Category Archives: DemocRATS

23 Jul

MOST Corrupt Congress The Pelosi-Reid Congress Hits New Record Low – 11% Approval

Not feeling particularly high on Congress? Join the crowd. A Gallup poll conducted July 8-11 has public confidence in Congress

23 Jul

Democrat Steny Hoyer Ridicules Bohener’s ‘read the bill’ Initiative

Hoyer ridicules Bohener’s ‘read the bill’ initiative By Michael O’Brien The Hill House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) ridiculed on

22 Jul

Insane Democrat Rep. Pete Stark Wants To TAX YOUR MONEY

Currency tax: A way to invest in our future (Rep. Pete Stark) The Hill Each day, $4 trillion dollars of

21 Jul

Lindsey Graham Is Lone “Republican” to Vote For Kagan

Lindsey Graham Is Lone Republican to Vote For Kagan Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) became the lone Republican to vote in

21 Jul

Soros-funded Terrorist, ACORN Pushed Felon Vote

Kaboom! Look who’s really behind plan to steal election Now Democrats in Congress pushing bill to restore rights to convicts

21 Jul

Obama To Campaign in Texas – But Local Democrats to Leaving Town The Obama Curse Don’t Cha’ Know

Obama to campaign in Texas AP Barack Obama plans fundraisers for fellow Democrats in Republican-controlled Texas, but his party’s nominee

20 Jul

U.S. Senate Democratic Candidate Alvin Greene Gives His First Speech

U.S. Senate Democratic candidate Alvin Greene gives his first speech during the Manning Branch NAACP’s monthly meeting on July 18,

18 Jul

UNION Thug Goon, Hits, Shoves and Harasses GOP Supporter!

You can see him using his left hand to knock a camera out of one of the volunteers hands at

18 Jul

ObamaZombies Beginning To Turn On Obama

ObamaZombies Beginning To Turn On Obama: “You P***k You Lied to Us You D**k” The radicals who put Obama in

16 Jul

OMG What a LIAR! … Rep Sheila Jackson Lee Tells NAACP: “All Those Who Wore Sheets a Long Time Ago Lifted Them Off to Wear Tea Party Clothing”

NAACP in Kansas City: Representative Sheila Jackson Lee on the tea party and human rights Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX)