Category Archives: Government & Politics

12 Jan

Democrats Use The Word Democracy But They Are Wrong

The American Form of Government An explanation of the various forms of government and political systems, and why America is

06 Jan

Police Look to Hack Citizens’ Home PCs

Police look to hack citizens’ home PCs ‘Very intrusive powers – as intrusive as someone busting down your door’ wnd

04 Jan

Sponsor an Executive ~ LOL

Wild Thing’s comment……. Great satire! LOL Wait for Obama, he will fix everything. haha He made more promises then any

03 Jan

Traditional Family Defenders Now in ‘gay’ Agenda Bull’s-eye

Traditional family defenders now in ‘gay’ agenda bull’s-eye Licensing proposal could require lawyers to endorse homosexuality wnd One of the

02 Jan

The 2nd Amendment

The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. (waiting for attack) The sword is

01 Jan

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence Sues the Bush Administration

WASHINGTON The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence sued the Bush administration yesterday in hopes of stopping a new policy

30 Dec

What Happened To Voting?

Wild Thing’s comment…….. LOL This is so perfect for what has been going on in Chicago and also with but

29 Dec

The Freedom Principles

Wild Thing’s comment……….. I thought this video was excellent and wanted to show it to you. Prayers for our country,

21 Dec

Bored Caroline Kennedy (Schlossberg) Wants a Senate Seat To Play With

Bored Caroline Kennedy wants a Senate seat to play with By Howie Carr Boston Herald If her name were Caroline

20 Dec

Los Angeles City Council Passes Host of New Gun and Ammunition Laws

The Los Angeles City Council passes a host of new gun and ammunition laws. VIDEO HERE form the Los Angeles