17 Sep

Joe Biden Tells Us How Very Smart He and Obama Are ~ Heh heh

1988 Road to the White House with Sen. Biden
In this 1988 Road to the White House, Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) about his plans to run for president and outlined his political agenda. He was also asked about his academic record.
The reporter asks Biden what Law school did you attend and where did you finish in your class?
Biden gets ticked off by the question and…………………..

LMAO I love old movies, and as I watched this video of Joe Biden it reminded me of a very old movie I have always liked. ” The Man Who Came To Dinner” and Jimmy Durante sings a song , ‘Have you ever had the feeling that you wanted to stay….’ ….that sounds just like Biden with his

I bring these two videos up because of what Joe Biden said at a rally in Flat Rock, Michigan on Monday.
(September 15, 2008):
Joe Biden declares Obama too smart for some voters:

“The Republican party and some of the blogs and others on the far right, are trying very hard to paint a picture of this man, they’re trying the best as they can to mischaracterize who he is and what he stands for.

“All this stuff about how different Barack Obama is, they’re not just used to somebody really smart. They’re just not used to somebody who’s really well educated. They just don’t know quite how to handle it. Cause if he’s as smart as Barack is he must not be from my neighborhood.”

LOL If the ‘One’ is so smart, then he wouldn’t mind releasing his college transcripts.
A few of Barack’s Bloopers:
Obama thinks he visited 57 States.
Obama saw dead people in his audience on Memorial Day.
He can’t pronounce the state “Massatusitts”.
Obama claims he did not know the true nature of ‘Reverend’ Wright, Tony Rezko, William Ayers and ‘Father’ Pflager, yet “knows” that Sarah Palin lacks experience.
Obama thinks his granny is a ‘typical white person’.
Obama and his advocating a Breathalyzer for asthmatic children
Obama’s idea of a good vice presidential candidate is…Joe Biden.

No Biden, you slug, we fear Obama because he is a Marxist, racist, Communist. The man hasn’t a brain, he is a drone.

17 Sep

My Name Is Barack Obama and I Am A Teleprompter Addict



Obama’s teleprompter hits the trail
CNN politics
It appears Barack Obama’s teleprompter is hitting the campaign trail.
The Democratic presidential nominee has never tried to hide the fact he delivers speeches off the device, though normally he doesn’t use one at standard campaign rallies and town hall events.
But the Illinois senator used a teleprompter at both his Colorado events Monday — making for a particularly peculiar scene in Pueblo, where the prompter was set up in the middle of what is normally a rodeo ring.


Wild Thing’s comment………….
If Obama is elected, I wonder if he will have a teleprompter when he sits down with foreign dignitaries. I’m sure he doesn’t want to say too many “ums” and “uhs” in front of Ahmadinejad. He will have to travel with it every place he goes, every country, every State dinner, everywhere.
Obama, when asked a question during the debates:
“Uh..uh… Jim, can you please load up teleprompter script number 23?”

17 Sep

$9,000,000.00 Change Obama Can Believe In !

Guests arrive at the Greystone mansion in in Beverly Hills, Calif., for a fundraiser for Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama D-Ill. Tuesday Sept. 16, 2008.

