28 Feb
chrys says:

Great photo find!

TomR says:

That is one funny picture.

Jack says:

It is said that one picture is worth a thousand words, the look on the Arabs face says it all!!!
Of course they probably had to tie up his mothers leg while he was nursing so she wouldn’t kick him to death.

Wild Thing says:

Hi Chrys thank you so much.

Wild Thing says:

Hi Tom I thought it was too. 🙂 Glad you saw it.

Wild Thing says:

Jack lmao yessss hahaha

BobF says:

That reminds me of back in 1980 when I was in Saudi Arabia providing air refueling support for Operation Elf One missions. We were housed in a hotel in Riyadh that had a pool. Our American (USAF and Army) females were allowed to wear bathing suits at the pool which had an older Arab caretaker. That guy would squat for hours supposedly squirting water into the pool but all the while staring at the women. I bet never in his life did he see anything like that in person, young women running around in bikinis. But, you couldn’t blame the old guy one bit as our ladies were nice to look upon, especially in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Wild Thing says:

Hi Bob I love it. They made his day. heh heh
Thanks for sharing about it.


h/t: Wild Thing…