20 Sep

McCain/Palin Campaign Calender and Schedule

These are the ones announced so far at the website:
09/22/2008 Town Hall Meeting: Monday September 22nd in Scranton, PA Please join John McCain for a Town Hall Meeting on Monday September 22nd in Scranton, PA.
09/22/2008 Victory Rally: September 22 in Media PA Please join Senator John McCain & Governor Sarah Palin for a Victory Rally in Media, PA on Monday September 22, 2008. Scheduled for 3:30 PM EDT.

Debates:….as far as I know all times are EST
Friday, September 26, 2008 9:00PM to 10:30PM McCain/Obama debate moderated by Jim Lehrer, The News Hour (PBS), University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS
Thursday, October 2, 2008 9:00PM to 10:30PM Palin/Biden debate moderated by Gwen Ifill, The News Hour & Washington Week (PBS), Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, October 7, 2008 9:00PM to 10:30PM McCain/Obama debate moderated by Tom Brokaw (NBC News), Belmont University, Nashville, TN
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 9:00PM to 10:30PM McCain/Obama debate moderated by Bob Schieffer, Face the Nation (CBS News), Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY

* I did not list the fundraisers.

20 Sep

Joe Biden: Paying Higher Taxes Is Patriotic

While Barack Obama tries to call John McCain a “liar” for saying Obama will raise taxes on a wide swath of Americans, Joe Biden tells America that paying higher taxes is … patriotic? The Democratic VP told Good Morning America today that “it’s time to be patriotic” and start allowing Uncle Sam to take even more of your paycheck:


BUT look at this…… he not only said it in his interview he said it when speaking at one of his rallies. And the idiot people applauded. Soooooo I was sort of kind of thinking here…….how about alll those morons that just LOVE taxes, why don’t they pay all of ours. Just a suggestion.

The word Patriotism just does NOT belong in the vocabulary of a liberal, no way. And I resent it when they use the word. But to Joe Biden he things paying taxes is all it takes to be patriotic and respecting our American Flag is NOT!
SCREW YOU Joe Biden!

….Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion – 1st Aviation Brigade – Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam

20 Sep

Sarah Palin and Margaret Thatcher

This was the second night of the interview that Hannity did of Sarah Palin. She mentions Margaret Thatcher so I am putting it with this article.
Sarah Palin Interview w/ Sean Hannity Day.2 pt.4
September 18, 2008 Hannity Colmes

Can Palin Follow Thatcher’s Footsteps?
Parallels abound between Gov. Sarah Palin’s quest to be a heartbeat from the U.S. presidency and Margaret Thatcher’s rise to power in Great Britain.
Thatcher broke the glass ceiling in her country, where no woman had ever risen to such a top leadership position. The arguments against her were plenty: She had no experience in foreign policy, defense or national security matters. Most of her expertise was in domestic issues such as education. The old-boy network was united against her, but she took on the leadership in her own party.
In addition, the intellectual and political establishment disdained Thatcher. They looked down on her lower-middle-class background in a small town and her religiously strict background. She sparked the ire particularly of the academic left who called her “Attila the Hun in a skirt.”
Thatcher, who along with Ronald Reagan won the Cold War, slashed union-written restrictions and regulations to revive Britain’s sagging economy into the strongest in Europe. Winston Churchill II said Thatcher, along with his grandfather, were “the greatest British prime ministers in history.”
Thatcher, also against environmentalist protests, pushed oil drilling offshore in the North Sea in the northern extremity of her country, North Scotland. Scots enthusiastically embraced the drilling and pipe-laying that brought new prosperity to the region.
Similarly, Alaskans applauded their governor, Palin, who now is Republican vice presidential candidate for her support of oil and gas exploration.
Other similarities abound between Palin “the Barracuda,” which was her basketball nickname, and Thatcher, known as “the Iron Lady.”
Thatcher, like Palin, was not an accommodating or compromising politician. Her most famous phrase was: “This lady’s not for turning.” Her cabinet did not want her to rescue the Falklands from the grip of Argentinean Dictator Leopoldo Galtieri, but she did.
In Alaska, Republican leaders tried to stop Palin from going after corruption in her own party. Her intransigence upset the don’t-rock-the-boat Republicans in control.

