Category Archives: DemocRATS

02 Mar

Obama and White House To Push ACORN Pet Project

White House to push ACORN pet project Critics warn plan will ‘sneak socialism’ into U.S., cause major economic loss wnd

02 Mar

Left Group Goes After Rep. Michele Bachmann

Throughout Rep. Michele Bachmann’s, R-Minn., two terms in the U.S. House of Representatives, she has been target of liberal scorn

01 Mar

Pelosi: GOP Orchestrated Some Tea Parties ~ LOL OH Really? Haha

The Republican Party is pulling the strings behind the tea parties but protesters still have some things in common with

28 Feb

John Kerry And The Democrat’s Disgusting Donation Plea

John Kerry’s way to get your $5 for the DSCC: Disgusting Cafe Press Canada From: “Sen. John Kerry” Date:

26 Feb

Panel Admonishes Rangel for Taking Trips as Gifts

Panel Admonishes Rangel for Taking Trips as Gifts The New York Times A House panel found today that Democratic leader

26 Feb

Joe Biden: “It’s easy being vice president — you don’t have to do anything.”

Yesterday during lunch break during the health care summit, Biden was caught on tape saying this: “It’s easy being vice

25 Feb

White House Privately Plots 2012 Campaign Run

W.H. deputy chief of staff Jim Messina (left) is likely to head the campaign, while senior adviser David Axelrod may

24 Feb

NAACP to Honor Van Jones as ‘American Treasure’ White House green jobs adviser Van Jones quit the post last year after he was dogged by past remarks

24 Feb

Harry Reid Unapologetic for Linking Unemployment to Violence Against Women

“I met with some people while I was home dealing with domestic abuse. It has gotten out of hand,” Reid

23 Feb

New U.S. Senator Helps Democrats Advance Jobs Bill

New U.S. senator helps Democrats advance jobs bill WASHINGTON Reuters A modest job-creation bill advanced in the U.S. Senate on