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) — Barack Obama partied with Hollywood celebrities Tuesday night and with the help of Oscar-winning singer and actress Barbra Streisand raised an eye-popping $9 million for his presidential campaign and the Democratic Party.
The night was split into two glitzy events, a reception and dinner costing $28,500 each at the Greystone Mansion, followed by entertainment by Streisand at the nearby Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel. About 250-300 people were expected at the dinner and about 800 at the entertainment, which cost $2,500 a ticket.
Dinner guests seen by reporters, or noted by waiters, included Will Ferrell, Jodie Foster, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jamie Lee Curtis and DreamWorks founders Steven Spielberg, David Geffen and Jeffrey Katzenberg.
Obama spent more than an hour before dinner getting his picture taken with guests. He said later that people had encouraged him to be tougher and had questioned why he was so calm in a close race against Republican John McCain.
“I’m skinny but I’m tough,” he said. “I’m from Chicago and we don’t play. Just keep steady.”
“If we can cut through the nonsense and the lipstick and the pigs and the silliness, then I’m absolutely convinced that we are going to win,” Obama said, referring to some of the offbeat charges raised against him.
“The reason I’m calm … is I’ve got confidence in the American people,” he said. “I really think they want to see us do better.” Standing in the courtyard of the palatial estate, he said his campaign was dedicated to people who need jobs and health care and worry about their pensions and sending children to college.
“It’s about those who will never see the inside of a building like this,” Obama said.
He said the economic turmoil in recent days had been sobering for America. “It’s reminded people that this is not a game. This is not a reality show, no offense to any of you,” Obama said to laughter. “This is not a sitcom.”
It was a day of contrasts for Obama. Earlier in the day, the Democratic presidential candidate spoke about the public’s deepening economic anxieties and portrayed Republican challenger John McCain as out of touch with the needs of hardworking people.
Then he flew to California for a night of hobnobbing with Hollywood notables.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
LOL Well see Obama has got to pay for those styrofoam Greek columns.
It’s enough for 500 – 600 teleprompter systems. heh heh

17 Sep
17 Sep

Sarah Palin Commander -in- Chief of Alaska National Guard

Soldiers of the 49th Missile Defense Battalion defend America from an intercontinental ballistic missile threat 24 hours a day, seven days a week, while maintaining competency in all warrior tasks. (Photo by Sgt. Jack W. Carlson III, Unit Reporter, 49th Missile Defense Battalion.)

U.S. Northern Command brought the 100th Missile Defense Brigade (Ground-Based Midcourse Defense) to operational level for the first time in response to the July 2006 North Korean missile crisis. Previously maintained in test mode, the brigade, headquartered at Colorado Springs, Colorado, and its 49th Missile Defense Battalion (Ground-Based Missile Defense) at Fort Greely, Alaska, remained at high alert status for the duration of the crisis.

Gretta VanSustren interviews Major General Craig E. Campbell from the Alaska National Guard speaks of Sarah Palins actual role in commanding her state’s National Guard forces.

Wild Thing’s comment………..
The Democrats hate this so much, they truly hate it when there are so many good things about Sarah Palin. I think it is because it reminds them of how useless they ( the democrats ) are.

16 Sep

Gov. Sarah Palin Rally in Golden, Colorado

Sarah Palin Speech, at The Jefferson County Fairgrounds, Golden, Colorado on Sept 15, 2008

Republican vice presidential candidate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin shakes hands with Denver police officers before getting on her airplane in Denver, Monday, Sept. 15, 2008

from a Veteran that attended the rally…..

“I was one of the first that she met and I asked her to sign my boonie hat. I gave her my marker and she signed my hat and asked if she could use the marker to sign someones ticket. I told her that she could keep the marker.”


VIDEO of her speech….Parts 1 and 2

As far as how many attended the video site says 5,000. I also heard more then that, so not sure.

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, addressed the problems with the U.S. economy during a campaign stump in Golden, Colorado Monday morning.

Governor Palin was met with loud cheering and applause. She was very upbeat and forceful in speaking about the economy. She said she and McCain believed that the regulatory laws needed to be reformed, and that she was glad to hear that the Fed refused to bail out another financial institution at the expense of the American taxpayers. She spoke about the connections between Alaska and Colorado, and of course introduced her husband Todd. She spoke about support for the vets, and made several new statements on issues facing this nation.

“This crisis is an issue of real concern for the people across this great country. It’s taking a toll on this economy…I’m glad to see that in this case the Federal Reserve and the Treasury have said “no” to bail out another one — this time Lehman Brothers,” said Palin.

“This crisis happened for several reasons, which have to be addressed right now. Our regulatory system is outdated and it needs a complete overhaul. Washington has ignored this. Washington has been asleep at the switch,” said Palin.

“John McCain and I are going to put an end to the mismanagement and abuses in Washington and on Wall Street that have resulted in this financial crisis. We are going to reform the way Wall Street does business,” said Palin.

