
29 May

Lion Of Fallujah Is Laid To Rest

Capt. Doug Zembiec, the commanding officer of Company E, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, gives orders to

29 May

God Bless Chief Warrant Officer Jim Funk

Chief Warrant Officer Jim Funk, an Iowa National Guard Black Hawk helicopter pilot from Ames, has been serving in Iraq

28 May

Never Forgotten ~ Never Forget

Every generation of Americans have been called on to defend freedom and liberty. Over the years more than forty two

28 May

Democrat John Edwards Hits New Low as Human Being

Iraq Veterans Rebuke Edwards’ Memorial Day Politicization New York – Vets For Freedom Vets for Freedom, a veterans group dedicated

27 May

Country Star Toby Keith Tips Hat To Troops

Country music star, Toby Keith, speaks on-air during an interview on Armed Forces Network Iraq’s Freedom Radio at the Combined

27 May

Turning a Battle Into a War Crime

Turning a Battle Into a War Crime by Harold C. Hutchison May 24, 2007 One of the dirty little secrets

26 May

Fred Thompson Goes Nutmeg

Fred Thompson Goes Nutmeg by Ryan Sager May 25, 2007 STAMFORD, Conn. — In his second major outing as a

26 May

Female Prisoners Demand Bikinis

There were no photos available of the women prisoners so I thought you guys might like one of the Swedish

26 May

Local Goats Are Frightened ~ Mookie is back. Pelosi, Reid, rejoice!

Al-Sadr calls for U.S. pullout from Iraq Iraq Radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr appeared in public for the first time

26 May

Rosie Finally Is Gone From The View

Rosie won’t be back on ‘The View’ NEW YORK Rosie O’Donnell has fought her last fight at `The View.’ ABC