21 Sep

LIVE Video Feed of Gov. Sarah Palin in Florida at The Villages

LIVE: VP Candidate Sarah Palin at The Villages
THE VILLAGES, Fla. (AP) — Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is making her first campaign visit to Florida. The Alaska governor is scheduled to hold a rally Sunday at 3 p.m. at The Villages.
Update: it was not 3 it started later, right now it is on. 4:30
The community has long been a Republican stronghold.
Aaron Tippin is singing right now.

21 Sep

Obama Is So Out Of His Element Running For President Example He Yells and Scares Elderly Iowa Voter

Annenberg’s FactCheck.org, hardly a right-wing organization, has this to say about Obama’s new ad, in what they call Scaring Seniors:
A new Obama ad characterizes the “Bush-McCain privatization plan” as “cutting Social Security Benefits in half.”
This is a falsehood sure to frighten seniors who rely on their Social Security checks. In truth, McCain does not propose to cut those checks at all.
The ad refers to a Bush proposal from 2005 to hold down the growth of benefits for future retirees. Compared to the buying power of benefits paid to today’s retirees, that would not have been a “cut” for anybody. It would have been a “cut” of half only in relation to benefits now promised to retirees who have yet to be born. And for average workers, that “cut” in 2075 was projected by one of Obama’s own economic advisers to be 28 percent, not “half.”
The ad also says McCain voted “in favor of privatizing Social Security.” The term “privatizing” could give the wrong impression.

Obama’s Social Security Whopper
He tells Social Security recipients their money would now be in the stock market under McCain’s plan. False.
In Daytona Beach, Obama said that “if my opponent had his way, the millions of Floridians who rely on it would’ve had their Social Security tied up in the stock market this week.” He referred to “elderly women” at risk of poverty, and said families would be scrambling to support “grandmothers and grandfathers.”
That’s not true.

Also check out …………………..some interesting things to note.
Did Obama Just Touch the Third Rail?
Curious edits to his Social Security page.

Wild Thing’s comment………….
This video is from last November but it still pertains today maybe even more since we getting close now to Nov. 4th and time to vote.
That is about as presidential as you could expect from a communist street agitator, oops, I mean “Community Organizer”.
The Unabama has neither the intellect nor temperament to be President. This is so typical of this POS Obama in a town hall venue. He is very uncomfortable which is one reason why he refused to do the town hall schedule with McCain. If you watch BOs body language he is constantly rubbing his forehead and his hand gestures turn into sweeping arm gestures.
This is how Obama talks to a typical white lady. Obama has issues. BIG ISSUES when it comes to white people!
My translation of his reply to the woman:
“If you think you’re going to call my friends in the Middle East terrorists, and you think you know more about them than I do, and you think I’m not going to reveal a sampling of my wrath whenever anyone dares disagree with me, you’ve got another think coming.”

