ABC news scrubbed the incident and arrest from their segment. However, FOX News and several local stations were able to
Category Archives: Traitors To America
Obama’s People and The Marxist Movement In New York City
A look at the growing Marxist movement in New York City. Even though they read Marx and Stalin, organize protests
WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Tells TIME: Hillary Clinton ‘Should Resign’
WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Tells TIME: Hillary Clinton ‘Should Resign’ Time Mag. Pakistani-Saudi relations were not the only casualty from
WikiLeaks: Interpol Issues Wanted Notice for Julian Assange ~ I Hope The Russians Find Him First!
Interpol wanted notice for Julian Assange Interpol, the international police organisation, has issued a global arrest warrant for WikiLeaks’ Julian
Ann Coulter: America Is a Helpless Pitiful Giant Because Democrats Are in White House
Ann Coulter told Hannity last night what will happen to the international criminal Julian Assange for leaking 250,000 US military
Lt. Col. Ralph Peters Discusses Holder, Assange & Obama Over WikiLeaks & The Response
Lt. Col. Ralph Peters: “This is an attack on the United States, on our security. We have the cyber capability
WikiLeaks Should Be A ‘Terror Organisation’
WikiLeaks Should Be A ‘Terror Organisation’ An American politician has called for WikiLeaks to be designated a terrorist organisation following
WikiLeaks Release: WikiLeaks to Release Three Million Secret US Documents
WikiLeaks release: WikiLeaks to release three million secret US documents The Telegraph The WikiLeaks website has announced it plans
Code Pink Tells Gold Star Mom: Your Son Deserved to Die
Marc Alan Lee Code Pink Tells Gold Star Mom: Your Son Deserved to Die Breitbart I still clearly remember the
DSA…Democratic Socialist of America …The List, Check Out YOUR State For Names
The Socialist Party of America announced in their October 2009 newsletter that 70 Congressional democrats currently belong to their caucus.
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