17 Jan

ABC and America-hating Leftist Christiane Amanpour Omits Showing Death Threat To Tea Party Leader & Police Arrest From Live Broadcast

ABC news scrubbed the incident and arrest from their segment.
However, FOX News and several local stations were able to get video of Fuller’s arrest.
ABC’s presentation on This Week they scrubbed this entire event from their audience with exception of a slight mention at the end of their segment. Of course, they forgot to mention that it was the local Tea Party leader who was threatened with death by a local far left activist.
Here is the transcript from “This Week” show from Sunday morning:
AMANPOUR: Congressman, the lady back there told David Muir that it’s time to have an honest debate in this community and perhaps in the country about this. Is that possible on this issue?
REP. RAUL GRIJALVA: I think we have to have this debate. This should be possible. As painful as that debate might be to some, it is essential. We have to talk about the issue of access. And that’s not undercutting the second amendment at all, but who? And then we have to talk about, I think, munitions, the magazine, the caliber. These are all fair discussions to have now. MUIR: Christiane, Trent Humphries is a Tea Party member and I’m curious, Trent, if you could stand for just a moment.
The Congresswoman supported the second amendment. She had a gun. And I’m curious when you hear this that there needs to be debate from democrats and republicans in the room where you see this heading forward?
TRENT HUMPHRIES: Well, I mean, we talk about the other things too is we talk about how come nobody could be aware this man had a medical history of — of that. But HIPAA laws would prevent that. It’s not just gun laws that are standing in the way of this happening.
There are all kinds of laws that Congress needs to look at and — and I think there is a time for this debate. But for what we saw and felt right now, I’m not sure that applause and things going on are appropriate right now until we’ve had actually, maybe had the funerals finished for the people that have –that were (sic) suffered and died.
My neighbor is one of those people. And — and I loved that man. And — and I want to see — I want to see some introspection maybe from the people before the national debate happens. You know, and those — and — and it’s very well to have those things. But something’s going to have to happen with — with everybody.
And — and I just — I mean, it’s — it’s something that where as a country, we talk about political discourse and what’s appropriate and what’s not. I think that — that applies to everybody including the media who’s — who’s — you know, and not in this — this — this has been a very, very cathartic thing for everybody.
Immediately after the shooting to see people jump to political angles. I just don’t want to see that right now and I’m a very political person. So I — I would ask that maybe we — we have that discussion and it’s a larger discussion and that — and that we have that just a little bit later.
AMANPOUR: Up next, a time for healing. How Tucson and the country can learn from the tragedy, as our American conversation continues…
Then ABC finishes up the segment with this mention of the death threat: with NO film of it!
AMANPOUR: As our town hall concluded, one of the victims of the shooting, who was in our audience because agitated and was detained by security. James Eric Fuller, who was shot twice last Saturday, took offices at what another audience member had said and mumbled what seemed to be a threat. He was charged with a misdemeanor and involuntarily committed according to the Pima County Sheriff’s office.
To share your thoughts and comments on what you’ve seen this morning, join us at the This Week page on Facebook where we will keep this conversation going.

Wild Thing’s comment……
Granted I have not liked her from day one. I gave her a chance ONE time to see what she had to say and if she was a typical MSM liar or not. She turned out to be exactly what I thought she would be. She’s nothing but an Islamist bomb thrower. The bombs are words and poisoned, slanted narrative, but are bombs nonetheless. She is a global terrorist. Hello, network execs, the American people are up to here with muzzie apologists. Get a clue.
She has consistently spread disinformation about America’s efforts in the war against terror.
Some reporters see their job as being objective observers of fact. Ammanpour and so many others see it as being propaganda the later one is what she is about.
Laura Ingraham does a great imitation of her.

TomR,armed in Texas says:

Edited news and biased reporting. That’s why I don’t watch national news programs. Local news is usually about crime and accidents so I also don’t watch much of it. I have only seen a few reports from this Amanpour women and I could tell right off that she is a muslim lover.

Mark says:

Now the left wing is reporting that 25% of the population is waiting for Palin, Beck or Rush or Fox news for their Marching orders. I have been trying to find one thing any of the above has said that would incite violance. I can’t find any, which means nothing but I hear Rush talk about Americans being the best you can be, Beck is always talking about progressives and that we are all Americans, Fox News always TRIES to report the facts, with their Logo, ‘We report, you decide, and Sarah Palin is always talking about how great our country is, How she admired Ronald Reagan…Now where is all this “Vitriol coming from then.” …Obama says, ‘get in their faces’, ‘they bring a knife, WE bring a gun’, Seems to me they should first look into the mirror and see if they can come to a conclusion.
But instead they look for people they are afraid of and try to destroy them because of their own fear.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, you have a good idea, the MSM can be very upsetting big time.
Mark, well said!
Thank you both so much.