As I watched these videos, it occurred to me how many times she would stop in the middle of her speech to applaud her audience. I can’t remember seeing that done quite like that before. She seems to appreciate her audience, in a way that other politicians don’t.
When she asked to acknowledge the military members in the crowd, ( second video ) she not only clapped for them, but she also joined in the “USA” chant with the group. She didn’t seem ill at ease or impatient to resume her talk. She just sort of slips in and out of being the crowd.
Sarah Palin just loves people. You get the feeling she really is in this for nothing more than service to country.
God bless McCain/Palin 2008!!!!!
God bless America!!!!

16 Sep

Obama Is ‘owed’ The Presidency – If He Loses It’s Whitey’s Fault

Lena Horne – Stormy Weather (1943)

The Big ‘What If’
The hopes of black America ride on his shoulders. But the outcome’s way up in the air.
Washington Post ………. for entire article it is two pages
By Randall Kennedy
( Randall Kennedy, a Harvard University law professor, an African American and an Obama supporter)

If Obama loses, I personally will feel disappointed, frustrated, hurt. I’ll conclude that a fabulous opportunity has been lost. I’ll believe that American voters have made a huge mistake. And I’ll think that an important ingredient of their error is racial prejudice — not the hateful, snarling, open bigotry that terrorized my parents in their youth, but rather a vague, sophisticated, low-key prejudice that is chameleonlike in its ability to adapt to new surroundings and to hide even from those firmly in its grip.

If Obama is defeated, I will, for a brief time, be stunned by feelings of dejection, anger and resentment. These will only be the stronger because the climate of this election year so clearly favors the Democrats, because this was supposed to be an election the Republicans couldn’t win, and because in my view, the Obama ticket is obviously superior to McCain’s.

But I hope that soon thereafter I’ll find solace and encouragement in contemplating this unprecedented development: A major political party nominated a black man for the highest office in the land, and that man waged an intelligent, brave campaign in which many millions of Americans of all races enthusiastically supported an African American standard-bearer.

I hope that I’ll take to heart the wisdom offered by two of my students. “Obama losing,” one wrote, “would be hurtful, but it still spells substantial progress. . . . Change WILL come — the wheels have been set in motion.” Declared the second: “Sometimes you have to believe in the change before it comes (and in the face of its apparent defeat) for the change to be possible.”

Wild Thing’s comment………
Yo, Randall, he be losing cuz he be a Commie. Can you dig it?
OK well how about this…….I’m voting against the half-white part of him that is an asshole. heh heh There that settles that! hahaha
This idea that the Democrats and a black man are owed the presidency is highly insulting. Especially considering that Obama is an awful candidate who insults the voters as bitter and most always sounds angry when giving a speech.
All HO-bama has going for him is race and his mastery at manipulating the weak-minded to support him on this basis. And this writer of this article is a racist!
The truth is that rather than bridge and heal the racial divide, Obama and his supports in particular, have made the racial divide worse, far worse.
I had a conversation at the gym with a left winger who said blacks will riot if Obama loses. He expected me to be scared.
Fine with me I said, it won’t be the first time. I moved to Florida from the Los Angeles area I know all about blacks and their riots and killing people and burning businesses in their own neighborhoods. If rioters come to my neighborhood and threaten our homes, we’ll shoot then down like dogs.
He hadn’t thought of that. lol
When the riots happened in Los Angels, they were spreading as far as Las Vegas where the blacks there were also trying to start things up. The casino’s had some ” friends” that stood across one of the main streets in the black area, long coats and big guns and they made an announcement to the possible rioters not to even THINK about it. hahaa It worked.
I will never forget that week, it lasted for almost 5 days of fires and horrible things we saw on TV. If we drove on the freeways we could see smoke and flames from all the fires the had started. And guess what Obama’s friend, Oprah did. She invited some of the gang members on her show so they could tell about how ruff their lives were and why they deserved to be upset and do what they did. I will never forget that as long as I live. I had never seen her show and have not seen it since that one day. We watched it that one time to see what on earth she wanted them on her show for and we sure found out.
One gang member told about how he asked a man passing him on the sidewalk for a match or light for his cigarette and after the man gave it to him he shot him and then put his smoke out on his chest as the man laid there dying. Apparently there was some kind of deal made with Oprah’s show that these gang members could talk and not get arrested with anything they said or something.
I remember a few years ago Randall Kennedy complained that when he and a white colleague approached a check-in desk at a hotel at the same time, the clerk addressed the white guy first. This is a guy who has a paranoid delusional concept of racism. An illustration of how emotional intensity distorts perceptions and judgment. And he’s a Harvard law professor, passing this crap on to a bunch of soon to be lawyers. Good luck America.
So here is how this stupid formula works:
You are white + You don’t vote for Obama = You are racist.
It doesn’t matter that you’re a Republican and also didn’t vote for Carter, Dukakis, Clinton, Gore or Kerry. If you’re white and you don’t vote for Obama, then you are a racist.
It doesn’t matter that you’re a conservative and wouldn’t dream of voting for a left wing liberal. If you’re white and you don’t vote for Obama, then you are a racist.
It doesn’t matter that you don’t like the idea of a presidential candidate belonging to a church where the minister shouts “G. D. America!” from the pulpit; having a too-close association with a former and still-unrepentent flag-stomping terrorist; and doing real estate deals with a sleazy slumlord. If you’re white and you don’t vote for Obama, then you are a racist.
It doesn’t matter that you think Obama is wrong on national defense, wrong on taxes, wrong on abortion, and a long list of other issues. If you’re white and you don’t vote for Obama, then you are a racist.
If this is how Harvard University law professors like Randall Kennedy think, then they are even stupider than I thought they were.

