29 Aug

Obama’s Speech Bottom Line ~ His Win Will Cost Us Billions and or Trillions

Obama spoke to an audience of 84,000 ….his speech if you can stand it. LOL

A heaping plate of new government programs to be paid for by yep you go it all of us.
His spech was ineffective; because he did not give America any credit at all for being the greatest country in the world, the only country everyone turns to when they’re in trouble, and for kicking the OTHER Hussein out of existence.
During his speech he looked angry for most of it. Maybe using that as a punch to act tuff or maybe he is ticked about the Ayers ad, the home runs McCain’s ad’s have been hitting.
Of course he blames Bush and McCain for everything. He combined the two ( Bush and McCain ) in all his complaints.
Everytime he mentions our military I cringed and felt sick to my stomach. I don’t like him even mentioning our troops or anything about our miilitary since I know he hates it.
This is a photo at the end of his speech, hello B. Hussein and Michelle, where are the smiles. haha

28 Aug

Lacking In Good Judgement and Experience Obama Seeks To Be Worshiped

Photoshop image by Tennyson Hayes

Greek Tragedy?
ABC news
So all the buzz today was supposed to be about two big Wednesday speeches — Bill Clinton’s and Joe Biden.
Why, then, is everyone in Denver talking about stagecraft?
It’s simple: Reporters got their first glimpse of the stage where Barack Obama will deliver his speech tomorrow night at Invesco Field. Reuters described the set as similar to a “Greek temple.”

Said one Democrat: “This is a disaster of mythical proportions.” Said another: “It’s not enough that he wants to be president — he wants to be Zeus.” Said the first: “Will he send down thunderbolts from the mountain?”

Those are the Democrats — though assuredly not Obama partisans. Cue the Republicans: The RNC blasted around an e-mail referring to the “Temple of Obama.”

“Tomorrow you’re going to see Obama come down from Olympus to be among us mere mortals,” Michael Steele, the former lieutenant governor of Maryland, told reporters in Denver.

Senior Obama advisers dismiss the comparisons. There will be columns, they say, but it won’t look like a Greek temple — or even the White House portico.
“It looks like any state capitol,” one adviser tells ABC News. “It’s a bunch of columns.”

For the candidate who brought you his very own faux-presidential seal, this is not a good perception. Obama aides insist that the set is staying, and that it won’t look as bad as it sounds right now; the real backdrop, they say, will be his supporters.
It raises anew the larger issue: After Berlin, and the “Celebrity” ads, does Obama want to accept the nomination in front of a screaming crowd of 75,000 people?

Reports indicate the stage will be configured like a Greek temple with giant pillars aligning the forum. When Obama is announced, he is expected to emerge from in between the Greek-style columns to address what certainly will be a frantic throng. There have been concerns voiced by some Democrats who believe Obama is seen as an elitist who is out of touch with common Americans. The setting for his acceptance speech will only add credence to that notion. Obama’s appearance before that adoring throng will create images of the surreal.
It is an over-the-top glorification of a man who has accomplished little in public life to deserve the adulation.

Has He Lost His Mind?
by Charles Krauthammer

The Berlin folly — in English.
The Superbowl Halftime Show — without the game.
What’s the finish? Maybe Obama’s got Zhang Yimou to do the hidden-rope trick, and have him lifted, Beijing-style, to the heavens when he’s done. Will he reappear three days later at the Bird’s Nest?
Or maybe he’ll just do a Napoleon and coronate himself. By the time Napoleon made himself emperor, he had won the Battles of Lodi, of Arcole, of Rivoli, of the Pyramids and of Marengo. And had promugulated the Napoleonic Code. He had yet to write a single autobiography.


Wild Thing’s comment………
This is Obama’s idea, I heard on TV that he and his camp came up with it on the plane during his Obama semi ego tour.
So much for Obama not wanting to be thought of as elitist.