* Stop the ACLU

21 Sep
21 Sep

Sarah Palin’s Anti-Elitist Charm

Our Sister Sarah Palin’s Anti-Elitist Charm
by Ralph Peters
New York Post
I KNOW Sarah Palin, and so does my wife.
Neither of us ever actually met the governor of Alaska, but we grew up with her – in the small-town America despised by the leftwing elite.
One gal-pal classmate of my wife’s has even traveled from New York’s Finger Lakes to Alaska to hunt moose with her husband. (Got one, too.) And no, Ms. Streisand, she isn’t a redneck missing half her teeth – she’s a lawyer.
The sneering elites and their mediacrat fellow travelers just don’t get it: How on earth could anyone vote for someone who didn’t attend an Ivy League school? And having more than 1.7 children marks any woman as a rube. (If Palin had any taste, her teenage daughter would’ve had a quiet abortion in a discreet facility.)
And what kind of retro-Barbie would stay happily married to her high-school sweetheart? Ugh. She even kills animals and eats them. (The meat and fish served in the upscale bistros patronized by Obama supporters appears by magic – it didn’t really come from living things. . .)
Palin has that hick accent, too. And that busy-mom beehive ‘do. Double ugh! Bet she hasn’t even read Ian McEwan’s latest novel and can’t explain Frank Gehry’s vision for a new architecture. She and her blue-collar (triple ugh!) husband don’t even own a McMansion, let alone an inherited family compound on the Cape.
And she wants to be vice president?
The opinion-maker elites see Sarah Palin clearly every time they look up from another sneering article in The New Yorker: She’s a country-bumpkin chumpette from a hick state with low latte availability. She’s not one of them and never will be. That’s the real disqualifier in this race.
Now let me tell you what those postmodern bigots with their multiple vacation homes and their disappointing trust-fund kids don’t see:
Sarah Palin’s one of us. She actually represents the American people.
When The New York Times, CNN, the NBC basket of basket cases and all the barking blog dogs insult Palin, they’re insulting us. When they smear her, they’re smearing every American who actually works for a living, who doesn’t expect a handout, who doesn’t have a full-time accountant to parse the family taxes, who believes in the Pledge of Allegiance and who thinks a church is more than just a tedious stop on daughter Emily’s 100K wedding day.
Go ahead, faux feminists and Hollywood deep thinkers: Snicker at Sarah America’s degree from the University of Idaho, but remember that most Americans didn’t attend Harvard or Princeton as a legacy after daddy donated enough to buy his kid’s way in.
Go ahead, campaign strategists: Mock Americans who go to church and actually pray. But you might want to run the Census numbers first.
And go right ahead: Dismiss all of us who remember how, on the first day of deer season, our high school classrooms were half empty (not a problem at Andover or Exeter).
That rube accent of Palin’s? It’s a howler. But she sounds a lot more like the rest of us than a Harvard man or a Smithie ever will.
Why does Sarah Palin energize all of us who don’t belong to the gilded leftwing circle? Because she’s us. We sat beside her in class. We hung out after school (might’ve even shared a backseat combat zone on prom night). And now she lives next door, raising her kids.
For the first time since Ronald Reagan, our last great president, we, the people, see a chance that one of us might have a voice in governing our country.
Speaking of Reagan (Eureka College, Illinois), every chief executive we’ve had since the Gipper snapped his final salute as president has had the imprimatur of an Ivy League university. And we’ve gone from bad to worse:
* George Herbert Walker Bush: Yale.
* William Jefferson Clinton: Georgetown, Oxford, Yale Law.
* George W. Bush: Yale and Harvard Business School.
The first lacked the sense to finish the job in Desert Storm; the second lacked the guts to go after al Qaeda when it was just a startup – and the third, well, let’s just say he disappointed our low expectations.
Now we have the Ivy League elite’s “he’s not only like us but he’s a minority and we’re so wonderful to support him” candidate, Sen. Barack Obama (Columbia and Harvard Law).
Our country can’t afford another one of these clowns. Harvard isn’t the answer – Harvard’s the problem.
So here’s the message Palin is sending on behalf of the rest of us (the down-market masses Dems love at election time and ignore once the voting’s done): The rule of the snobs is over. It’s time to give one of us a chance to lead.
Sen. John McCain’s one of us, too. He raised hell at Annapolis (quadruple ugh: military!), and he’ll raise the right kind of hell in Washington.
McCain’s so dumb he really loves his country.
Sarah Palin’s dumb that way, too. How terribly unfashionable.

Wild Thing’s comment…………
Wonderful piece on how Sarah is one of us and the media and leftist elites just don’t get it. Peters hits the nail squarely on the head regarding her popularity and how the elites sniff at her as they peer down their bony noses at us all.
“When they smear her, they’re smearing every American who actually works for a living, “
Out of the park, Ralph Peters!
Go, Sarah. Show the world who really lives and works in the USA and keeps things humming along.

