Category Archives: DemocRATS

15 Jun

South Carolina Pol Questions Dem Senate Candidate’s ‘Mental Status’

Alvin Greene Interview with CNN ~ Good grief! Don Lemon talking to South Carolina Democrat U.S. Senate Nominee Alvin Greene

06 Jun

John Boehner to Bush-Bashing Beatle: Apologize! And Karl Rove on IDIOT Beatle McCartney!

. Human Events Paul McCartney’s cheap shot aimed at former President George W. Bush at a White House event on

29 May

Clinton Refuses to Comment on Sestak Offer

The White House memo signed by the husband of Mao fan Anita Dunn – Robert Bauer – identified Bill Clinton

29 May

Charles Krauthammer’s Take On Joe Sestak

Fox All-Stars last night discussing the day’s events related to the offer of a job made to Joe Sestak via

29 May

Rush: “We Know why Obama and Bill Clinton had Lunch Yesterday, to get Their Stories Straight”

Rush: “We Know why Obama and Bill Clinton had Lunch Yesterday, to get Their Stories Straight”… speculated that Bill Clinton

28 May

CNN: Democrats Cringed at Obama

Is President Barak Obama becoming more like a millstone around the necks of Democrats? With what has been going on

28 May

Tavis Smiley: More Christians Than Muslims Blow Up People Every Single Day ~ WTH??

Completely delusional Tavis Smiley claiming that Christians are blowing people up everyday in this country. Smiley said that there are

26 May

Justice Department Declines to Appoint Independent Counsel for Sestak Case

Congress Demanding Special Prosecutor For White House Bribe ….this video is AFTER “Justice Department Declines to Appoint Independent Counsel for

26 May

Sestak Bribery Scandal a “Tempest in a Teapot” a Obama and WH Cover Up!

Joe Sestak Repeatedly Dodges Questions on Job Offer Bribe Rep. Joe Sestak on CNN with John King, where he continued