Category Archives: DemocRATS

16 May

Jeb Bush: I Would Govern Like Liberal Lyndon Johnson As President – God Help Us!

Jeb Bush: I Would Govern Like Liberal Lyndon Johnson As President Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush said he would strive

16 May

Mark Levin SCORCHES Harry Reid For ‘Rambling On’ About Koch Brothers

Mark Levin SCORCHES Harry Reid For ‘Rambling On’ About Koch Brothers Wild Thing’s comment.………. Thank you Mark Levin. I am

12 May

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel Says The Military Needs? Transsexuals

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Sunday he believes the military’s ban on transgender Americans serving in the armed forces “should

11 May

Democrat Who Wanted to Hand Out KKK Hoods to GOP Gets Absolutely Schooled By Black Conservative Woman

Days after announcing his plan to hand out KKK hoods at Wisconsin’s GOP convention, State Representative and Democrat candidate for

11 May

Good Grief!!!! California Moves To Let Gay Men List Themselves As “Mother” On Birth Certificates, Lesbians As “Father”

California Moves To Let Gay Men List Themselves As “Mother” On Birth Certificates, Lesbians As “Father”… (Washington Times) — In

11 May

Dem Congressman John Conyers Short of Signatures to Get On Primary Ballot

Dem Congressman John Conyers Short of Signatures to Get On Primary Ballot Not only is Conyers short of signatures to

10 May

Indiana Man Arrested For Threatening To Kill Boehner For Not Extending Unemployment Benefits

Indiana Man Arrested For Threatening To Kill Boehner For Not Extending Unemployment Benefits The Hill An Indiana man was arrested

09 May

Evil at work!! Liberal Group Wants U.N. To Tell Catholic Church It Has No Right To Oppose Abortion

Lib Group Wants U.N. To Tell Catholic Church It Has No Right To Oppose Abortion… The Center for Reproductive Rights,

04 May

Democrat Communist Rep. Barbara Lee Supports Raising Minimum Wage In California To $26 Per Hour

Daily Caller California Democratic congresswoman Barbara Lee expressed support for a $26 minimum wage in her state — a move

01 May

Sen. Ed Markey (Democrat) Pushing a Bill To Allow Feds To Troll Internet Looking For Hate Speech And Possible Hate Crimes Charges

Sen. Ed Markey (Democrat) Pushing a Bill To Allow Feds To Troll Internet Looking For Hate Speech And Possible Hate