….Thank you RAC for sending this article to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion – 1st Aviation Brigade – Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam

21 Sep

Pakistan Marriott Hotel Bombing Death Toll Rising

A massive bomb blast has hit the Marriott Hotel in Pakistan’s capital, Islamabad, killing at least 40 people.
VIDEO’s at website
The hotel’s owner said the explosion occurred when a lorry, which was being checked by security staff and sniffer dogs blew up at the hotel’s entrance.
The blast created a 20ft (6m) deep crater, and destroyed the entire front section of the hotel.
President Asif Ali Zardari condemned the attack and vowed to “continue to fight terrorism and extremism”.
In a statement, he said: “Such dastardly acts cannot dent the government’s commitment to fight this menace.

The explosion – a suspected suicide bombing – is thought to have been caused by more than a tonne of explosives and police are warning that the hotel could collapse.

The BBC’s defence and security correspondent, Rob Watson, says that the attack bears the hallmarks of al-Qaeda, given the scale, the target and what would appear to be the careful political timing involved.
The attack came just hours after the newly elected President Zardari had given his first speech to MPs, vowing not to allow Pakistan’s territory to be violated by terrorists or foreign powers fighting them.
Our correspondent says the attack is without doubt the most serious in the Pakistani capital to date and will spark fears about the country’s stability in the face of a growing Islamist insurgency.
The Marriott is the most prestigious hotel in the capital, and is popular with foreigners and the Pakistani elite.
The hotel is located near government buildings and diplomatic missions, so security is tight, with guests and vehicles subject to checks.
The Marriott has previously been the target of militants. Last year a suicide bomber killed himself and one other in an attack at the hotel.

And this………………………
Senior CIA officers were target of Islamabad blast
Islamabad , Sept 20 (ANI): Several senior officers of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) who are reported to be currently visiting Islamabad were the target of the blast at the Marriott Hotel which took place here tonight.
Well placed sources said that Marriott Hotel is usual hotel choice of the US officials and it seems that militants tipped off that certain high level US intelligence officers were currently staying at the hotel.
While no confirmation was available but Pakistan sources said it was clear that the explosion was aimed at specific targets based on a tip off.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Fox News channel was saying that it happened around dinnertime and many were in one of the five restaurants in the hotel ending their fast at the close of Ramadan.
Fox news reported that the president and prime minister of Pakistan were scheduled to have a dinner at the hotel at the same time….BUT THE PLANS WERE ALTERED AT THE 11th HOUR!! How Convenient!!
Bloomberg reports 3 American citizens killed

““The suicide bomber tried to enter from the main gate and blew up his truck,” Sadruddin Hashwani, who owns the Marriot, told reporters. “Gas pipelines exploded because of the blast, causing the fire. Some people are still stuck, and we’re trying to evacuate them.”
Close to Parliament

A Danish diplomat and three U.S. citizens were among the dead, Dawn News television reported, without saying where it got the information. Four Germans and six Saudi Arabian citizens were injured, the broadcaster said.

The hotel, which has been bombed at least once before, is in the city’s high-security zone, less than a kilometer from the parliament building, the President’s House and the diplomatic enclave.

The explosion shattered an adjacent government building, shredded trees and smashed more than 40 cars parked near the hotel. More than one ton (2,200 pounds) of explosives was used in the bomb, GEO TV reported, without saying where it got the information. “

US Marines may have been target of Marriot attack: Officials
Islamabad, Sept 20 (IANS) US Marines staying at the Marriott Hotel may have been the target of Saturday’s suicide attack that killed more than 60 people, security officials said.They said that about 30 Marines were staying at the hotel and were scheduled to leave for Afghanistan early Sunday morning.
One official said that the American security personnel were in Pakistan for the just-concluded visit by the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Michael Mullen.
But another source said that they had come to Islamabad Friday and were scheduled to leave for Afghanistan on Sunday morning.
“We believe that they can have been the target of the suicide attack,” a senior security official told IANS. Otherwise, “we don’t find any other reason for such an attack”, he added.
The sources said that soon after the blast, US embassy officials reached the spot and were seen looking for the Marines who, according to the sources, were staying on the fourth floor of the hotel which was among the worst affected as the entire hotel turned into a blazing inferno with orange flames and thick smoke billowing out of its windows.
Besides the Marines, the staff of Saudi Airline and a number of foreigners was also staying at the Marriot.