16 Sep

False Prophet, Cult Leader Deepak Chopra Is Afraid Of Sarah Palin

Deepak Chopra on Palin: Don’t Elect Another Reagan
Sources :
newsmax …for complete article
Huffington Post
Holistic-health hawker Deepak Chopra has joined far-left Sarah Palin bashers, writing that Palin’s conservative views reverse “40 years of feminist progress,” and admonishes voters not to “elect another Ronald Reagan.”

Chopra, in an article entitled, “Obama and the Palin Effect” in The Huffington Post, says that Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin appeals to base emotions, “exhorting people to obey their worst impulses.”

He writes that Palin lurks as an anti-Obama “shadow” and says she appeals to the part of the psyche that counters virtues with negative qualities, such as “fear, anger, violence, selfishness, and suspicion of ‘the other.’”

Citing Palin’s successful small-town appeal and growing values-voter appeal, which have been hugely effective in garnering women voters, Chopra says “she can add mom to apple pie on her resume, while blithely reversing 40 years of feminist progress.”

And in a slam to Republican standard-bearer Ronald Reagan, Chopra advises voters that “it would be a shame to elect another Ronald Reagan, whose smiling persona was a stalking horse for the reactionary forces that have brought us to the demoralized state we are in.”

Part of his contempt for the Alaska governor derives from Chopra’s interpretation of Palin’s values.

He writes that her “small-town values” are “a denial of America’s global role, a return to petty, small-minded parochialism.”

This is what he says Sarah Palin stands for:

“Look at what she stands for:
–Small town values — a denial of America’s global role, a return to petty, small-minded parochialism.
–Ignorance of world affairs — a repudiation of the need to repair America’s image abroad.
–Family values — a code for walling out anybody who makes a claim for social justice. Such strangers, being outside the family, don’t need to be heeded.
–Rigid stands on guns and abortion — a scornful repudiation that these issues can be negotiated with those who disagree.
–Patriotism — the usual fallback in a failed war.
–“Reform” — an italicized term, since in addition to cleaning out corruption and excessive spending, one also throws out anyone who doesn’t fit your ideology.”

Palin reinforces the overall message of the reactionary right, which has been in play since 1980, that social justice is liberal-radical, that minorities and immigrants, being different from “us” pure American types, can be ignored, that progressivism takes too much effort and globalism is a foreign threat.

The radical right marches under the banners of “I’m all right, Jack,” and “Why change? Everything’s OK as it is.” The irony, of course, is that Gov. Palin is a woman and a reactionary at the same time. She can add mom to apple pie on her resume, while blithely reversing forty years of feminist progress.

