said he also was launching a campaign to discern the truth about Obama’s birth certificate.
“I am looking for 50 brave men or women from 49 states and the District of Columbia to join me in suing the secretaries of state in our respective states to prevent them from posting the name Barak H. Obama on the November 2008 ballot until he presents incontrovertible proof that he is a … U.S. citizen,” he said. “The secretaries of state are the ones who by placing a person or initiative on the ballot certify that the candidates or initiatives meet the legal requirements to be on the ballot.

“The office of the president is simply too important to trust to someone other than a person whose loyalties are 100 percent American, and while it is impossible to read into the heart of a man or woman we do have the test our forefathers gave us. Which is this office is not to be entrusted to anyone but a natural U.S. citizen,” he said.

Multiple requests over a period of several days by WND to the Obama campaign for a comment or explanation of the birth certificate issue did not generate any response.

The Israel Insider said, “The revelation that [the birth certificate] of Obama’s own sister was evidently used to create the electronic forgery represents what supporters of this analysis claim is a ‘smoking gun’ that appears to implicate Sen. Obama directly. Hawaii law limits access to vital records to family members only, a fact which slowed down the ability of researchers to compare the purported Obama ‘birth certificate’ – which displayed from the start a peculiar provenance and inexplicable features – to genuine specimens. Therefore, it would seem that either Maya K. Soetoro-Ng (as she is now called) supplied the document or its image to half-brother Barack or his campaign, or Obama/his campaign used it without her permission.

“The stakes couldn’t be higher. Even the Snopes anti-rumor site acknowledges that Obama’s constitutional fitness to be president depends solely on his being born in the United States, because his mother – not yet 19 at the time of his birth – would not have had a sufficient number of years as an adult citizen, according to the laws prevailing at the time, to pass on ‘natural born citizenship’ automatically,” the report said.

“There have been reports, so far unconfirmed, that Obama was born outside the country, either in Kenya, his presumed father’s native land, or in Canada. The fact that the Obama campaign has been touting as genuine a forgery since June 12 will likely increase pressure to not only account for the fake but produce a genuine paper birth certificate. Obama, in his book ‘Dreams from My Father,’ specifically mentioned having such a document in his possession, but it has not been submitted for public inspection or analysis if it in fact exists,” the report said.

The forensic computer investigators interviewed by the news publication concluded there are two obvious possibilities for the birth certificate image: A real certificate was scanned and digitally edited or a real certificate was scanned for the graphic layout, then blanked by soaking the document in solvent to remove the toner.
The certificate was published by the Daily Kos June 12 following initial reports questioning Obama’s place of birth. He’s stated he was born in Hawaii, but if that was not the case, his citizenship could be uncertain, since his father was not a citizen and his mother was not old enough to pass along American citizenship automatically.
The issue originally was raised by Jim Geraghty, reporting on the Campaign Spot, a National Review blog. He cited the “unlikely” possibility that Obama’s 1961 birth was not within the U.S.
At the time, he wrote, “If Obama were born outside the United States, one could argue that he would not meet the legal definition of natural-born citizen … because U.S. law at the time of his birth required his natural-born parent (his mother) to have resided in the United States for 10 years, at least [f]ive of which had to be after the age of 16.'”
He then pointed out Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother, was 18 when Obama was born, “so she wouldn’t have met the requirement of five years after the age of 16.”
When the Daily Kos website posted an image that appeared to be Obama’s birth certificate, Geraghty announced he was satisfied.
The presumptive Republican nominee for president, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., already has gone through a similar challenge, and the U.S. Senate responded with a resolution in April declaring him to be a “‘natural born Citizen’ under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States.”

The article declares “no person except a natural born citizen … shall be eligible to the office of president.”