28 Aug

UH- UH- Obama Seeks Solitude To Write Big Ole Speech

Obama Preps in Solitude for Speech
by Carrie Budoff Brown
For three days in a row, Barack Obama traded his Hyde Park home for a solitary Park Hyatt hotel room.
He needed space to think, on his own. With no aides and a small security detail, he put his pencil to his legal pad and worked on a nomination acceptance speech that pundits will inevitably compare to the 2004 Democratic National Convention address that catapulted him into political stardom.
Facing expectations much higher this time around, Obama was ensconced inside the downtown luxury hotel — alone, according to aides — preparing for the biggest speech of his career.
He worked on it for 20 hours, until past midnight each day.

“I am still tooling around with my speech a little bit,” Obama said Sunday.

In an obvious attempt to lower the bar, he said “it may not be as good as the headliners of the other three nights, but hopefully it will make clear the choice that the American people are going to face in November.”
— snipet —
But after campaigning in Wisconsin, Obama flew home, worked out and made the 20-minute trip from Hyde Park to the Hyatt. His motorcade disappeared into a private garage, as did Obama in the hotel for the next seven hours. He emerged at 2 a.m., sitting in the back seat of an SUV, his head either bowed in exhaustion or buried in materials on his lap.

“He can clear his thoughts and write without the distractions of home,” Obama spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.

He has collaborated with speechwriters and top aides, but with many of them in Denver already, Obama has worked alone at the hotel, Psaki said.
The late-night sessions shed light on the meticulous preparations that are going into the speech. Expectations will undoutedly build this week as the media revisits Obama’s 2004 convention performance and speculate about the impact of this year’s address.

“This speech requires more thought, more preparation,” Obama told the Chicago Tribune in an interview published Saturday. “I’m not focused on trying to match the soaring rhetoric or levels of excitement that we had four years ago. This is much more a yeoman-like task of making the case for my presidency.”

Wild Thing’s comment……….
“He worked on it for 20 hours, until past midnight each day.”
I call this baloney!! There are only 24 hours in the day (unless Barry thinks that there are 57 hours). That gives him four hours to sleep, eat, listen to people chant his name, etc.
Obama preps……..
First, look at the teleprompter on the left.
Then over to the right. Back to the left and then pause and gaze into the teleprompter in the middle.
Now stare at the crowd as they chant my name.
Back to teleprompter on the right. Then Left. Then middle.
More chanting…More teleprompters.

28 Aug

Update: Latest About The American Issues Project Obama Ad ” Know Enough”