21 Sep

Palin Will Meet With Karzai, Kissinger, Uribe

Fox News’ Hunter Ryan has learned that Sarah Palin’s meeting with Karzai will be on Tuesday. On the same day she has also scheduled separate meetings with Henry Kissinger and Colombian President Alvaro Uribe.

Palin will meet with Karzai, Kissinger, Uribe
Fox News
Sarah Palin will meet with Afghan President Hamid Karzai next week in New York, according to a senior advisor to Palin. The meeting coincides with the opening of the United Nations General Assembly.
Palin’s lack of foreign policy experience has been criticized since John McCain selected her as his running mate. The meeting with Karzai is an effort to boost Palin’s foreign policy credentials and show her ability to hob knob with foreign leaders.
We reported earlier in the week that Palin would travel to New York during the UN’s General Assembly, which meets every year and attracts leaders from all over the world.


Wild Thing’s comment………….
I admire McCain in is his willingness to unselfishly groom Palin. He certainly must notice that Palin at times overshadows him, but instead of getting angry he gives her more responsibility and exposure. He wants the best I can see that, and he got that with Sarah Palin, and he wants to give her every chance as his VP.
I’m glad they’re paying attention to Uribe. Colombia is very important and I noticed today that Bush is trying to get Congress to go ahead with the trade bill for Colombia. The Dems hate Colombia because it’s the one success story in Latin America, getting rid of Marxist terrorists and building itself up again.
I think Sarah Palin is John McCain’s legacy !!!!
I would love to see her meet with Amanutjob with a shotgun in her hands!
I could see that…Sarah shaking his hand giving him that smile…How you doing Mr. amaahddii…..So, you have a problem with the U.S. (click)…did I tell you my Son is in the army (load)…Yah! Thats right the US OF A…..ARMY….YOU LIKE TO DANCE?…..SURE YOU DO….LET ME SEE YOU DANCE!

21 Sep

Joe Biden ~ “You need to work on your pecs”

Meanwhile, the Other No. 2 Keeps On Punching
New York Times
As the economy reels, Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. — the Other Running Mate — has been absolutely butchering Senator John McCain across the Rust Belt this week. It is not clear who has noticed.

“John is so out of touch, he just has no idea,” charged Mr. Biden, the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, who called his “old, dear friend” someone who “just doesn’t think,” who is behaving in a repugnant manner and who is peddling “Republican garbage,” and malarkey.

The older woman who introduced him at a rally here called Mr. Biden’s Republican counterpart, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, a “bucket of fluff,” and he rewarded the woman as he took the microphone with an “I love you” and a gentle kiss on the head.

“If I sound angry, it’s because I am angry,” Mr. Biden told a few hundred people gathered at a high school football field. Yes, he sounds angry, yelling through his stump speeches, flailing his arms and telling a (supportive) member of the audience to “Shush up, will you?” (“I’m kidding,” he added, but did not sound it.)

But the reality for Mr. Biden is that while running mates are second-fiddlers by definition, the phenomenon of Ms. Palin has rendered him something of a fourth or fifth fiddle. It is not like last month, when reporters swarmed Mr. Biden’s Delaware home and delegates swooned at the Democratic convention. He is now trailed by just a few national reporters, and struggling to break through in a race marked by historic firsts, political celebrities and charismatic newcomers — none named Joe Biden.
The Obama campaign was hoping to reintroduce Mr. Biden this week as running mate attack dog. But his penchant for verbal rambling ensured that much of the attention he drew was unwanted: he said wealthy Americans had a “patriotic” duty to pay more taxes, a remark the McCain campaign mocked relentlessly.
Yet Joltin’ Joe has also become a fascinating Off Broadway spectacle in his own right. He is a distinctive blend of pit bull and odd duck whose weak filters make him capable of blurting out pretty much anything — “gaffes,” out-of-nowhere comments (pivoting midspeech to say:

“Excuse my back!” to people seated behind him), goofy asides (tapping a reporter’s chest and telling him, “You need to work on your pecs.”)