McCain was challenged because he was born to two U.S. citizens in the Panama Canal Zone.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Hmmmmmm maybe he wasn’t born. maybe he was “begotten”….or maybe spawned.
I don’t know the blog in the article but I thought this was interesting how this whole thing keeps gonig and there are so mnay working on it. This one was sent to me, I don’t know this blog either, the person is in Texas and it sure has a lot of information on it.
Texasdarling web site is definitely a Hillary support site. However, they have good evidence,
B.Hussein Obama may be all legit and legal, but something very peculiar is going on. I am also wondering if some some hanky-panky about this topic is going on while Obama is in Hawaii, since it is a big Democrat State and he could get his doc’s in order.
Even if Obama can prove beyond doubt he is a natural born citizen, he used and presented a forgery on his website.
Obama took down the relative high resolution version and put up the crappy compressed version on his website
That by it self would be more than enough to destroy any Republican candidacy.
Obama won his first election by having ALL the other contenders removed from the ballot by extensive and petty challenges to their signers or residency.
Obama played hardball in first Chicago campaign
cnn politics
May 30, 2008

“In his first race for office, seeking a state Senate seat on Chicago’s gritty South Side in 1996, Obama effectively used election rules to eliminate his Democratic competition.
As a community organizer, he had helped register thousands of voters. But when it came time to run for office, he employed Chicago rules to invalidate the voting petition signatures of three of his challengers.
The move denied each of them, including incumbent Alice Palmer, a longtime Chicago activist, a place on the ballot. It cleared the way for Obama to run unopposed on the Democratic ticket in a heavily Democrat district.
“That was Chicago politics,” said John Kass, a veteran Chicago Tribune columnist. “Knock out your opposition, challenge their petitions, destroy your enemy, right? It is how Barack Obama destroyed his enemies back in 1996 that conflicts with his message today. He may have gotten his start registering thousands of voters. But in that first race, he made sure voters had just one choice.”

09 Aug

Singing Puppies To Sleep

….Thank you Yankeemom, this is adorable!

09 Aug

Woman Walks 2,700 Miles To Thank Troops

“Through the course of our lives, we are fortunate enough to receive a multitude of amazing gifts; gifts which, though through another’s’ hard won sacrifice, we freely call our own. The majority of the time we fail to express our gratitude to these selfless heroes, and it is for that reason that generations of men and women serving our armed forces go unnoticed. Yet these men and women have given life, limb and all the creature comforts of home to ensure that liberty and all its freedoms should never fail for You . . . for Me.”

“My name is Keela Carr and I AM an American; a proud daughter of my fore fathers; a grateful recipient of the precious gift of freedom. “

Keela Carr began her Journey of 1,000 Thanks in Barstow, California on Memorial Day, and is scheduled to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington, Virginia on August 8, 2008.

A Journey of 1,000 Thanks spans thousands of miles
Mountain Statesman
On Memorial Day, Keela Carr began a journey. A journey that would take her across the United States on foot in an effort to give thanks to those who have defended her freedom to do so. The goal of her journey was to give 1,000 thanks to 1,000 United States service men and women for the sacrifices and efforts they have given to keep this nation safe and free.
Starting in Barstow, California, this 35-year-old personal trainer from Central Florida, has crossed 12 states thus far in her quest to reach Arlington, Virginia.
Keela is scheduled to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington on August 8, 2008. Her journey has taken her through California, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and West Virginia. Through blisters, rain, nearly unbearable heat, and the occasional critter, (she stepped on a copperhead while traveling through Kansas, and met a very friendly squirrel at the Grand Canyon) Keela has pressed on with what has become a monumental journey of gratitude brought forth through the love of her country. Fourteen pairs of shoes and hundreds of socks later, she is now approaching the last leg of her journey to Arlington.
A life changing visit to Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, DC, helped to inspire her patriotic trek to give thanks to those who serve.
Throughout her long walk, she has been privileged to meet with and thank veterans from all of the branches of the armed services. West Virginia has become one of her more difficult states to walk across. With the absence of a shoulder alongside the road in many areas, she finds herself walking through the weeds and grass in order to remain safe. She left the Mountain Statesman office Monday heading toward Route 50 East and the remainder of her journey.
This is a truly inspirational effort on the part of one woman who has been blessed with the freedoms and liberties afforded her through the efforts of veterans across the United States. Inspired by the commitment these men and women have made over the years, Keela is happy to dedicate this time in her life in showing her appreciation.
Miss Carr snapped pictures and took video along the way and documented her journey on AThousandThanks.us.
She stayed at hotels during the beginning of her walk, but said she began making connections with strangers who heard about her mission. Many of them took her into their homes and fed her.
Fox News video
Keela’s website:
A Thousand Thanks