Counterpunch from American Issues Project Regarding their Ad that the Obama Camp does NOT want anyone to see.
American Issues Project ( AIP) sends the same message to the DOJ’s Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Keeney and turns the tables on the Chicago thugs:
Re: Response to August 25, 2008 Letter to DOJ from Obama Presidential Campaign (“Second Letter”)
Dear Mr. Keeney:
Yet again, the Obama for America campaign has sent a letter to you and your office, demanding now that the Department of Justice prosecute one of the donors to American Issues Project, Inc., (“AIP), a non-profit organization which is presently sponsoring advertisements to which the Obama campaign objects.
As stated in my letter sent in response to the Obama campaign’s first letter, AIP has not violated the law, is not violating the law and is taking every possible precaution to assure that it does not violate the law in the future.
The Obama campaign dislikes the content of AIP’s advertising – but is unable to contradict the facts contained in the ad. That is precisely why the ad is presently being broadcast by numerous television stations. It is accurate, documented, and truthful.
The Obama Campaign has specifically called on the Department of Justice to prosecute a donor to AIP, whose contribution was disclosed publicly in accordance with federal law. See 11 C.F.R. §109.10.
Information contained in AIP’s FEC Form 5, filed on August 19, 2006 was attached to the Obama Campaign’s Second Letter to DOJ and information contained in the filing forms the basis for the Obama Campaign’s latest demands of you and the Department.
The Obama Campaign’s request gives rise to a significant legal and constitutional question: that is, whether the Department of Justice would seriously undertake the prosecution of a citizen under pressure from a prominent government official / political candidate, relying on information contained in truthful and accurate government filing, disclosed in accordance with federal law. There are serious Fifth Amendment self-incrimination issues involved in a situation whereby a criminal prosecution could be ordered at will by political pressure on your Department based solely on a timely and accurate federal government disclosure.
AIP has sought and received the voluntary after-tax contributions of donor(s) to support its policy objectives, which happen to differ from those of the Obama Campaign. Rather than addressing the facts contained in the AIP advertisement, it has instead set about to “deal” with AIP through your Department.
This is, however, only the latest in a series of brazen public statements and efforts by liberal Democratic operatives and agents of the Obama Campaign to silence their critics and organizations with whom they disagree, by initiating what they acknowledge is a concerted national effort announced in recent weeks to intimidate, harass and otherwise bully conservative donors.
An organization calling itself “Accountable America” announced two weeks ago its intent to obtain publicly filed disclosures to attempt to coerce donors to conservative causes to stop making contributions and essentially threatening potential donors into not making contributions to conservative groups. Like the Obama Campaign, this group of operatives is using information obtained from legally mandated public disclosures to identify and target for their attack donors to conservative causes.
Of course, should the Department decide to yield to the pressure from the Obama Campaign and undertake its requested ‘investigations’ of donors to politically related conservative causes, the Department would necessarily be required to do so in an even-handed, non partisan and non-ideological approach. In that regard, the Department would be required to review all donors to all causes and political / policy organizations, whose contributions exceed $5,000 per calendar year to any such causes, the vast majority of which are donors to liberal causes, not conservative ones.
Based on calculations from the Center for Responsive Politics (www.crp.org ) the following are leftwing donors whose substantial contributions to political causes in the last three election cycles have consistently landed each of them on the top donors list and surely each of these donors warrant the Department’s review, scrutiny and prosecution, if the Obama Campaign standard is to be applied evenly:
George Soros:
2004: $23,450,000
2006: $ 3,542,500
2008 (to date) $ 4,650,000
Steven Bing:
2004: $13,852,031
2008 (to date) $ 4,850,000
Peter Lewis:
2004: $22,997,220
2006: $ 1, 624,375
2008 (to date) $ 850,000
Herb and Marion Sandler:
2004: $13, 008, 459
Linda Pritzker:
2004: $3,300,000
2006: $2,101,000
John Hunting:
2006: $1,647,000
2008 (to date) $1,243,000
Alida Messinger
2004: $ 3,580,200
2006: $ 1,042,000
2008 (to date) $ 883,000
Pat Stryker:
2006: $ 1,331,293
2008 (to date): $ 300,000
Jon Stryker:
2006: $ 1,271,313
2008: $ 604,054
The list is quite lengthy and this is but a partial list of those the Department would be obligated to pursue if it bows to the demands of the Obama Campaign to undertake investigations of wealthy donors making large contributions to political causes. The Obama Campaign should be aware that most of the donors on the list are individuals who consistently support left-wing, liberal and Democratic causes. And most of the donors listed above have made public statements regarding their intent to use their wealth to impact the outcome of federal elections should the Department need further evidence of their activities.
The letters from the Obama Campaign to you and your Department are a gross misuse of the power and prestige of that organization. However, because of the environment in which we function, it is important that AIP respond to the ongoing baseless allegations in the letter war now being waged against it by the Obama Campaign.
AIP has violated no provision of law. The donor(s) to AIP have violated no provision of law. However, if the Department of Justice decides to initiate investigations of donors to AIP and other conservative political and policy organizations, as well as the activities of citizens groups such as AIP, we will be prepared to counter such efforts with our list of targets and entities with which we disagree politically and philosophically for the Department to also investigate and prosecute.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Cleta Mitchell
Cleta Mitchell, Esq.
Counsel, American Issues Project


