Appearing on the Piolin radio show in support of immigration “reform”, aka a massive amnesty for illegal aliens, Senator Teddy
Checking In With Our Troops ~ Thank You!
An Afghanistan National Police Sergeant informs U.S. Army Capt. Aaron White, the Commander of Delta Company, 2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute
Can a good Muslim be a good American?
I got this from a friend of mine in an email and wanted to share it with you. Plus it
Pelosi Website says Sure we Fund the Troops er ah Canadian Troops
Take a look at the pic on Pelosi’s website (it’s a flash thing, so wait till it comes around but
College Education For Illegal Aliens
A college education for illegal aliens Washington Times It’s no secret that the Senate immigration bill rewards 12-20 million illegal
Ignacio Ramos reported in ’emaciated’ condition
A video of when this all happened that sent Ramos and Compean to prison. Ignacio Ramos reported in ’emaciated’ condition
White House Near Decision To Close Gitmo
Washington The Bush administration is nearing a decision to close the Guantanamo Bay detainee facility and move its terror
Blind People Have Superior Memory Skills
Blind People Have Superior Memory Skills Live Science Blind people are whizzes at remembering things in the right order, scientists
In Country with Operation Arrowhead Ripper
In Baqouba, 60 klicks northeast of Baghdad, American heroes valiantly begin the surge with Operation ‘Arrowhead Ripper’ isolating terrorists outside
Congress Hits Record Low ~ 14% Rating
New Gallup data show confidence in Congress at all time low Just 14% of Americans have a great deal or
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