Wild Thing’s comment………
God belss her!
What a difference in this woman and the likes of Barack and Michelle Obama and anyone else on the left.

08 Aug

Character Counts But Not To Democrats and John Edwards

John Edwards, former Democratic presidential candidate, admits he had an extramarital affair while his wife, Elizabeth, was battling cancer.
The other woman is 42-year old Rielle Hunter, a novice filmmaker. She had a baby in February, but Edwards insists he is not the father.
The National Enquirer first reported the affair in October. At that time Edwards said the story was completely untrue and ridiculous. Now, he is admitting he had an affair.



“In 2006, I made a serious error in judgment and conducted myself in a way that was disloyal to my family and to my core beliefs,” he said in a written statement. “I recognized my mistake and I told my wife that I had a liaison with another woman, and I asked for her forgiveness.”

In an interview set to air Friday night on ABC’s “Nightline,” Edwards acknowledged the affair with 42-year-old Rielle Hunter, which began after she was hired to make documentary videos for his campaign, ABC said.

“You cannot beat me up more than I have already beaten up myself. I have been stripped bare and will now work with everything I have to help my family and others who need my help,” he added in the statement. Read the full statement .

He said that he has not taken a paternity test but that the timing of the affair rules out the possibility that he could be her baby girl’s father.
Andrew Young, a former Edwards campaign aide who is married, has publicly said he fathered the child. The Washington Post reported Friday that Hunter acknowledged Young as the father.

When the tabloid the National Enquirer first reported the affair in October, Edwards flatly denied it, calling the claims “false” and “ridiculous.”


Wild Thing’s comment……….
The not so breaking news of John Edwards having an affair with Rielle Hunter. There are two things happening with this. Edwards being a low life but also the media . The Media should be absolutely ashamed. They ignored this and tried to play it off as non-news, when if it were a Republican candidate, they’d be all over it.
OH we have all been hearing about it, from the gossip magainzes at the grocery store starring at us as we check out to some of the other blogs online discussing this. But not from MSM. Is it news worthy? It is only because he ran for President and did it AFTER he had this on going affair.
So does this mean he will now get to speak at the Rat convention along with Bill Clinton?
Help me out here:
He vehemently denied the affair before.
He now says that he did have an affair but a) the kid is not his and b) when he had the affair, his wife was in remission.
Now, he is visiting his former mistress in a hotel at 2am with someone else’s kid?
This day in history…
Russia and Georgia start a war
The Olympics begin
It’s a Friday afternoon in August
Edwards admits he’s a lying scumbag.
Obama should take note. Today’s the perfect day to admit he’s a marxist and forged his birth certificate.

08 Aug

Russian Army Moving Against Georgian Forces

Russian Army Moving Against Georgian Forces Controlling Capital of Breakaway Province South Ossetia
Fox News
Reuters reports the Pentagon says it has had contact with Georgian officials but have not received a request for assistance..
Parts of Russia’s 58th Army — including 150 tanks and armored vehicles — reportedly were moving Friday on the capital of South Ossetia after Georgian troops entered the city in an attempt to crush separatist forces seeking to control the breakaway province.
Kakha Lamaia, a member of Georgia’s National Security Council, told Reuters the two countries are “very close” to war, if not already at war.

“If it’s not war, then we are very close to it,” Lamaia said. “The Russians have invaded Georgia and we are under attack.”

President Bush and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin reportedly were discussing the Georgia crisis after attending the opening of the Beijing Olympic games.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov told Reuters that he is “receiving reports of ethnic cleansing in villages of South Ossetia.”