In Britain, after a late Cabinet meeting, where most of Thatcher’s ministers had opposed cuts she proposed, she took them out for dinner at a trattoria near Ten Downing Street. The waiter approached her and the 10 men and started to read the specials.
Thatcher stopped him and said, “We’ll have the pasta.” The waiter nodded and said, “What about the veggies?”
“They’ll have pasta, too,” Thatcher replied.

Thatcher once said,

“Some things are right; some things are wrong. Life is ultimately character, and that character comes from what you make of yourself. You must work hard to support yourself, but hard work is even more important in the formation of character.”

Palin has uttered much the same thing about her own life. It is not surprising that both grew up with the same small-town, middle-class, church-attending, hard-working values.

Thatcher was the youngest girl on the field hockey team when she was 11, and eventually became its captain. She later said, “It was not the playing that gave her pleasure, but the competition and winning.”

Similarly, Palin developed her zest for fighting to win in sports.

When Thatcher was elected to a Conservative Parliament in 1959 at age 34, the Conservatives under Harold Macmillan held office. But the old-boy network gave her only minor sub-Cabinet positions. She voted against abortion and voiced opposition to easing laws against gays for sodomy with minors.
Thatcher would win respect for her hard work and her speeches against waste and big spending.
In 1974, Conservative Prime Minister Ted Heath lost to Socialist Harold Wilson, mostly because he appeased the unions in a national strike. There was a move to challenge Heath for the leadership of the Conservative Party. Thatcher announced her candidacy for the leadership position. She was not given a chance; her rivals had served in posts such as foreign secretary, defense minister and chancellor of the exchequer in previous Conservative governments. They also were part of the upper-class establishment that had ruled the Conservative Party.
Thatcher, a grocer’s daughter, could boast of no posh prep school background, but her principal opponents, Willie Whitelaw, Sir Geoffrey Howe and James Prior did. One Conservative member of Parliament said they “wondered whether a woman could represent the country internationally dealing with defense and foreign policy matters thought to be provinces of men.”
Although her only Cabinet position had been a minor one in education under Heath, Sir Alec Douglas-Home, the foreign secretary under Heath, had said at the time that “she’s smarter and tougher than all the rest of the Cabinet combined.”
Conservative leaders did not know how to deal with Thatcher. As her biographer, Chris Ogden of Time magazine, observed, her rivals’ experience with women was limited to aristocratic wives and demure and acquiescent females.
But Thatcher would tell election groups in England, as Palin would later in Alaska, “In politics, if you want something said, ask a man; if you want anything done, ask a woman.”
In Britain, Margaret Thatcher struck a resonant chord with Conservative Party constituencies and won the party leadership. Still, the party establishment was uneasy with her unapologetic free market programs and tough anti-communist policies. Shortly after she assumed the leadership post, the Conservative Central Party office approached me and asked whether I would draft a speech for the coming campaign in 1975 that was a softer, folksier approach.
When Thatcher read the draft, she remonstrated, “Haven’t you ever read ‘The Road to Serfdom’ by Friedrich Hayek?”
“Yes”, I replied.
“Well it doesn’t show it,” Thatcher said, ripping up the speech.
The fact was that I wrote the draft I was asked to, but the Conservative office had been afraid to risk her wrath by writing such mush.
The only time Palin has ever said “mush” was to Eskimo sled dogs. Like Thatcher, she is tough talking and outspoken. Palin’s actions speak louder than her words.
In 1979, Thatcher’s plain speaking on Conservative plans to cut taxes and regulations on business galvanized the party’s base and she was elected prime minister. Her vision of “a man’s right to work as he will, to spend what he earns to have the state as servant not master” inspired her country.
Three decades later, Palin has likewise energized her party and has become a rallying point. Would a Vice President Palin be a future Margaret Thatcher?

Wild Thing’s comment………..
This is such a great article, well worth reading and it is a feel good article too in the comparisons of Palin and Thatcher.

….Thank you mark for this article.