Wild Thing’s comment…………
Let’s start when Obama conplained about having ears written about, then he complained about being called a liberal, then it was announced that he did not want anyone using his middle name. Then after his wife bashed America in sayiing it was the first time blah blah blah she was proud of America………WE were told Michelle was off limits. She put herself in the political frey and then turned in to the little wife of don’t pick on me I am just the wife and not running for office. BS!
Then the truth starts to come out by people other then bloggers and talk show hosts. And American Issues Project hit a home run. ALL the truth and about Obama. God forbid anyone speaks the truth about Obama from his ears to his past.
This is a sample of what it will be if he becomes President, he will control the media, the talk shows, the blogs as well. He will silence all these things if given the chance, and his reaction to this ad above proves it.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.

* Michelle Malkin

28 Aug

Glenn Beck Parody of B. Hussein Obama

Glenn Beck Parody base on the Hymn “Gimn Sovetskogo Soyuza” (The National Anthem of the Soviet Union)

27 Aug

Obama Speech Stage To Resemble Ancient Greek Temple

Obama speech stage resembles ancient Greek temple
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s big speech on Thursday night will be delivered from an elaborate columned stage resembling a miniature Greek temple.
The stage, similar to structures used for rock concerts, has been set up at the 50-yard-line, the midpoint of Invesco Field, the stadium where the Denver Broncos’ National Football League team plays.
Some 80,000 supporters will see Obama appear from between plywood columns painted off-white, reminiscent of Washington’s Capitol building or even the White House, to accept the party’s nomination for president.
He will stride out to a raised platform to a podium that can be raised from beneath the floor.

The show should provide a striking image for the millions of Americans watching on television as Obama delivers a speech accepting the Democratic presidential nomination.
Politicians in past elections have typically spoken from the convention site itself, but the Obama campaign liked the idea of having their man speak to a larger, stadium-sized crowd not far from where the Democratic National Convention is being held, at the Denver pro basketball arena.
Obama was taking a page from the campaign book of John Kennedy in 1960 when the future president delivered his acceptance speech to 80,000 people in the Los Angeles Coliseum.
Once Obama speaks, confetti will rain down on him and fireworks will be fired off from locations around the stadium wall.
Democratic convention organizers said the theme for the evening is “Change We Can Believe In,” which has been a consistent message of Obama’s presidential campaign
Oscar-winning actress and singer Jennifer Hudson will sing the national anthem that night.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Wow, talk about a huge ego. You can’t make this stuff up. This is incredible. It should be a Roman temple. The convention is more like a scene from “Caligula.”
Caligula had delusions of grandeur. Obama thinks he’s the world’s Colossus. Nothing is big enough to define him!
“Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad.” —Euripides
Will he waft from amidst the columns and dance, like Isadora Duncan? hmmmmm let’s see there’s Zeus, Poseidon, Hades and now Obama, god of Hope. YIKES!
Obama as an effete Athenian against the Spartan McCain.
A Nairobi hut would be cheaper don’t you think? hahaha

27 Aug

Pelosi to protesters: “Can we drill your brains?”

Pelosi to protesters: “Can we drill your brains?”
House Democratic leaders and protesters waving McCain signs had a war of words Tuesday at a press event outside an old train station. The demonstrators interrupted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with chants of “Drill here! Drill now!”
Pelosi paused and asked the group, “Right here?”
Seeming to enjoy the back and forth, she followed with another question: “Can we drill your brains?”
She went on to refer to the protesters, who continued to chant sporadically, as “handmaidens of Big Oil.” Arguing that increased offshore drilling would reduce gas prices by only a couple of pennies a decade from now, she referred to the demonstrators as the “2-cents-in-10-years-crowd.”
Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer swiped at the demonstrators, too, saying that “sophomoric chanting” won’t solve the energy crisis and that “all thinking Americans know” — stressing the word “thinking” and looking at the crowd — that America doesn’t have a quarter of the word’s fossil fuels yet uses a quarter of the world’s energy.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
There is something definitely wrong with her, amazing! At least her positions on energy and partial birth abortion are consistent with one another. Pelosi defends drilling the brains out of little innocent babies as a “right”; she’d have no trouble drilling the brains out of adult Republicans if she thought she could get away with it.
I always liked the Winston Churchill retort to the woman who said that if he were her husband she’d serve him poison. His response: ‘Madam, if you were my wife, I’d drink it’…