Mr. Biden’s role is red-meat serious: to pulverize Mr. McCain, lend foreign policy heft to Senator Barack Obama and be his campaign’s main ambassador to two at-risk constituencies: former supporters of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and blue-collar Democrats. He speaks to working-class voters in the harsh language of their economic trials, and summons easy rage at ear-splitting volumes.

“John said that the economy can have a ‘psychological effect,’ ” Mr. Biden said at a twilight rally in Media, Pa., on Tuesday. “Let me tell you about the psychological effect,” he said, describing his family’s economic struggles when he was young. Mr. Biden might seem like an afterthought on the national airwaves, but he can clearly resonate close up.

“People got to wake up, because these guys in Washington are raping this country,” said Dave McLimans, a steelworker from Coatesville, Pa., who attended the rally in Media. “Joe Biden talks in a way that can wake people up.”

Mr. Biden’s venues are, in many cases, economically challenged areas of swing states. His crowds are up-and-down in number and enthusiasm — some loud and in the thousands, others sleepier and small. But his reviews are generally good from voters, some who came in unconvinced about Mr. Obama.

“Biden is a guy who I really believe, who really seems like he is going to help us out,” said Sheryl Kline, a loader for the United Parcel Service who attended a rally in Maumee, Ohio. “He sounds like someone who knows how we’re struggling.”

Despite his hard words, there is also a joy to Mr. Biden’s pursuit. On Monday, he walked into a Ford plant in Macomb County, Mich., jumped behind the wheel of a red Mustang convertible and let loose with a few satisfying vroom-vrooms of the engine.

“I know I’m not supposed to like muscle cars, but I like muscle cars,” Mr. Biden said as clusters of autoworkers whooped around him. “I tell you man, this is nice,” he said, giving a few extra revs of the engine for good measure, and his Senate cuff links clicked on the side of the car as he jumped out to more applause.

In an interview, he rejected any notion that his message was not being heard. “I just don’t get that, I don’t see any evidence of that,” he said in the back office of the Maumee Elks Lodge.

He barely mentions the Alaska governor in speeches; in the interview, he described her as “a very attractive political personality” who can “really deliver a political message.”

Mr. Biden, 65, has been part of the national political furniture for decades. Like most senators, he thought he could be president, and he made runs for the job twice. Then Mr. Obama picked him for a job he said he never wanted.
Mr. Biden retains his regal senatorial bearing even in gritty settings of the campaign trail. On Wednesday, he wore a pressed blue blazer with a hanky folded smartly into the breast pocket. His skin is perma-tanned, and his smile is shiny white. He has his own big entourage now — own bus, own plane. He conveys the giddy sense of a man who has won a political lottery, or been plucked from an elite purgatory.
In Mansfield, Ohio, on Thursday, Mr. Biden made an improvisational stop at a diner, shook a bunch of hands and walked out into the sun holding a vanilla ice cream cone. “I’m dripping here, man,” Mr. Biden said to a well-wisher as he headed across the street to a carousel.

“Am I too old to get on it?” he asked no one in particular, then headed back to his campaign bus.

“Anyone need a ride?” he asked some people standing nearby. “I’ve got a nice bus.”

Mr. Biden’s tone turns somber when he discusses Mr. McCain, a colleague of over two decades. The tenor of this campaign has tested a friendship that has been close even by Senate standards, where everyone claims to be “my good friend.”

“That guy I used to know, he’s gone,” Mr. Biden said of Mr. McCain at the campaign event in Maumee, shaking his head. “It literally saddens me,” added Mr. Biden, who tends to used the word “literally” about a dozen times per speech (literally).

Mr. Biden recalls that after Mr. McCain came under heavy attack from George W. Bush in the 2000 race for the Republican presidential nomination, he called Mr. McCain and offered to “go anywhere in the country and testify to his character.” Now, Mr. Biden asserts, Mr. McCain has embraced the same tactics he once criticized.

