Category Archives: Government & Politics

24 Mar

Obama Volunteers:”We’re not looking for a fight.That will come later,when we have an army”

Obama volunteers hunt budget support in Birmingham, Alabama grassroots campaign The Birmingham News Volunteers fanned out across the Birmingham area

24 Mar

Cap-and-trade Promises Disaster

Obama Admits Cap & Trade Will Cause Electricity Rates to Skyrocket Cap-and-trade promises disaster by R. Emmett Tyrrell The Washington

23 Mar

Great Song for The Tea Parties,”It Ain’t Your Money to Spend”

Jazz singer, Kathleen Stewart, has recorded a little ditty that should become the theme song for the Tea Parties. This

21 Mar

AWESOME Speech by Republican Rep. Steve LaTourette Re: AIG

Rep. Steve LaTourette Speaks on the House Floor about AIG Is this sick or what! ,……….. AIG is like a

21 Mar

B.Hussein Obama Needs To Learn Some Lessons From Milton Friedman

In his book “Capitalism and Freedom” (1962) Milton Friedman (1912-2006) advocated minimizing the role of government in a free market

20 Mar
19 Mar

Good News ….DOD Brass Ban LIfted

Feds undercut ammo supply But Defense policy reversed after intervention by 2 Montana senators wnd Responding to two Democratic senators

19 Mar

Gun Advocates Ready for Battle on Federal Assault Weapons Ban

Gun Advocates Ready for Battle on Federal Assault Weapons Ban FOX news Get ready for a gunfight. Attorney General Eric

19 Mar

Republicans Consider Legal Action To Overturn Obama’s ACORN 2010 Census

Census is supposed to be free of politics, but ACORN is now participating in 2010 Census Power Grab: Republicans Consider

17 Mar

DOD Issues Directive About Sale of Military Brass To Ammunition Remanufactures

Minstrel Knight – 42 Riders These various movies came to mind as I was posting this information.” Braveheart”, ” Rob