27 Aug

Catholics Not Happy With Abortion Lover Pelosi

Bishops say Pelosi misrepresented abortion teaching in TV interview
Catholic News Servics
The chairmen of the U.S. bishops’ pro-life and doctrine committees criticized House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, saying she “misrepresented the history and nature of the authentic teaching of the Catholic Church on abortion” in a nationally televised interview Aug. 24.
Pelosi, D-Calif., who is Catholic, said in an appearance that day on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that church leaders for centuries had not been able to agree on when life begins.
An Aug. 25 statement by Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia and Bishop William E. Lori of Bridgeport, Conn., said the church since the first century “has affirmed the moral evil of every abortion.”
“The teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable,” the statement said. “Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law.”
Cardinal Rigali heads the Committee on Pro-Life Activities of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, while Bishop Lori chairs the USCCB Committee on Doctrine.
The statement recalled how in the Middle Ages “uninformed and inadequate theories” about the development of a child in a mother’s womb led some theologians to suggest that human life capable of receiving an immortal soul may not exist until a few weeks into pregnancy.
“While in canon law these theories led to a distinction in penalties between very early and later abortions, the church’s moral teaching never justified or permitted abortion at any stage of development,” the church leaders said.
However, they added, scientists discovered more than 150 years ago that a new human life begins with the union of sperm and egg, making such a biological theory obsolete.

“In keeping with this modern understanding, the church teaches that from the time of conception (fertilization), each member of the human species must be given the full respect due to a human person, beginning with the respect for the fundamental right to life,” Cardinal Rigali and Bishop Lori concluded.

The USCCB response came after Pelosi told interviewer Tom Brokaw “we don’t know” when life begins.
“The point is, is that it shouldn’t have an impact on the woman’s right to choose,” she said.
Citing the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade, Pelosi said specific considerations must be undertaken during each trimester of a child’s development before an abortion can be performed.
“This isn’t about abortion on demand. It’s about careful, careful consideration of all factors … that a woman has to make with her doctor and her God,” she told Brokaw. “And so I don’t think anybody can tell you when life begins, human life begins. As I say, the Catholic Church for centuries has been discussing this.”
She also said her goal is to make abortion safe and rare while reducing the number of abortions nationwide.
Other bishops weighed in after Pelosi’s interview, reiterating the church’s long-standing teaching on abortion.
Archbishop Donald W. Wuerl of Washington said that while he respected the right of public officials to address public policy issues “the interpretation of Catholic faith has rightfully been entrusted to the Catholic bishops.”

Quoting from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the archbishop noted that the church has maintained its teaching on the “moral evil of every procured abortion” since the first century. “From the beginning, the Catholic Church has respected the dignity of all human life from the first moment of conception to natural death,” he said.

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput and Auxiliary Bishop James D. Conley of Denver, where the Democratic National Convention is taking place Aug. 25-28, called Pelosi a “gifted public servant” but questioned her knowledge of Catholic teaching.

“Ardent, practicing Catholics will quickly learn from the historical record that from apostolic times the Christian tradition overwhelmingly held that abortion was grievously evil,” the Denver bishops said. “In the absence of modern medical knowledge, some of the early fathers held that abortion was homicide; others that it was tantamount to homicide; and various scholars theorized about when and how the unborn child might be animated or ‘ensouled.’

“But none diminished the unique evil of abortion as an attack on life itself and the early church closely associated abortion with infanticide. In short, from the beginning, the believing Christian community held that abortion was always gravely wrong.”

The bishops called the “right to choose” an alibi that contradicts Christian and Catholic belief.