It would be a shame to elect another Reagan, whose smiling persona was a stalking horse for the reactionary forces that have brought us to the demoralized state we are in. We deserve to see what we are getting, without disguise.

Wild Thing’s comment………
A false prophet backs a false messiah.
This guy is a major-league charlatan and fraud. Hey Deepak….there’s a Community in India that needs organizing…..go back.
What is greater than the love of God, Family, Country that Sarah’s life demonstrates or the qualities that are exhibited by Obama’s friends…Racism, Class envy, Violence, Arrogance, Deceit?
It is good to know this guy’s opinion. He also claims you can prevent and reverse cataracts by brushing your teeth, scraping your tongue, spitting into a cup of water, and washing your eyes for a few minutes with the mixture.
Chopra and Obama are both in the false hope peddling business.
He remiinds me of Jim Jones as well as his followers the same kind of brain dead people walking this earth.
He’s got it exactly backwords. Gov Palin represents optimisim, American exceptionialism, and the belief that our country is the greatest beacon of freedom in the free world. The Obamessiah is the shadow. He represents the metastasizing scourge of our nation that says America is the cause of every ill on the planet and that she deserves to be brought to her knees and subjugated to tinpot dictators, fascists and extremists.
I pray the majority of Americans have clearer vision than Deepak Chopra and his benefactor, rascist Oprah Winfrey.
1. Small town values — a nostaligic return to simpler times disguises a denial of America’s global role, a return to petty, small-minded parochialism. 2. Ignorance of world affairs — a repudiation of the need to repair America’s image abroad.”
Oh boy. I think he should stick to scamming people with his “enlightenment” routine. LOL And for 15G a weekend, Deepak will help you “get in touch with your higher self”.
LMAO ….Hey Chopra, have you met Joe Biden yet????


….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.

16 Sep

Obama Tried To Stall GI’s Iraq Withdrawl

Obama and General Petraeus

Obama Tried To Stall GI’s Iraq Withdrawl
NY Post
WHILE campaigning in public for a speedy withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, Sen. Barack Obama has tried in private to persuade Iraqi leaders to delay an agreement on a draw-down of the American military presence.
According to Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, Obama made his demand for delay a key theme of his discussions with Iraqi leaders in Baghdad in July.

“He asked why we were not prepared to delay an agreement until after the US elections and the formation of a new administration in Washington,” Zebari said in an interview.

Obama insisted that Congress should be involved in negotiations on the status of US troops – and that it was in the interests of both sides not to have an agreement negotiated by the Bush administration in its “state of weakness and political confusion.”

“However, as an Iraqi, I prefer to have a security agreement that regulates the activities of foreign troops, rather than keeping the matter open.” Zebari says.

Though Obama claims the US presence is “illegal,” he suddenly remembered that Americans troops were in Iraq within the legal framework of a UN mandate. His advice was that, rather than reach an accord with the “weakened Bush administration,” Iraq should seek an extension of the UN mandate.

While in Iraq, Obama also tried to persuade the US commanders, including Gen. David Petraeus, to suggest a “realistic withdrawal date.” They declined.