Fighting escalated between Georgian and Russian forces escalated earlier in the day with Georgia claiming to have downed four Russian combat warplanes, and Russian planes bombing the Vaziani airbase outside the Georgian capital of Tblisi.
Russian Ground Forces spokesman Col. Igor Konashenkov said that 10 Russian peacekeepers were killed and another 30 wounded durring Georgian shelling of their barracks.
Georgian officials denied firing on the Russian forces.
Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Moscow was receiving reports that villages in South Ossetia were being ethnically cleansed.

“We are receiving reports that a policy of ethnic cleansing was being conducted in villages in South Ossetia, the number of refugees is climbing, the panic is growing, people are trying to save their lives,” he said during televised remarks in Moscow from Russia’s Foreign Ministry.

Georgian troops launched their offensive to regain control over the South Ossetia.
Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili accused Russia, which has close ties to the separatists, of bombing Georgian territory.
Saakashvili also said it was in the United States’ interest to help his country.
But Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said the Georgian attack will draw retaliation and the Defense Ministry pledged to protect South Ossetians, most of whom have Russian citizenship.
Russia’s Channel 1 television earlier showed a convoy of Russian tanks that it said had entered South Ossetia. The report said the convoy is expected to reach the provincial capital within a few hours.
There has been no immediate comment from Russian officials.
Separatist officials in South Ossetia said 15 civilians had been killed in fighting overnight. Georgian officials said seven civilians were wounded in bombing raids by Russia.
Georgia declared a three-hour cease-fire to allow civilians to leave Tskhinvali. Georgia’s Interior Ministry spokesman said troops were observing the cease-fire, which began at 3 p.m. local time (7 a.m. EDT).
A spokesman for President Bush said Russia and Georgia should cease hostilities and hold talks to end the conflict. NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said he is seriously concerned about the fighting and that the alliance is closely following the situation.
Georgia, which borders the Black Sea between Turkey and Russia, was ruled by Moscow for most of the two centuries preceding the breakup of the Soviet Union. The country has angered Russia by seeking NATO membership — a bid Moscow regards as part of a Western effort to weaken its influence in the region.
Saakashvili long has pledged to restore Tbilisi’s rule over South Ossetia and another breakaway province, Abkhazia. Both regions have run their own affairs without international recognition since splitting from Georgia in the early 1990s and built up ties with Moscow.
Relations between Georgia and Russia worsened notably this year as Georgia pushed to join NATO and Russia dispatched additional peacekeeper forces to Abkhazia.
The International Committee of the Red Cross said it is seeking to open a humanitarian corridor to guarantee safe access to Tskhinvali. Maia Kardova, ICRC spokeswoman in Tbilisi, said military vehicles are being given priority on the main road leading to the South Ossetia capital and this is making it difficult for rescue vehicles to get through.
Saakashvili urged Russia to immediately stop bombing Georgian territory.

“Georgia will not yield its territory or renounce its freedom,” he said.

A senior Russian diplomat in charge of the South Ossetian conflict, Yuri Popov, dismissed the Georgian claims of Russian bombings as misinformation, the RIA-Novosti news agency reported.
Russia’s President Dmitry Medvedev later chaired a session of his Security Council in the Kremlin, vowing that Moscow will protect Russian citizens.

“In accordance with the constitution and federal law, I, as president of Russia, am obliged to protect lives and dignity of Russian citizens wherever they are located,” Medvedev said, according to Russian news reports. “We won’t allow the death of our compatriots go unpunished.”

