2 campaigns seek ‘truth’ about Obama’s birth
Eligibility for presidency hinges on American citizenship
Israel Insider is reporting that analysts working separately have determined the birth certificate posted on the Daily Kos website and later on Sen. Barack Obama’s “Fight the Smears” campaign website is fraudulent, and now two different actions have been launched to try and obtain the truth about the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee’s birth.
The Israel Insider report said the two analysts it interviewed both have been “able to independently discern the name ‘Maya Kassandra Soetoro’ from artifacts left behind in the process of forging a new fake document for Barack from an image of Maya’s original document.” Maya is Obama’s younger half-sister.
The report follows a posting from another researcher, identified by the news publication as Techdude, that the birth certificate is a forgery because it originally documented the birth of a woman in the 1970s.
Blogger Mitchell Langbert now has launched a petition to the Federal Election Commission in which signers are asking the agency to “take responsibility to verify the eligibility of Mr. Barack H. Obama to be president of the United States.”
Wrote Langbert, “Mr. Obama has refused to produce a physical certified, stamped copy of his birth certificate. An electronically displayed imaged displayed by his official campaign website has alleged to have been a forgery. … We request that the FEC require Mr. Obama to authorize the FEC to obtain an official copy of his birth certificate.”
Ted Moran, who said he wished to be contacted at brotherbear@solomonsstables.org, said he also was launching a campaign to discern the truth about Obama’s birth certificate.
“I am looking for 50 brave men or women from 49 states and the District of Columbia to join me in suing the secretaries of state in our respective states to prevent them from posting the name Barak H. Obama on the November 2008 ballot until he presents incontrovertible proof that he is a … U.S. citizen,” he said. “The secretaries of state are the ones who by placing a person or initiative on the ballot certify that the candidates or initiatives meet the legal requirements to be on the ballot.
“The office of the president is simply too important to trust to someone other than a person whose loyalties are 100 percent American, and while it is impossible to read into the heart of a man or woman we do have the test our forefathers gave us. Which is this office is not to be entrusted to anyone but a natural U.S. citizen,” he said.
Multiple requests over a period of several days by WND to the Obama campaign for a comment or explanation of the birth certificate issue did not generate any response.
The Israel Insider said, “The revelation that [the birth certificate] of Obama’s own sister was evidently used to create the electronic forgery represents what supporters of this analysis claim is a ‘smoking gun’ that appears to implicate Sen. Obama directly. Hawaii law limits access to vital records to family members only, a fact which slowed down the ability of researchers to compare the purported Obama ‘birth certificate’ – which displayed from the start a peculiar provenance and inexplicable features – to genuine specimens. Therefore, it would seem that either Maya K. Soetoro-Ng (as she is now called) supplied the document or its image to half-brother Barack or his campaign, or Obama/his campaign used it without her permission.
“The stakes couldn’t be higher. Even the Snopes anti-rumor site acknowledges that Obama’s constitutional fitness to be president depends solely on his being born in the United States, because his mother – not yet 19 at the time of his birth – would not have had a sufficient number of years as an adult citizen, according to the laws prevailing at the time, to pass on ‘natural born citizenship’ automatically,” the report said.
“There have been reports, so far unconfirmed, that Obama was born outside the country, either in Kenya, his presumed father’s native land, or in Canada. The fact that the Obama campaign has been touting as genuine a forgery since June 12 will likely increase pressure to not only account for the fake but produce a genuine paper birth certificate. Obama, in his book ‘Dreams from My Father,’ specifically mentioned having such a document in his possession, but it has not been submitted for public inspection or analysis if it in fact exists,” the report said.
The forensic computer investigators interviewed by the news publication concluded there are two obvious possibilities for the birth certificate image: A real certificate was scanned and digitally edited or a real certificate was scanned for the graphic layout, then blanked by soaking the document in solvent to remove the toner.
The certificate was published by the Daily Kos June 12 following initial reports questioning Obama’s place of birth. He’s stated he was born in Hawaii, but if that was not the case, his citizenship could be uncertain, since his father was not a citizen and his mother was not old enough to pass along American citizenship automatically.
The issue originally was raised by Jim Geraghty, reporting on the Campaign Spot, a National Review blog. He cited the “unlikely” possibility that Obama’s 1961 birth was not within the U.S.
At the time, he wrote, “If Obama were born outside the United States, one could argue that he would not meet the legal definition of natural-born citizen … because U.S. law at the time of his birth required his natural-born parent (his mother) to have resided in the United States for 10 years, at least [f]ive of which had to be after the age of 16.'”
He then pointed out Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother, was 18 when Obama was born, “so she wouldn’t have met the requirement of five years after the age of 16.”
When the Daily Kos website posted an image that appeared to be Obama’s birth certificate, Geraghty announced he was satisfied.
The presumptive Republican nominee for president, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., already has gone through a similar challenge, and the U.S. Senate responded with a resolution in April declaring him to be a “‘natural born Citizen’ under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States.”
The article declares “no person except a natural born citizen … shall be eligible to the office of president.”
McCain was challenged because he was born to two U.S. citizens in the Panama Canal Zone.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Hmmmmmm maybe he wasn’t born. maybe he was “begotten”….or maybe spawned.
I don’t know the blog in the article but I thought this was interesting how this whole thing keeps gonig and there are so mnay working on it. This one was sent to me, I don’t know this blog either, the person is in Texas and it sure has a lot of information on it.
Texasdarling web site is definitely a Hillary support site. However, they have good evidence,
B.Hussein Obama may be all legit and legal, but something very peculiar is going on. I am also wondering if some some hanky-panky about this topic is going on while Obama is in Hawaii, since it is a big Democrat State and he could get his doc’s in order.
Even if Obama can prove beyond doubt he is a natural born citizen, he used and presented a forgery on his website.
Obama took down the relative high resolution version and put up the crappy compressed version on his website
That by it self would be more than enough to destroy any Republican candidacy.
Obama won his first election by having ALL the other contenders removed from the ballot by extensive and petty challenges to their signers or residency.
Obama played hardball in first Chicago campaign
cnn politics
May 30, 2008
“In his first race for office, seeking a state Senate seat on Chicago’s gritty South Side in 1996, Obama effectively used election rules to eliminate his Democratic competition.
As a community organizer, he had helped register thousands of voters. But when it came time to run for office, he employed Chicago rules to invalidate the voting petition signatures of three of his challengers.
The move denied each of them, including incumbent Alice Palmer, a longtime Chicago activist, a place on the ballot. It cleared the way for Obama to run unopposed on the Democratic ticket in a heavily Democrat district.
“That was Chicago politics,” said John Kass, a veteran Chicago Tribune columnist. “Knock out your opposition, challenge their petitions, destroy your enemy, right? It is how Barack Obama destroyed his enemies back in 1996 that conflicts with his message today. He may have gotten his start registering thousands of voters. But in that first race, he made sure voters had just one choice.”
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