Obama has made many contradictory statements with regard to Iraq. His latest position is that US combat troops should be out by 2010. Yet his effort to delay an agreement would make that withdrawal deadline impossible to meet.
Iraqi leaders are divided over the US election. Iraqi President Jalal Talabani (whose party is a member of the Socialist International) sees Obama as “a man of the Left” – who, once elected, might change his opposition to Iraq’s liberation. Indeed, say Talabani’s advisers, a President Obama might be tempted to appropriate the victory that America has already won in Iraq by claiming that his intervention transformed failure into success.
Maliki’s advisers have persuaded him that Obama will win – but the prime minister worries about the senator’s “political debt to the anti-war lobby” – which is determined to transform Iraq into a disaster to prove that toppling Saddam Hussein was “the biggest strategic blunder in US history.”
Other prominent Iraqi leaders, such as Vice President Adel Abdul-Mahdi and Kurdish regional President Massoud Barzani, believe that Sen. John McCain would show “a more realistic approach to Iraqi issues.”
Obama has given Iraqis the impression that he doesn’t want Iraq to appear anything like a success, let alone a victory, for America. The reason? He fears that the perception of US victory there might revive the Bush Doctrine of “pre-emptive” war – that is, removing a threat before it strikes at America.
Despite some usual equivocations on the subject, Obama rejects pre-emption as a legitimate form of self -defense. To be credible, his foreign-policy philosophy requires Iraq to be seen as a failure, a disaster, a quagmire, a pig with lipstick or any of the other apocalyptic adjectives used by the American defeat industry in the past five years.
Yet Iraq is doing much better than its friends hoped and its enemies feared. The UN mandate will be extended in December, and we may yet get an agreement on the status of forces before President Bush leaves the White House in January.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
This is huge (and serious) — Iraqi Foreign Minister says Obamessiah tried to interfere with negotiations about the status of forces agreement and impending US troop withdrawals to try to push everything later….. he claims he wants troop withdrawals but he interfered to try to prevent any progress before the election.
Report is that Obama tried to derail impending decisions on troop withdrawals and status-of-forces agreement, obviously to benefit his own political prospects!!!! If this is not treason it is the first cousin of treason. Working privately to try to derail official US govt. negotiations in a WAR zone over such highly sensitive and important matters.
“Obama insisted that Congress should be involved in negotiations on the status of US troops “
Oh, dear God help us. He’s got absolutely no clue about the separation of the executive and legislative branches, and which one is actually the commander-in-chief. We CANNOT let this bozo Obambi get into power. His stupidity is simply overwhelming.
Another paragraph in the article sums up what is going on, although of course Obama will try to deny it:
“Obama has given Iraqis the impression that he doesn’t want Iraq to appear anything like a success, let alone a victory, for America. The reason? He fears that the perception of US victory there might revive the Bush Doctrine of “pre-emptive” war – that is, removing a threat before it strikes at America.”
The Logan Act makes it a felony and provides for a prison sentence of up to three years for any American, “without authority of the United States,” to communicate with a foreign government in an effort to influence that government’s behavior on any “disputes or controversies with the United States.”
I cannot express the seething rage I feel right now towards that arrogant little parasite.
There is also this:

Face to face with Iraq’s leaders, Barack Obama gained fresh support yesterday for the idea of pulling all U.S. combat forces out of the war zone by 2010. But the Iraqis stopped short of actual timetables or endorsement of Obama’s pledge to withdraw troops within 16 months if he wins the presidency.

Obama was over there directly undermining the White House’s current negotiations:

The White House expressed unhappiness about Iraqi leaders’ apparent public backing for Obama’s troop-withdrawal plans and suggested the Iraqis may be trying to use the U.S. presidential election as leverage for negotiations on the United States’ presence and future obligations in the country.

“We don’t think that talking about specific negotiating tactics or your negotiating position in the press is the best way to negotiate a deal,” White House press secretary Dana Perino said after al-Maliki was quoted in a magazine article supporting Obama’s proposed 16-month troop withdrawal timeline. Al-Maliki’s spokesman, al-Dabbagh, initially appeared to try to discredit the magazine report but yesterday expressed anew hopes that U.S. combat forces could be out of Iraq by 2010.

The Bush administration has refused to set specific troop-level targets but last week offered to discuss a “general time horizon” for a U.S. combat troop exit.

Obama Plans Trip Pre-Election Day Visit to Iraq and Afghanistan
Among the issues being discussed with the two presidential candidates is the long-term security accord between Iraq and the United States. While the Bush administration would like to see an agreement reached before the summer’s political conventions, Mr. Obama said today that he opposed such a timetable.
“My concern is that the Bush administration, in a weakened state politically, ends up trying to rush an agreement that in some ways might be binding to the next administration, whether it’s my administration or Senator McCain’s administration,” Mr. Obama said. “The foreign minister agreed that the next administration should not be bound by an agreement that’s currently made.”