“I tried to talk to John,” Mr. Biden said in the interview. When both men were at Columbia University last week on the Sept. 11 anniversary, Mr. Biden had a staff member try to arrange a dressing-room visit with Mr. McCain. But Mr. Biden was told not to come, he said.

“I walked down anyway,” Mr. Biden said. “And who the hell is going to stop me?” Mr. McCain looked up and was “like, what is this about?” Mr. Biden said. Mr. McCain hugged Mr. Biden’s wife, Jill, and the two senators shared a quick handshake, but there was no time for any discussion.

Leaving the Elks Lodge in Maumee this week, Mr. Biden threw his arms around volunteers, posed for photos, and said he was flattered about the attention.

“Remember, no one decides who they’re going to vote for based on the vice president,” he said. “I mean that literally.”

Wild Thing’s comment………..
LMAO I swear Biden is hilarious! Biden is a walking, talking gaffe machine.

21 Sep

Pathetic, Jealous and Hateful Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard apparently can’t stand a woman that is Pro Life, has class and is prety and a good person.
But she is a commrade of B. Hussein Obama , you know that guy that is William Ayers friend.
Her vocabulary is limted so she uses words like words like “shiksa” and “goyische” – not to mention “whore” and “bitch” – and no one in the media expresses any negative judgment.
She also goes on ( not on this video) to say:
Sandra warns Sarah Palin….” not to come into Manhattan lest she get gang-raped by some of Sandra’s big black brothers.”


God bless you Sarah and keep you safe!
Sarah Palin Rifle Training Kuwait 2007

20 Sep

Democrat Charles Rangel Insults ALL Disabled People

The Democratic Party is beneath contempt.
Charles Rangel in his sick attempt to insult Gov. Sarah Palin by saying she is disabled has not only insulted Palin but he has insulted every single disabled person!!!!!!
And also by saying this, he has insulted one of their own Franklin D. Roosevelt. He is too stupid to even realize that.
And this will be yet another of the left that will get away with this. That makes all of this even worse that there is such a horrible double standard and too few speak up and tell him off…..to his UGLY face.
Rangel should be removed from any position of power and run out of Congress. Then he should be prosecuted for tax evasion.

Rangel is the chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, but he has gone into default on his taxes. Of course, the Dems are being hypocritical and allowing him to keep his spot. Jay Leno makes fun of his inability to understand the law he himself writes:

The cocky arrogance of the left rears it’s ugly head over and over. These people must be defeated November 4!!!

Sarah and precious Trig.

I cried when I heard what Rangel said, I know he said what he did because he and the rest of them are afraid of Sarah and what she believes in, that she is a conservative and they hate conservatives especially. But I still cried, just a little, I hate when people are so mean like that to innocent people, children and babies. By saying what he did he lumped everyone that is disabled into that statement. I sure hope this comes back to bite him in the rear big time.
On the other way of looking at it, the more they keep reacting this way to Sarah Palin the more it shows to the world what kind of people are on the left. We all knew it already, but it shows those that have had their head in the sand something they chose to ignore for a long time. The left is a disgrace to our country and do not love America at all. They can never convince me otherwise and all of this proves it.
…….Wild Thing

20 Sep

13,000 Welcome McCain-Palin In Minn.

13,000 plus welcome McCain-Palin
John McCain and Sarah Palin brought their campaign back to Minnesota Friday, appearing before thousands of roaring supporters in a cavernous hangar at the Anoka County-Blaine Airport.
At the same hour, Barack Obama’s backers were at Peavy Plaza in downtown Minneapolis .
The lipstick motif Palin has injected into the campaign — “Read my Lipstick” read placards at each rally.
“Our opponent points the finger of blame, but has he ever lifted a finger to help?” Palin asked.
“NO!” the crowd responded.
When she talked about the need to diversify the nation’s energy supply, Palin was greeted by the “Drill, Baby, Drill” chant that had rocked the Republican convention.
Palin condemned Iran’s attempt to develop nuclear weapons. “Iran should not be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons — period!” she said.
The crowd is yelling “NObama, NObama, NObama!!!
They played Dolly Parton’s “Straight Talk.”
There was someone in the crowd with a poster of the Statue of Liberty wearing bright red lipstick.
The McCain campaign estimated the crowd at 13,000, citing the Transportation Security Administration. And not all of them fit in the hangar.