20 Sep

Sarah Palin To Speak At The Villages……

Sarah Palin To Make Appearance At The Villages
The VIDEO is GREAT too
People lined up Friday to get their tickets to see the vice-presidential candidate.
The line wrapped around the square about three times, with people waiting as early as 7 a.m. Friday for tickets to see Sarah Palin at The Villages this Sunday.
At The Villages 16,000 tickets were handed out, but that only accounts for half of the crowd that’s expected for the vice-presidential candidate’s Sunday appearance. Thousands of tickets were also handed out in other parts of Florida.
Annie Marie Delgado, president of the Greater Ocala Republican Club, said the last estimated turn out she got was over 30,000.
As preparations began, so did the excitement in the crowd of people waiting for Palin tickets.

“She can see what needs to be done, what changes need to be done and she’s not afraid to do it,” Villages resident Beverly List said.

The gates open at 1:30 p.m. Sunday. Event organizers are urging people to show up early because there will be standing room only. They said things like chairs and umbrellas should be left at home. Organizers believe that this event will bring more people to The Villages than even an appearance by President Bush.

Also this article …………….
Palin’s first stop in Florida — The Villages
When GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin makes her first trip to Florida as John McCain’s running mate, it will be to The Villages.
The McCain-Palin campaign officially confirmed the Sunday-afternoon appearance here by the Alaska governor on Thursday afternoon.

“There is a lot of excitement about Gov. Palin’s historic visit to Florida and to The Villages. She has energized the base, as well as former Hillary supporters,” McCain/Palin 2008 Southeast Regional Communications Director Mario Diaz said.

“Ever since John McCain showed the world that he was truly ready to bring change, the McCain Web site and the phones at the (campaign) offices have been flooded nonstop with e-mail and phone calls as to when Floridians would get the chance to see Gov. Palin,” Diaz said.

As of Thursday press time, The Villages was the only stop in Florida for Palin that the campaign would confirm.
Palin’s campaign rally is slated for 4:30 p.m. Sunday at Market Square in Lake Sumter Landing.
Here in The Villages, the news of Palin’s Sunday-afternoon visit has generated plenty of excitement.
Alice Briggs, a native of Boston who now makes her home in the Village of Country Club Hills, heard about Palin’s visit and knew that she wanted to volunteer and help out.

“I like the fact that she is a woman. I like the fact that she is independent. John McCain made a brilliant choice by choosing her. She’s fearless,” Briggs said.

“I have two sons retired form the military. I have a granddaughter in the Navy and a grandson in the Navy who just got back from Iraq. Another grandson recently retired from the military intelligence. I say they aren’t warriors — they are peace makers,” Briggs said.

Briggs is also serving as the coordinator for the phone banks for the Lake County Republican Women for John McCain.
Ellen Hoffman, Sumter County Republican Executive Committee, said the outpouring of volunteers to help with the Palin visit has been overwhelming.

“There is lots of enthusiasm. People are extremely excited about her visit,” Hoffman said.

She said that it’s clear that Palin has excited the party from the national level down to the grassroots level.

“Of course, women and especially mothers identify with her because she has had to balance work and family. She has also shown herself as a highly impressive speaker with a great level of intelligence,” Hoffman said.

The McCain-Palin campaign already has developed a familiarity with The Villages.
McCain held a town-hall style rally at Savannah Center in The Villages on Jan. 27. It was attended by several thousand people. Two days later he went on to win the Florida Primary.


Wild Thing’s comment…………
When we were at the Republian headquarters this last Tuesday I asked if there was going to be a rally with Sarah or McCain and Sarah Palin and they said only McCain would be speaking in Tampa on Wednesday. That there was nothing planned with Sarah at that time.
This was such a wonderful surprise even though announced late on Thursday and I just found out about it at 3:10 this morning. haha
I am gonig to call and see if they have any tickest left….I know dream on….. or if I can be one of the volunteers. So I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Being new to Florida I have never heard of The Villages, so I asked Nicholas and he said it is about 80 miles from us. He said it is a retirement place.
This is so exciting, and I guess even though the event said it can only handle 16,000 they are expecting 30,000 or more. A man on TV last night a dem of course said interest in Palin is sinking fast. Nicholas and I sat there and just laughed, they are trying so hard to lie and lie and use their propaganda for the people that might believe them.
Tony Snow’s parents live in The Villages. I wonder if they will be there.

19 Sep

POW/MIA Recognition Day

Please remember our countries POW/MIA everyday and today as we pay special recognition to POW/MIA Recognition Day. We must never forget them and we never will !

