Franken Reels After Thune Question on Senate Floor (Franken starts speaking at 2:50 on the video) Liberal blogs are buzzing
Category Archives: DemocRATS
Democrats’ Blues Grow Deeper in New Poll ~ Obama FAILING Big Time!
Obama makes a statement on health care after meeting with Senators on Tuesday. From left: Senate Banking Committee Chairman Sen.
Leftist Indoctrination Teaching Students They Are Not Americans But Citizens of the World
. Trailer for The People Speak Hollywood & Howard Zinn’s Marxist education project by Michelle Malkin The two most important
Joe Biden Stumps for Dodd in East Hartford
Biden: Dodd is ‘getting the living hell beat out of him’ Washington CNN Joe Biden praised Sen. Chris Dodd Friday,
“Obama, stop lying to the American people!”
“Our economy is growing again,” says President Obama. President Obama, stop lying to the American people! The American dollar is
University Outlines ‘re-education’ For Those Who Hold ‘wrong’ views
University of Minnesota president Robert Bruininks Teaching plan: America ‘an oppressive hellhole’ University outlines ‘re-education’ for those who hold ‘wrong’
Democrats Worry About Getting Re-Elected BUT Go Ahead and Vote for Destroying America
Democrats worry about damage from Obama agenda – I changed the title of this to be more of what is
Ayers, Dorhn Accuse Hillary of ‘white supremacy’
Ayers, Dohrn accuse Hillary of ‘white supremacy’ wnd Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign for the Democrat nomination deliberately appealed to white
Prof. Lionel McIntyre Busted in Columbia Gal ‘punch’ Over Argument About Race
Prof busted in Columbia gal ‘punch’ New York Post A prominent Columbia architecture professor punched a female university employee in
Former GOP Candidate Scozzafava Officially Supports DEM Owens After Talks With Chuck Shhumer
Scozzafava Endorses Democrat After Dropping Out of N.Y. Congressional Race FOX News Republican Dede Scozzafava endorsed her former Democratic opponent
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