Obama doesn’t deserve to have a shack on a city dump with this kind of Traitorous Behavior, Obama is SCUM! Trying yet to bring DEFEAT TO IRAQ solely for HIS SUCCESS! Obama, who’s name we dont really know, and who’s citizenship we are denied knowledge of is a DISGUSTING, PERVERTED, RADICAL MUSLIM TERRORIST!!!
This has been on Drudge, Rush talked about it and also Rush mentioned possible Logan Act violation, Mark Levin talked about it as well, Fox News, and online Fox news has it, and Fox and Friends and in the links I have posted in the above information. It’s also on Yahoo as the most ‘blogged story’ !!! GOOD! The power of the internet and conservative talk shows and some at Fox too.
I hope it gets more legs and not put aside but brought out more and more into the open. I know, no, we all know how the media will stand by Obama no matter what. But there are stilll some holdouts that have character and love America and we all know that too. Those are the ones we need to hope and pray make this what it is HUGE news.
Could this be even beyond The Logan Act if it’s about an ongoing war? Why not treason?
Oba,a’s camp denial. They are blaming the Iraqi for misunderstanding BO! ( Politico ) SHEESH in the article they bring up McCain and he has absolutely NOTHING to do with this story at all.
Obam Denial posted at Fox
Obama camp calling Iraqi FM a liar…. by implication (or else Taheri got it wrong?)….. boy, I hope Taheri has his ducks in a row, that the Iraqi FM stands by the statement, that this story does simply melt away in a “he said, he said” cloud.
Rush transcript
On Summer Trip to Iraq, Obama Tried to Delay US Troop Pullout

RUSH: Amir Taheri today in the New York Post, a damning piece, but typical. This tells us everything we want to know about The Messiah, Barack Obama, the Lord, the Most Merciful One. “While campaigning in public for a speedy withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, Sen. Barack Obama has tried in private to persuade Iraqi leaders to delay an agreement on a draw-down of the American military presence. According to Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, Obama made his demand for delay a key theme of his discussions with Iraqi leaders in Baghdad in July.” Mike, grab One Night in Baghdad from the parody archive songs from Shanklin. Let me know when you’ve dug it out there. “‘He asked why we were not prepared to delay an agreement until after the US elections and the formation of a new administration in Washington,’ Zebari said in an interview. Obama insisted that Congress should be involved in negotiations on the status of US troops – and that it was in the interests of both sides not to have an agreement negotiated by the Bush administration in its ‘state of weakness and political confusion.’ … Obama has made many contradictory statements with regard to Iraq. His latest position is that US combat troops should be out by 2010. Yet his effort to delay an agreement would make that withdrawal deadline impossible to meet. … According to Zebari, the envisaged time span is two or three years – departure in 2011 or 2012. That would let Iraq hold its next general election, the third since liberation, and resolve a number of domestic political issues. Even then, the dates mentioned are only ‘notional,’ making the timing and the cadence of withdrawal conditional on realities on the ground as appreciated by both sides.”

Now, you might be saying, “What’s the big deal about this?” Well, two things. Number one, Obama has been clamoring for these troops to get out of there now, now, now. Obama was part of the cabal that wanted defeat of the US military this year. He wanted defeat of the US military this year. He wanted them out this year. He wanted to hang defeat around the neck of George W. Bush and run against that. Now all of a sudden he wants a delay in the withdrawal of troops so that he can say he did it and fulfill a campaign pledge to the kook fringe. What does this remind you of? Here we have a genuine October Surprise story. Remember when they falsely accused George Bush 41 of going over to Paris to make sure the Iranians kept the US hostages until after the November election 1980 so that Reagan would get the credit. There was never any basis for that story, just the seriousness of the charge, there was never any basis to the truth of that story and yet here’s Obama doing exactly what Democrats accused George Bush 41 of doing in 1980. What a slimeball! You people on the left, do you understand your guy wants troops in Iraq until at least 2012 now, if out then, so that he can be the guy in charge of saying “I got ’em out.” I guess now we know what Obama did One Night in Baghdad.