“The duty of the church and other religious communities is moral witness. The duty of the state and its officials is to serve the common good, which is always rooted in moral truth. A proper understanding of the ‘separation of church and state’ does not imply a separation of faith from political life. But, of course, it’s always important to know what our faith actually teaches,” they concluded.

Cardinal Edward M. Egan of New York said he was shocked to learn of Pelosi’s comments, saying that her view on theologians and their positions on abortion was “not only misinformed” but “utterly incredible in this day and age.”

He said evidence of the development of human life can be detected at an early age thanks to modern technology, and photographs and video have proven “the living realities within their pregnant mothers.”

“No one with the slightest measure of integrity or honor could fail to know what these marvelous beings manifestly, clearly and obviously are, as they smile and wave into the world outside the womb,” he said in an Aug. 26 statement. “In simplest terms, they are human beings with an inalienable right to live, a right that the speaker of the House of Representatives is bound to defend at all costs for the most basic of ethical reasons. They are not parts of their mothers, and what they are depends not at all upon the opinions of theologians of any kind.”

And there is also this………..
Washington archbishop rips Pelosi on abortion
The Hill
In a rare public rebuke of a top politician, the archbishop of Washington said Monday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was incorrect when she recently said the moment of conception has long been a matter of controversy within the Catholic Church.
Wuerl noted that Pelosi responded to a question on when life begins by mentioning she was Catholic.

“After Mr. Tom Brokaw, the interviewer, pointed out that the Catholic Church feels strongly that life begins at conception, she replied, ‘I understand. And this is, like, maybe 50 years or something like that. So again, over the history of the church, this is an issue of controversy,’ ” the release said.

Wuerl strongly disagrees.

He said, “We respect the right of elected officials such as Speaker Pelosi to address matters of public policy that are before them, but the interpretation of Catholic faith has rightfully been entrusted to the Catholic bishops. Given this responsibility to teach, it is important to make this correction for the record.”

Wuerl pointed out that the Catechism of the Catholic Church is clear, and has been clear for 2,000 years. He cited Catechism language that reads, “Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception … Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law.”

A Pelosi spokesman did not immediately comment for this article.

Wild Thing’s comment………..
No one with the slightest measure of integrity or honor could fail to know what these marvelous beings manifestly, clearly and obviously are…
Obama and Nancy do not.
She didn’t misrepresent … she lied.
The list of bishops speaking out is growing, it is really getting long, too long to put all the various qoutes here. Pelosi is in trouble big time. LOL
I am not Catholic , I am a Christian but I don’t belong to any church and even without being a Catholic, there is NO WAY Pelosi could be “confused” on what the Catholic Church teaches in regards to abortion. Pelosi should be ashamed of herself presuming to speak for the Catholic Church in order to give the appearance that it somehow agrees with her pro-abortion political views.
Also the last few days I have been reading that Catholics are not only upset with Pelois but also Obama on his love for abortion and Biden as well. With Obama’s even more radical stance on Obama as if that was possible is sending the Catholics into a frenzy.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.

27 Aug

New McCain Ad on Obama ~ ” Tiny”

John McCain ad out this morning called, “Tiny.” It focuses on the grave threat Iran poses to the survival of Israel, and Barack Obama’s lack of understanding of that danger.

Wild Thing’s comment…………
Regarding the last seveal ads for McCain they are definately one of the most effective advertising campaigns ever run by Republicans. I would have to go back to Reagan to recall an ad campaign as effective as these ads by McCains camp.

27 Aug

That darn modem!

Hi everyone!
Just a quick note, so sorry, I should have done this last nite, but I wasn’t feeling all that wonderful….
Our loverly hostess, Ms. Wild Thing, is having a touch of trouble with her modem. The darn thing appears to be unable to do what modems are supposed to to do, and allow communication between the computer and the internet. End result, Wild Thing can’t connect.
The modem doctor has been called, and is expected to make a house call today. Things should be back to normal soon!