It’s been one hell of a week for Jack Idema, Brent Bennett and Ed Caraballo, the three Americans illegally imprisoned
Today Is National Pig Day
. National Pig Day is March 1st of each year. I don’t suppose it is on the Muslim calender. heh
Muslims Mouthing Off As Usual
. Pakistani children carry a mock coffin wrapped with a U.S. flag, wearing yellow headbands that says, ‘There is no
But Of Course He Is A Democrat
Former U.S. attorney General Ramsey Clark, first left, and international advisor to former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein participates in a
Taliban Spokesman A Yale Student
Jihadi Turns Bulldog Opinion Journal …..entire article The Taliban’s former spokesman is now a Yale student. Anyone see a problem
How About A New Muslim Holiday: Islam’s Extinction
It’s Time to Put Muslim Holidays in US Calendars By Jane Jewell Al-Jazeerah, February 25, 2006 Dear Muslims in America,
Where The Buffalo Roam
The Buffalo is a 25-ton monster of a vehicle. It has a V-shaped bottom design to propel the blast from
New York Times At It Again
From the NYT basicallly they are saying………Do Not Help the U.S. In a startling breach of international etiquette, the New
Storm the White House ~ From The Crazies
. TAKE THE WHITE HOUSE BY STORM Multi-Day Event, Beginning March 15, come when you can and stay as long
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