Road to Victory tour hits Blaine, MN
Gov. Sarah Palin ….. Part 1

Gov. Sarah Palin ….. Part 2

Sen. John McCain Part 1

Sen. John McCain Part 2

Report from a friend that was there:

“We left for the rally at about 8:30 this morning, as most of us had kids we had to get off to school, but didn’t actually get into the hangar until after 10:00. We managed to get out of the looooong line of cars that were trying to get in the lot by the hangar, and found a smaller lot about a mile away. We hoofed it.
There were about 7 protesters standing by the entrance to the airfield, but they were just standing there with their signs. They were Minnesota-nice moonbats, I guess. LOL. One of the signs was “The Disasta from Alaska”, and I just laughed out loud when I read it.

We had to go through the metal detectors, and they confiscated all the cans of soda and the apples my friend had in a small cooler. They let her keep the granola bars, crackers, and water that she had. Thank goodness! Periodically, people were asked to drink out of their water bottles. We didn’t have to do that.

After we kind of “nestled in” to our spot, people were handing out large hand-painted signs, “Hockey Moms for McCain/Palin” (or just Palin), and “Palin Power”. We had the latter. They also handed out the campaign printed, “Country First” signs. I proceeded to put lipstick marks on all of ours—gave it that personal touch so-to-speak.;^)

I looked around and noticed quite a few younger people, which was so nice to see. There were groups with the same tee shirts. One group had red shirts with “Obamunisms” on them.

There were pro-life signs and shirts. One sign that I particularly liked said, “I already have a Savior, I am looking for a president!” There were lots of special needs signs and shirts as well. The rally started right around 11:00 with Mary Pawlenty (the Governor’s wife) introducing the color guard. The pledge was recited, the star spangles banner was sung, the prayer invoked (which was NO wimpy prayer–thank you, Pastor Steve!) and the rally kicked off! Some of the speakers were Congressman John Klein, Senator Norm Coleman, a dem woman (local rep, I think) for McCain (thinking PUMA here), Ron Sherrer (sp?), who is a local television personality , and Michelle Bachmann who mostly introduced Governor Palin, stressing her support for drilling in ANWR! (I think this is perfect cover for McCain to “change his mind, after seeing it for himself”) When Governor Sarah Palin and Sentor John McCain were introduced, the crowd erupted. There was so much energy in that place, it was palpable.

Her speech was great, and with just a few of the lines repeated from the convention, she actually had a lot of new material–she talked about how three years ago, John McCain stood in the well in the Senate and warned about the Fannie/Freddie impending disaster, but the Dems fought him.

The crowd absolutely loved her. But they clearly loved McCain as well. When he was introduced the crowd went wild. He talked about his warnings of the financial situation, Biden’s “taxes are patriotic” bonehead comment, and spent time talking about his promise to the troops. He asked for those that served our country to raise their hands, and for the rest of us to give them a large round of “sustained” applause. We complied. There were a LOT of raised hands in that building. It was very humbling.

I really couldn’t see, but it didn’t matter. I really feel that I was witnessing history being made. We all felt that way. There was just so much energy and excitement. It makes me feel hopeful for this blue state.

Just this, McCain and Palin made me come away with the same feeling… they are real, genuine people. He looks you straight in the eyes when he speaks to you and shakes you hand. One of my friends a Vet was able to get near the front and shake hands with both of them. He said McCain has a good handshake and not a let me do this and move on to the next person kind. He thanked my friend for his service and Palin did too. “


Regarding Obama:
Sadly, the Obama thugs are forcing states to register voters (college kids) who may also be voting in their home states. Areas of Ohio will give out ballots without any ID!
There is just too much voter fraud going on already & it’s nothing like we’ve seen before, there is a Strong-Arm bunch behind BO and they are doing their job well!