Russian jets bomb Georgian airbase – Tbilisi
TBILISI, Aug 8 (Reuters) – Russian jets bombed the Vaziani military airbase outside the Georgian capital Tbilisi on Friday, a senior Georgian security official told Reuters.
“No one was wounded but some buildings have been destroyed,” said Kakha Lamaia. The airbase is some 25 kilometres (15 miles) from Tbilisi.
“They have declared war against us,” said Lamaia. (Reporting by Matt Robinson, editing by Tim Pearce)
Reuters reports Turkey has agreed to supply Georgia with electricity amid the conflict…
Unofficial separatist sources have claimed that if the conflict was protracted they would be prepared to sabotage the Baku-Supsa pipeline that runs between Azerbaijan and Turkey through Georgia and is a key provider of energy for the EU and the United States *snip* FoxNews reports parts of Russia’s 58th Army — including 150 tanks and armored vehicles — reportedly were moving on the capital of South Ossetia after Georgian troops entered the city.
AFP reports Georgia has lost control of parts of the South Ossetian rebel capital of Tskhinvali amid Russian bombardment … “hundreds of civilians” killed in Tskhinvali.”

Wild Thing’s comment………….
Russia is starting to act like the old USSR. Since then, Georgia has shot down 4 Russian military aircraft, and Russia has retaliated by sending a column of 150+ tanks into Georgia.
We have a military presence in Georgia, and they are an ally.
This could get real ugly, real fast.
We not only have military personel in Georgia, we have had personel at the Vaziani training center since 2002.
Marines and Georgians move to the Field

USMC news about it HERE
VAZIANI TRAINING BASE, Georgia-Hungry Marines and Georgians finally arrive at the end of the chow line giving them their first hot meal of the day and allowing them to continue their conversations over dinner.

….Thank you John 5 (VN 69/70) for sending this.

08 Aug

Gitmo Jury Gives Bin Laden Driver 5 1/2 Years

Military jury gives bin Laden driver just 5 1/2 years
A U.S. military jury sentenced Osama bin Laden’s driver Thursday to just 5 1/2 years in prison, a surprise rebuke to Pentagon prosecutors who portrayed him as a member of the al-Qaida leader’s inner circle worthy of a life sentence.
Salim Hamdan, with credit for time served, will be eligible for release in less than five months, though U.S. authorities still insist they could hold him indefinitely without charge at Guantanamo.
The judge, Navy Capt. Keith Allred, called Hamdan a “small player,” and the jury apparently agreed, rejecting the recommendation of 30 years by prosecutors who said even a life sentence would be fitting in order to send an example to would-be terrorists.

“I hope the day comes that you return to your wife and daughters and your country, and you’re able to be a provider, a father and a husband in the best sense of all those terms,” Allred told Hamdan at the close of the hearing.

The prisoner, dressed in a charcoal sports coat and white robe, responded: “God willing.”
It was an anticlimactic finish to a case that had taken on a special prominence as the first Guantanamo war crimes trial.
The Pentagon pushed forward with Hamdan’s prosecution despite repeated legal challenges that went to the Supreme Court in a 2006 case that struck down the previous rules for the tribunals, prompting Congress and President Bush to craft new ones.
The split verdict on the charges and the relatively lenient sentence appeared to strip away the urgency of the government’s plans to prosecute dozens of Guantanamo prisoners under special rules widely criticized as unfair.
The jury’s sentence now goes for mandatory review to a Pentagon official who can shorten it but not extend it. It remains unclear what will happen to Hamdan once his sentence is served, since the U.S. military has said it won’t release anyone who still represents a threat.

The decision was a “slap in the face” to the Bush administration and its detention policies, said David Remes, a Washington lawyer who represents 15 Yemeni prisoners at Guantanamo.

“They chose to make this a test case. But they never imagined that it would result in such a stunning rebuff,” he said.

The chief defense counsel for the Guantanamo tribunals, Army Col. Steve David, said the government failed in its strategy to link Hamdan to the Sept. 11 attacks.

“The government attempted to inflame the emotions of the panel,” he said. “It didn’t work.”

“Asking for 30 years to life, not only was ill-advised and wholly inappropriate, but was also soundly rejected by the panel,” David said.

Allred said Hamdan, who is from Yemen, would likely be eligible for release through the same administrative review process as other Guantanamo prisoners.
Defense lawyers said Hamdan will have finished his sentence in four months and 22 days.