The above poster says:
In these gardens are recorded the names of Americans who gave their lives in the service of their country, and whose earthly resting place is known only to God.
National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific

National POW/MIA Recognition Day Ceremonies are now held throughout the nation and around the world on military installations, ships at sea, schools, churches and fire stations. The focus is to ensure that America remembers its responsibility to stand behind those who serve our nation and do everything possible to account for those who do not return.
2008 POW/MIA RECOGNITION DAY AND POSTER: This year’s POW/MIA Recognition Day is scheduled for Sept. 19, the third Friday of the month. This is the traditional day of the month for that observance each year.

It’s time for all Americans to stand up and fight for those who fought so hard for us. Please do research . . . google POW/MIAs and read about these men, the government’s failure to follow up on LIVE sightings, the coverup of historical documents AND testimony, the families who have fought so hard to bring their loved ones home and so much more. If you don’t get angry . . . you aren’t paying attention.
Please help us BRING THEM ALL HOME! If you love our men and women in uniform, if you care about them and their families, please become active in holding our government accountable .

Music performed by KENNY THOMAS, (3rd Ranger Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, Somalia, Oct, 1993). The CD is “FLAG’S OF OUR FATHER’S…a soldiers story.

Please visit my POW/MIA page at my website. – Thank you, Wild Thing

19 Sep

Learning the Ropes at the Hanoi Hilton

Drawing copyright © 1975 by the United States Naval Institute, Annapolis, Maryland

Learning the Ropes at the Hanoi Hilton
By Henry Mark Holzer
The Obama campaign has recently ridiculed John McCain for his supposed unfamiliarity with computers, and his alleged inability to type. Whatever the truth of this not-so-thinly veiled attempt to portray the Republican candidate as a fossil out of touch with the contemporary scene, the Democrats have yet again denigrated McCain’s (and other POWs’) suffering in Hanoi, which was the cause of most of the Senator’s physical ailments.
Much of that suffering was caused by a torture treatment called “the ropes.” It is pictured below.
As Erika Holzer and I wrote in our book “Aid and Comfort”: Jane Fonda in North Vietnam: “Perhaps the worst torture the North Vietnamese inflicted was “the ropes.”
One POW, Larry Guarino, described it this way:

“Let me try to tell you what it really feels like when they tightly bind your wrists and elbows behind your back with nylon straps – then take the strap and pull the arms up, up your back, to the back of your head. * * * Well, imagine this with both arms tied tight together – elbow to elbow, wrist to wrist – and then, using the leverage of his feet planted between your shoulder blades, with both hands, he pulls with all his might, ‘til your arms are up and back over your head down between your feet, where your legs are between iron bars. The pain is literally beyond description. . .


Besides the pain itself, you are tied up so tight that your windpipe becomes pinched and you breathe in gasps. You’re trying to gulp in air, because your wind passage is being shrunken. Your throat, in a matter of 30 seconds, becomes completely dry. . . .

After about 10 or 15 minutes in this position, tied up so tightly, your nerves in your arms are pinched off, and then your whole upper torso becomes numb. It’s a relief. You feel no more pain. . . . The breathing is still difficult, but the pain is gone. You’ve been anesthetized. However, when they release the ropes, the procedure works completely in reverse. It’s almost like double jeopardy. You go through the same pain coming off the ropes as you did going in.”

And so in the freedom and security of hotel penthouse suites the effete Obama camp sips their lattes and nibbles on their stilton, ridiculing McCain, Guarino and their fellow POWs because they don’t know how to use computers and can’t type.
Well, maybe they can’t. And maybe, just maybe, it’s because at the Hanoi Hilton they were busy learning something else: the ropes.

….Thank you Mark for this article.

19 Sep

Michelle Obama: Don’t vote because ‘she’s cute’

Michelle Obama: Don’t vote because ‘she’s cute’
North Country Times
CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Michelle Obama asked voters Thursday to make their choice on the issues, not because, “I like that guy” or, “she’s cute.”
Might she be talking about Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin?
“I’m talking about me,” she said with a smile.
Barack Obama’s wife, however, is not on the ticket in the presidential election. Palin is.
Michelle Obama’s remarks came at a women’s roundtable on the economy. She told the audience of 600 that her husband is the only candidate focused on equal pay, health care, affordable college, teacher recruitment and other issues of concern to women. She said that’s what the election should be about.
“People shouldn’t make a decision this time based on, ‘I like that guy’ or ‘she’s cute,'” she said.
The line won a big round of applause. Before it subsided, she interjected: “And I’m talking about me.”

