Category Archives: Government & Politics

23 Feb

Tea Parties For Our Beloved America

Sons of Liberty Song – Boston Tea Party . CHICAGO Tea Party Time and PlaceDate: Friday, February 27, 2009 Time:

23 Feb

Tick Tock U.S. National Debt Clock Since Obama

The Porkulus bill is off budget, i.e., it is not part of the regular budget. However, it will be included

22 Feb

Anti-Stimulus Protests Sprout Up Across America

Right Wing Anti-Stimulus Rally in Colorado The right-wingers came out in full force today to protest President Obama’s signing of

22 Feb

National Guard Scraps Plans to Invade Rural Town

National Guard scraps plans to invade rural town wnd DES MOINES, Iowa Following publicized reports that the Army National Guard

22 Feb

Rick Santelli on The Kudlow Report

Rick Santelli Rips up Mortgage Bill On The Kudlow Report , Larry Kudlow and Rick Santelli discuss Obama’s stimulus bailout

21 Feb

Executive Office of the Pres. the White House Office of Urban Affairs

Executive Order: ESTABLISHMENT OF THE WHITE HOUSE OFFICE OF URBAN AFFAIRS Obama’s CRIB ( formerly known as our White House

21 Feb

UnProfessional Obama Hits Back At Rick Santelli’s ‘tea party’ Rant

Obama hits back at ‘tea party’ rant Spokesman says CNBC analyst should switch to drinking decaf wnd The White House

21 Feb

Lou Dobbs on the Second Amendment Under Fire

Concern mounts that the second amendment right to bear arms will soon be restricted. Obama supports a punitive high excise

20 Feb

Illinois Bill Would Require Gun Owners to Buy $1M in Liability Insurance

Illinois Bill Would Require Gun Owners to Buy $1M in Liability Insurance Insurance Journal An Illinois state lawmaker is proposing

19 Feb

Traders REVOLT CNBC Host Calls for New “Tea Party”

Trader Buzz on the Government’s Plan The trading floor buzz on whether the government’s plan to save the economy will