“It was all for show if Mr. Hamdan does not go home in December,” said civilian defense attorney Charles Swift, who hugged Hamdan after the jurors left the courtroom.

Hamdan thanked the jurors for the sentence and repeated his apology for having served bin Laden.

“I would like to apologize one more time to all the members and I would like to thank you for what you have done for me,” he told the five-man, one-woman jury, all military officers picked by the Pentagon for the first U.S. war crimes trial in a half-century.

While being convicted of supporting terrorism, Hamdan was acquitted of providing missiles to al-Qaida and knowing his work would be used for terrorism. He also was cleared of being part of al-Qaida’s conspiracy to attack the United States — the most serious charges he faced.
Hamdan admitted he drove bin Laden around Afghanistan at the time of the 2001 attacks, but said he took the job without knowing the al-Qaida leader was a terrorist.

It came as “a big shock,” he said, when he learned bin Laden was responsible for the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen, where Hamdan is from.

Still, he kept the job, Hamdan said — he needed the money, and couldn’t go home.

“It’s true there are work opportunities in Yemen, but not at the level I needed after I got married and not to the level of ambitions that I had in my future,” said Hamdan, who has a fourth-grade education.

Reading a prepared statement in Arabic, he said he had a “relationship of respect” with bin Laden, as would any other driver in the al-Qaida motor pool. Hamdan has said he drove mainly low-profile pickup trucks with tinted windows because his boss shunned the Toyota Land Cruisers favored by Afghanistan’s Taliban rulers.
At the time of his capture at a roadblock in Afghanistan in November 2001, Hamdan had two shoulder-launched missiles, but he said the car was borrowed and the rockets were not his. The jury found him innocent of carrying the missiles as part of a conspiracy to kill U.S. soldiers.
Hamdan expressed regret over the “innocent people” who died in the attacks in the United States, according to a Pentagon transcript. His apology couldn’t be heard by reporters because the sound was turned off during part of the proceedings to protect classified information.
The guilty verdict will be appealed automatically to a special military court in Washington. Hamdan also can appeal to U.S. civilian courts, thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court. Defense lawyers say Hamdan’s rights were denied by an unfair process, hastily patched together after the high court ruled that previous tribunal systems violated U.S. and international law.


Wild Thing’s comment………..
So I see the Gitmo close-out sale is on.
This sends a very bad message! This guy is full of it. He said it came as a shock when he realized what bin Laden was and yet he continued to be his driver even though as he states he could have gotten work elsewhere.
Whatever happened to President Bush’s famous “If you support a terrorist, you are a terrorist.” Did these lawyers not hear that speech?
In the mean time, our Border guards,Ramos and Compean, each got over ten years…unbelievable!
This raghead was so trusted by the enemy that he drove their top guy around.
This demonstrates why you can’t treat terrorism as a law enforcement issue, as Clinton did, as Obama and the Democrats want to do.
It also demonstrates why we can’t afford to let Obama nominate the next SCOTUS judges. Don’t forget, it’s our SCOTUS was the one who gave the terrorists all kinds of rights, they should not be entitled to have.
It is not an exaggeration to say that if the Dems take control of the US — and if Obama wins, they will control the White House, Congress, AND shortly the Judicial Branch also — their policies will cost innocent lives, our innocent lives.

08 Aug

One Nation, Under a New Obama Salute

One Nation, Under a New Obama Salute
US News .com
George Bush had his three-fingered W salute that supporters flashed when greeting him at presidential campaign events in 2000.
And now, if a Los Angeles creative agency gets its way, Sen. Barack Obama will see fans meet him with his own salute like the one above.

“Our goal is to see a crowd of 75,000 people at Obama’s nomination speech holding their hands above their heads, fingers laced together in support of a new direction for this country, a renewed hope, and acceptance of responsibility for our future,” says Rick Husong, owner of The Loyalty Inc.