Wild Thing’s comment…………
The most critical part of Michelle Obama’s admonition is that she is telling voters to vote based upon their “self interest,” rather than in the interest of the country.

19 Sep

‘Everybody’ Gets Credit for No New Terrorist Attacks Since 9/11, Says Pelosi

‘Everybody’ Gets Credit for No New Terrorist Attacks Since 9/11, Says Pelosi
You can see the VIDEO HERE……………

Sen. Bob Casey Jr. (D-Pa.) evaded the question, saying instead that the anniversary of 9/11 was a day of remembrance and “renewal.” Casey made his remarks following a congressional September Remembrance Ceremony held on the steps of the Capitol on Sept. 11, 2008. Pelosi spoke with CNSNews.com at a news conference that same day.
“Well, I think today is really a day to think about what happened on September 11th and what we’ve lived through since then,” said Casey. “It’s a day when we renew our commitment to our country.”
“I think there’s a basic commitment from both parties about keeping the country safe,” he said. “There’s a lot of consensus on keeping the country safe in the midst of some disagreements about how to get there.”
Rep. Sue Myrick (R-NC) said the threat of terrorism still exists. “Well, I think our whole apparatus of security in this country has improved from what it was but it is a false security,” she told CNSNews.com.
Pelosi said that “everybody” deserves credit for no attacks in the United States. “Well, I think everybody deserves credit for that – our first responders in local areas,” she said. “Some of the things that have been headed off have happened because of first responders or other law enforcement officials.”
She also said the war in Iraq has not made America safer.
“It has undermined our military’s capability to respond to threats to our security wherever they may occur,” she told CNSNews.com. “It has diminished our reputation in the world to have the diplomatic alliances to keep the world a safer place.”
“The War in Afghanistan has been intensified,” said Pelosi, adding that it is the “real war on terror.”


Wild Thing’s comment………..

You just know my blood is boiling about this. Harry Reid and his press conference to announce how HE had stopped the Patriot Act that time. Pelosi, Murtha, Reid, Kennedy, Kerry and the rest of the low life fighting Bush and our Generals every step of the way. Holding back support for our troops, for funds and holding press conferences to tell the world how we are doing a terrible job in Iraq, how we lost and should come home.
What???? Everyone Nancy????? E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E ??
Did she drive a humvee down those streets in Iraq to check on IED’s and see her fellow soldier get blown up right before her eyes? Did she ?
Did she know the feeling of her heart pounding out of her chest, holding her breath not sure if just on the other side of the doorway was an insurgent waiting to take out all his men and himself in the blink of an eye? Did she?
And then the feeling of being safe and winning that battle for the hour, not day, not week , by hour by hour, minute by minute. Has she known that feeling?
That fighting for freedom is a feeling like none other, something Pelosi will never have a clue about not the taste, smell or feel of it. But even worse she cannot put herself in the emotional place of a soldier how it feels to be fighting for his/her country and have those back home trashing all he does. Demanding ROE’s that are so politically correct that mistakes can be made from being too concerned with the safety of the insurgent and what the media will say back home instead of doing what he was trained to do and is dam good at it.
She doesn’t have to know any of this, there are many that don’t. BUT they don’t do and say things that put our troops in harms way like Pelosi and the rest of the dems have done with their aiding the enemy against us in their verbiage and actions.
Pelosi makes me sick with her taking credit and handing it out like candy at Halloween when she is part of who the enemy of our land is and very much part of the problem.
Like hell Pelosi! You and your terrorist supporting, support base have done everything possible to ensure another 9/11.
That this woman is two heartbeats away from the Oval Office is more frightening than Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with his finger on the big red button – and tantamount to the same thing – the destruction of the America as we know it.

19 Sep

The Story Behind The Palin e-mail Hacking

The story behind the Palin e-mail hacking
Michelle Malkin …..Michelle has the full text of how they did it and about the place the person posted the emails.

