Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Invested in Swiss Banks, Foreign Drug Companies, and the State Bank of India
Category Archives: DemocRATS
Botox Brain Nancy Pelosi: Obama Should Unilaterally Eliminate The Debt Ceiling By Declaring It Unconstitutional
Beltway Confidential House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., thinks that President Obama should unilaterally eliminate the debt ceiling, rather than
LMAO….Sheila Jackson Lee blames Bush admin for Fast and Furious
Forget the facts in the Fast and Furious investigation. Sheila Jackson Lee has other reasons for supporting Eric Holder, namely
Nancy Pelosi Said : ” I Do My Religion on Sunday in Church”
Nancy Pelosi when Asked if She, as a Catholic, Agrees with Catholic Church Teaching: “You Know What – I Do
MSNBC Ed Schultz Reacts To Gov. Scott Win Last Night
Ed Schultz, an ardent supporter of unions and the recall of Gov. Scott Walker, reacts to the Wisconsin electorate voting
CNN Chris Matthews Not 100% Happy With Obama
Appearing this morning on Morning Joe, Chris Matthews, the host of MSNBC’s Hardball, said of the decision to deny the
Anti-Walker Lib Scares School Kids At Wisconsin Capitol Building
Anti-Walker Lib Scares School Kids At Wisconsin Capitol Building The effort to recall Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is heating up
Paul Krugman rationalizes Solyndra: “We’re talking as if a billion dollars is a lot of money” ~ Good Grief!
Paul Krugman rationalizes Solyndra: “We’re talking as if a billion dollars is a lot of money” Wild Thing’s comment…….. Typical
Bill Clinton: Mitt Romney’s business record ‘sterling’
Bill Clinton: Mitt Romney’s business record ‘sterling’ President Bill Clinton veered sharply off message Thursday, telling CNN that Mitt Romney’s
Obama’s Guy Colin Powell Trashes Romney’s Foreign Policy Advisers As Being Too Right-Wing…
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Colin Powell Trashes Romney’s Foreign Policy Advisers As
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