Category Archives: Uncategorized

11 May

The Socialist Pope Francis Urges Youth to Hear the ‘Anguished Plea of the Earth’

Pope Urges Youth to Hear the ‘Anguished Plea of the Earth’ Pope Francis has told young economists and entrepreneurs that

11 May

Two steps forward and one step back won’t cleanse the Catholic Church

Two steps forward and one step back won’t cleanse the Catholic Church THE ESSENTIAL problem that gave rise to decades

11 May

Pope Francis Signs Document Protecting “Consensual” Clerical Sodomy

Pope Francis Signs Document Protecting “Consensual” Clerical Sodomy by Chris Ferrara Yes, the title of this column is provocative, to

10 May

Abp. Wilton Gregory has track record of trying to evade justice

Abp. Wilton Gregory has track record of trying to evade justice Uncovering the Cover-Up In spite of holding himself forth

10 May

More BS from the POPE….Pope Francis issues law requiring clergy, religious to report sex abuse

Pope’s New Norms on Sex Abuse Leave Power in Hands of Bishops. The pope’s new motu proprio on sex abuse

28 Apr

Shocking and Impotant Quotes to Know Regarding Joseph Smith and LDS

Source This quote is nothing less then total shocking and blasphemy!! Church leaders have instructed “Our salvation is contingent upon

26 Apr

Joseph Smith Founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Joseph Smith Founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Source Devoted members of the Church of Jesus

24 Apr

Problems With The Mormon Church

A follow up to “50 Problems With The Mormon Church.” The first video focused primarily on truth claims and the

23 Apr

Pope Francis’ record on Communism is dangerously ambiguous

Pope Francis’ record on Communism is dangerously ambiguous The Church has condemned Communism unequivocally, but Pope Francis has been dangerously

21 Apr

What is the difference between the Bible and the Book of Mormon?

What is the difference between the Bible and the Book of Mormon? Source The Bible is the Word of God.