Here’s the short version:

there is a site called 4chan.org. It is an image posting site based on a popular Japanese site. The site contains multiple boards, each of which is dedicated to a particular subject. The most notorious of these boards is called /b/. /b/ is the board dedicated to random images. /b/tards, as its denizens are called, are interested only in their own amusement. Their sense of humor runs the gamut from sick to cruel to merely strange. Lolcats, as made famous by http://www.icanhascheezburger.com, originated on /b/. A lot of memes start there. There is a lot of racist humor — pictures of excited and happy black people in proximity to fried chicken abound. There is a lot of pornography. Sometimes it’s child pornography, although posting that is moderator grounds for banning — no, it’s not a pedophile ring; /b/tards post it because they think doing so is funny


4chan does not log participants. Most people don’t use or have usernames, and post instead as “Anonymous.” And every so often, a number of /b/’s anonymous denizens decide to make somebody’s life hell. Sometimes it’s a random person who offends /b/’s sense of propriety. Sometimes it’s a forum dedicated to a serious topic. Sometimes it’s Scientology. And Tuesday, it was Sarah Palin. Or it would have been.

Sarah Palin’s email account was hacked by one person. Not a group. Here is what the person said that was telling how they did it:

“Earlier it was just some prank to me, I really wanted to get something incriminating which I was sure there would be, just like all of you anon out there that you think there was some missed opportunity of glory, well there WAS NOTHING, I read everything, every little blackberry confirmation… all the pictures, and there was nothing, and it finally set in, THIS internet was serious business, yes I was behind a proxy, only one, if this shit ever got to the FBI I was fucked, I panicked, i still wanted the stuff out there but I didn’t know how to rapidshit all that stuff, so I posted the pass on /b/, and then promptly deleted everything, and unplugged my internet and just sat there in a comatose state.”

Wild Thing’s comment……….
When they catch the person that did this I want that person punished. I want to see the media upset about this as if it had been done to Obama and not a Republican. The media can’t keep excusing things that are vile that are done to Sarah Palin just because it is not their candidate.

….. Thank you Brad for the link.

19 Sep

O’Reilly’s Calling FBI On Palin Hackers & Lib Blog Posters

O’Reilly’s Calling FBI On Palin Hackers & Lib Blog Posters

Hackers break into Sarah Palin’s e-mail account
Hackers broke into the Yahoo! e-mail account that Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin used for official business as Alaska’s governor, revealing as evidence a few inconsequential personal messages she has received since John McCain selected her as his running mate.

“This is a shocking invasion of the governor’s privacy and a violation of law. The matter has been turned over to the appropriate authorities and we hope that anyone in possession of these e-mails will destroy them,” the McCain campaign said in a statement.

The Secret Service contacted The Associated Press on Wednesday and asked for copies of the leaked e-mails, which circulated widely on the Internet. The AP did not comply.
The disclosure Wednesday raises new questions about the propriety of the Palin administration’s use of nongovernment e-mail accounts to conduct state business. The practice was revealed months ago—prior to Palin’s selection as a vice presidential candidate—after political critics obtained internal e-mails documenting the practice by some aides.
One person whose e-mail to Palin apparently was among those disclosed, Amy B. McCorkell, declined to discuss her correspondence. “I do not know anything about it,” McCorkell said. “I’m not giving you any comment.” Wired.com said McCorkell later confirmed that she did send the e-mail to Palin.
Another of the e-mails apparently revealed Wednesday was an exchange in July with Alaska Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell discussing a talk show host who had been critical of Parnell. Parnell declined to discuss the matter.
Palin herself used “gov.sarah” in one of her e-mail addresses, but the hackers targeted her “gov.palin” account. Her husband used “fek9wnr” in his address. “Fe” is the representation for iron, and “k9” is an abbreviation for canine. Todd Palin was the winner of the grueling Iron Dog snowmobile race, and “fek9wnr” also is Todd Palin’s vehicle license tag in Alaska.
It wasn’t immediately clear how hackers broke into Palin’s Yahoo! account, but it would have been possible to trick the service into revealing her password knowing personal details about Palin that include her birthdate and ZIP code. A hacker also might have sent a forged e-mail to her account tricking her into revealing her own password.
McCorkell was appointed by Palin to an advisory board on issues involving alcohol and drug abuse. One of the leaked e-mails suggested McCorkell wrote to Palin on Sunday to say she was praying for Palin. “Don’t let the negative press get you down!” the message said.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.