We knew that Obama’s summer trip was bad, but we had no idea he was playing games with our troops for his benefit. So he goes to Berlin, he trashes the country, skipped a visit to wounded soldiers when he was in Berlin, let’s not forget this. And now we found out he’s playing games with the lives of our troops, maybe even a Logan Act violation, going there and asking the Iraqi guy, as a mere senator, “Hey, can’t you delay your political action here?” That trip overseas was a disaster. It was beginning of the end of the bloom coming off the rose. This is not experience, this is not judgment, this is change, but it’s breaking a law and his faith with his followers and our troops. Barack Obama asking the Iraqi foreign minister to keep US troops longer than the commanders on the ground think they are needed. Stop and think of that!

McCain Responds to Obama’s Reported Undermining of the Commander-In-Chief During Wartime
The McCain Campaign has issued a statement responding to the report from Amer Taheri that Sen. Obama secretly negotiated with the Iraqi government regarding U.S. withdrawal from Iraq. McCain spokesman Randy Scheunemann stated as follows:

At this point, it is not yet clear what official American negotiations Senator Obama tried to undermine with Iraqi leaders, but the possibility of such actions is unprecedented. It should be concerning to all that he reportedly urged that the democratically-elected Iraqi government listen to him rather than the US administration in power. If news reports are accurate, this is an egregious act of political interference by a presidential candidate seeking political advantage overseas. Senator Obama needs to reveal what he said to Iraq’s Foreign Minister during their closed door meeting. The charge that he sought to delay the withdrawal of Americans from Iraq raises serious questions about Senator Obama’s judgment and it demands an explanation.

16 Sep

Rangel Being ( Maybe) Being Told To Step Down From Committee Chair

Pelosi Asks Rangel To Step Down From Committee Chair
New York Post
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi yesterday privately pushed Rep. Charlie Rangel to give up his chairmanship of the influential House tax-rules committee amid explosive revelations that his personal tax filings were riddled with errors and omissions, a wellplaced source said.
Rangel, the Democratic chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, has been resisting growing calls to step down from the high-profile leadership role since The Post reported the Harlem congressman failed to disclose rental income from his Dominican Republic beach home.
Rangel subsequently admitted owing at least $10,000 in back taxes and became a target of Republican political attacks.

One member of the New York congressional delegation who supported Pelosi’s decision said, “You have to have one standard – you can’t have one for [Republicans] and one for us.”

Rangel himself remained mum on his sitdown with Pelosi after exiting a later, separate meeting with fellow Democratic committee members.

“I am unable to say anything,” he said before bizarrely rattling off his name, rank and serial number from his Korean War days. “Do to me what you want, I’m not talking.”

The 76-year-old politician smiled when asked if he was still chairman of the powerful tax panel.
Pelosi later denied through spokesperson Nadeam Elshami that she has asked Rangel to step aside.

And a committee member, Rep. Sander Levin (D-Mich.), asked if Rangel was still in charge, replied, “You’re damn right he’s the chairman.”

But in an indication that Rangel may have to fight to keep his position, he scheduled an emergency meeting with the New York delegation today, a source said.
Meanwhile, Rangel was still using his leadership position as an inspirational tale for kids at Harlem’s Democracy Prep Charter School yesterday.

“It was that education that took a 23-year-old high-school dropout to the Ways and Means Committee,” he said.

Rangel’s lawyer said the congressman would hire a forensic accountant to review his tax filings over the past 20 years.
He also may have to account for why he didn’t properly disclose the sale of a Washington, DC, home in 2000, the various values he placed on his former Sunny Isles, Fla., condo, and the wild fluctuations he recorded for his personal investments.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Rangel stepping down? I’ll believe it when I see it.
What crooks the dems are if even the NYSlimes points it out. And whatever happened to William Jefferson, D-Freezer, and his 90K graft money?
Culture of Corruption.
Most Ethical Congress in History.
Right, Queen Nancy?
And speaking of corruption I wonder when will Reid have the courage to fire Senator Dodd from the banking committee? He received sweetheart loans from banks over which he supposedly had oversight. He received hundreds of thousands in campaign donations—more than any other senator— from Fannie Mae and Fannie Mac. He needs to leave that committee. The corrupt son of a corrupt father.