Husong tells me that he got the idea after seeing the famous Obama-Progress poster by artist Shepherd Fairey.

“We wanted to get involved some way,” he says. So, the agency came up with their own a symbol of hope and progress that also plays off Obama’s name. “We thought, ‘Let’s try and start a movement where even while walking down the street, people would hold up the O and you would know that they were for Obama,’ ” says Husong.

Much thought went into the relatively simple idea.

“You interlace your hands in a circle, the interlacing being a symbol of different types of people coming together and the circle a symbol of unity,” he says. Their design, unlike Fairey’s, is free, and Husong is urging people to download it and print it on posters and T-shirts. “We want to see it everywhere, but more importantly we want this sign to take the world by storm.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
So the sign of progress is a big zero?
Notice how everything they do looks Marxist?
Those 75,000 are going to look like they want to wring Obamy’s neck. LMAO
First there was his tacky little “Presidential Seal”, the custom embroidered “Obama President” leather seats on his plane (how much campaign $$ did those cost?), and now this little gesture!! Good grief!

08 Aug

Bill Clinton Offered Speaking Role At Dem Convention

Just a little walk down memory lane…………Bill Clinton on Obama:” Big Fairy Tale” ….(01/08/2008) The former U.S. president rants on Barack Obama’s free pass from the press.

NBC News has learned that the Obama campaign, in an effort to quiet talk of the Obama-Clinton drama, has offered Bill Clinton a speaking role on Wednesday night at the Democratic convention — before the vice presidential running mate speaks.
Sources say that Clinton in fact will speak.
The campaign rushed tonight to resolve the issue after network news reports about the Clintons and Obama.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
I saw Bill Clinton on the news this week and he said he had plenty to say, but not during that interview. Now, I don’t think Bill would have a melt down (publically) at the convention……but there is a what if to it. Remember when Bill Clinton said Barack Obama must ‘kiss my ass’ for his support. LOL That was just a month ago.

08 Aug

Obama’s Hate For America Shows In His Reply To Innocent Child

A 7 year old asked Obama why he was running and this was his reply:

“America, is uh, is… is no longer… uh… what it, it could be, what it once was. And I say to myself, I don’t want that future for my children.” – B.Hussein Obama

Wild Thing’s comment……….
This horrible person Obama, and his hate for our country alone should be enough to not allow him to run for any government office in our land.
The left always thinks what America is about, and what it stands for is BAD. The left could not love America if their life depended on it.
Obama doesn’t care any more about this 7 year old kid than he does this country. He’ll destroy both for political expediency.

America 101 are you listening Obama?

08 Aug

A Man Without A Country He Loves, The Tire Gauge Guru Going To Hawaii

Democratic jitters as Obama heads for Hawaii
financial times
Few people are more likely to need a holiday than Barack Obama. Yet as he heads off on Friday for his first week-long break since he launched his presidential bid 19 months ago, Mr Obama is dogged by rising angst about his campaign’s direction.
Although he has run what is widely acclaimed to be one of the most impressive campaigns in years, Democrats live in fear of Mr Obama falling prey to the kinds of accident that derailed predecessors in earlier cycles.
Democrats say that Mr Obama needs to accomplish two critical things on his return next week. First, he must put on a good event to announce the selection of his running mate. Second, his speech at the party convention in Denver must be exceptional.
In contrast to the jittery nerves among Democrats in general, the Obama campaign conveys serene confidence that it will accomplish both.

Wild Thing’s comment………..
Maybe he’s headed to Hawaii to find another (possibly) counterfeit birth certificate, or maybe he will go to the spot where the Japanese dropped the ONE bomb he spoke of in his speech.
“Few people are more likely to need a holiday than Barack Obama. Yet as he heads off on Friday for his first week-long break since he launched his presidential bid 19 months ago”
The media always LIES, the Obama’s went to the Virgin Islands in March of this year.
“Democrats live in fear of Mr Obama falling prey to the kinds of accident that derailed predecessors in earlier cycles. ”
You mean he might lose in all 57 States?