Category Archives: Government & Politics

04 Dec

Electoral College Scam: Where dead people vote! HUH?

The Constitutional Convention in 1787 Electoral College scam: Where dead people vote wnd Lawyer challenging eligibility seeks investigation of process

04 Dec

A Little Gun History Lesson

A Little Gun History Lesson In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million

26 Nov

Pittsburgh City Councilwoman Tonya Payne Against The Constitution

Council passes controversial bill on stolen guns Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Pittsburgh City Council gave its first approval today to legislation requiring

25 Nov

Government to Unveil Consumer Credit Facility,This Is Insane!

Government to Unveil Consumer Credit Facility FOX news Washington–The government is working on a new loan facility to help companies

21 Nov

RINO Rep. Joe Knollenberg R-Mich ‘It is not your money’

Rep. Joe Knollenberg, R-Mich wnd A Republican congressman seeking a $25 billion bailout of the troubled U.S. auto industry made

18 Nov

Zell Miller Backs Chambliss in Ga.

Sen. Saxby Chambliss, who faces a runoff election against Democrat Jim Martin in Georgia, warns that Senate Democrats will promote

14 Nov

Democrats Can’t Do An Honest Election If Their Life Depended On It!

Minnesota Ripe for Election Fraud FOX news Minnesota is becoming to 2008 politics what Florida was in 2000 or Washington

13 Nov

Yuri Bezmenov Tried To Warn The U. S.

Over twenty years ago Yuri Bezmenov gave this interview to C. Edward Griffin regarding the dangers of communism as it

29 Oct

Traitor To America and Our Troops Murtha Vs. Lt. Colonel Bill Russell (USAR ret.) HERO!

Murtha continues his tirade in the 12th Congressional District. In this FOX NEWS report he says NO God damn way.

24 Oct

Retired Army Lt. Col. William Russell LEADS Murtha the Traitor in the Polls

New poll shows Russell over Murtha, 48-35 Thank you Michelle Malkin for the poll information. “The most important variable here